the valley needs...
Thread started by
KiMS1 at 03.9.09 - 5:00 pm
al zesatti
bike bike dan
to start coming to the rides more often.
you guys kept shit cool as hell.
oh and that one young ass kid with the bleached fucked up hair that always wore the skeleton pajamas and rode the tall bike.
he was like syoma but more obnoxious.
^^^Lil Phillip...
I want to go to the Valley more, I feel like I've seen this side of the city a little too much. It always seems like there's a lot going on in the Valley but I don't know which are the choice rides, other than Barchopz, SFVCM, and formerly Cruzz With Us. BREAK IT DOWN! Whats the not-to-miss rides?
SKIDMARCUS03.9.09 - 5:05 pm
1.5 mile ride from the Redline to Bike 'n Bake
spiraldemon03.9.09 - 5:06 pm
danya03.9.09 - 5:07 pm
that kids so rad. im always envious of him. i wanna be a minor again whenever i see him. hahahaha!
818 POLO
i think valley rides are always really great because EVERYONE knows each other.
i mean, it's the valley. it's small.
we're all pretty intimate bc we all go on the same rides.
TNS/WNDSRS are taking over pedal punx for a little bit too i believe. danny is training for ALC so he wants to steer away from the drunken hooligans for the time being.
i think this analogy might work
valley : westside
TNS/WNDSRS : crank mob
Bicykillers : wolfpack
Barchopz : Taco Tuesdays
818 polo : ?????
we're like a mellower version of the westside.
KiMS103.9.09 - 5:12 pm
analogies don't work
the valley IS TEH VALLEY
818 because 213/310 is full of teh haterz
i mean seriously how much DRAMA
ever comes upon the 818?
_iJunes03.9.09 - 5:17 pm
I guess theres no drama because your all so tightly knit right?
Debut21303.9.09 - 5:20 pm
Oh puh-leaze! As if us
valley girls could like, live without our drama!
The analogies are a bit wonky- I'd say 4th Saturday is more like CRANK Mob. But yeah, you can get it all in the Valley.
danya03.9.09 - 5:23 pm
Cool, I like the analogies!
I LOVE LA/VALLEY BIKE CULTURE3>What other city can throw down ride analogies? LA FTW
03.9.09 - 5:23 pm
ruinedbyidiot's mom
03.9.09 - 8:12 pm
wrong valley, you splotchy shithead.
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 5:24 pm
666 who are you and what year did you graduate from teh t-house.
_iJunes03.9.09 - 5:30 pm
Juno put a fucking cork in it already jeezz..
Debut21303.9.09 - 5:42 pm
why are you coming into the valley thread
to disrespect me?
who do you
think you are
you got something?
come to noho sprints on wednesday.
the later you come, the drunker i am.
_iJunes03.9.09 - 5:43 pm
I can come and go as i fucking please.. Dont tell me ur gonna stop me?
Debut21303.9.09 - 5:48 pm
Oh rbi you caught oh what will i do now..
Debut21303.9.09 - 5:51 pm
ill give you the attention you want.
whats up, valleysympathizer213? is work getting you down? why else would you post here.
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 5:53 pm
Rbi this is a free forum so u can write what you please. I will tell u this i dont want your attention i would actually prefer if you would not aknowlege me due to the fact that your really irritating me recently and your wearing me thin. Go about ur buissness! I didnt come on this thread to talk shit i saw a post i read and had something to say and it wasnt meant for you and i was not offending the poster either.
Debut21303.9.09 - 6:01 pm
attention attention attention
telling someone to 'put a cork in it' isnt talking shit? what is it then? it certainly isnt playful banter.
attention attention attention.
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 6:04 pm
With Junu and Debut, it's really hard to detect if they're being serious or if it's sarcasm. This is usually not a problem for me, but I mean, really, are they, or aren't they?
imachynna03.9.09 - 6:07 pm
mike, don' t compare tuesday nights to crank mob. you should know better than that.
mmaceda03.9.09 - 6:18 pm
Woops the attention whoring is your job right?
Debut21303.9.09 - 6:25 pm
if you hate the valley so much why did you even read this thread?
please dont answer that, because it would mean you have to post in a valley thread (OH THE HORROR)
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 6:27 pm
Cubcamp<---->Bicykillers would be a better analogy.
I want Tyler and Jean to get into an arm-wrestling contest.
That's the only way to settle this score
bentstrider03.9.09 - 6:29 pm
nor wndsrs you vagina.
wndsrs is like barchopz, but we rider faster/longer and drink more.
TNS is like a small CM but faster.
mattspeed03.9.09 - 6:30 pm
boooo the valley doesn't need ^^^ take it else where.
mattspeed03.9.09 - 6:31 pm
watch it attention whore watch it now...
Debut21303.9.09 - 6:34 pm
why did you post in the valley thread when you adamantly hate the valley so much? im not talking shit, its just playful banter, or whatever you want to call it. if im the attention whore then you must be the john, because youre givin it to me. ha ha!
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 6:36 pm
I still think y'all should arm wrestle, then afterwards, a high stakes game of chicken!!!
bentstrider03.9.09 - 6:39 pm
Stop instigating mindless bullshit Adam.
Graham03.9.09 - 6:42 pm
some punk played chicken with me on the Chandler bike path yesterday. he thought this old man would evade first. he was wrong. heh.
toweliesbong03.9.09 - 6:43 pm
We only kid me and juno thats cuz i know the loud mouth in person. I lived in the valley actually had a loft out there it was boring considering im from the always something to do downtown los angeles so i have a base for my opinion. I dont hate the valley but you on the other hand are getting close to that..
Debut21303.9.09 - 6:46 pm
What do u want from me rbi ? You wanna try and push me really hard it seems like you want a certain reasponse from me!
Debut21303.9.09 - 6:53 pm
how can i push you? ive never met you, which means ive never touched you. so how can i push you?
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 6:56 pm
What's that word for when people post stuff on message boards wanting a "certain response"?
PC03.9.09 - 6:58 pm
Its so easy to dissect what people say, turn it around on them and make them look stupid.
Its also easy to get mad when your the victim.
The best part though, is to watch it happen.
Graham03.9.09 - 7:01 pm
ah, i don't know mattspeed so i don't know if he's stupid or not.
toweliesbong03.9.09 - 7:02 pm
So, when does this ride start?
PC03.9.09 - 7:03 pm
On second thought, maybe PC isn't as bright as I believe him to be.
toweliesbong03.9.09 - 7:04 pm
your getting closer though keep guessing..
Debut21303.9.09 - 7:06 pm
C'mon, I know of this one place that sells great tables with grips built on to either end.
You need to counter your weight when working against an opposite movement from a separate body.
bentstrider03.9.09 - 7:07 pm
andy from man is the bastard is a postal worker in north hollywood.
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 7:09 pm
Sometimes I think having a lobotomy would make these threads more coherent to me. God, what am I saying? I'm starting to sound like one of those insufferable uppity "too good for the forum" people. (Hi, sleepy!)
PC03.9.09 - 7:14 pm
I dunno what you're talking about. I find the quality of these discussions to be quite stimulating.
canadienne03.9.09 - 7:28 pm
hey i got an idea! lets all go ride bikes!
mattspeed03.9.09 - 7:35 pm
i got ur text while i was making dinner.
chase and i may go ride around northridge tonight,
ill give you a call.
KiMS103.9.09 - 7:38 pm
Yes. Fine. Good idea. So, WHAT TIME DOES THIS RIDE START?????
PC03.9.09 - 7:39 pm
chandler bike path at the vineland end. 9pm on wednesday.
ruinedbyidiots03.9.09 - 7:40 pm
This ride will start when rbi shuts the fuck up
Debut21303.9.09 - 7:41 pm
TNS tmorrow night
9:15 sharp
KiMS103.9.09 - 7:45 pm
Bike 'n' bake, tonight. 8:30 sharp.
danya03.9.09 - 7:46 pm
Followed by arm-wrestling championship while munching on quality, baked goods.
bentstrider03.9.09 - 7:52 pm
Bent since you lift weights ill arm wrestle you next time i see you on a ride. so come down soon if you want some of this arm wrestling action...
Debut21303.9.09 - 7:56 pm
Hey, my name's Paul and this shit's between y'all.
bentstrider03.9.09 - 7:59 pm
Hey Mike KiMs1. THanks for saying Hi.
If you would, text me your cell number so I can catch up with TNS if I'm able to sneak away for a couple of hours after my Dad fall asleep. I've been able to get away after the start time, but I could never find the ride. three23-5seven4 dash zero 3 4 one.
Or anybody who goes on TNS that wouldn't mind me using them as a contact to catch the ride. Just leave your name with the numbeR
sexy03.9.09 - 8:12 pm
Whats the not-to-miss rides?
03.9.09 - 8:05 pm
any ride where SKIDMARCUS is on it.
sexy03.9.09 - 8:13 pm
sexy dave!
hey dude!
what time does pop pop go to sleep?
we dont usually leave till 9:30 now.
did u send me a text on saturday night?
give me a ring
818 943 4512
paul's been coming out every 2 weeks or so and he's helping us with some really cool routes.
let me know tmorrow if u can come out!
KiMS103.9.09 - 8:16 pm
YO!!! its movie night at Bar One... i may roll there.
sancho103.9.09 - 8:16 pm
what does movie night entail?
i think chase, jonny, and i are ready ride around 9:00 tonight.
KiMS103.9.09 - 8:18 pm
No I did not try to text you. The last number I had for you was long disconnected. My Dad goes to sleep whenever he feels like it. (thats not to sound sarcastic) He sometimes goes to bed early, some times he doesn't sleep for a few days. It unpredictable. As of now, like every ride, I don't think I will be able to go, but if I can, I'll see ya there ( or call you for a location).
I have to agree with you that a lot of this thread makes no sense to me either. Just like Sleepy, it really has nothing to do with us, so not only does it not have to be understandable to us, it is none of our business.
sexy03.9.09 - 8:27 pm
its B movies, cult movies, french film noir and shiat like that on all the screens. drink specials i think...
sancho103.9.09 - 8:27 pm
the commas in the above thread are all for Rbi
sexy03.9.09 - 8:28 pm
cool deal man. yeah, feel free to call whenever. i ride with my roommate and a few others pretty close to every night too, so if u cant make it on tuesday but wanna have some riding buddies, gimme a ring.
thats the bar we went to on the tamale ride right?
KiMS103.9.09 - 8:29 pm
this is a beer drinkers bar. they got a lot of good stuff on tap. they may still have the delirium on tap.
sancho103.9.09 - 8:45 pm
oh so i just read the first post and was like...yeayuhhh, phil, with muscles bulging everywhere and glow in the dark spiked plugs and somersaulting over bonfires and shit like that. ya valley rides are the best...way chill.
(why the fk do i still post on these boards? oh well.)
azn invazn03.9.09 - 9:42 pm
Liane... you can post on the boards anytime! Hope all is well... and the valley misses you on the rides.
Speaking of missing... We definitely gotta bring sexy back. SFVCM and the rest of the rides isn't the same sexy.
Matt... Mike.. Do you guys promote the TNS ride at CSUN? Since you're there? I haven't been on a TNS ride since that one time and don't know how it is now. I'm gonna get my lazy ass out to TNS one of these days and WNDSRS..
The valley is definitely a great place to ride. I wonder if on a next ride it's possible to put up some flyers through LA Valley college too.
Whether it's TNS, WNDSRS, SFVCM, Barchopz, or Pedal Punx.. it's definitely possible to bring back the spirit of Cruz with Us back.
digablesoul03.9.09 - 10:12 pm
"Speaking of missing... We definitely gotta bring sexy back. SFVCM and the rest of the rides isn't the same sexy. "
Well, then let's organize some elder care for him. It can't be easy caring for his dad. Hell, I'll chip in to hire someone or I'll sacrifice a ride night to watch pops.
toweliesbong03.9.09 - 11:24 pm
Where's sexy live at again?
All Valley rides end at sexy's house.
katiepoche03.10.09 - 12:20 am
we don't really go out of our way to grab riders from school anymore.
partly due to laziness and mostly due to our group now.
we have a pretty solid regular group of riders where everyone has each others numbers and everyone is comfortable with each other.
we'll let others know on campus for the big rides but its kinda nice when people find out about tns via word of mouth.
come out tmorrow!!!
u live in burbank right?
KiMS103.10.09 - 1:11 am
When I first went to SFVCM I met sexy and overthehill and whole bunch of other cool people. Also I thought that CWU and SpeedyBrian put together fun and eventful rides. Like many other rides in Los Angeles there is 'a mix' that works.
So let's promote SFVCM more, I believe someone took up SB's ropes and if we want SEXY back out riding again, we'll have to find a sitter for Uncle Nick (Sexy's Dad).
Limeyfly03.11.09 - 12:48 am
_iJunes03.11.09 - 7:55 am
Just wanted to second the notion that 818 Bike Polo is without peer in the City of Angeles, and that's for real.
tallcans4tallbikes03.12.09 - 10:58 am
SKIDMARCUS03.12.09 - 10:59 am
I need the Valley as bad as the Valley needs I!!!
bentstrider03.12.09 - 5:47 pm
You need the valley more than it needs you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toweliesbong03.12.09 - 5:47 pm
Thanks Brad, that is a real nice gesture.
sexy03.12.09 - 6:52 pm
the valley needs more 24 hours burrito joints.
we're getting sick of el indio on roscoe and balboa.
any suggestions.
any 24 hr joints. doesnt have to be tacos and burritos.
KiMS103.12.09 - 7:01 pm
"we're getting sick of el indio on roscoe and balboa."
That el indio is awesome but i could definitely get tired of it. Head further east. Que Rico Tacos!!!
toweliesbong03.12.09 - 7:08 pm
I expected a little bit better from our resident troll.... but he works hard at what he does and he gets a pass this time.
GodLovesUgly03.12.09 - 7:12 pm
the food at sonic is so nasty. the only redeeming quality are their drinks.
ruinedbyidiots03.12.09 - 7:33 pm
that list is cool but anything more up to date?
or if u know of anything, spill the beans.
KiMS103.12.09 - 7:35 pm
the only places i know of are the donut shops all around burbank. and thats kind of far for you guys. DONUT PRINCE.
ruinedbyidiots03.12.09 - 7:37 pm
i got my 24hr donut shop down the street.
i dont know what its called, the signs all fucked up.
but they got ham and cheese croissants for 1.75
two of those and good for the day.
KiMS103.12.09 - 7:39 pm
There's some amazing asian 24 hour food places on Sherman Way in the east valley. I keep forgetting what kind of asian food though.
Graham03.12.09 - 7:40 pm
@ graham
sanamluang on sherman way and coldwater
mmaceda03.12.09 - 7:52 pm
Hell yeah.
I went in their drunk of my ass and ate a whole fish at like three in the mourning. It was a great experience. That place gets packed! I didn't know what the fuck was going on!
Graham03.12.09 - 7:55 pm
The Valley needs its own Bike Co-op!
See ride posting for Wednesday ---->
danya03.12.09 - 8:26 pm
valley co op sounds cool!
66603.12.09 - 9:18 pm
DONUT PRINCE is my redemption.
And that sounded stupid, but oh well. It's a nice place.
imachynna03.12.09 - 9:32 pm
Yeah, you're probably right.
The Valley has been going strong before I tapped its ass in Vega$, and will continue to do so after the people in the black Chevy's haul me off into the mountains.
bentstrider03.12.09 - 9:34 pm
as far as Donuts goes. stay away from Yum Yum on Nordhoff and Woodley. Stay Away, its Evil!
sexy03.12.09 - 11:29 pm
theres this 24hr mexican place on topanga and roscoe, i think down the street from tommy's
66603.13.09 - 2:45 pm
the next tns that goes that way, please dont forget to bring it up! we need to check that place out.
KiMS103.13.09 - 2:59 pm
66603.13.09 - 3:17 pm
i think tacos mexico is open late also, not sure when they close though.
theres one on saticoy and tampa and saticoy and lindley.
66603.13.09 - 3:23 pm