anyone know a lawyer?
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jeff-shi at 09.27.08 - 9:52 pm
hey i was hit by a car friday night (riding legally, sober), and ended up in the er. wasn't seriously hurt, but my bike is a pretzel and want to know what to do next.
got a police report and insurance info from the driver, but has anyone had a similar experience or know a trutworthy lawyer I can talk to? I'm not digging for cash, but I'm injured and can't work, definitely can't ride, and i feel like...well, like i got hit by a car.
Dude take this very seriously. I just got injured at work and I'm getting screwed over by the insurance company and the company I work for. --Before you even talk to the insurance company and file a report get a lawyer.
--After that make sure everything is checked out, not just with X-rays but with an MRI or a CT scan.
--If anything still hurts you get a second opinion from a QME.
Try calling Berry Bernstein 818-986-9060 if he doesn't work try looking in these other places but be careful...
Los Angeles bar association...
Good luck......
Jartazz09.27.08 - 11:50 pm
You are going to get lots of advice to get a lawyer. My advise is wait.
Don't sign anything, and don't necessarily say anything.
I assume you got a the drivers info. Most likely you will be made an offer by the insurance company of the driver after you have all of your medical bills in order. Much of your settlement that you will get from the other drivers insurance company has much to do with the police and ambulance report. Also, the more your hospital bills are the more your settlement will be. If you can't work, make sure you get a doctors note stating you are in no condition to meet your employment. Collect receipts on your bike or estimates from shops to what it will cost to replace or fix.
Here is what I know about personnel injury attorney's....they won't take your case unless they can win. If they can get you a settlement there is no reason you can't get the settlement yourself. Remember the attorney takes 1/3 to 40% of the settlement and will pay off your medical bills for you without allowing you to negotiate with the hospital regarding your bill.
If you don't feel comfortable with doing this yourself, by all means hires someone. If you can take care of yourself, you will come out with a larger settlement. I know you say you aren't digging for cash, but you don't know what the future of your suffering is going to be. This thing that you say you are not hurt may haunt you for the rest of your life.
Minimal car coverage is $10,000 for property and $15,000 per injury.
sexy09.28.08 - 12:15 am
my grandma is a lawyer and i work at a law firm...i will get some info for ya on what to do
MOM-RIDA-Raquel09.29.08 - 8:47 am
D told me that you got hit on friday, i'm so sorry to hear that! hopefully they gave you some 'scripts at the ER and an MRI. if you guys need any help, let me know!
nancine09.29.08 - 10:20 am
One correction Sexy ... it is my understanding that while there is a limit on how much a company will pay for property damage ... there is NO LIMIT on how much they can pay for personal injury ... even on the most basic policy.
As far as to lawyer or not to lawyer, keep in mind that most car on car accidents involve insurance companies dealing with each other. They know there is a limit to how much bullshit they can pull.
You don;t have an insurance co to handle your bis. so, if past anecdotes are any indication, they will do what ever they can to stall, obfuscate, finagle, stonewall, and futz around to avoid paying you your due ... meanwhile you could be left with the bill for months if not forever.
I've never had to deal with this legal stuff and I am only going on the stories of fellow ridazz, so I don't doubt Sexy is right about how much more $$ you will get to keep if you can pull this off by yourself.
If you are a persistent self starter and willing to do all the footwork and stay on top of them even when they waste tons of your time, and try to wear you down. Then it may be a good bet.
If you sense that they are going to try and fuck you and you just don't have the time, energy or will to keep them honest. Get some legal help.
trickmilla09.29.08 - 12:29 pm
do not talk to anyone until you get a lawyer.
Roadblock09.29.08 - 12:33 pm
eddieboyinla09.29.08 - 1:33 pm
Gary C. Brustin
According to both of their websites, they'll give you a free consultation.
One of the first things they will want to know is how bad were you hurt and did you get any information on the vehicle that hit you. They lack of either of these will pretty much determine the value of your case and the length of your free consultation.
Hopefully you have their information (license plates, driver's license #, name, make/model of vehicle, insurance policy #). Like, Sexy said, if you don't have the time or patience to deal with asshole insurance adjusters, an attorney will deal with them for you, but they will take a cut.
Start keeping track of all your damages, both physical injuries and property damage. Take pictures of your injuries and any damage to the bike. Get an estimate from a bike shop for the repairs to the bike. Keep all your receipts for medications, even over the counter stuff. Keep track of any doctor's visits. Insurance adjusters will want to see all of these records. Think of them like poker chips because they are definitely worth something and make the value of your settlement higher.
DJwheels09.29.08 - 5:46 pm
Jose R. Paz
811 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1005
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2636
this guy is representing me now. i got hit by a car a few months back on my way to a wolfpack hustle ride. give him a call and tell him Eddie Lopez sent you (Luis Eduardo Lopez is my full name)
Eddie GOpez09.29.08 - 6:32 pm
Here is something I thought about after the fact of what I wrote before.
Small claims court case are for any civil claim damages up to $7500. If you have say, $1500 bike damage and $2000 in hospital bills for a total of $3500 damages, you can first tell the insurances company I want X amount of dollars. If they say "no" or ignore you. You can file a claim against the person who hit you in small claims court. If you win, you call the insurance company and tell them you took the person that has a automobile policy with them that injured you and caused property damage to court and won X amount.
They will ask you to send the paper work showing you won, and will immediately pay you. (Mind you both partys have I believe 30 days to file an appeal) For something so small, an insurance company won't appeal. If you let the party who hit you know that you are not necessarily trying to get the money from him, but their insurance company who will not deal with you, it will put them at ease and not feel any desire to appeal.
Regarding X amount. When a attorney handles your case, they will try to get 3x's the damage that was caused to you. If it is $3500, they will try to get $10,500. A third for the doctor and cost of repairs, a third for the attorney, and a third for your pain and suffering. Like I said before, some attorneys will take 40%. This is my understanding what is common in personal injury cases (I could be wrong).
If you go into small claims court and ask for $7000. One half for your damages and they other half for your pain and suffering. The judge knows how these things work out, and will understand your reasoning for claiming that much in damages.
Regarding what Trickmilla said. If that is the case why do they have a limit on auto policy for bodily injury? Minimum $30k total $15K per person coverage.
sexy09.30.08 - 11:18 am
ATTN: Lawyers
Just a quick question if you don't mind....
does being a lawyer SUCK as much as it does being a law student?
a PhD is sounding very enticing right about now...Dr. La Duderina?
la duderina02.15.09 - 1:21 pm
I work for lawyers, running their documents to the courts on my motorcycle. I deal with law clerks, paralegals and lawyers all day long and they really are just people.. joyless, angry, sad people.
Just kidding!
There are good ones and bad ones.
For better or worse, the world needs lawyers.
Having been in several motorcycle incidents, I've been here.
Going it alone has not been a successful strategy for me.
The insurance co's just don't respond to individuals.
If you need someone, my guy is Richard Ramsay.
He does lots of motorcycle accident stuff.
Richard: 818-207-4838
Tell him Adam Lawrence sent you.
Hope you mend up quick and strong.
adamthelizard02.16.09 - 10:24 am
"joyless, angry, sad people" <---this is me right now
I am just this side of suicidal right now. If this (legal writing class) is what my entire career is going to be like...
la duderina02.16.09 - 10:49 am
Sexy - "Remember the attorney takes 1/3 to 40% of the settlement and will pay off your medical bills for you without allowing you to negotiate with the hospital regarding your bill. "
True, but if a lawyer can double/triple/quadruple your settlement, then giving him/her your business is a good idea. Regarding the hospital bill, the lawyer will try to negotiate that down as well, and usually has lots of experience in doing just that. I'm not saying you can't do it yourself, but attorneys can earn their money.
La Duderina - being a lawyer is substantially LESS fun than law school for many folks I know. One of my professors said it best - "Law school is like a pie-eating contest in which the prize is a pie." If you're having second thoughts now, get a copy of "What color is your Parachute" and figure out what you really want to do.
JB02.16.09 - 11:23 am
I'm just being dramatic. been working on a points and authorities memo all weekend in which I am being forced to defend the Man. once its done, and after a red stripe or several, I'll be back to my old go-getter self.
I just need a hug.
all work and no play makes the Dudette a dull girl.
la duderina02.16.09 - 12:23 pm