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strgazermel at 03.22.09 - 10:36 pm
Did the Pasadena Marathon Bike Tour today. It was cold and rainy but I've honestly been on colder (not as wet) rides. I was wearing a balacalva but it wasn't much help after the first 4 miles--it was all wet.
This has never happened before but after the ride I found it a little painful to breathe/swallow. I mean, I can breathe it's just more annoying than anything else now. I don't feel this is something I need to consult with a doctor unless it gets worse but has anybody experienced this after riding in the cold?
Yup. Cold air is hard on the lungs, it's a fact of life. Drinking water or something can help, as can cough drops.
danya03.22.09 - 11:37 pm
Put on a hanky and go around pretending you're a bank robber.
User103.22.09 - 11:45 pm
28 degrees up in Vixenville today, I felt like I was going to die at work today.
Luckily, the wind was to my back when I rode home.
bentstrider03.22.09 - 11:49 pm
A hot spa, or sauna would be better after that misery.
bentstrider03.23.09 - 12:07 am
No, it didn't! I can officially patch a tube better than stilline! Win!
(Also- I did a celebratory flail, and knocked over my cereal bowl. There is now broken glass everywhere.)
danya03.23.09 - 12:17 am
Feel better today--must have been breathing cold air that just somehow made my lungs sore.
strgazermel03.23.09 - 10:51 am
Yeah I also did the Bike Tour in pasadena. Didnt have my 10speed so I rode on my single speed.
Avis_One03.23.09 - 11:07 am