Important Question About User 1
Thread started by
PC at 04.2.09 - 3:58 am
How many of you wish he were your dad? Be honest.
Oh God! I hope he is not.
No no. No matter how drunk mommy gets
she would never.
CryBaby04.2.09 - 10:40 am
He would never spend a dime on you. Your education would be a freebee
Roadblock04.2.09 - 11:07 am
nah I like my dad!
allan would be good as everyones estranged uncle with family rumors of child molestation to murdering a few people. which are all mostly untrue misunderstandings. then he shows up one christmas with kick-ass gifts, agrees to stay the night and disappears into the night never to be seen again.
neverclever04.2.09 - 12:28 pm
i want him to be my mom
meow04.2.09 - 1:55 pm
I don't want him dead... but I think we should dress him up like a lady! He has such pretty blue eyes!
mixtemotions04.2.09 - 2:05 pm
I would only want User1 as my dad if he wore womens' clothing.
Officer_Schube04.2.09 - 2:20 pm
Geezzz guys I'm really regretting not going on Brad's camping trip.
btw I'm only my girls daddy, no one else.
Right Fluffa, Borfo, and Eddie?
They'll tell ya!
User104.2.09 - 4:41 pm