
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
SMCM - last night!
Thread started by bondink at 12.6.08 - 4:42 pm

SMCM - best yet!

we ditched the SMPD by taking a secret route which i don't want to put here seeing as tho they have infiltrated our ride - but we out did, out ran and had soooooooooooo much F!U!N!

Thanks to Paul and Zack for leading the leaderless ride on a run-from-the-SMPD !!!

the Something Else Ride kicked off at the Venice pier and was super uber sweet - most were wasted by that point shot gunning beers and then of course the two lame ass almost fights - fuck cars and walking!

next month - SMCM better than ever! yeayeayeayea!


paul and zack huh.

12.6.08 - 4:50 pm



12.6.08 - 4:51 pm




and Alex C. - i owe you like two beers now!

12.6.08 - 4:55 pm



12.6.08 - 4:56 pm


Damn, make that two rides I was raped out of!!

12.6.08 - 5:00 pm


my critique of the 1/2/09 smcm:

Didn't feel much like a Critical Mass ride. We rode south down the bike path??? then thru residential to "get out of santa monica and the smpd cops" as a few put it....

I know different people have their own outlook on what a C.M. ride should be like.....mine is this: exercise our rights to use the same streets as autos do and to do it where people are driving. NOT ON A BIKE PATH AND NOT IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS.

then the ride stopped at the Sears parking lot??? for what??? It was heading to the winward circle??? translation to me was ANOTHER STOP ....OUTSIDE OF SANTA MONICA. It is called SANTA MONICA CRITICAL MASS after all.....I split after that.

It all started in San Francisco where I think on the average around 2k people a month participate....do you really think they stop for no reason? or ride along the s.f. shoreline? or thru residential?

If we ride the streets of S.M. in the downtown area, and follow the rules of the road for just a few hours, and emcompass the ride around the downtown area only, it would be an actual C.M. ride. that's my opinion. Sure there are gonna be some bullshit citations from the cops but we all know that before the ride starts. It's a gamble. ....even if we follow the rules of the road.

Discuss if you think it will open people's minds.

01.3.09 - 8:24 am


I agree with the comment above. It just seemed like "try to avoid the cops ride." They're going to be there regardless.

I think it would be more enjoyable if we were more organized, a little slower so that every cyclist could stay in one large pack. That's the idea around "critical mass." We can only take the streets if we stick together.

As much as people don't like cops, we still don't need to antagonize them, it just provokes them into being mean. Remember they're human too.

That's my input.

Ya'll crazy, but fun.
Ride on.

01.3.09 - 9:15 am


If you don't like the way its going get up front and start leading. Good luck ith all the young fast ones though they dont listen so good.

01.3.09 - 12:40 pm


This is why I stopped going to SMCM. Ridazz scatter like roaches when they see a cop on the road. Maybe when they grow some I'll be back.

01.3.09 - 3:49 pm


I concur, user1.

Little kids on fixed gears talking shit about the cops, then running like little pussies at the first sight of them is quite hilarious.

01.3.09 - 4:21 pm


I had a great time, even if it didn't meet everyone's criteria for what a critical mass ride is supposed to be.

Given that SMCM has been (and will be?) a weekly ride, and this is the end of a holiday week, cut people a little slack for making this one a little heavier on the fun/stops/beach paths.

The SMPD aren't going anywhere, and I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity for cyclists to assert their rights (and get tickets) on the roadways of Santa Monica in the weeks and months to come.

Happy New Year Everyone!

01.3.09 - 7:16 pm


I hear what you're saying...but there's a ride with stops/partying/bla bla bla almost every night of the week. Just a few hours a month (or since it's weekly in s.m., a few hours a week), it should be a c.m. ride. Isn't the objective to be taken somewhat serious by the police and the peds and folks in cars? Again, just my opinion...

01.3.09 - 7:27 pm


Yeah, no more taking the path, that's wack.

I saw a couple of fixie "kids" keep their cool for the most part, even when the police motorcycles were tailing behind them. It's hard not to talk shit about the cops, I consider myself a grown-up and even I catch myself swearing out loud at them. For example, when they do dumb shit like force us into the half of a lane while honking their horn when the #2 lane is free of traffic.

As, as long as you have front and back lights, you have nothing to be afraid of really. I saw a couple of people only get warned about riding on the sidewalk, that really should never happen, c'mon now.

The toughest thing is to stick together as one big group. I think the standard procedure when a group gets left behind should be to keep riding around the same block (all right or all left turns) until the rest catch up. That way we can keep the ride "legal" while keeping the mass together. No ppl stopping in the middle of the road or risking a ticket by rolling onto the sidewalk.

This would work especially well at the start when we wait at the goddamn lights. Kinda like this.

01.3.09 - 9:04 pm


SMCM was just plain boring. Haha.

01.4.09 - 12:57 pm


I really liked the rendezvous point versions of SMCM. Whatever happened to that?

Or maybe we should just accept the fact that SMCM is never going to stay in Santa Monica the whole time, without some sort of plan or leader.

The whole idea of critical mass is that it has no leader. All the whining about leaving Santa Monica could be solved by taking the lead and keeping it within the city limits. If it matters that much to keep it within the SM boundaries, then all I'm saying is maybe you should speak up when someone starts to lead it away.

Personally I don't care if it goes to Windward Circle or down the bike path, is it really that terrible??? Maybe people should scout some cool places to chill that would be somehow off the radar from the SMPD that are still within the city limits. There are many parks, roads, and other areas in SM that I have never been to, and I've been riding pretty regularly with these rides for almost a year now.

01.4.09 - 1:35 pm



And the reason to run from the cops is............

01.4.09 - 2:10 pm


Why run from the cops???

I can't imagine that getting a ticket is that awesome... Is it?

I've never had a ticket, and I don't ever plan on getting one. If there are ever cops around, I'm never the one testing or provoking them. I obey all laws and speak to them politely if confronted.

However, if they call me out on any bullshit (and they have before in SM) I have not been afraid to disagree with them (usually in a concise and to the point manner). Then they always just drive off to harass someone else. Ticket avoided.

Is that bad?

01.4.09 - 2:31 pm


I haven't been on a SMCM ride since early 2008, and I am probably the last to realize it has changed.


Santa Monica Police Officers were out in full force, riding motorcycles alongside the Santa Monica Critical Mass and citing cyclists for leaving the bike lane (not a violation of the law - CVC 21208) taking control of a traffic lane (not a violation of the law - CVC 21202) and turning left from a left turn lane. (again, not a violation of the law- CVC 22100)
A cyclist who goes by the nickname, "FuzzBeast," reports that the police were ignoring motorist behavior while focusing on the cyclists. "I was stopped at the corner of Colorado and 4th, waiting for the light to turn green for a left turn...well after the light was green two cars ran the red making a left turn past us. I turned to the cop as I rode off and said 'Yeah, well, what about them, they ran the red, I know you saw it, are you going to do anything about it?' They just scoffed at me.


The chief, whose high-ranking officers met with Thompson and Feinstein after the July ride, also suggested that the group “apply for a permit and pay for the police services to protect them, set up a route and make sure they’re safe. We didn’t get anywhere,” he adds.


Effectively, the City of Santa Monica is fighting itself. The Planning Department is promoting cycling in order to reduce car trips, while the Police Department is spending $3000 a month to issue nine or ten highly visible tickets on shaky legal grounds. It’s an expensive and effective campaign to promote not cycling.

Make of it what you will. I'll be there for the next SMCM.

01.4.09 - 3:33 pm


jonnyboy, you miss the point of what critical mass is supposed to be.

first, the ride immediately went down the pier and to the bike path.......then after about 1 mile on the path, went to residential....kids on fixed gears from what i saw where in front a lot....i can't and won't attempt to keep up with them and be a dictator on a c.m. ride....I was giving the benefit of the doubt that the people "leading" the ride would keep it in s.m. as the ride suggests.

basically what's happened is that the ride has morphed into a midnight ridazz party style ride....plain and simple....it's a sad reality but true.

None of us should have a sense of entitlement to run reds or stop signs so it's shouldn't be a problem to stop at the intersections to make our point.

01.4.09 - 3:48 pm


From the rides I did a year ago, it was much more of party then, and we rode out of SM to Venice everytime.

01.4.09 - 3:57 pm


"basically what's happened is that the ride has morphed into a midnight ridazz party style ride....plain and simple....it's a sad reality but true. "

Totally understand that, and it is a very sad reality- very much in agreement with you!

Maybe if a few of us work together we can break the main pack off from the fixed gear party kids and direct the group back onto a good route. I'll help you with that next time if you are down!

It wouldn't be a big deal to lose those guys, they would just be out on their own: no sweat off my shoulders!

01.4.09 - 3:58 pm


Jonnyboy -
Maybe people should scout some cool places to chill that would be somehow off the radar from the SMPD that are still within the city limits.

Me -
Sounds to me like you're trying to avoid the cops. Why? Cause tickets are no fun? If you're legal and obeying the traffic laws in SM, you wouldn't get a ticket. If ridazz are getting tickets, then why don't you work together and get some evidence on camera? That would put a big dent in their operations if you could show this. You don't think the media would love to get their hands on something like this? You don't think the city counsel would take notice and make changes if they see this? They see it as a liability, and they definitely don't want that!

Instead you guys keep scattering with no direction or plan at all. The idea of CM is to assert your rights to the road. Do it!

01.4.09 - 4:18 pm


Why find a place to "chill"??? It's not necessary on a c.m. ride. we are there to make a point...aren't we???

01.4.09 - 4:27 pm


The last 1st Friday SMCM that I attended (in November) we didn't really stop at all, and in fact we did a lot of riding if I remember correctly.

Seems like it is hit or miss, this ride. Sometimes it is fun because there is a lot of riding, sometimes there is too much police presence to keep everyone together in a group and it is just really stressful / tiring.

What do you guys suggest we do (User1 and barleye)? Complain about it? I've about given up on SMCM, too many cops and too many people thinking it's just a ride to get drunk on. I think we are in agreement on that part, yes?

01.4.09 - 4:40 pm


I've given my suggestion before. I suggested the riders flood a small part, a 3 block by 4 block area. We ride as if we are on motorcycles. That means no more than two abreast and leave a car length of space for every 10 mph. We don't even have to ride two abreast. The 1 car length rule is what is suggested in the California Driver's Handbook. You would not get a ticket for following two car lengths. Would you get one in a car? We follow all the rules and we're completely legal. If there's a bike lane on the part of the road we are rolling on? We have VERY slow ridazz on that, This way we would have to take the lane.

What will happen is traffic will be virtually at a stand still. The object is to bring traffic to a stand still LEGALLY. Do not ride around a stopped car, do not cross the street like a ped. We remain stopped on the streets with the cars. The car drivers will be frustrated very fast.

We do this successfully and the cops will back off. And I don't want to hear about we can't do this cause we will make the drivers unhappy with us! They'll come around when they see that it's best to leave us alone.

01.4.09 - 5:27 pm


The point is not to annoy drivers, that's why the cops are there in the first place. Some of the first rides I went on, bringing out my dusty mountain bike, were CM rides. A year later and I've sold my car, have a new bike, and bike everywhere. It's more fun and I feel healthier being active by using a bike as transportation.

01.4.09 - 5:39 pm


OK vor, if you don't want to annoy drivers then you can vote to take CM down the bike trail or heck, stay home.

Let's hear your solution.

01.4.09 - 5:43 pm


User1 says:

"I've given my suggestion before. I suggested the riders flood a small part, a 3 block by 4 block area. We ride as if we are on motorcycles. That means no more than two abreast and leave a car length of space for every 10 mph. We don't even have to ride two abreast. The 1 car length rule is what is suggested in the California Driver's Handbook. You would not get a ticket for following two car lengths. Would you get one in a car? We follow all the rules and we're completely legal. If there's a bike lane on the part of the road we are rolling on? We have VERY slow ridazz on that, This way we would have to take the lane."

Not that I think it wouldn't discourage the SMPD (I think it would work very well if the group was able to be that disciplined, and it is possible), but this is what you think Critical Mass is "supposed to be"?

I'm just sayin'... You always ridicule people for trying to come up with and/or executing solutions to fix the SMPD problem because it is then "no longer Critical Mass", and yet your own idea to fix Critical Mass in Santa Monica uses the exact type of leadership that you naysay everyone else about.

Are you actually OK with organized leadership for Critical Mass or are you not? It seems to me that you just like to spark controversy about this ride and haven't really developed an honest opinion at all.

01.4.09 - 5:48 pm


Obey the laws. Ride on streets with two lanes (taking the right lane). Somebody familiar with SM makes a route so that if we get split up we know where to regroup. Be seen by lots of people in SM.

01.4.09 - 5:57 pm



Roadblock said this months ago:

1. EVERY single rider in the mass ride completely legal. Ride as though you are a single rider and you obey every law. Stop at reds stay to the right lane flash the lights signal the hands. You must be absolutely disciplined. The cops will likely ticket you if you don't.

2. Do NOT ride streets that have a bike lane. This way cops can't ticket for not riding in the bike lane.

3. Don't worry if the mass gets split up into many parts. It will all come together and groups will find other groups eventually.

4. Set a perimeter in the beginning. Say some street boundaries that all groups attempt to ride within. Make it inside the worst of the traffic zones and freeway entrances. Make it hell for drivers. Because riding legal is more of a traffic night mare than just parading through.

5. Video tape as much as you can. Looks like the cops ticketed for at least a few non violations last night. These should have been taped for evidence.

6. If you gonna be a bear. Be a grizzly! If cm is a show of peaceful protest of bikes then make it monster. Make the city spend so much money and time trying to police it that it breaks the bank! Fuck santa monica anyway!

The result is complete bicycle cluster fuck chaos and the cops won't be able to do shit about it so long as everyone is disciplined enough to ride legal. And for fucks sake stay in SM don't run to venice. Make these coppers work for their pay! Haha!

One more thing..... if the cops get to crazy just pull into the nearest private shopping mall and re-group.

Last night we all stopped at a stop sign and to our left was two coppers on motorbikes. They were waiting for us to go. We were waiting for them to go. For about 20 seconds NO ONE went. Perfect! We should have never gone. The cops were themselves holding up a whole line of cars in the process of waiting for us to go. For a while no one budged until we finally did. Bummer! Next time we are in that kind of situation we should go 1 at a freeking time! Then the cops look like the assholes for blocking their lane. Hahahaha.

To emphasize, we should ride "scared" of wrong doing. Its exactly what they want but the reality is that it makes things waaaaaay worse for traffic when we do. The coppers get a dose of their own medicine and in the process fuck up everything time 69!

Last comment cause I of all people should not be saying shit about smcm but someone on the ride mentioned that previously everyone got off and walked their bikes through 3rd street promenade.... fuck yes! Imagine 200 people walking straight through that mall of dead souls!! Hahahah walk right on up to the next street and get back to riding letter to the law legal to whereever the bikes may ride. Game the system. Do what they tell ya cause they don't know that what they want is the exact opposite of what they really want! Hahah

01.4.09 - 6:37 pm



This is alot more what I think CM should be than scattering like roaches at the first site of the cops. Or taking off down the bike trail and leaving SM.

Yeah I ridicule the ride when it makes a B-line out of SM, or when it takes the bike trail out of SM. Cause this is not what CM is all about. It's not about running from the cops when you're doing nothing wrong.

My suggestion doesn't take leaders. You float the idea out there and it should be voted on. As long as it's a majority vote, then it's approved. Doesn't that sound fair? I've never waved from that position. Or the position of asserting my rights on the road.

01.4.09 - 6:54 pm


After seeing this first-hand for the first-time, I couldn't help but wonder if things were always this bad, or if there was a time when SMPD gave a rats-ass.

01.4.09 - 6:59 pm


"Set a perimeter in the beginning, and don't worry about being in separate groups."

I think this would work well.

01.4.09 - 7:09 pm


I think that's a great idea. Keep it a small area so the impact is still there.

01.4.09 - 9:24 pm


Bike Town ver. 2.0?

01.4.09 - 9:28 pm


Let's do it!!!!

01.4.09 - 9:43 pm


Bike map of Santa Monica

01.4.09 - 10:26 pm


I agree with every single one of Roadblock's points re-posted by Barleye. Plus the BikeTown idea :) Stay legal, ride within perimeter, walk through 3rd st promenade. We should take advantage of the fact that we can become pedestrians by simply hopping off our bikes. Makes it hard for cops to follow.

Bring many soundsystems. Paul, Steven, get yours up and running by Feb 6th!!! Can you say Wireless Mic Karaoke on the Promenade? Heck, we could set up shop and collect money in a hat.

And what about Yosef's fishing for cops with donuts on a string idea? Let's do it again!

01.4.09 - 11:08 pm


FUCK SANTA MONICA POLICE! Those fuckers gave me a ticket with a court appearance for riding on the wrong side of the road. It took the cop over 5 minutes just to look the offense! Then it took 4 cops (2 motorcycle, 1 Dodge truck, and a foot patrolBITCH!).

Im never participating in a SMCM again. These small incorporated cities (Burbank, Culver City, Beverly Hills) do not want us. They see us a vandals and vangrants. I dont want to spend my money in these cities nor do I want to support ANYTHING they have to represent!

And thanx for leaving me and my friends behind! Some BULLSHIT!

01.5.09 - 12:11 am


Were you actually riding on the wrong side of the road or was it a BS citation?

01.5.09 - 2:11 pm


If you were on the wrong side of the street, the citation is justified IMO. c.m. or no c.m.
tickets for no front or back light too....

01.5.09 - 2:16 pm


man wants same rights as cars, rides on wrong side of road, gets ticket.

robin swabin
01.5.09 - 2:17 pm



01.6.09 - 12:28 am


01.6.09 - 4:40 pm



01.6.09 - 6:01 pm


why are you bumping this?

robin swabin
01.6.09 - 6:13 pm


the same reason you just did.

01.6.09 - 7:54 pm


I'm bumping this cause I wanted to know what the ridazz were suppose to do when coolassmike was riding against traffic. And if he was riding against traffic or not. I'll just bump it and ask him when I see him on.

01.6.09 - 10:52 pm


me 3

01.7.09 - 10:08 am



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