Rida Side Justice
Thread started by
Stomachache at 01.26.09 - 12:36 am
First off, I'd like to thank those of you riders that me and a friend(Frenchconn) hooked up with over at the Chinese New Year Ride. Although we had just met up with you peeps over at the phoenix, ya'll were cool as hell.
Anyhow, so I was lagging it because I was so unfit for the ride so me and a friend split off later that ride from the Phoenix. So while riding we find ourselves in the scenery of Al Hambra and apparently some highschool hoodlums were having a good ole time driving their car and throwing eggs at pedestrians as well as riders because one of those eggs narrowly missed us.
Being the type of people to serve some good ole fashion justice where justice is deserved, we trailed them for about a street where Frenchconn manages to catch up to them at magically spots where they're headed to, me on the otherhand, too tired as I was, lost track of them. SO the Frenchconn rides up to them all stealth like and manages to get them at a stop and as they are about to pull away, a cop car passes in front of them forcing them to stop.
In that moment the French ninja moves in and tosses his bike down as they stop, runs up to the driver side window and whispers sweet nothings into all of their ears....but it wasn't sweet nothings...nor was it whispering for that matter. And with quick and deft hands aims for a punch at the drivers face, BUT sadly, with nimbler feet, the driver starts to pull away, BUT not until that honest to god punch lands at the mouth of the schmuck in the backseat.
Now I don't know what you might think of this, but I thought it was a thing they had coming to them and the right thing to do, although I with I could've joined in on this 'justice-giving'. 8( Berns, you're my knight in shining armor...not in any gay way though. <3
He's a good guy, never had a problem with him myself.
But, he's got somewhat of a troubled past with some of the regulars here.
But, sounded like he did an even thing to put these little punks in their place and that's all that mattered.
bentstrider01.26.09 - 12:47 am
Yeah, so I hear, but I've known him for a long arse time, he's got his moments, just like everyone else, lol.
Stomachache01.26.09 - 12:49 am
An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.
Then again, fuck it.
Alexcantsee01.26.09 - 12:51 am
I'm sorry, but Martin Luther King Jr. does not apply here....he MUST not apply. >_>
Stomachache01.26.09 - 12:56 am
thanks kev, you are the wind beneath my wings.......
fucking high school kids. I mean come on, I could of used those eggs to eat. Eggs are fucking too much money now...
fuck why can't we ride in the burbs one day without getting attacked by homies, shit thrown at us, cops pulling us over, car's telling us to fuck off the road and people fliping us off... : /
I want ms. spears bodyguard or rob dyrarck bodyguard "Big"
but he can't be on a bike cause he's kinda big which means slow, so I guess he needs a car of moped?
by the way, hows it going bentstrider. I saw you @ crankmob last saturday.
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 2:19 am
alexcantsee, dude don't get me wrong I'm all for that, yet those dumbass fucks happen to park a block away from where they tossed the eggs at us. they parked their car in the shopping strip that was right next to the scene of the crime....
and I would of turn a blind eye, but they denied tossing the eggs when I caught up to them...
it was kinda funny though,lol they didn't see that I was still folling them..
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 2:27 am
What's up, Bern??!!??
Yeah, I hailed to you from on top of the hill over-looking the playground.
I would'a rolled down and chatted, but in case you didn't see or hear it, I usually tote a rack-mounted, 120Watt system on the bike.
Got to keep the crowd pleased.
bentstrider01.26.09 - 4:56 am
<bless> the frenchie <bernie>
_iJunes01.26.09 - 4:32 pm
misunderstood or not, bernie is still brain dead with no idea of how the real world works.
ruinedbyidiots01.26.09 - 4:33 pm
Wow, way to bring the drama?
Anyhow, here's a picture to prove that it happened.
Stomachache01.26.09 - 4:52 pm
We dont want a picture of what happend later that night. I meant a picture of the punch....
Debut21301.26.09 - 5:06 pm
No no, you obviously don't understand. Take a closer look at the picture that I posted. Look closely and pay attention to the minute details within the drawing itself and realize that I am here typing this and making you read it to waste your time. 8D
Stomachache01.26.09 - 5:13 pm
ohh now i see it... I cant believe i missed it the first time..
Debut21301.26.09 - 5:20 pm
Hey man, it's understandable. Stuff like that happens to the best of us. May I suggest some Blue Steel?
Stomachache01.26.09 - 5:21 pm
Keep at it, sooner or later you'll be able to roll with the best of them.
It was great to see ya again! Wonder what happened to you. Good to hear all been going well with you. Take care and don't be such a stranger.
User101.26.09 - 10:39 pm
bentstrider, yeah I saw you but I was doing something at the time and I saw that you were busy as well...
kevin, thank you for the drawing of what happened.lol
juno, thanks man but I guess its good that I'm misunderstood. I wouldn't ever want to befriend an asshole like RBI. Anyways thank god I don't know who you are RBI cause lets just say I wouldn't give you a hug if I saw or knew who you were on the rides...
everybody lets just all be more like RBI by insulting, belittling riders, like the real person he is... cause remember he's living in the real world... I know cause I seen it on MTV..
I think I'll spend the most of my time on the MR forum like you talking shit about people you don't even know or ever met....
wow man, it must suck to be your friend :(
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 10:42 pm
user1 aka allen, thanks man you're one of the most unique persons I have met in the rides. I can't ever not run into you man. oh about last night, we had to cut off early at new ave. street cause my friend was kinda beat....
by the way, happy birthday!!!!!
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 10:47 pm
Haha thanks User1 and no prob Berns, I just got a random picture from my picture folder. haha. xD
Stomachache01.26.09 - 10:58 pm
you probably dont remember meeting me because you were black out drunk at the time.
ruinedbyidiots01.26.09 - 11:00 pm
haha, dude it looks like a hot link thats getting raped by lemming winks....
freaking kev, you never should of posted this thread about what happened... now cause of you I have to write a screenplay for the lifetime made movie telling my story...
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 11:04 pm
wow you mean the one time that ever happened to me on a ride?
oh come on man, thats not a meeting of people. Its more you trying to prove your dumb little problem with me.....
dude I don't hate you man, just don't understand why you talk shit about a person you never really met or hungout with?
as of this point I will no longer respond or comment to your pointless attacks on my character...
so I wish you well.....
the return of the frenchconn..01.26.09 - 11:11 pm
Whoa RBI, I think it's time you chilled out with that too. I mean c'mon, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends why can't we be friends...now think of that one song while you read it. Y'know...I think I'mma put that up in my myspace now. Haha.
Stomachache01.26.09 - 11:50 pm
Haha, I'll try and make it, dude. I'll call if anything changes. xO
Stomachache01.26.09 - 11:54 pm
its okay, farts are good sometimes....
like when its cold or when one trys to break the silence
swamp ass, theres something ...
the return of the frenchconn..01.27.09 - 12:29 am
Haha, I knew you'd flip when you saw that ride. It's Feb 10th dude. Anyhow, I'd be down for that ride. I want a stripe shirt, ascot, fake mustache and a beret. xO
Stomachache01.27.09 - 12:36 am