Killing Children = FAIL

Thread started by
stillline at 01.30.09 - 6:00 pm

Palestinian Children Return to School to Find Classmates Dead
By Ali Waked
Three seats remain empty in Jabaliya's Ibn Rushd eighth grade classroom as students return to school Saturday to find classmates were killed in Israeli raid. Muhammad, who lost his best friend, says, 'I don't know how we're going to learn, I hope God punishes those who killed them'
Hundreds of thousands of Gazan students went back to school on Saturday, many of them to discover that their friends have been killed.
Three chairs were left empty in the Jabaliya UNRWA school's eighth grade classroom. Issam, Ahed and Bashar were killed during Operation Cast Lead.
Muhammad Kutkut, 14, told Ynet what it was like going back to school after the three-week offensive, "I saw the chair behind me that Bashar used to sit on was empty. I was very sad and I cried."
Muhammad described the difficult sight at the entrance to the Ibn Rush school, saying the walls were damaged from the bombings, parts of the building had collapsed, and broken glass was everywhere. "But we can learn, the broken pieces and the shrapnel won't interrupt the classes."
The teachers dedicated the first school day to consoling the students and cheering them up them, but Muhammad found little comfort. He and Bashar had been best friends for the past three years.
"I also hurt over Issam and Ahed, but Bashar and I were the closest friends. We studied together, played together at recess, and went to each other's houses after school, even though we didn't live very close to each other.
"We were friends. We did everything together. Everything that pupils and best friends do together in class, and outside it. Today I felt alone, sad, I cried a lot."
Hearing that so many children were killed in the war, Kutkut worried for his friends, but he never imagined he would lose three classmates, including his best friend.
"My classmate Muhammad told me on the (online) messenger that three students from our class were killed, Issam, Ahed and Bashar. I learned this two days after they were killed. I was in so much pain. I felt very bad; I didn't know what to do."
Dealing with the loss was even harder for the children upon their return to school. "I keep having these thoughts; I keep looking around the classroom and seeing only empty desks.
"Some of the students brought pictures. It wasn't easy; I don't know how we're going to learn. I can only say I hope God punishes whoever killed them."
Muhammad was interrupted by his uncle Basem, who said, "This war has killed children. It was against civilians, not against Hamas. They killed civilians - children. We want the whole world to know, this was not a war against Hamas, they were fighting against Hamas and Hamas wasn't hit.
"The ones that were hit were Muhammad's friends. He and his friends are in a state where they don't feel like eating, drinking, studying, they don't feel like doing anything.
"These children stayed alive, but their joy was killed. The children are depressed. This is something the whole world should know, this is the truth of this war."
Peres (Israeli PM) had asked Erdogan (Turkish PM) directly at Davos:
"What would you do if you were to have in Istanbul every night a hundred rockets?"
Erdogan had responded strongly to Peres's repeated question to the panel of what they would do in Israel's position.
"President Peres you are older than me and your voice is very loud. The reason for you raising your voice is the psychology of guilt. I will not raise my voice that much, you should know that. When it comes to killing you know very well how to kill. I know very well how you hit and killed children on the beaches," he said during the panel discussion.
stillline01.30.09 - 6:12 pm
No, MattPotatoes must be baked with the skin on!!!
It can haz flavur
bentstrider02.1.09 - 6:55 am
How did this thread turn into a discussion or how to best eat a human?
stillline02.1.09 - 10:59 am
Children die in Palestine.
They die in LA too.
Actually, they die everywhere.
Africa, USA, Europe...
Ugly world, dude.
sleepy02.1.09 - 11:56 am
depressions got a hold of me
depression, i gotta break free
ruinedbyidiots02.1.09 - 12:06 pm
I think it started with the asinine comment about dead babies are cool Matt.
Yeah children die all over the world, that's true, but not in these numbers!
"Some 280 children were among the 1,285 Palestinians killed in the offensive, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. Thirteen Israelis, including three civilians, were also killed during the fighting." - AP
Me -
I hope these Jews pay for what they've done. They're already preparing for the backlash from this last offense by promising the soldiers legal council in the event of lawsuits.
"In Israel, the defense minister was to propose to the Cabinet on Sunday that the government provide "moral and legal support" for officers in potential court cases related to the war's conduct."
Gaza children return to school after war
User102.1.09 - 12:06 pm
Start tallying up the number of kids who have died in LA through shootings or abuse.
I know it's not politically fashionable enough to start a parking lot ride over, but it certainly hits closer to home.
Or maybe we can tally up kids who have been ripped to shreds by a suicide bomber in Israel in the past years.
Kids get bombed for shit adults did to other kids in another country, kids get shot or beaten for being at the wrong street corner, or saying the wrong thing.
The world keeps on killing it's young.
sleepy02.1.09 - 12:18 pm
I agree this is terrible but i think your comment is poorly worded user1. Heres what you said.
"I hope these Jews pay for what they've done. They're already preparing for the backlash from this last offense/
Its not Jews allan....its the IDF and the Israeli Administration. Just like most Muslims don't chant death to america every morning most jews don't like to kill children.
The israeli govt doesnt reprepsent the views of every jew in the world...... just the kid killing eye for an eye assholes.
The problem here is an out-of-control Israeli administration backed by a careless American administration (Bush). Jewish people aren't the problem. Its %100 Israel/Bush's fault that this massacre was allowed to happen.
Don't lump all jews in the bin with the Israelis that like to bomb children.
Hamas sucks balls too and attacks civilians as well but Israel has always claimed to be above such base tactics. Until now....
You can't fight terrorism with terrorism.
stillline02.1.09 - 12:26 pm
Israel is a Jewish state and with a majority of the population being Jewish. The population controls IDF and the administration. Therefore I blame them for the offense. Yeah Hamas has fired rockets in terror at the Israelis but look at all the shit Palestinians put up with from the Israelis. They are blocked from traveling to their fields cause of a wall. They can no longer get to their water source cause of a wall. They can no longer see family members cause of a wall. They humiliated and treated like cattle, not knowing if they will get back home because of a wall! This is just the tip of the iceberg too.
I certainly hope things will change for the Palestinians. They have a chance with this administration. I certainly feel NO compassion for the Jews!
You basically have it backwards. I don't blame Israel. You say it's "%100 Israel/Bush's fault that this massacre". No it's not all of Israelis fault. Israel is home to other ethnic groups, including Arab citizens, as well as many religious groups including Muslims, Christians, Druze, Samaritans and others. But the Jews control the politics there, they are the ones I blame. Yes our country has had a huge influence with the politics there, and I do put a large blame on the last administration.
"The israeli govt doesnt reprepsent the views of every jew in the world...... just the kid killing eye for an eye assholes."
Me - huh??????
BTW, it rather polite to include a reference when you are posting a story on world politics. Reference to where the story was found would be awesome.
User102.1.09 - 1:00 pm
I'll find the link.
Why can't you just criticize the admin instead of the religion?
There's many Jews that aren't Israelis... and many more that don't support all or even some of Israel's actions.
It seems irrational to lump all Jewish people into the same category as those that support the indiscriminate killing in Palestine.
That seems a little simplistic.
stillline02.1.09 - 1:46 pm
True but that leaves the Jewish population off the hook now doesn't it? Using your criterion, I can't even blame the IDF or the Israeli administration since there certainly must be ONE person that was against this offense, right?
And was your link this?,7340,L-3661231,00.html
Anyways I'm talking about next time you post something like this.
User102.1.09 - 2:12 pm
Yeah that's the same article and the same author but a different website.
stillline02.1.09 - 3:49 pm
Great, so what does this mean?
"The israeli govt doesnt reprepsent the views of every jew in the world...... just the kid killing eye for an eye assholes."
User102.1.09 - 5:03 pm
I'm saying that you can't blame every Jew for something done by a Jewish state.
Just like you don't blame every Muslim in the world for September 11.
Blame the govt that behind it not the religion.
stillline02.1.09 - 5:15 pm
behind every government there is some people that put them in there. These people are the ones in power and calling the shots. Sure you can say that US has put this government in power, but that's leaving out a progression of how this happens. The flow of power goes from the US to people of Israel to the IDF and administration. And who are the people of Israel with access to this power?
User102.1.09 - 5:34 pm