locate LA critical mass
Thread started by
Antranik at 02.27.09 - 4:29 pm
i just made a website that will update you on the location of the critical mass if you happen to arrive late and don't know where to go... or get a flat tire and lag and get lost...
it just involves my twitter account that can be setup to send a text to your cell phone.. follow the directions on the site i just made here...
that's a brilliant idea!
sgrant02.27.09 - 4:31 pm
Whoa... this great!! So when you stop... it'll text the phone (I can't get the web) the x-streets? How awesome is that!!
Great idea! Hope it works!
digablesoul02.27.09 - 4:34 pm
all this fancy technology. what happened to the good old days, when all you'd have to do is just listen for the sirens...
canadienne02.27.09 - 4:36 pm
"So when you stop... it'll text the phone (I can't get the web) the x-streets? How awesome is that!!"
Yes that is the plan, heheh
Antranik02.27.09 - 4:38 pm
Are you leaving with the 7:00pm group or the 7:30 group?
sgrant02.27.09 - 4:40 pm
i'm "supposed" to leave with the 7:00 group... ugh.. why is todays time different, i don't get it at all.
Antranik02.27.09 - 4:43 pm
Today's start time is different because a small group of people on a website, which only a fraction of critical mass riders read, have decided that LACM stops too often and doesn't ride far enough or long enough.
I'll be with the 7:30 group.
Twitter only works for people who read this thread. Many LACM riders don't read the MR site. How are they supposed to know there is a twitter this? Or even know what the fuck twitter is?
How will someone who comes to LACM from the bikeboom.com website know we are leaving early?
What about the guy who only rides LACM and doesn't read any of these websites. He just knows it starts at 7:30 at Wilshire and Western and that's really all he SHOULD need to know to go on LACM.
stillline02.27.09 - 4:59 pm
so i should go with the 7:30 group, hahahaaha
Antranik02.27.09 - 5:01 pm
I am coming from the valley, bringing two girls who have never ridden in LACM before. We won't get there until a little after 7:00. So I will ride with the 7:30 group.
sgrant02.27.09 - 5:03 pm
tight, i'm from the valley too, woodland hills area... ya i guess i'm gonna go with the 7:30 group if it's the larger group....
Antranik02.27.09 - 5:06 pm
the earlier time is to ride longer....almost every month the ride makes its way to the same part of los feliz/hollywood for the peoples ride. if people want to ride the peoples ride that's fine....but to have it always veer in that direction is lame....maybe it will leave at 7:30, maybe 7:15..who knows.....at least there's dialogue on the subject to make it a good productive l.a. critical mass.
barleye02.27.09 - 5:09 pm
Everyone listen to Stilline fuck the small fraction.. Go to The peoples Ride we accommodate late comers..
Debut21302.27.09 - 5:09 pm
o yea i'll be going to the peoples ride as it gets near 9:30-10 anyway
Antranik02.27.09 - 5:15 pm
Yeah go to the peoples ride if you want a ride with a pre scribed route and hang out in front of the refreshment store for a long time ride.
sexy02.28.09 - 9:54 am