Mexican govt on verge of colapse

Thread started by
Dedicated818 at 01.28.09 - 10:23 pm
CBS news stated tonight that a crisis exsist in the mexican govt and colapse could come at any moment.
They would fall under NATO control.
Is this part of the master plan of implementing the North Americn Union?
No, it's what happens when a fledgling democracy has to deal with billionaire drug cartels.
Some of the Mexicans are getting sick of the drug lords (and the associated beheadings/torture/kidnappings) and forming vigilante squads to take them on, since the cartels have bought off a lot of the police force/army, so it will be interesting to see how things play out.
JB01.28.09 - 10:25 pm
Never attribute to conspiracy what can be blamed on entropy. Well, maybe "never" is too strong a word.
PC01.28.09 - 10:28 pm
Will this bring about the Mexican Batman? 8U
Stomachache01.28.09 - 10:34 pm
Blame it on the IMF and Mexico's import-based economy from the 60's-70's. I don't understand how some people can believe this "North American Union" shit. LOL, I think Mexico's political-economic structure has been gradually collapsing for YEARS. This ain't fucking news.
Alexcantsee01.28.09 - 10:36 pm
I think we should be more worried about immortal jellyfish.
Seriously, they do exist.
JB01.28.09 - 10:46 pm
Big deal. I'm immortal and nobody worries about me.
PC01.28.09 - 10:52 pm
Is the NAU a myth ?
Or is the media keeping it a secret ?
Can you prove it is not true ?
and why would it be bad if it where true?
or could it be a good thing ?
I want to hear some expert opinions. not personal attacks.
Dedicated81801.28.09 - 10:54 pm
Holy crap, stop the presses! Immortal Jellyfish is MUCH more of a problem. D8 Or a solution to aging. Half man, half jellyfish, all immortal.
Stomachache01.28.09 - 11:04 pm
What happened?
nobody can give a answer based with fact.
Dismissing the question changing the subject.
Dedicated81801.28.09 - 11:10 pm
No, dude, seriously, IMMORTAL GOLDFISH!
JB01.28.09 - 11:38 pm
Mexican govt collapsing..? One word....Cantarell
hybrid rida01.28.09 - 11:40 pm
The country is secretly run by a giant bunny who lives beneath the pentagon. The military leaders of the world cower in fear before him. All of the actions of the WTO, IMF, CIA, Fox News and Starbucks are in the service of the bunny, who demands daily feedings of carrots wrapped in gold. Since he took over the government in the secret coup of 1963, the bunny has devoured all the gold in Fort Knox, which is why the government is afraid to return to the gold standard. The bunny personally spikes your breakfast cereal with tiny flakes of cadmium, which keeps you submissive and unaware of his sinister dealings. The bunny's female counterpart lives beneath an Echelon listening station in the UK. The implications of this should be obvious to anyone paying attention.
Can you disprove the existence of the bunny?
Wheels within wheels, my friend...
nathansnider01.28.09 - 11:44 pm
Will they officially be in charge after the collapse ?
Dedicated81801.28.09 - 11:44 pm
Can you prove I'm not immortal? Didn't think so. Come see me in a thousand years and I'll tell you whether the NAU was real.
PC01.28.09 - 11:46 pm
Wrong forum, try this one for more ronpaulian paranoia about the NAU -
Back to the subject at hand, current carbon emissions are turning the sea more acidic as seawater reacts with CO2 to form carbonic acid.
This is killing off a lot of sea life, except for the jellyfish, and now that some of them are immortal, we could all be in trouble.
This is especially true in the Gulf of, you guessed it, Mexico, so the Mexican government better get it together before the immortal jellyfish achieve sentience.
JB01.28.09 - 11:46 pm
@ jb
It seems your confused
your the one on the wrong forum
Dedicated81801.28.09 - 11:50 pm
we as people shouldnt be worried about worldly events because they are pretty much out of our hands
if we can all agree that we are being manipulated by the masses maybe one day we can stand up against the tyrants of the world
. . .and then after we can make a stand against . . . .
. . . . THE JELLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jabier01.28.09 - 11:51 pm
Dear Dedicated818,
Quit shooting everyone else down and go look for your "expert opinions" in any number of places you're more likely to find them than on the MR forum! Sure, many of us are intelligent individuals, but don't be a jackass if you don't get what you want here...this is MR, not MSN or whatever you were hoping for.
: ) Cheers!
kryxtanicole01.28.09 - 11:58 pm
You don't understand Jabier, the jellies ARE the force behind the tyrants of the world. Conspiracies like the NAU are diversionary fictions so they can multiply in our oceans undisturbed.
Just read this article...
Nafta allowed Mexico to import millions of used cars from America, thus increasing carbon emissions, thus making the oceans more acidic, thus allowing the jellies to thrive.
Crafty little bastards.
JB01.28.09 - 11:58 pm
isn't the NAFTA treaty a steping stone to the NAU
Why is it that when someone brings up the NAU, they get labled as a Ron Paul supporter.
Listing web sites is not a ligitimate answer.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 12:04 am
@ kryx
seems your unable to give an answer also.
only to respond with a personal attack
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 12:09 am
Who the fuck are you? Have we met? Do your own fucking research!
kryxtanicole01.29.09 - 12:13 am
Seriously Dedicated818, we're actually all in agreement with you.
When the U.N. shock troops fly in in their black helicopters to force the American populace into the NAU, and begin to deploy their electro-magnetic pulse weapons to immobilize vehicles and keep the public from fleeing, we, the Midnight Ridazz, and our affiliates in other cities, will all have been training for months and years, to learn how to cross large amounts of terrain swiftly by bicycle, and thwart the potential takeover.
We only look like a group of fun-loving goofballs that like to ride around and jump rope and joust in parking lots.
It's all part of the plan. You'll see.
Jesus, I'm turning into bentstrider.
JB01.29.09 - 12:13 am
things you hear in the media are put there to throw you off
its not even about the stuff you read on the internetz
its about the idea that they can separate us and there pretty good at it to
to bad were so easily distracted
Awe OMGosh
jabier01.29.09 - 12:15 am
good answer,
I was begining to think you where a undercover goverment opritive.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 12:16 am
Now do you believe me?
Go ahead, try to disprove the man in the trenchcoat.
nathansnider01.29.09 - 12:17 am
A VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!
awe OMGosh
jabier01.29.09 - 12:22 am
My name is Craig and I will be Bicykillers ride tomarrow night,
And I have done my research' just looking for more opinions.
If you have a problem with me you can come say it to my face tomarrow night.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 12:24 am
2012 is closer then you think. The U.S. has to have total global domination in their U.N. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT by 2012 and then it begins to fail almost immediately i think...
northamericanunion is on it's fucking way. the amero will be the currency and Calderon will be the newly hated version of santa-ana
Eddie GOpez01.29.09 - 12:26 am
look look 2012
awe OMFGOSH!!!!!
its only has value if let
jabier01.29.09 - 12:34 am
The impossibility of disproving the jellyfish theory has convinced me that it's true. I fear for all me you who, unlike me, are capable of being killed. If it is any comfort to you, please know that someday when the jellyfish and I are the only ones left, and I an begging an uncaring God for a death that will not come, I will envy you. I will envy you.
PC01.29.09 - 12:38 am
A long time ago in galaxy far far away... is closer then you think. The GALACTIC REPUBLIC has to have total galactic domination under there ONE GALACTIC EMPIRE AGENDA then it begins to fail almost immediately with the formation of the REBEL ALLIANCE....
DARTH VELOZ01.29.09 - 12:47 am
look look starwars
awe ftw!!!
jabier01.29.09 - 12:51 am
If any of you girls out there have a problem with what I'm saying about the jellyfish, you can come say it to my FACE. That's right, my FACE. And if you want to come a little closer and say it to the nape of my neck, that's fine too, because I'm not afraid of you.
PC01.29.09 - 1:03 am
can two cartels topple a government?
yes they can!
will i ever go back to Juarez
yes because there are no jellies there,
dannyzuko01.29.09 - 2:21 am
To those who think this thread has,
your mistaken.
Riding your bike and being able to assemble is one of our last freedoms.
Bicycles are not subject to large registration fees or toll road fees.
or taxes added to gasoline.
Your not even required to wear a helmet.
M/R has proven that a large group can assemble with the ability to be mobile.
What concerns me is that our constitutional rights will be eliminated.
The NAU would be a perfect excuse to make adjustments.
As more and more people suffer from the economic colapse
it will be easy to flim flam the masses into thinking the NAU is the solution.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 10:00 am
_iJunes01.29.09 - 10:12 am
I just spent four months in Mexico, I spent 3 weeks in some of the most heavaly drug cartel infiltrated areas, Ciudad Juarez and also the state of Michiocan, I feel that those places have already fallen well at least when it comes to the law. But I do not think the whole country could just fall like dominos
apineda01.29.09 - 10:19 am
hey if it wasn't for those cartels
where am i supposed to get my cocaine from huh?!
_iJunes01.29.09 - 10:22 am
seriously though, I'm not so sure the republican party would be so inclined to jump into a european-style economic organization, and would probably filibuster it to death.
with regard to mexico, i dont believe that there has been a legitimate government since before france took control over. it's an example of a kleptocracy gone to the extreme. are in control. the elections are rigged by the party in control and the bureaucrats are always up for sale.
the problem with the government is a culture of corruption. the problem with organizing the people is part a symptom of geography and partly an acceptance that this is the best of all possible worlds. the mexican people have long ago lost their taste for revolution in the shadow of the atrocities of 1910
well, the memory of those horrors has faded over generations, and we very well may be looking at the dawning of a new, and hopefully more populist mexican revolution. could this be the end of the narco-state? probably not. but it would be significantly weakened, and probably no longer in control.
this comes from the notion that an unpopular ruling class can not sustain itself. it is possible however that corruption is so widespread that mexico may very well turn into a failed state, encouraging the united states to renew its mission of sealing the border with mexico.
and that would be a true humanitarian disaster.
on a personal note, yes, you are posting on a forum with many college-educated, interesting and well-informed citizens. however, midnight ridazz are your drinking buddies, your crank mobbers and your MOM ridaz.
so please, dont be surprised when krista points this out, or when i encourage you to...
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 10:22 am
if the NAU meant better moar and cheeper tacos, i'm all for it.
_iJunes01.29.09 - 10:28 am
@ TV
People can point things out or have a different opinion,
thats what its all about.
But it seems that on this forum when some of you disagree or dislike a topic, the personal attacks and the name calling starts.
Childish behavior.
and some of you take this shit to seriously.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 10:42 am
the united states lost it's sovereignty decades ago.... you can call it a nation or you can call it glazed donuts.... it's still subject to the whims of world banking interests
Roadblock01.29.09 - 10:42 am
@818..........craigslist has this section called rants and raves.
it draws all kinds of people with agendas like yours,goverment
paranoids,race baiters,conspiricy theory mongers.check it out you will love it.
this is a bike forum...............we ride bikes.....................shut up!!!!!!!!!!
robert stanfield01.29.09 - 10:50 am
dont tell him to shut, up! you shut up!
i happen to like talking about politics when im riding my bicycle. sometimes, when there's no cops around, i even listen to npr on my headphones.
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 10:55 am
@ robert
your exactly the type of person I was refering to.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 11:02 am

if you want to talk about something really extraordanary,i give you the bacon explosion.........
robert stanfield01.29.09 - 11:08 am
again changing the subject when you have no opinion.
Dedicated81801.29.09 - 11:12 am
dose not caring about your way of thinking count as an opinion?
robert stanfield01.29.09 - 11:18 am
Came across this and sharing for my bacon lovin' compadre's. Real men read on...posers step aside. can STR have an official food? if its not beer and fish tacos...this gets my vote!!!! just to confirm found this recipe on the interwebby thingy. recipe nor pics are mine but a guy can dream
Here’s what you’ll need…
2 pounds thick cut bacon
2 pounds Italian sausage
1 jar of your favorite barbeque sauce
1 jar of your favorite barbeque rub
To kick off the construction of this pork medley you’ll need to create a 5×5 bacon weave. Just make sure your weave is tight and that you end up with a nice square shape to work with.
The next step is to add some barbeque seasoning on top of your bacon weave.
Now that you’re pork is well seasoned, it’s time to add more pork. Take two pounds of Italian sausage and layer it directly on top of your bacon weave. Be sure to press the sausage to the outer edges of the bacon creating a patty that is the same thickness all the way across.
Next up is bacon layer number two. Take the remaining bacon slices and fry them up the same way you would for breakfast (or lunch, or dinner, or a midnight snack). If you like soft bacon, make it soft. If you like crunchy bacon, make it crunchy. If you like your bacon burnt to hell so the smoke detectors go off, then burn it to hell so the smoke detectors go off. These pieces are going to be a major part of the inner flavor of our sausage fatty, so cook them your favorite way.
Since this is a barbeque recipe, we need to add another layer of barbeque flavor. Take your favorite sauce and drizzle it all over the top of the bacon pieces.
Now comes the fun part. Very carefully separate the front edge of the sausage layer from the bacon weave and begin rolling backwards. You want to include all layers EXCEPT the bacon weave in your roll. Try and keep the sausage as tight as possible and be sure to release any air pockets that may have formed. Once the sausage is fully rolled up, pinch together the seams and ends to seal all of the bacon goodness inside.
At this point we can start to see the final shape of our Bacon Explosion, but we’re missing one key item. To complte the constuction process, roll the sausage forward completely wrapping it in the bacon weave. Make sure it sits with the seam facing downward to help keep it all sealed up.
Sprinkle some barbeque seasoning on the outside of the bacon weave, and now this bad boy is ready for the smoker. Cook your Bacon Explosion at 225 degrees in a constant cloud of hickory smoke until your Thermapen gives an internal temperature reading of 165 degrees. Normally this will take about 1 hour for each inch of thickness,
Now that our Bacon Explosion is fully cooked, we need to add some finishing flavors. Remember that barbecue sauce we used for inner flavor? We’ll be using that same sauce to glaze the cooked bacon weave. Using a basting brush, coat the entire surface with a thin layer of sauce.
Slice the Bacon Explosion into quarter to half inch rounds to serve. If your roll was good and tight, you should now see a nice bacon pinwheel pattern throughout the sausage. Obviously pork is best served by itself, but if you feel the need to make this meat monster into a sandwich, try placing a couple Bacon Explosion slices on a warm Pillsbury’s Grands Biscuit. You’ll reach pork Nirvana is no time flat!
pporras01.29.09 - 11:24 am
get closer to a heart attack with every bite! but so good you want more!
pporras01.29.09 - 11:35 am
no one forced you to read his reply.
@robert + pporas
that's hilarious
@818 + robert + pporas
yes im very concerned about the situation in mexico and the international financial crisis. That's why i spend two hours a day on, while i should be working, and get drunk 4 days a week.
this thread would be way to heavy without bacon explosion.
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 11:37 am
hey, "i", you can stick your bacon explosion in yer mouf.
Joe Borfo01.29.09 - 12:55 pm
or maybe he'd like zuko's bacon explosion in his mouf. (lol)
Eddie GOpez01.29.09 - 1:28 pm
dunno, maybe danny can cook up some awesome bacon stuffed sausage on a roll.
Eddie GOpez01.29.09 - 1:29 pm
I hope this doesn't interrupt my supply of Tecate! And for all you out there that thing I'm a selfish pig, you can say it to my face! I'll be at LACM Friday. I'll be the one with the Tecate in my hand.
Oh and colapse is spelled collapse. Makes you look rather dum when you can't spell the heading correct.
User101.29.09 - 2:03 pm
_iJunes01.29.09 - 2:22 pm
How will this affect my ability to travel 2 hours to Tijuana and get cheap tequila poured down my neck?
stillline01.29.09 - 2:53 pm
in the event of a Mexican revolution or failed state, Tijuana will obviously request to be annexed by the Walt Disney Company.
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 3:16 pm
@ dedicated818
this thread has officially been annexed by the F.U.N. Committee!
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 3:19 pm