I ran over a squirrel...

Thread started by
el_spaniard at 02.23.09 - 5:46 pm
...with my car
I felt terrible. He just...ran out in front of my car...I couldn't stop. Suicide maybe? How do you NOT see a Red Sedan coming down the road?
So why is this on a bicycle forum?
1) Because I had to get that off my back.
2) Have any of you ever ran over road kill while riding your bicycle...or worse...ran over an animal and killed it while riding your bicycle? Did you feel terrible? Did it feel good? Did you get blood all over you? Were you more injured than the animal?
Share your story with us.
Honestly...I almost ran over a pigeon once while riding my fixed gear...
I would ride my bike all the way to the mountains...but I had my friend with me...and she has back problems...So she can't ride...plus I don't think she'd be down to ride to the mountains even if she could...
Or are we talking about another deal? Was I drunk when I made this deal?
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 5:51 pm
i ran over a coyote going way to fast in a canyon when i was 16 and totaled a car.
larsenf02.23.09 - 5:51 pm
On a bicycle? How'd you total the car?
I'm confuzzled
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 5:53 pm
i was trying to ride a bike and drive my moms car at the same time :(.
larsenf02.23.09 - 5:57 pm
Yep usually on mountain bike adventures little critters tend to run in front of you and stop! I’ve had squirrels, snakes, lizards and quails! Once I even almost hit a deer but luckily he just ran along side of me for a few seconds and scattered off! Also one time as I was speeding through the Forrest I surprised three baby bears and they took of running! Yes I do feel bad when I injure or kill a living thing!!! I always try to avoid them when I can! And as for proper burial the birds (Feast) usually take care of that!
pporras02.23.09 - 6:00 pm
@ el spaniard
you need to bone up on your seinfeld.
la duderina02.23.09 - 6:02 pm
I ran over a skunk once. On my bike. I think it's fair to say that it was a traumatizing experience for the both of us.
nathansnider02.23.09 - 6:03 pm
I'm still reeling over a cat that fell asleep in the truck engine compartment.
Now I have this habit of tarping all vehicles within vicinity of the house and doing a hood-dive.
bentstrider02.23.09 - 6:05 pm
There was no raging mother hauling ass to maul you?
Gav02.23.09 - 6:07 pm
I don't like Seinfeld. Could never sit through more than a few minutes of it.
Is there something your trying to tell me? Because plain english or espanol will do the job.
I think your trying to tell me I'm not funny or something...I can't figure it out...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:08 pm

Ran over this girl's kitten once. I had a truck exactly like this one. The kitten ran on to the small street in my neighborhood. I was going about 25 and hit the cat squarely with the front axle. I stopped and the girl ran out and picked up the dead cat. It looked like it was sleeping. No blood anywhere. I felt really bad for her and told her several times there was nothing I could have done to avoid it. The brakes barely engaged when I hit it.
User102.23.09 - 6:09 pm
that's how my mom got her cat. she went to staples one day and heard a meowing from a pickup. turns out a kitten had ridden from the valley to venice beach in the engine compartment.
larsenf02.23.09 - 6:10 pm
That is really sad.
I almost ran over a puppy a week ago. And a week before that I almost ran over a possum.
What really pisses me off is that some people refuse to stop when they see animals crossing the street. It's like people get off on that shit...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:12 pm

Luckily NO mama was around! As soon as I saw them I think they ran away as fast as I pedaled not looking back!
pporras02.23.09 - 6:13 pm
i once hit a squirrel on my bike and totaled my shoulder.
wild ass things.
KiMS102.23.09 - 6:14 pm
- infinity for not liking seinfeld. haha j/k but no really. -infinity
I wasn't trying to say anything to you, I was just making a reference that cool people would understand and hopefully get a chuckle out of.
la duderina02.23.09 - 6:16 pm
I once met a really nice tree squirrel at Redondo Beach. It was fascinating.
Another time at Palos Verdes at the old lighthouse near Abalone Cove, a family of Raccoons came up to me looking for food. It was pretty cool....until one of them growled at me...that wasn't cool.
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:16 pm
When I was a little boy I had a dog named lucky and I loved her so much. She was my best friend at that age! We would play everyday after school at the park and she would sleep at my feet. Well she eventually got pregnant and was having puppies in the restroom but as I walked into the restroom I saw my mom was drowning them in the bath tub as they came out and I was crying and yelling at her no… please… why… and she replied son im just getting rid of what we can’t take care of! J/K this is for all those sad freaking stories! Lol have a good 6 pack Monday night ride!
pporras02.23.09 - 6:21 pm
I'm not trying to be rude or anything. Its just that I REALLY don't get sarcasm and subtle jokes sometimes...so I just ask so I can understand...haha
And its weird that you say that, because I've gone Dove Hunting like 2 times...and felt bad when I killed the Doves (I like birds more than any other animal)...but not as bad as I felt today when I killed that squirrel. And I've shot squirrels before...but thats because the bastard downed a tree in my uncles back yard...
I wouldn't make a great hunter.
And don't get me wrong...I kinda giggled a bit...but thats because I couldn't understand why he would make such a dumbass move....he timed it perfectly...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:22 pm
You remember when I said you post up some fucked up shit some times? That's what I'm talking about. ^^^
User102.23.09 - 6:27 pm
A deer hit me once. Seriously. They actually do that sometimes. It was running alongside the road in a field while i was driving by at night. I looked over and was like, hey, a deer, and then all of a sudden it bolted into the road in front of me. I slammed the brakes but I still hit it pretty hard, it got knocked over pretty good, and I think it was punctured somewhere. Probably ran off to die in the woods. I felt terrible. Called the local cops but there wasn't anything they could do.
0gravity02.23.09 - 6:27 pm
You had me for a minute...I would be scarred for life if I caught my grandma doing that...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:30 pm
Oh....and a friend of mine had a squirrel run through his snazzy high performance bladed spoke wheels and got sliced right in half in an instant. Just half a squirrel on each side of the bike flying through the air. Yuck!!!
0gravity02.23.09 - 6:33 pm
Yes i do remember U1! I just had to use it! it's from a movie!
pporras02.23.09 - 6:37 pm
Thats brutal. I got that image in my mind...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:42 pm
One time I stepped on a worm and killed it.
I was wearing only socks.
It was horrifying.
katiepoche02.23.09 - 6:49 pm
Riding through Echo Park late one night after a ride, a rat ran across the path directly under my wheels and was crushed to death. It was either rat suicide or the rat thinking he could beat the train type thing.
mr rollers02.23.09 - 6:51 pm
Thats sounds gross. I can't step on cockroaches cus they make that crunchy sound...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:53 pm
I don't have an story of me running over an animal but I have one of me being chased by one!
Well I was riding through and around the los feliz area and after I bombed this hill and made a left there was this big possum/rackoon looking thing hovering over this piece of trash,so I turned around and just continued on,then suddenly I felt a tug on my bag and then that animal apreared,I elbowed it off and sprinted for my life!!
I didn't want to be that animals trophy human!
madmike02.23.09 - 6:54 pm
That is scary.
Sounds like that story about the female cyclist who was killed by that mountain lion in Cleveland National Forest.
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 6:59 pm
Oh boy!
Sure was!
And if I believe right that happend 2 days before halloween.
madmike02.23.09 - 7:04 pm
Never hit any deer when I was Over-The-Road, but driving through Tennessee, Idahoan Panhandle, exposed me to freeways where literal herds were chilling by the roadside.
I also remember hearing stories of struck deer being collected, taken to a butcher and kept as food.
I've never actually had any Venison yet, perhaps my day will come.
bentstrider02.23.09 - 7:10 pm
Wait a second....
Can it be?.....
whatever it was,I know it was really after me to check out my fixed gear trek(r.I.p)
madmike02.23.09 - 7:13 pm
It was the Chupacabras!
Venison can be real good...unless you cook it like beef and turn it into cardboard...
Elk is pretty damned good...
And what you say is true...I also knew some hunters who would donate some meat to homeless-folk kitchens...
el_spaniard02.23.09 - 10:29 pm
@ la Duderina I got you Seinfeld reference and man I could not stop laughing
apineda02.23.09 - 10:40 pm