
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Thread started by parlorbikes at 07.1.09 - 4:39 pm


I thought we allready had a SELL OUT RIDAZZ.

Remember sponsored by fake Red Bull spoke cards.


MY $0.02



OK, how about Tecate?

07.1.09 - 4:40 pm


just because its posted on midnight ridazz doesnt make it a midnight ridazz ride. also, no one is making you go on the ride. BUT IF YOU DONT GO YOU CANT GET YOUR HANDS ON ANY OF THAT FREE PABST AT THE END.

07.1.09 - 4:41 pm


I only hate Nike due to their shoes falling apart after 4-5 months.

Now Hi-Tec Tactical, those last forever.

07.1.09 - 4:42 pm


as RBI said, no one is forcing you to go on the ride... plus.. sure it's a little weird you have to sign something before you ride but that's probably because they want to make sure the beer goes to those of age.

plus a ride is a ride.. who cares if Nike (as corrupt as they may be) sponsors a ride.. going on it doesn't mean you're "selling out".. it's just a different atmosphere/experience.. and its getting bike riding as a pastime more into the public eye

07.1.09 - 4:44 pm



responding to a comment by bentstrider
07.1.09 - 4:46 pm


when is this ride?

07.1.09 - 4:46 pm


nike does these rides, it seems, annually. There has been much discussion in the past. Check the threads.

BTW, What are they giving away free, this time?


07.1.09 - 4:49 pm


I knew this would spark some debate.

As we all know you can't be forced on a ride. I just think its funny how all these super green peeps, riding there bike everywhere to save money and the earth and the community will hop on a ride for free beer, paid for by the GIANT CONSUMERISM USA being a bunch of idiots and buying everything from NIKE and other huge corporations, down to the novelty lighter at the gas station. Knowing that the USA is putting hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, basically into slave labor to make this shit we obviously don't need, so we can consume it.

Yeah sign a waiver!!!!! HA HA HA

responding to a comment by Thegirlinglass
07.1.09 - 4:49 pm


if i dont drink the free beer, someone else will!

responding to a comment by parlorbikes
07.1.09 - 4:55 pm


i do understand where you're coming from..

Nike is an evil corporation...as are most major brands.. who are forcing people into slave labor for minuscule pay..
but maybe, just maybe (thinking positive here) this ride can attract people who normally don't ride, just might hook them into riding on a daily basis outside of this "corporate" ride

responding to a comment by parlorbikes
07.1.09 - 4:57 pm


Just show up at the end and drink the beer. Or am I missing something here?

07.1.09 - 4:59 pm



responding to a comment by 666
07.1.09 - 5:00 pm


Actually, I think they are looking for people who look 'cool'...who fit into one of their branding prospects. They throw the ride because they want to take pictures.

Is this good or bad?

I am am not taking a side on this one. If you know me, you know my opinion.

07.1.09 - 5:00 pm


pretty much every picture of me :P

rock the fuck your bike sticker

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 5:06 pm


The free giveavay is probably a coupon, for 25% off a pair of 500% marked up shoes. SWEET!!!!!!!

I bet you will have to sign that piece of paper for the beer.

LAPD will have your name so when they pull you over, the NIKE database will show at what time you consumed your beverage(s) and know your blood alcohol before you can blow the tube.

I have yet to see a waiver at any ride I have done that was not sponsored by an accredited Bicycle Association, USCF USAT UCI or any century ride that typically has the same type of lawyer protection or coalition backing.

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 5:07 pm


What does, "rock the fuck your bike sticker," mean?
It sounds cool...or.

responding to a comment by 666
07.1.09 - 5:08 pm


They gave away shoes and jackets, last time.

I know this, but I didn't attend. I probably wouldn't have fit their desired profile, anyway.

07.1.09 - 5:10 pm


I am having too much fun with this.

I wonder if rev106 will have waivers at the next event?

Will I have to sign something for the Coaster Brake Challenge or even the Choppa's events?

I think that waiver reads:

I will be injured/ sign here:
I will be partially unconsious at some point /sign here:
I have the possiblity of mutiple puncture and blunt force trama wounds /sign here:
I will have the illegal amount of alcohol in my blood at all times/ sign here:

Thank you for your participation.....


I'm going home now.

07.1.09 - 5:11 pm


818 slang yo!
"fuck your bike" on a sticker on my bike
also on a few of my spoke cards
theres also "fuck TNS" and "go fuck yourself",
but i dont have those yet
fuck i'm cool

spin move sessions volume duece

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 5:12 pm


We are all guilty of consumerism...

You ever think of the person that put together your iPhone?

07.1.09 - 5:16 pm



responding to a comment by Thegirlinglass
07.1.09 - 5:16 pm


Let's hug.

07.1.09 - 5:22 pm


Sell outs

07.1.09 - 5:26 pm


Geeez! Another thread complaining about the big bad mean corporation. So Lame. If you don't like Nike, then don't go. Start your own ride and call it "the I hate corporations ride"

Note: everything is bad for you and everything causes cancer, so stop complaining and just get on your bike and ride.

07.1.09 - 5:26 pm



responding to a comment by TIMESARECHANGING
07.1.09 - 5:28 pm


the reason, I think, that the MR rides and the CM rides can get away with not having the participants sign a waiver is that there is no one responsible for your safety other than yourself and that no one person or organization has endorsed the ride and proclaimed it as being safe to ride, ahead of when you fall over and scrape your knee and then look around for someone to sue their ass off for not looking out for your sorry butt.

People hosting rides can get themselves caught up in big law suits if some litigation inclined turkey comes along and hurts themselves on a ride.

07.1.09 - 5:30 pm


I am thinking about hair halos, right now.

Halos made of hair! And, they can be anywhere...even on your leg!

07.1.09 - 5:30 pm


so you guys gonna hate on anyone who wears nikes? please...

07.1.09 - 5:30 pm


Will there be any Nike models on bikes??

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 5:34 pm


You have to a. sign a waver b. ride your bike from 8 to approximately 10 AND THEN c. you get beer

Do you think they'll have a. tagging b. stealing c. ride hijackers ???

07.1.09 - 5:34 pm


oh...quite to the contrary, thefunk80someting...

I do not place hatred on people, as a rule.

But, I am interested and awed by those entities which provide us with physical evidence of the living heavens...and of the great beyond.

Such artifacts might embody the mother Mary's image in a piece of toast....

....or a hair halo on a leg.

07.1.09 - 5:35 pm


LOL everything is bad for you huh? You're still living in a 6 yr old's world! Everything isn't bad for you. There's good and bad corporations. Nike is one of the slimiest we have in this country. It has been that way for years.

Taken from wiki...............

A July 2008 investigation by Australian Channel 7 News found a large number of cases involving forced labour in one of the biggest Nike apparel factories. The factory located in Malaysia was filmed by an undercover crew who found instances of squalid living conditions and forced labour. Nike have since stated that they will take corrective action to ensure the continued abuse does not occur.

What's next to justify your actions? That was last year^? I thought there was be more to sell you guys out than a few cheap ass beers. Boy was I wrong!

Personally I would have made some ride to disrupt this piece of shit event. Sadly all we have coming up is d-bags that wana get high!!!!

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.1.09 - 5:37 pm


or a hair halo on your head...which is the closest, in my approximation, to the divine artifacts for which I search, endlessly.

responding to a comment by User1
07.1.09 - 5:46 pm


Welcome to the real world where corporations rule and we get to make decisions like...

should I go to the nike ride or should I complain about it.

Either way! It appears that Nike has done it's job. so far 30 plus people have responded to this thread. That's pretty good advertising and we all know what bad publicity does. picketing or riding. either way, you're at the nike ride. Ahhhh, the power of suggestion.

responding to a comment by User1
07.1.09 - 5:47 pm


i awoke in a sweat, from the american dream.

07.1.09 - 5:51 pm


Could you? Would you....

....make me a pampelmousse souffle? I would like you to dream this fine French dish into utter existence for me.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.1.09 - 5:52 pm


Signing a waiver to ride your bike in the street is like calling your mom to ask permission before you take a piss.

07.1.09 - 5:54 pm


eep. I have found it!

Maybe you could obtain the ingredients? And, a moment ago, it was but a dream!


responding to a comment by stillline
07.1.09 - 5:55 pm


User1 is right, Nike is up there with the worst of them. Who else? I wanna see this discussion go somewhere. Monsanto and Wal-Mart are indisputably two of the worst, most evil (truly), unethical companies that ever existed. Monsanto wants to control all of agriculture and soak everything in poison chemicals and generally manipulate the population through their practices. Wal-Mart on the other hand, wants to exploit every facet of the population (globally), government, and the environment. Go rent "The High Cost of Low Prices" - that's just scratching the surface. Don't ever shop there.

Who else? It's not easy to find this stuff out, generally, but the truth is tons of stuff gets made in sweatshops. Workers who make barely a living wage and work themselves to death in unsafe, unsanitary conditions, while their environment is raped and poisoned to the extent that any life not wrung from them by their work is compromised by the effects of pollution, and often destruction of their economy too. Some of these workers live in horrid factory housing too. It's slave labor.

How do I actively oppose these actions? I buy most of my clothes and whatever else I can from thrift shops or find things that are in some manner secondhand. I generally avoid buying new things. What else can I do? Let's discuss.

responding to a comment by User1
07.1.09 - 5:56 pm


Sorry dude, I don't have time to get involved in the french dialect of insults...i'm on my way to the Nike ride.

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 5:57 pm


Guys, I think we might have a nike employee among us and his name is ridetime.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.1.09 - 5:58 pm


timesarchanging, you should lurk moar.

responding to a comment by TIMESARECHANGING
07.1.09 - 5:58 pm


LOL@nike employee. your ass-um-ptions are wrong, but i'll leave it at that. funny how people assume things just because they don't agree with other. Here let me help you...fuck Nike, but i'm still going on the ride.

responding to a comment by TIMESARECHANGING
07.1.09 - 6:01 pm


And, which is your halo, young woman?

Have you heard the tale of yon non-sweatshop shoes, which are ugly and which are charactered by a spot of downy, but are under worshipful sponsorship of a brash, yet naive, young northern-Canadian gloss outlet by the name of AdBusters?

responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
07.1.09 - 6:02 pm


okay...I have to go.

Ride time et al...no insults (French or otherwise) intended. Just getting in some typing practice...and reading what y'all have to say.

07.1.09 - 6:05 pm


I do know of AdBusters, yes....but everything else you've said I'm lost on. Even the hair-halo part. Halp.

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 6:08 pm


this is the picture I was haloing on....look above---it is a ten or twelve posts up.

And Adbusters has some ugly shoes, which are certified, non-sweatshop, and cheaper to buy than most other shoes. Too bad about the design.

Okay, bye for real!

responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
07.1.09 - 6:16 pm


i broke free from my lurking days. i am now public and shall remain so.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.1.09 - 6:24 pm


We make decisions like do we buy from them or not. We don't buy from them and they fade away, it's that simple. Do I support Nike cause I want a free beer or do I tell them to fuck off and build an ethical backbone? Do I say fuck the world or do I stand up for what is wrong? Yeah those are some of the decisions YOU make, not the corporations. You wana go through life clueless, the Nike ride would be a good start! Nike is just going to use you guys for practically nothing. You'll be filmed and marketed for their benefits. They need you far more than you need them. That is, unless you really are hard up for some cheap ass beer.

And there's only been about 20 people responding on this thread. Go back and count it up. By the end, most of them will be against going to this crappy ride. Yeah nice job Nike! Don't change a thing!

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.1.09 - 6:27 pm


@ tern: i like your style. hatred is not within my element. all i'm asking is should those who feel resentment towards this ride and its participants also not feel resentment towards those who adorn nike footwear and apparel? they make the former seem like a valid argument against corporate america while the latter, imho, is none other than silly discrimination.

responding to a comment by tern
07.1.09 - 6:31 pm


nope, not lurking hard enough.

responding to a comment by TIMESARECHANGING
07.1.09 - 6:32 pm


I'm pretty sure ridetime is Wayne.

responding to a comment by TIMESARECHANGING
07.1.09 - 6:35 pm


come on buddy my post's cant be that awful

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.1.09 - 6:36 pm


Monsanto and the Old Boys Network.

responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
07.1.09 - 6:43 pm


better yet..

The Old Boys Network > Monsanto > Wal-Mart > Nike

07.1.09 - 6:44 pm


This one is sponsored by Red Bull so.....

07.1.09 - 6:46 pm


Sorry I don't see it as a silly discrimination. I see it as trying to stop this flood of over consumption. When compared to everyone else in the world, we look ridiculous in the way we consume goods. And we do it at ANY cost, at least that's the way for large majority of the people. I find it far more hideous that we have an appetite for consumption that has never been seen in the history of man.

You want silly? That I guess you can call silly.

responding to a comment by tfunk408
07.1.09 - 6:46 pm


"I find it far more hideous that we have an appetite for consumption that has never been seen in the history of man. "

The appetite's always been there User 1, we just haven't had the ability to exercise it quite so freely until now.

responding to a comment by User1
07.1.09 - 7:59 pm


So when is da ride
Is it going down soon
Was up let's just roll
And cutt the crap

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.1.09 - 8:53 pm


I dont even see the ride... where it at?

07.1.09 - 9:13 pm


riding bikes isnt punk

07.1.09 - 9:14 pm


You cant pass up free stuff now... can you?

07.1.09 - 10:48 pm


Where & When?

07.1.09 - 10:48 pm


nike was the cherry on top for making skateboarding a pretty boy thing.

i thought it was hilarious when id go skate and little bitches would be out in their flossy ass shit rolling around on the ground.

limited edition nike dunks with quadruple stitched toes for cages coming soon.

fixed gear specific shoes? wtf??

like those fucking vans with a millimeter wide reflective piping.

07.1.09 - 11:39 pm


air flight huarache fab five edition ftw

responding to a comment by KiMS1
07.2.09 - 12:13 am


Ridetime is Wayne. I don't have shit to hide. Next time you wanna put my picture up as the poster child for your point. You should first take into consideration the following:

Who cares, it's all about the ride. If you hate Nike, great, hate nike. I'm not stopping you.
next thing, I don't drink. so I could care less about the free beer.

The kicker here is that you're on a computer, bitching about corporations that aren't so savory and the components inside your computer are manafactured by companies, that aren't so savory. Break down everything, from the components on your bike to the food you eat, to the shoes and clothes you wear, to the banks you frequent and you'll find something unsavory about the company behind the product.

we got people who complain about riders who wear spandex and cleats, and omg, i'm not cool because i'm not riding a fixed gear bike. So fucking lame.

Just fucking ride your bike and stop complaining and while you're riding, try to enjoy the ride.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 1:31 am



We can organize our own rides without any help from Nike.

I dont want to help promote their products or sign a waiver to ride a public street.


You're sittin on your computer bitching on the internet too so maybe your "shut up and ride" mantra is a little ironic.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 3:00 am









07.2.09 - 3:32 am


its probably a liability waiver.. they don't want to get sued off their asses.

Sure Nike is bad,, but as redtime said pretty much everything from the food we eat (depends on where its from) to the plastics we use, to the componets that come up in almost every day life; there is unfair working conditions in sweat shopsbehind it. Companies move factories overseas because they don't have regulations on emissions levels, and its cheaper labour.

Does this suck, yes! Is this wrong, yes! but maybe you (we all) should do (try) something about it instead of siting on a computer complaining about it. Start a campaign, or a protest raising awareness of sweat shops/unfair working conditions around the world.

As bad as Nike is, at least they are promoting being active.. look at Nike 6.0 dedicated to all action sports.They sponsor and put on events for surfing, bmx, fmx, moto-x, wakeboarding, snowboarding.. etc.. you don't have to buy anything from the company or support it, just sayin.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 7:48 am


From today's RoadBikeRider...
---Release waivers mean what they say. At least in Pennsylvania, where a judge ruled against a woman paralyzed in a crash during the 2005 Tour de 'Toona. She sued the race organizers and various other parties despite having signed 2 release forms that stated the dangers of bike racing. Jim Moss, an attorney who specializes in legal issues involving sports, told the trade magazine Bicycle Retailer and Industry News, "These cases are very sad [but] when you enter a race, join a club, or sign up for a ride, if you're not ready to accept the risks emotionally and financially, don't sign the release, don't race, join or ride. In a majority of states, releases stop lawsuits and if it weren't for releases we wouldn't have races, rides or be able to enjoy this sport." The injured woman's attorney said they'll appeal to a higher state court.

responding to a comment by Thegirlinglass
07.2.09 - 8:58 am


raising awareness is as simple as complaining or getting the word out in any way possible including posting up on this forum. if everything we engage in has consequences that we are not aware of, it's good for people to get the word out. it's the only way things might change.

responding to a comment by Thegirlinglass
07.2.09 - 9:37 am


here's my theory: the ride is less about promoting Nike and more about studying the riders. Nike has a stake in this, but it doesnt seem to be a major publicity event. i believe they want to see what riders are wearing and how to duplicate existing fashions (ie chrome bags and locally made hip bags)

i hear a lot of people debating Nike as a corporation, but whats their angle? check out this PBS documentary called "the merchants of cool."


of course, there is the argument that having any organization--even an evil corporation--promote cycling would be good for cycling. the only downside is that in six months every 16 year old in Beverly Hills is going to look exactly like you.

07.2.09 - 9:41 am


Has the ride already happen?

07.2.09 - 1:35 pm


all of the trend forecasting is done via community site facebook myspace twitter et al. then it's up to nike to get involved and start to build it's brand in the community. here in LA the logical way in is via bicycle rides and so forth. they probably study this and other forum sites and figure out ways to get invovled without looking like they are inffiltrating.... as for everyone looking alike? haha do you realize how much we all already look a like? chrome bag (or whatever brand mesenger bag) on shoulder, skinny pants fixed gear bikes... hahaha to people not involved in the "scene" we all look a like. that's why a lot of riders get picked on by jocks and gangster (who also look alike in their own rite). hahah

responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.2.09 - 2:05 pm


So many people are willing to give up their rights and their independence for a few free beers. Its Pathetic.

I've gone on plenty of ride with no money for beer and never gone home sober. Depend on your friends not multination corporations. They are using you for their own research and promotion.

The bike scene in LA was built on not-for-profit DIY organization.

I say we crash this ride with a few cases of tecate and encourage everyone at the start not to sign the waiver and ride anyway.

Can they really stop us from riding a public street?


07.2.09 - 2:11 pm


basketball shorts is where its at. the breeze gets in and keeps stuff cool

07.2.09 - 2:18 pm


I don't really care that I'm a corporate shill.

I was there last night, finished the ride and finished some beers. also, I have a bag full of snacks I can't afford.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 2:18 pm


how about u guys just not go?

u guys crashing the ride and riding with them while drinkng ur own beers?


why dont u just tell people to not go and ride somewhere else?

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 2:28 pm


last night was not that bad...

free snacks

free beer

best combo so far.

responding to a comment by mmaceda
07.2.09 - 2:34 pm


The whole poitn of the ride is to study your likes and dislikes so they better promote their crappy products.

Most companies would pay a market research frim to do this and then pay the participants $50 to participate. Instead they give you guys a few bags of chips and some beer and they get it for less than $10.

You guys are cheap dates.

responding to a comment by andres84
07.2.09 - 2:38 pm


youre just mad cuz i wont go out with you lol

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 2:39 pm


I'm sure this whole thing is a carefully orchestrated marketing project executed by some marketing agency on behalf of NIKE. Everybody but the riders are probably on salary. Its all probably a tax write-off as an advertising promotional expense. Companies don't do this out of the goodness of their heart. But...so what. Everybody has a reason for doing what they do. No big sweat.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 2:47 pm


if that's being a cheap date, then what do u call going over there with ur own tecates?

u should organize a ride that meets across the street and goes a different route.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 3:02 pm


I put your pic up cause people were wondering who you were. You don't get a free ride of voicing your opinion anonymously, at least if you're to be taken seriously. Everyone here knows the other person, why should you be any different? I would do what I did 10 out 10 instances.

As I said before, not all corporations in the US are as hideous as Nike. Name one corporation that's had right abuses leveled at the them for well over 10 years? And from the looks of it, it's getting worst rather than better! In the 90s it was regarding employing children. In the 00s it's regarding forced labor camps! Name one American company that's been worst than this? Much less some fucking components I have in computer! I'll be more than happy to let you know what's in any of my computers, what laptops I have or anything else, you won't find anyone worst than Nike. Your sorely mistaken thinking just about all companies are as bad as Nike. You have absolutely nothing to back this up.

Bottom line, you got played by Nike for practically nothing!

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 4:13 pm


Start a campaign, or a protest raising awareness of sweat shops/unfair working conditions around the world.

You mean raise awareness kinda like pointing out to people what a shitty company this is in forums we frequent? Is that what you're talking about?

Kinda like show them some videos taken from the investigation team that found their latest abuses?

This investigation helped liberate 1,200 exploited workers. Nike has had to released well over 7,700 others across Malaysia. This is human trafficking!

Thus far Nike has treated sweatshop allegations as an issue of public relations rather than human rights. The promises made by Phillip Knight in his May 1998 speech were an attempt by the company to switch the media focus to issues it was willing to address while avoiding the key problems of subsistence wages, forced overtime and suppression of workers' right to freedom of association.

Still Waiting For Nike To Do It

responding to a comment by Thegirlinglass
07.2.09 - 4:36 pm



I'll give you a taco and a free beer.

Would that change your mind?

Seems to be working just fine on everyone else.

07.2.09 - 4:43 pm


free taco and beer?


responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 4:47 pm


Alan, now you're insulting me. I don't post anonymously. Ridetime has always been my user name. I have a facebook, I have a yahoo group, I have a twitter account. What the hell are you talking about?

I ride with wolfpack, I ride bicykillers, I ride critical mass, I sponsor a saturday ride and various other rides. who am I hiding from?

if you click on my user name it takes you right to my facebook page. I had a lot of repsect for you in the rider community. I've lost all respect for what you stand for, what you preach, how you are, etc...

U put my picture up, because you wanted to point out to people who I am? what gives you the right to put people on front street. If people wanna know who I am or who anyone is for that matter those people have the right to ask. Nobody needs you to police the board as if you're mightier than others.

I can't even believe you went through all that trouble to find a pic of me to post so that you could expose what's already out there.

dude you're so lame and you need a hobby, maybe more riding or something.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 4:50 pm


so is it gonna get crashed ?

07.2.09 - 4:56 pm


FREE BEER? where do I sign up (with a fake name).

the reverend dak
07.2.09 - 4:58 pm


Goddammit, Allan, Wayne didn't do anything "anonymously" any more than you do when you post as User 1. You're wrong, it happens, admit it, move on.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 5:08 pm


I'd love to see a bunch of people show up on bikes and protest the human right abuses by nike.

I'm down to do it. Whos with me?

We can bring our own beer (tecate).

07.2.09 - 5:11 pm


U put my picture up, because you wanted to point out to people who I am? what gives you the right to put people on front street. If people wanna know who I am or who anyone is for that matter those people have the right to ask. Nobody needs you to police the board as if you're mightier than others.

I put your pic up cause people were wondering who you were. Go back up and read it. And I'm not debating if people should ask or not, wtf??? That sounds so bizarre. Also if someone doesn't know who you are, then you're anonymous, right?

I really could careless what kind of respect you have for me or not, I'm not here to make pals. I'm here to share ideas and insights. That and this is a hub for community involvement. If I wanted to make palsies I would've joined facebook or myspace.

I like how you don't have a word to say about what you've learned about Nike, or about the points made. You turned this into some egotistical rant. Well I explained myself and that's about all I've got to say about this. You want to talk about this issues, I'm cool with that.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 5:26 pm


I can see something working out. We could roll up on them and maybe ask them how they like being pwnd by Nike or something. Maybe ask them if they even know what forced labor means? I'd love to ask the Nike reps that with the cameras rolling. I know Chicken Leather would love to film this.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 5:31 pm


Isn't the ride already over? Anyways, what would you like to see working out, User1, a marmot or an ocelot?

07.2.09 - 5:35 pm


I do the rides and read these boards because you folks are my pals!
When I want to vent my spleen, I write a letter to the editor.

I'm her to make pals!

It's cool, Al. I still love you.

Creative Thing
responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 5:37 pm


I'm not saying I don't make pals on this board. It's just not my overriding goal here.

Can we get back to the issues here? I find people that support this ride kind of disturbing. Seems like their saying "fuck the world, I just wana have fun!" If that's the case, it's rather sad.

responding to a comment by Creative Thing
07.2.09 - 5:43 pm


Your nike point is pointless. For all the bad that is being done by nike, somewhere i'm sure there doing some good. If you're so concerned, pack your bags and move to the 3rd world country in question and protest or show up at the nike ride and protest.

My issue is you judging people for the things they opt to do. nothing gives you the right, or authority. you wanna complain about nike you have that right. But you jump on this board preaching to the people on here who don't have an issue with doing this ride because u think it's about the free beer.

Once again, you're lame. You are your own worse enemy. If you're going to fight a cause, don't fight it on a message board. Get off your ass and take you're protest to the source. In other words, I expect to see you next wednesday at 7p.m. with a picket sign in tow. Otherwise, you're just a talk junky.

Do something!!!

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 5:46 pm


Stop supporting Nike.
That's how I choose to do it.
I've stopped buying all their shit, and if you really know me you'd know I used to be a big NIKE head - had the freshest basketball shoes, the shorts to match and even the socks... fuck that, at what real price? Over the death of someone?

If you want to continue to support these companies then pray that you never find yourself in such a situation, because then, and only then, will you understand and by then the shoe will be on the other foot. PUN INTENDED.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 5:55 pm


and by support you mean go to the ride? Cause i'll be at the ride. I hope you join the other group in protest. I wanna take pictures of you guys as you bitch and complain.

responding to a comment by July
07.2.09 - 6:05 pm


converse is now owned by nike, right?

07.2.09 - 6:06 pm


This thread brought you by Nike.

A proud sponsor of internet drama since 2 weeks ago.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.2.09 - 6:26 pm


By the way, don't wear your converse or hurley shoes & clothing. Nike owns both of them among other companies.

responding to a comment by July
07.2.09 - 6:26 pm



So you agree people shouldn't support their products now. Thats great!

why the sudden change of heart?

Oh wait I know.

It's cause you're not actually having a discussion you're just trying to be right.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 7:01 pm


Do you even know what my point is? I'm betting you don't. Did you even bother to watch the videos?

You so far haven't made any points about why this ride should be supported by this community. That is other than, "ride or don't ride". Btw, good point! LOL

You been reduced to some high school insult of me being lame. Which you've now mentioned twice in a row. You got anything else? I mean as far as arguments in favor of this ride. How bout the point you made about all corporations are evil? Which ones? How are they evil? Worst than Nike? Any of them been caught using forced labor less than a year ago? Post up some videos, kick down some knowledge.

Yeah you can ride that ride, it's just going to come at a price.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 7:13 pm


the world was a much happier place back when I had my head in the sand.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 7:19 pm


It's never too late to make amends.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.2.09 - 7:32 pm


what? Dude, I could care less who likes nike and who doesn't. personally, I like nike. I may not like everything they do, and i'm sure as hell not a spokesperson.

the point behind my converse or hurley post was that half of you probably don't even know what nike owns, probably have something in your closet that is made by or owned by nike.

dude I have video of people on bikes doing some of the most retarded shit I have ever seen and those very people complain about companies doing bad shit. what the hell makes you any better. creating anarchy so that you can stop anarchy.

again lame.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.2.09 - 7:57 pm


...and as for you, Wayne, you're bitching and whining as much as anybody here. Retarded behavior knows no ideological boundaries.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 8:10 pm


what are you talking about? I didn't get on here trying to be the poster child of why people should do the nike ride. I could care less. and yes, ride or don't ride is my point.

My original point, based on your crybaby rant was that you have the right to complain. you posted me up as if I was on here trying to be incognito. i'm here, right here, saying what I have to say and I say again, your gripe is lame. If you wanna be the poster boy for why nike is bad. Have an "I hate nike ride". <<<<--- point is you can do whatever you want, but don't be talking down to people because they decide to do a ride you don't agree with. Your opinion opinion is duly noted, but guess what. In the world of freewheel, your opinion makes no diff. Those who wanna ride with nike and sign a waiver will do so whether you post up 500 videos of nike doing wrong. don't judge them, and don't call those people stool pigeons, or idiots or pawns. I've seen run a red light which in someone's elses eyes can be taken as a sign that you don't respect the law and you're gripe is about a company breaking the law.

in a matter that's small or large, it all matters so practice what you preach. Mr. i'm a law abiding citizen who wants to bring justice to a law breaking entity.

again, lame.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 8:17 pm


i agree, i'm just caught up in it now. eventually i'll bail out.

responding to a comment by PC
07.2.09 - 8:18 pm


No time like the present. Want the bitching and complaining to stop? Close your browser, and it will all stop--theirs and yours. You're welcome.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 8:21 pm


By the way, my rant at user1 started because he posted my picture up and threw my name into the thread and made a statement that I was posting anonymously. that's what set me off. That's why i'm pissed. I've never even seen anybody do that. so fucking lame.

07.2.09 - 8:26 pm


it's hard to escape reality.

07.2.09 - 8:36 pm


You may not have said, "I'm Nike's spokeman", but with the comment made above, "Either way! It appears that Nike has done it's job. so far 30 plus people have responded to this thread. That's pretty good advertising and we all know what bad publicity does. picketing or riding. either way, you're at the nike ride. Ahhhh, the power of suggestion." Sounds like you might have a job! :-)

Regardless, you were about the only one sticking up for these merchants of misery so we made you their spokesman, like it or not. Figure it as part of the price on going on this ride.

You're welcome!

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 8:56 pm


is the ride even in the calendar?

07.2.09 - 9:12 pm


well i guess you told me, please tell me o' mighty one, what ride i'm allowed to go on. Please masser, please!!!

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 9:12 pm


OK let me see if I got this correct. I can't talk people out of doing this ride by showing them what scumbags the Nike company is. You refer to it as "talking down to people". I can't judge people if they do this ride or call them names. Yet you're free to call me "lame" (repeatedly now) and judge my opinions as being "lame"? WTF???? Do you see any hypocrisy here?

What's funny here is that you sound exactly the same at the beginning of this thread as you do now! There has been no progression on the dialog or a meeting of the minds if you will, nothing. Why you even used the word "lame" in your first post! LOL

You have no guilt at all in supporting this despicable company? The worst of a shity industry?

All you have to offer as argument is that you've seen me run a red light? Like that somehow makes up for the 1000s of workers they make work as slaves????? Really??? You sir are lame.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 9:14 pm


Learn to read Wayne! I posted your pic cause someone above didn't know who you were. I'm pretty sure there was several that didn't know you. So if they don't know you, then you're anonymous, get it?

Besides, what's the big deal? You had a pic on your fb page. What am I missing here? You wanted to be anonymous or not, which one is it?

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 9:20 pm


I believe this is a weekly ride. I had the link yesterday. Wayne can post it.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.2.09 - 9:21 pm


yes sir! I sir am lame and shall continue to go through life being lame. I shall ride my lame bike and attend lame bike rides. I sir, am lame. thank you ever so for pointing it out to me. I shall now go into my lame kitchen and cook a lame meal. I thank you sir for putting me in my lame place in this world. without your wisdom it's quite possible that my lameness could have infected others. How lame of me.

Thank you!!!

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 9:22 pm


LOL I call you lame once and you're all butt hurt.

Tell me truthfully, did you even bother to look at the video above? You still don't have a problem supporting them? Explain to me how that works?

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.2.09 - 9:33 pm


Fuck this ride and fuck nike. Fucking Sell outs

07.2.09 - 9:35 pm


I'm not a tool for the media, and I don't believe everything I see, hear, or read about. I'll agree your video is disheartening but as in everything else. It's only a fraction of the story.

I'm african american bro and there aint shit you can preach to me because i've been through it all because of my skin color. So should I stopped living? Nike like many other companies can definitely gain from a few corporate overhauls. In closing, here's what i have to say to you. Start helping those in your own backyard before you branch out to the neighbors that live next door.

And, if you wanna know the truth about something, don't rely on channel 7, 5, 2, cnn, faux news, or msnbc to provide it.

Your'e such a tool.

responding to a comment by User1
07.2.09 - 10:49 pm


I've not seen the ride posted yet.

It has already happened twice i think.

I heard about it on twitter of all things.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 1:07 am



Joe Borfo
07.3.09 - 1:10 am


"I've seen run a red light which in someone's elses eyes can be taken as a sign that you don't respect the law and you're gripe is about a company breaking the law."

I can't believe you just compared a blatant human rights violation of pretty much slave labor to running a red light and breaking a safety law. Wow.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 1:15 am



responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
07.3.09 - 1:21 am


a law is a law, and breaking a law is breaking a law. just because one is victimless and another one isnt doesnt make it any less worse, or whatever.

07.3.09 - 1:28 am



responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.3.09 - 1:33 am


I'm calling Bullshit on your weak ass logic.
A law is a law? Puhleeeese.


I'm not calling bullshit on the mainstreaming of bike culture though.
A major coorperation will never have the balls to sponsor a real deal gritty ride.
The kind that you can find for free in the southland 7 days a week.
They have interests to protect ... and they can only affiliate with street culture if it is safe legal and more or less socially acceptable.

We can enjoy tons of shit that they never can and never will sponsor.

If some Nike event is the gateway drug to get a kid in to riding bikes
I say more the merrier.
It won't be long before they figure out what the real deal is.

In America, if the underground culture is a success it will be come mainstream and commodified. Period.

We can bitch about it and be bitter. Or we hold these corperations to account and force them to support our community.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.3.09 - 1:52 am


Stick to music.

responding to a comment by 666
07.3.09 - 1:53 am



responding to a comment by PC
07.3.09 - 2:05 am


Thank you. Now we're back on a subject where it can be plausibly claimed that you know what you're talking about.

I thought some of Skrewdriver's shit was pretty catchy.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.3.09 - 2:13 am


Isn't Skrewdriver some sort of crazy White Power band? Or no?

responding to a comment by PC
07.3.09 - 2:24 am


first lp no, everything after that (including the lp above), yes.
but its catchy, man.

responding to a comment by stillline
07.3.09 - 2:26 am


catchy? i meant "sonically pleasing".

07.3.09 - 2:28 am


Racist pub rock, basically. By its nature it's simple and has hooks, so you can sing along. "Hail! the new dawn!"

responding to a comment by stillline
07.3.09 - 2:36 am


Nike will never sponsor the Screwdriver reunion tour.

responding to a comment by PC
07.3.09 - 2:46 am


mdc - nazis shouldnt drive

responding to a comment by trickmilla
07.3.09 - 2:53 am



Thanks to all of your posts, this thread has become the T.O.T. effing D. !!!


Joe Borfo
07.3.09 - 5:31 am


"a law is a law, and breaking a law is breaking a law. just because one is victimless and another one isnt doesnt make it any less worse, or whatever."

I thought you were smarter than that. Now I see that you've just lost your effing mind. If "a law is a law" than why aren't the punishments for all criminal offenses exactly the same? Hmmm...

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.3.09 - 9:17 am


I can't believe we got 142 response on this ride,purely based on bitching and complaining. Actually I can believe it.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
07.3.09 - 9:29 am


Initiating a discussion on the ethical practices of an organization (in this case Nike) and our beliefs surrounding supporting it, or not--well, that's not all just bitching & complaining. Some of it is, some of it's quite valuable. It just took parlorbikes' initial post to get the ball rolling in this case.

responding to a comment by eldente
07.3.09 - 9:49 am


If a law is a law, then where can I trade in my bank robbery charge for a speeding charge? I'd much rather face a charge of speeding.

BTW, all the above is fictional.

So Tyler, are telling me that the severity of the crime, the instance that Wayne pointed out. Me running a red light vs a corporation involved in human trafficking of over 7,000 workers has the same severity?

You might not be saying that, but it sure comes off as that in your post.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.3.09 - 4:58 pm


I didn't interpret his post like that. Interesting how some people see the same things so differently. My comment was simple. Law breaking, is law breaking, some laws offer a more severe punishment than others but nonetheless, it's still breaking the law.

The point is this: You can cause havoc and anarchy in the streets of L.A., putting peoples lives in danger. Then you come on here and give your moral assesment of what is right and wrong. Hellllooooooo!!!!

Everyone knows human rights are important. So all of a sudden the people doing this nike ride don't care about human rights. That's retarded. crying about what nike does on a website is not going to fix it. Get off your duff, come down next wednesday night, Bring your picket signs, and all your nike frustration and be seen. ugggghhhhh!!!

another side note: This thread was dead, and you had to open it back up. See you next wednesday at the nike ride, I hope.

responding to a comment by User1
07.3.09 - 5:31 pm


Sorry dude, you showing up for the ride made you a tool of the media. Straight up! You and others got pwned! Like it or not. You got a scoop on Nike being a good corporation? Well spill the beans yo, don't keep us in suspense!

So you being an african american bro gives you an insight on human trafficking. So what's it like living in a room with 300 hundred other workers? Again, you're holding back. There's people that want to know!

Your statement regarding the backyard is just so bizarre, I really don't know what you're talking about, nor do I care.

Your statement regarding "channel 7, 5, 2, cnn, faux news, or msnbc news" is equally laughable. This was an Australian News organization that uncovered this latest rights violation of over 7000 workers! Not an American news organization, LOL. And by rights violation, I'm referring to human trafficking.

I do commend you on moving on in your name calling. You have progressed in the name calling from "lame" to "tool". So I'd call that progress. You are moving forward in this debate. But you fail to really answer any questions that I pose to you, and I find it troubling. If you look back, I've addressed just about every point you made. Even the bizarre ones such as, "If people wanna know who I am or who anyone is for that matter those people have the right to ask." (search it, it looks better in contents). Yet time and time again you failed to answer mine. I'm still waiting for one, just one corporation that's comparable to Nike's track record for the last 10 years. You content that all corporations are bad, so it shouldn't be that hard, right? Why the hypocrisy? You accuse me of name calling yet you freely do it? WTF? You never answered my question if you have any guilt in supporting this despicable company. Do you? You don't have a problem supporting them? Can you explain your reasoning? Please go into more depth than " I ride cause I ride" if you can please. Finally you made a big stink about me posting your pic. Yet you never answered ANY questions I posed to you regarding this. Are you trying to be anonymous or transparent?

These questions can be easily numbered if you would rather have them numbered. Let's advance this dialog shall we? Please?

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 5:45 pm


The ride is a weekly occurring ride.

Human traffickers' Ride

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.3.09 - 5:50 pm


hey user1....do you have a nice pooter?

...or a mean one?

07.3.09 - 5:51 pm


This thread was dead? WTF???? People were posting up on it today. If it was dead, why are you still posting up?

So I guess since I ran a red light, I can't judge a company that has had human rights violations leveled against them for well over 10 years? LOL Are you serious? Practically everyone here has run a red light. Heeellllooooooooo!!!! Practically everyone here has had some kind of ticket for something. So they can't judge Nike either? What planet do you come from?

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 6:00 pm


Nice one! What's ur email addy, I'll send you pics. It's got to be pretty fuckin lonely out there. :-(

responding to a comment by tern
07.3.09 - 6:01 pm


oh hi. I am doing well out here! How are you? But, you might have misread my question. A pooter is novel. I was asking if like this novel "The Diary of Nobody", or if you hate it. I have never read it. But, I am intrigued. Here's the deal:

Charles Pooter is the narrator of a comic novel by George and Weedon Grossmith - "The Diary of a Nobody" It is a British novel about class and social aspiration and he is a character who makes many blunders trying to appear higher class. He is laughed at by everyone for his pretentions and pooter and pooterish have come to denote this sort of behavior.

But, that has nothing to do with this thread. I heard you rode the last DC...glad to hear you were there. Anyways....have a good time talking about Nike.

07.3.09 - 6:10 pm


Hey mindful...eep!

Hey ride time!! How are you?

07.3.09 - 6:12 pm


Yeah, no kidding! And I was gettin all excited and stuff!

pooter - redneck term for pussy

And I thought only Adam could post such whacked out off topic posts.

responding to a comment by tern
07.3.09 - 6:16 pm


What do you use? r1

07.3.09 - 6:17 pm


are you userous???

07.3.09 - 6:18 pm


Hey use R1. Do you know R2 D2?

07.3.09 - 6:19 pm


...because I would like to meet it, if you do.

07.3.09 - 6:20 pm


"channel 7, 5, 2, cnn, faux news, or msnbc news" was in relation to " don't believe everything you see, read, or hear". Channel 7 was the telly reference given in your video piece, hence why I started it with 7 and not ABC. Sorry you missed that one.

No worries though, I'll break it down for you. The African american reference was not about human trafficking but about the misrepresentation by people like yourself, who rely on others to provide information for them. For example: according to the news, all black people do is rob and steal.

point: don't believe everything you hear, read, or see. Hope you're writing all of this down because as I break this down for you I wanna make sure we don't get lost in translation. i'll leave the slang references and revert to the basics of our english language.

Understandably sir, I do see your point. However, in the midst of all the banter, you have failed to understand some of the many points made in this post. I am inclined to leave you with just 1.

be the change you wish to see in the world...in lamen terms, that means. Practice what you so insightfully preach. Remember that the next time you ride by someone on your bike, run a red light and put that person, and others in danger.

as far as i'm concerned, I see you being no better than nike. That's why I kept saying, you should just ride and not judge others based on what you think they don't know.

In closing, we can agree to disagree. I hope to see you on wednesday with your picket signs, telling the world how crappy a corporation you think Nike is. Someone will offset your bad with good. <<<<<---- Means, we're not perfect

responding to a comment by User1
07.3.09 - 6:29 pm


well...I will leave that one to the poster intended....but I miss riding with you, ride time...thanks for helping out on the dc.

07.3.09 - 6:32 pm


when's the next DC?

responding to a comment by tern
07.3.09 - 6:42 pm


email me. Let's see....

07.3.09 - 6:54 pm


havoc and anarchy are two very different things.

anarchy would increase people's safety, rather than put it in jeopardy.

flame on.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 6:56 pm


hmmm.... interesting phenomenon.

07.3.09 - 6:58 pm


What a cop out! I knew you weren't going to answer any questions.


And this ridazz, is how you don't want to have a discussion in regarding world events. In the future if the other person doesn't address your inquiries, run!

I have absolutely nothing but contempt for your actions here Wayne. It's like you live in another realm.

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.3.09 - 7:20 pm


Lol, dude you're funny! Point out the questions I didn't answer and i'll be more than happy to reference you to my answer. I think you may be lost in my translation.

responding to a comment by User1
07.3.09 - 8:11 pm


This thread is a fail

07.3.09 - 8:13 pm


Sooooooo the wrong picture...I fail!

07.3.09 - 8:13 pm


stop now...

07.3.09 - 8:19 pm



07.4.09 - 12:48 am


Man I would love to make these stickers above and pass them out next Wednesday. Anyone have a line getting these made up?

OK Wayne, I feel like I'm dealing with a dyslectic here so let make it as simple as possible for you. You didn't see at the bottom of my last post to you that I said I would number the questions for you if you like? I said.... "These questions can be easily numbered if you would rather have them numbered. Let's advance this dialog shall we? Please?" Now normally people would see a "?" in a debate and instantly recognize that as a question directed at them. In the whole debate you've failed to identify this as such. You not only failed to catch this, but even the offer to numerate my questions have fallen on deaf ears. Well I've invested far too much to give up now. So I'll try once more, but with little confidence you'll bother to answer the questions. At least to the sufficiency of most of the people reading this. So lets go......

1) You have maintained that just about all corporations are evil. Can you name me one corporation that has had charges of using child labor and dealing with human trafficking for well over 10 years? Or something just as bad and reside here in the states?

2) It has been shown, and there's countless other references that clearly show that Nike is a scummy corporation that has not changed it's ways. The last major discovery was less than a year ago as you can see from the video above. You still don't have a problem supporting this company? Explain to people how that can be. You don't have any quilt? No compassion for these desperate people? How do you deal with these facts? You need more evidence? Cause there's a shit load out there on the net. Anywhere from blogs on up to lawsuits in this country and other.

3) You made a big stink about me supposedly stooping so low as name calling, yet you clearly do it. You started doing it from the beginning to almost the end. You done it far more than I have. Why the hypocrisy?

4) Is someone that had a speeding ticket just as bad as Nike? Who's just as bad as Nike?

5) You made a big deal about me posting your pic on this thread. Do you want to be anonymous or known?

6) Are you a republican?

responding to a comment by ridetime
07.4.09 - 2:34 pm


Well the ride was weak to say the least. They just handed route maps and it seemed every man / girl for themselves, but the beer was good! Plus they had free red bull, fruit, and water, not to mention tour de France updates on a theater screen, all for the price of a couple promo snap shots, BARGAN!

This could bee a cool ride, despite the corporate over tones. They need a strong leader to keep the mob together and take it at a CM pace, and maybe have a break spot between the start finish line. Anyway we should not hate this ride! Im actually embracing it, I mean hey we got our point across that cycling is here and growing and now with corporate backing maybe the city of LA will see we are not a bunch of kids looking to cause trouble.

07.22.09 - 11:32 pm


I for one like the no Break thing.

responding to a comment by 2zRescue
07.22.09 - 11:48 pm


the ride is advertised as a fast ride. why should it be run at critical mass pace? if you dont like how their ride is run then start your own.

i want to see more of pcs record collection.

responding to a comment by 2zRescue
07.22.09 - 11:58 pm


RBI why don't you go to this ride you might enjoy it.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.23.09 - 12:24 am


i sold out to nike for a bag full of granola bars. i bet that one guy is like fuck this guy. oh well.....drunk offf pbrs.

pretty fun ride if you ride with your friends. otherwise its every man for himself, which sucks :-

07.23.09 - 12:54 am


Sell out....

responding to a comment by 2zRescue
07.23.09 - 2:04 am


i took a lot of granola bars lol
i cant eat them all
i'll be giving them out on rides

some pictures from their 2nd one

07.23.09 - 10:32 am


The ride was kind of wack. The staff at the sign-up were surly, nobody stopped to help other people, the route was obviously planned by someone who doesn't ride. I heard something about free tacos somewhere, but there were only granola bars and some fruit; the grub and free PBR wasn't enough to make up for the wackness. Nike is trying too hard.

07.23.09 - 3:19 pm


or not hard enough

responding to a comment by vladster
07.23.09 - 3:27 pm


Its not a ride.... its a race to get to the free beer.

I can't go anymore.... I got banned from it last week, but you guys should go next week and get the last batch of free PBR


responding to a comment by vladster
07.23.09 - 3:28 pm


Oh so now your saying fuck nike. It took them banning you to get your head on straight...

responding to a comment by stillline
07.23.09 - 3:30 pm


I never said I loved them.

You never even went to the ride so how would you know anything?

I went to get some free beer and I got kicked out cause NIKE hired the same security company thats always fucking with me when I take pictures in hollywood and they recognized me.

So fuck them and fuck Ralph Pipes and his nazi security company.

07.23.09 - 3:37 pm


let me help you with the math

fuck nike + free beer = :-)
fuck nike + (0) beer = fuck nike
fuck nike (but other should still go get free beer)

responding to a comment by Debut213
07.23.09 - 3:41 pm


ohhh now it all makes sense. thanx

responding to a comment by trickmilla
07.23.09 - 3:45 pm


apparently, they didnt see the "don't fuck with stilline" thread. next time, we should take their beer and bring the party to barchopz

responding to a comment by stillline
07.23.09 - 3:45 pm


Team WNDSRS arrived first! Not 26th this time.. yeahhhhhhhh. All the streets they chose were the biggest/major streets you can find. Maybe its to make enough room for the jeep thats blinding you with the camera flashes.

the free stuff was cool.... i think nike thinks i'm an ass

07.23.09 - 3:59 pm


meh the ride was alright last night. imma go t othe last one. I dont really give a fuck if you guys call me a sellout. Either go to the ride or shut the fuck up. mis dos centavos.

07.23.09 - 4:29 pm


responding to a comment by palucha66
07.23.09 - 4:35 pm


translation: my two cents

responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.23.09 - 4:37 pm


i got that, thank you.

responding to a comment by palucha66
07.23.09 - 4:38 pm


how come u didnt go yesterday?

responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.23.09 - 4:40 pm



responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.23.09 - 4:46 pm



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