Thread started by
theshues at 12.28.08 - 1:26 pm
i need a haircut..
lets make it happen!!
get at me.

For a haircut
call the Sexy 32three-5seven4-zero34one
or email me at hansomebwonderful2001 at yahoo dot cum
sexy12.28.08 - 10:31 pm
Sexy, you cut hair? I haven't gotten my hair cut by someone else in like five years, and I think it's time. Cereal.
imachynna01.12.09 - 11:04 am
did someone call me? o i mean nevermind.
_iJunes01.12.09 - 11:06 am
for a good time, contact the greater, bigger, better, sexier one: big sexy
spiraldemon01.12.09 - 11:06 am

I promise it'll be good work. My hair is a real piece of art.
imachynna01.12.09 - 11:14 am
sure, Just give me a call.
sexy01.12.09 - 11:34 am
ps, i gave myself a hair cut hahahahhha
omg i missed this patch on the top of my head and its all long and the rest of my hair is short hahahah its pretty funny..
theshues01.16.09 - 6:51 pm
i saw it looks pretty decent. That long piece is your personality, like Alfalfa. Next time let the top be a little longer, then the sides.
Up next outgoing ROTY
sexy01.16.09 - 10:45 pm
that song sounds much better coming out of DCR's mouth
sexy responding to a
comment by neverclever
08.27.09 - 4:37 am

I love Sexy's new style.
franz responding to a
comment by la duderina
09.18.09 - 1:38 pm
3B-H (big, bald, back and Harry)
I'm here for you la duderina. Lets ride!
I so hope your on the ever so "core elite" private ride on 9/22.
I'll be there.
sexy responding to a
comment by la duderina
09.18.09 - 2:51 pm
HEEYYY sexy! Unfortunately I'm not elite or core enough to attend that ride.
la duderina responding to a
comment by sexy
09.18.09 - 2:56 pm
i miss you buddie.. come out to crankmas.. and bring jane i miss her too.. and get your dad on some sweet bike and bring him too...
theshues09.18.09 - 7:24 pm
I go to tha CRANKMAS if they change the name to C.R.A.N.K.SGIVING!!!
wake up SLEEPY we got something for you to cry about again
sexy responding to a
comment by theshues
09.18.09 - 11:17 pm
yayayayayay what am i crying about??
theshues responding to a
comment by sexy
09.19.09 - 2:41 am

oh and btw take a shower i can smell you from here...
theshues responding to a
comment by sexy
09.19.09 - 2:41 am
i want a haircut
tired of the 2.50/cut at smc
aksendz responding to a
comment by theshues
09.19.09 - 3:25 am
its going to cost you more then that from sexy & jane.. their professionals..
askendz.. they will trade you an excellent haircut for your SOULLLLLLLL
theshues responding to a
comment by aksendz
09.19.09 - 12:02 pm
I stayed home from wolfpack JUST to bump threads with your name in it, SEXY, for your barfday.
la duderina09.28.09 - 10:26 pm