Recovered Stolen Wheel...
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Candy Cane at 02.24.09 - 3:50 pm
Is this your wheel?
know who's wheel this is?!
I bought it off a shady looking dude in DTLA for 10 bucks about an hour ago, hoping to get it back to it's rightful owner.
Very new 700 (mountainbike???) wheel with virtually brand-new tire.
sarah you are a hero for putting 10 bucks of your own moneez towards tht
it looks like a hybrid bike wheel...
_iJunes02.24.09 - 3:51 pm
hahaha... i know.
but i was thinking to myself, "dude, what if MY (shitty?) wheel got stolen?"
id hope someone else in my position would do the same (right?) thing.
Candy Cane02.24.09 - 3:53 pm
Nice to retrieve it, but aren't you also perpetuating the problem?
User102.24.09 - 3:56 pm
ugh i KNOW alan, i thought about that. i DID.
but what? if i didnt buy it, some other gumba was going to, and that other gumba wasnt going to be interested in getting it back to its rightful owner...
you can't fight the principle of supply and demand.
Not buying that wheel wasnt even going to help stop the problem, it was going to ensure that the person's wheel never gets returned.
am i wrong?
Candy Cane02.24.09 - 4:00 pm
I think that belongs to vspangle / michelle. Not sure though. She just had her 700 wheel stolen from her fixie.
Joe Borfo02.24.09 - 4:02 pm
vspangle (michel) got her rear wheel jacked. That is a front wheel.
skd02.24.09 - 4:05 pm
oh borfo, thats a good lead!
do you have her contact info?!
mebbe you could emailz it 2 meez? pleez?
Candy Cane02.24.09 - 4:06 pm
Yeah it's a tuff call Sarha. At least you thought about it. Maybe if you could have conned him into giving you his contact info. BS him, tell him you have to go get the money, etc etc etc, than might have been better. Hard to say without being there.
Regardless, that's nice that you are attempting to return it. You may try CL and have the person discribe it. But then you run into problems there too, since we now know what it looks like.
Good luck.
User102.24.09 - 4:45 pm
this dude was on skid row, im sure he had absolutely no contact information.
aw man, im starting to think im not going to find the owner of this wheel.
Candy Cane02.24.09 - 4:51 pm
if no one claims it, i will purchase it from you. my spokes are rusted out and my breaks make that squeeking noize.
but thats only if the owner isn't found.
post up on CL the details of the wheel that only the owner would know...
aksendz02.24.09 - 7:57 pm
"aw man, im starting to think im not going to find the owner of this wheel. "
You could call the police and see if anyone had reported it missing.
JB02.24.09 - 8:01 pm
haha, cereal!
"Sure we've got that missing wheel report logged right here, along with vehicular assault on TooTallJamal. We keep 'em in this box labeled RECYCLE."
way to look out CC, if it was my wheel I'd be thankful; forget all talk of perpetuating the heist.
Eric Hair02.25.09 - 11:00 am
you are awesome :)
66602.25.09 - 11:14 am
owner FOUND!!!!!!!!
i put the word out to the messengers, and it turns out one of the guys had this front wheel stolen off his mountain bike last week...
mission accomplished.
Candy Cane02.25.09 - 12:40 pm
wow, I hope the dude paid you ten bucks for it. That is a small price to pay to recover ones front wheel. Maybe next time he will lock both his front and rear wheel when he parks the bike.
urbanpedal02.25.09 - 12:57 pm
Nice work Candy Cane!
JB02.25.09 - 1:08 pm
WOW that's great to hear! I hope you got reimbursed your $10 at least.
User102.25.09 - 2:47 pm
I have yet to complete the transaction with homedude. but ill let him know that it cost me 10 bucks, i dont care about the money. its 10 bucks! what the hell is 10 bucks these days? nuffin'.
Candy Cane02.25.09 - 2:52 pm
Dude may not have ten bucks. Messengers aren't making much money right now. He should at least smoke you out, though.
PC02.25.09 - 3:03 pm
+1 PC
I was just talking with Salty, and he told me that in-n-out burger flippers make more than messengers do.
Candy Cane02.25.09 - 3:07 pm
Doesn't have $10 but can afford a front wheel like that? I can afford $10 but can't afford a wheel like that!
User102.25.09 - 3:09 pm
hmm... i looked up marin bikes on google, and if im not mistaken, you can get a complete marin mountain bike for 200 bucks. Not that fancy alan!
Candy Cane02.25.09 - 3:09 pm
The only Marins I can find for $200 are kids bikes. They make a shit load of models. Not sure which MTB has 700c, but I'm sure it's not a $200 bike. They have some that go past the $3k mark. Who knows? They may even go past that.
Regardless, the guys a chump if he doesn't reimburse you.
HAHAHAHA, I just thought a funny. You'll be perpetuating dumb moves by giving him his wheel back at no cost!
User102.25.09 - 3:38 pm
Shuddup, Allan.
PC02.25.09 - 3:47 pm
even Pee got it!
Damn! I'm on a roll today!!!
User102.25.09 - 3:59 pm
I knew I could draw out borfee!!!
Did you crash after Salton Sea? Everything seemed so irrelevant after coming back. It was like an Alice and Wonderland journey.
User102.25.09 - 4:06 pm
Yeah, I'm trying to find myself.
I just keep remembering what the door mouse said...
Joe Borfo02.25.09 - 4:08 pm
Alice IN Wonderland, you dingledorf. Jesus.
PC02.25.09 - 4:11 pm
Damn Pee!!
You had a Alice and Wonderland experience too?????
Wow that's freakin weird!
User102.25.09 - 4:43 pm
my torts professor looks JUST LIKE the Mad Hatter. no joke. JUST LIKE HIM.
la duderina02.25.09 - 4:50 pm
Feds your head! Feed your head!
larsenf02.25.09 - 6:14 pm
Feed your head! Feed your head!***
damn auto spell check
larsenf02.25.09 - 6:17 pm