Thread started by
User1 at 02.19.09 - 10:30 pm
This Sunday! Ride info can be found
Earth First! Roadshow: A cross-county tour aimed at renewing the Earth First! movement, from Spring to Summer 2009
From the Earth First! Organizers’ Conference & Winter Rendezvous in the Sonoran desert this February to the Round River Rendezvous in Cascadia this summer, a band of eco-rebels will be crossing the US Empire to renew a fighting movement that can stop this industrial nightmare from choking the life out of the earth.
The need for resistance in solidarity with the wild has never been louder or clearer than it is today; the roadshow is a great tool for cultivating resistance. There are countless examples to draw from in the story of radical movements before us: militant labor organizing tours, anti-fascist resistance recruitment and international speaking tours to build cross-border solidarity. The origin of Earth First! is credited to a few roadshows that kicked it all off in the early 1980s. We are building on this tradition; akin to a fellowship crossing Middle Earth to amass insurgents to face Mordor head-on.
Just got word that this is not going to be just serious stuff. There's going to be....
- puppet shows
- slideshows
- music
- movies
- and something about fun
User102.20.09 - 12:33 pm
isn't this type of organizing...and executed offline? Just wondering.
tern02.21.09 - 12:55 pm
This event is just show casing what this organization is all about. Any actions they may support is best done in as small of a group as needed. Loose lips sink ships.
1-3 people, good, 6 or more, bad.
Six Arrested on "Ecoterrorism" Charges
User102.21.09 - 3:33 pm
I'm stoked there is a ride to this! It should be fun. I see a lot of similarities to the way the Earth First!ers organize and participate in society and the way LA bike riders/activists do.
If you are unfamiliar with Earth First! it's important to recognize that they are an above-ground activist group. This is different than the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) which is an underground group whose actions are mostly illegal.
Wikipedia can tell you all about it:
Earth First!
bike punk02.21.09 - 8:16 pm
I'm not sure if anyone showed up for this ride earlier than 12:30. I got there at 12:28pm and no one was there. I stuck around till 12:50.
The road show was good and with lots of earth girls there. I got alot of cool stickers and stuff. Even though there wasn't anyone that did the ride, there was alot of ridazz that showed up at 2pm. Some even learned about this via this post, so it wasn't a complete was for me.
I hope these folks enjoy their journey this summer. Plans are for them to stop off at around 100 cities. LA was about their third stop. Good people too.
User102.23.09 - 12:17 am