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I think I have a circulation problem? I'm not sure. I've had this same pain my whole life, and I've always been told it's just "growing pains." However, today, going on my second day, they've been hurting the longest. I can't sit still, I haven't slept... they hurt. I tried riding my bike, and that seemed to work at first, but now it's not working. When I stand in a hot shower for half an hour the pain goes away for ten minutes after I get out. I ate three bananas, and that didn't help. I drank a ton of water and that didn't help. I'm going to jump in the shower again. Any advice? This pain wasn't caused by riding.
It doesn't help that I have the flu. :(
I forgot to add that elevating my legs did not help, using muscle cream did not help, using SALONPAS did not help, massaging them did not help, rubbing them with stones did not help, rubbing them with rubbing alcohol did not work.
C'mon you self-proclaimed doctors. I know you have some advice up your sleeves.
nobody can give you a proper assessment based on what you tell us. theres so much more going on apparently that even you can't tell.
there are some things traditional remedies will worsen. for example, i had bursitis in my football days, and thought it was just inflammation. i iced it per my coach, but whoops guess what my bursis sac had popped in my knee, and they had to drain all the fluid out from between teh sockets.
is it a tingling sensation, loss of feeling, or a burning kind of pain? but the neuropathy usually starts from fingertips and such.
it could just be a really extensive charlie horse, it could be a pulled muscle, it could be torn, it could be a parasitic infection, it could be cancer.
diabetic neuropathy is a really deep complex issue, i have it and have nerve damage on my entire left side. this occured minutes after my birth and since birth i've been numb(er) on my left side.
One symptom of diabetes is poor circulation. I have heredetary diabetes on my dads side of the family. I was a pro triathlete for about 5 years and continue to ride or excersice enough that my doctors said, if I keep it up, I will have a very high chance of never getting it. I LIKE SUGAR!!!!!!!! So I keep riding 100-300 miles a week. EVERYWEEK. You should go have your blood work done. PLEASE GO AND JUST PAY TO HAVE YOUR BLODDWORK DONE. HOW MUCH IS YOUR LIFE WORTH?????
Keep the blood flow to your legs up by stretching when you can.
If there's a chance of diabetes check your blood sugars with one of the monitors. This is of course that one of your relatives has diabetes and is monitoring themselves.
Otherwise go to see a doc at the hospital. You can see one for free if you're poor.
in that case any time you've ever gone to the bathroom twice in 10 minutes, you'd be a great candidate for type 2. sometimes i can go like 6 times in 5.
you cant wake up one day and have neuropathy like you just wake up one day and be diabetic.
neuropathy happens when you dont control your blood sugars for a long long long time and they end up having to amputate your feet.
chynna, youre in burbank right now for school, arent you? if you want to come by and check your blood sugar with one of my meters you are more than welcome to.
chynna, I had symtoms that sound very similar to your many years ago. I was really sick with the flu and then suffered 3 days of really bad pains in both legs. It felt like muscle pain but wasn't similar to just having run or cycled far the day before. It was much more acute pain. I was on the verge of going to the doctor about it when the pain simply went away. I eventually concluded that it was related to the flu, since it went away as soon as I turned the corner on recovery from the flu.
I went in, and this doctor gave me 5 minutes of his time. Sure, maybe my condition isn't as intense or important as your other patients, but I just paid $100 for you to tell me that it's "probably" PROBABLY that I'm dehydrated and should just drink more water and eat more bananas and take more pain medication. Just like my dad told me and just like I've been doing for the past few goddamn days. AGGHHHHHH. Thanks a lot! What ever happened to the days when doctors actually found out what was wrong with you and actually gave you a real exam? Good god.
Was that your primary care doc or an ER doc? If it was your primary care doc, that's a sign that you need a new one. If you want, I have unlimited access to doctors' advice, so if you give me a VERY detailed list of your symptoms I can run it by them and see what they think you should be tested for. Then you just have to request the tests be done.
You can get free/ cheap acupuncture at:
buy doctors-in-training at
Dongguk-Royal University.
Its on Shatto between 4th and 5th in Koreatown.
Shatto is just east of Vermont. Its free on mondays: sign-up is 8:30 am and 1:00 pm the difference between signing up at 8:30 and 8:45 could be an extra hour in the waiting room.
They also have $20 visits Tu-Sat. with appointment (you can do appointment 24 hrs in advance) the work is done by student interns and overseen by doctors.
It won't cost $100 and they will spend more than 5 minutes with you.
80 to 120 is normal.
how long had it been since you had eaten something before you tested and what did you eat? it doesnt matter really, im just sort of curious.