328 was amazing.
Thread started by
Antranik at 03.29.09 - 4:51 am
we fucking killed fun to the max.
fuck yeah. <3
i always love seeing familiar faces, and cool friends from the valley. This was a perfect day and night.
Haha, FUCKING ALFREDO! Thanks for letting me paint on you last night... Seriously, 328 ruled.
This is also my first time ever posting in a forum, HA!
northernsoulbyrd03.29.09 - 8:47 am
Fun ride. To bad im at work so early
buckchin03.29.09 - 9:07 am
it was!! thanks to all of the organizers you guys should feel awesome today you fucking killed fun!
et03.29.09 - 10:36 am
yes, no ride can compare to a whole day of riding
Gav03.29.09 - 10:47 am
Sooo much killing of f.u.n., still tired as all hell.
Thanks so much to AT the rest of the ride leaders!
328 rocked!
X-Large03.29.09 - 11:10 am
that mess was FUN as fuck!!!!! especially dancing at santa monica and vermont... the water fight at cheviot hills..... i will never forget F.U.N
theladiesman03.29.09 - 11:12 am
funderstorm rocked me so hard that i couldnt move my neck
after someone sat on it.
greeezybear03.29.09 - 11:50 am
My entire body is in pain today. I rode the tallbike back to Santa Monica from the after-party. All worth it.
SPOOK03.29.09 - 12:13 pm
my legs are actually sore... wow i havent been sore in a while
theladiesman03.29.09 - 12:18 pm
From beginning to end!!!
Alex, XL, Sara, Tallcans, Skd, and anyone else great fucking rides!!!
It was all worth it!!!
puglife03.29.09 - 12:19 pm
What an epic journey... venice to DTLA, so many rides. <328
kaslik03.29.09 - 12:41 pm
Thank you for the awesome day. Want more.
Mooncake03.29.09 - 12:50 pm
76miles... seriously Killed FUN...
e-rock03.29.09 - 12:52 pm
fun! riding down in to pan pacific park after working all morning and taking a nap and seeing all the riders was one of my favorite memories.
mikeywally03.29.09 - 1:36 pm
best ride! im still recovering from all the drinking. but it was worth the killer headache i have now.
ride on.
andres8403.29.09 - 1:47 pm
I biked so hard I had to take a beer nap at the warehouse. Begs the question: can you still lose your hearing if you sleep through a loud show?
Gais03.29.09 - 2:08 pm
alex fucking thompson!!
i freaking had a ball on the robotz ride!!
even though were too late to get in the pryamid =/
but other than that it was cool!
and btw robotz ride had the first offcial ralphs stop without stealing
and cops!
oh yeah!
madmike03.29.09 - 2:36 pm
F.U.N. died one epic F.U.N. death.
thank you to everyone who helped - all the organizers and helpers. the murderous intent could not have been followed through without such willing and uberness of awesome accomplices. thank you.
and thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the slaying. PIKSHURES or it didn't happen!
highlights: i can't remember. the last thing i remember: sleeping at the iHop in a giant booth at 8am.
yea - F.U.N. definitely died.
bondink03.29.09 - 2:55 pm
328 was the most perfect day of my life.
HappyLand03.29.09 - 3:18 pm
i ended up doing a century yesterday.
massive props and thanks to everyone involved (on all levels of involvement) with 328.
onethirtynine03.29.09 - 3:35 pm
Fantastic stupendous funderful ride(s).
What a day. What a great day.
Coe coe buttaa03.29.09 - 4:10 pm
I heard all the organizers for 328 were flakes and ruined the entire day. I had a horrible time. Bike rides? fuck that.
Oh man, and don't even get me started on the music. I hate all noise that is expressed as art. And green beer? Really, green?
Fuck this shit.
tl;dr Had lots of fun, very sore, getting things going is hard. thanks to everyone who made it possible.
Jaz03.29.09 - 5:29 pm
wish i could have joined the rides earlier in the day but i had a great time last night. unfortunately i had a tummy ache..story of my life.
the after party location was awesome. loved the music even though i wasn't dancing. hoping to get to hit it up again with you guys sometime.
thank you to the organizers for having great routes and good back up plans.
rode home with a handful of awesome westsidazz and went to bed happy. uh i mean...fun is dead. kthxbai
tomato03.29.09 - 5:32 pm
Most fun day of my entire life, ever. Filled to the brim with joy and delight, and worn with foggy memories. Every bit of the day from starting in the valley, the train ride, the ride thru hollywood, hanging out in the sun at the park, endless hello's and smiles and laughs and the electricity of Robotz and going all over town and meeting up with all the rides again and watching everyone happy and playful and in love with life and riding, the momsey, oh the momsey and our crazy adventures, and that scary as shit hill into downtown, and the party the party the after party so many beautiful people and an epically fantastic time. Spinning in the rolling chairs inside, whizzing past Julia Meow, watching the room twirl past and remembering what it was like to be small and have the entire world where everything is a toy. Everything played out so perfectly, let's not forget the chaotic beauty of Funderstorm and waking up with so much paint everywhere. Thank you, everyone.
kryxtanicole03.29.09 - 7:17 pm
I hate you all!!!
I need love, seriously, or a slushy.
bentstrider03.29.09 - 7:44 pm
Thanks for taking me antoooo
We redefined partying harddddd
safari03.29.09 - 7:48 pm
this is how i felt today, while in mourning and unable to use the word "F.U.N." in describing 328, i uttered:
"expactic" (The New F.U.N.) - Explosion of Amazing.
bondink03.29.09 - 8:35 pm
Best fucking ride of my life. Honestly, all day riding is the only way to do it right. As we were leaving LACMA and the sun was setting, the sight of hundreds of silhouetted bikers on either side of me almost made me tear, not gonna lie.
Wind Rider03.29.09 - 8:37 pm
The People's Ride and Chill Chinatown Mosey were the best rides of the day! I'm pissed I didn't start at the beach and the party after was kikin'.
onemorefixie03.29.09 - 10:05 pm
barchopz fucked me up..
sux i had to miss it
SnapperS03.29.09 - 10:05 pm
nah, only his son is worthy of being borfo jr. (which isn't me)
oh and btw that paint was bothersome to get off my skin. & Did gopez really have stilline's pants or was he just dicking around?
Alfredo03.29.09 - 11:27 pm
Yes. He had no pants on "because Chynna needed to be a power ranger."
kryxtanicole03.30.09 - 12:23 am
damn 328 was amazing. even though i wasnt sore 329 on the other hand was terrible. i had so little energy i felt like i could barely move but thats what i get for riding sick. it was all worth it!
larsenf03.30.09 - 2:03 am
best ride in a looooonnnnnng time
Drooby42003.30.09 - 1:44 pm
i woke up and said to myself...teh fun itz diedededed
true story.
then i got out of bed and felt like my legs were going to collapse.
good times. 2 thumbs way up!
roadkill03.30.09 - 4:33 pm
Got my film back today, good events always make good photos:
FB: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2099430&id=30504796&saved#/photo.php?pid=32842665&id=30504796 I hate how Facebook re-sizes mah photos, soo below:
for better viewing: http://www.gum2me.com/photos/v/cybercooldood/328/
kaslik03.30.09 - 10:10 pm
i heard User1 couldnt get into the after party. is this true? if so, Non-inclusive my ass.
funanu03.30.09 - 10:19 pm
What an effing riot!!! Killed F.U.N. so hard it's not even resurrectable. BIG THANX to AT for stepping up and throwing a huge ride and after party. Lookin forward to next year!
tallcans4tallbikes03.30.09 - 10:19 pm
Yes. He had no pants on "because Chynna needed to be a power ranger."
03.30.09 - 3:23 am
imachynna03.31.09 - 12:21 am
328 was AWESOME! Too bad I had to break off at around 6:00 to go to an art show. But We need more of these rides! Full day rides are the best way to do it. When's the next ride?! Im there.
coolassmike03.31.09 - 1:03 am
How is it possible that the boards and the photo gallery weren't exploding after Saturday's amazingness??
I want to thank Alex, Kieron, Jaz, Katie, E-Rock, Johnny, Sarah, Matt, the other Alex, Paul, Scotty, Stephanie, Lance, Momz, Mihai, and, and...uh, I hope I'm not forgetting anyone...for the insane amount of hard work you guys all put in over the last few months to make Saturday as smoothly and funly as it did. You are all pretty fantastic in my book.
Thank you all for one of the best days I've had in a long time. I'm still blown away!
hatehills04.1.09 - 12:54 am
i hurd that User1 wasn't allowed into the party at the end...
what happened to ALL INCLUSIVE?
i knew it was bullshit...
TheRaquel04.1.09 - 8:51 am
I'm still coming down off the high from Saturday. Holy fuck was I tired on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who came out and thanks also to the riders who came on the F'N Ride! :)
The wetside watergun ride was my favorite portion of the day. I will post the pictures from this soon, it's crazy just how happy EVERYONE is in these photos. Everyone looks all drugged up and smiley like the music video for Black Hole Sun.
Those of you talking about when the next one will be, luckily you wont have to wait that long- we are already in talks for putting another event on. I won't say when because it's not finalized by any means, but we'd love to have all of you out again for another full day of happies!
jonnyboy04.1.09 - 10:58 am
Yeah I roll up and first one to greet me was Alex Thompson. First thing out his mouth, "you're not allow here!" LOL it's a fucking public street! Then after about saying it five times, he tells me I'm not allowed inside. Well that's like throwing down the gauntlet for me! :D So after hanging around outside for awhile, I decided I wanted to see what was inside. It was time for to get into my ninja mode! So I scooped out the defense and planned my attack. Got in with all the chaos of them wanting everyone inside, (to buy their over-priced beer is my guess!). Well after hanging out inside and buying one leftover saint patricks day green beer, and listening to a pretty mediocre band (not Fstorm), it looked to me like the party was on the outside! So back outside I was! I'm sure Fstorm kick ass, but I had to catch a train. So I missed that part. I can tell you personally about what I thought about the whole 328 day and that party if you like. Seems like around here, you have to just say nice things or nothing at all. Truthfulness takes a back seat! Oh well..................
User104.1.09 - 12:16 pm
The afterparty was pretty cool but the riding portion was by far the best part in my opinion. Unfortunately Alex told me that the afterparty was what caused him the most stress.
It was seriously cool how all the rides were lined up like fireworks ready to be set off! So much energy, so much collaboration- and it all went on without a hitch- all the way to the end.
jonnyboy04.1.09 - 1:50 pm
I've grown to expect a bit more hype from the westside. It's cool, I've adjusted accordingly.
User104.1.09 - 1:54 pm
There is not an all-Exclusive policy towards shoplifers. If you steal from stores while we are stopped there, you will be singled out and excluded.
There is not an all-Exclusive policy towards medical transport vehicles who try to run us down. Seems this guy got his ass kicked and wasn't invited to the party.
There is not an all-Exclusive policy towards drunkards and idiots who cause crashes and don't hold their line. You can't come to the party if you are puking on everyone.
I don't get this attitude of "if I act like an asshole, you have to accept me because you are all-Exclusive". That doesn't wash.
Either adjust your attitude or everyone will turn their collective backs to you.
I wasn't at this party, but a party is usually only for those who don't spit in people's face.
urbanpedal04.1.09 - 2:04 pm
Agreed, so why did we get spat on with all the spamming leading up to the 328?
btw, do you even know why I was supposedly banded from coming in?
While we're on the subject of questioning people's actions. What was with all the cars there? I thought this was a all day riding thing? Btw2, I wasn't the only one that mentioned this.
And urbanpedal, where's your questioning of selling ridazz beer that no business would be able to give away? Selling 16oz of green beer, where 1/4 of it was foam, for $3? Couldn't that be listed in evil deeds above?
User104.1.09 - 2:14 pm
User1 I thought you were done trolling about 328?
Definitely pleased about how smoothly the whole thing went, especially considering the fact that this was a first for this kind of multi-ride multi-stop concept.
There will be more of these big all day events to come, and this first one was a huge learning experience despite the fact that it went well. Hopefully the next one is even better :)
jonnyboy04.1.09 - 2:25 pm
@Jonny, nope! This troll's hanging around waiting for some answers!
User104.1.09 - 2:29 pm
all the cars are from something else. people besides bike people do exist in this world including in that warehouse area.
im not saying i want YOU banned from events but your negative attitude has got to go. if you stared out with all the negativity on the forums about it, it would no doubt follow you when you show up to the afterparty that is going on. it puts a damper on all the work that was done when there is a naysayer in your ear.
please direct all passive aggressive public forum commentary towards ME for this comment, where, no doubt, feelings will be hurt, words will be misinterpreted, and animosity will brew even further, even though i think we have been face to face about twice.
to reiterate
328 was amazing
moondance04.1.09 - 2:31 pm
about the cars... wasnt it apparent that there was another event going on at that area at the same time? the people in the cars were definitely not bikers trying to get into the biking party.
or were u too busy being a pissy face to notice it?
mes0suave04.1.09 - 2:39 pm
Kinda figures the messager gets attacked and instead of dealing with the message.
Those cars were not cars that are part of that building. Those cars were from ridazz. Yeah cars exist and ridazz have cars, etc etc., but wasn't this a bike event where we rode bikes all day? Or at least you guys did, I did other things. I'm by that place just about weekly, there's never even cars parked around the building, much less cars parked across the street! And we aren't talking a few cars here either. Actually it was someone else that pointed this out first, not me. I just agreed with his observation.
And if you can't deal with the truth, don't read what I've got to say. So far there hasn't been one issue addressed that I mentioned, but there's been two attacks on me, by two people. What's it going to be now?
User104.1.09 - 2:43 pm
Now there's your troll Jonny!
User104.1.09 - 2:44 pm
All of these "issues" you're talking are just endless bitching. Nothing special or even worth reading, especially considering your track record.
If the "issues" came from a respectable source, maybe they would hold more importance to me (or anyone for that matter)?
jonnyboy04.1.09 - 2:50 pm
On that note, I am done with this thread.
+1 to hanako.
jonnyboy04.1.09 - 2:51 pm
Loser1 voted by not attending any rides on 328 and bitching about not showing up.
Everyone else voted by having a great time.
Thanks to all the organizers
spiraldemon04.1.09 - 2:53 pm
actually i did respond to parts of your question- one being why you were banned from the party and that has to do with you and others and the dynamic that has thus ensued.
sure some ridazz may have driven. a friend was sick and was invited to 328 and still wanted stop in and say hi. we had people who played instruments or brought equipment for the event. there were people who had previous engagements and still wanted to show up and may have gotten a lift from people.
we encourage cycling, but sometimes its not always the most accessible option.
im gonna go ahead and stop responding to this on this thread. @user1 if you would like to create a thread about your qualms with 328, or your being attacked for having said qulams and/or questions, that would be cool. but 328 was amazing for a lot of people, and that is what this thread is about.
cuz 328 was a great day. we all had fun. us organizers stressed abit, but it ended up being so wonderful. i look forward to being a part of events like these for many bike days to come.
moondance04.1.09 - 2:56 pm
thanks for all the thank yous from people!
i am really really really so glad that people had a great time!
it was so magical to see people all together on bikes, sitting around near bikes, talking about bikes...
you all are so beautiful and amazing and make being part of the bike scene so wonderful.
all my other friends are jealous of the bike and the bike routine (another dimension new galaxy, intergalactic planetary)
moondance04.1.09 - 3:00 pm
Fluffa, I did show up at the part I wanted to, the end party. The other stuff I had other stuff to do, so I didn't do the rides. I just didn't know the party was put on by AT. I thought it was it was group of people.
Regardless of the source Jonny, it doesn't change the fact that rejected beer was sold at inflated prices. I mean sure, you could argue that no one had to buy the crap, no one had to pay to get in, etc etc, but you had a captive audience.
Finally in regards to credibility, you'll never find me over hyping something, cause basically I find it distasteful. It's a form of lying. That's how someone looses credibility real fast.
User104.1.09 - 3:06 pm
on Friday when dropping off and setting up at the party space, the owner of the space received a memo stating that there was going to be a party around the corner and the parking spaces in front of his space would be used.
there was concern about this because we wanted outdoor space for ridazz to not only smoke but not feel crowded when using the port o potties that were delivered earlier that day.
so, the owner of the building asked that we have someone yellow tape an area and keep and eye on the space so that we would have that outdoor section.
Albert Tu and Justin Jacobson, were amazing enough to leave the 328 ride early and yellow caution tape the area from 6pm till we arrived at 10pm.
when planning such events and parties, there are many tiny and HUGE problems, complications and small humps you must get through in order for the whole day / night to come together.
none of this would have been accomplished if not for everyone involved. and i thank them.
bondink04.1.09 - 3:09 pm
OK so that may explain the cars parked next to the port a potties . We saw two cars with ridazz sitting on them. Hard to tell which were ridazz cars and which weren't.
User104.1.09 - 3:14 pm
I'm so geeked that we pulled it off and were able to do the multiple ride thing without one injury or ticket! Y'all were fun to ride with, and 328 volunteers and CoN were amazing. I look forward to doing it again.
OH man - I'm so giddy! I've been totally waiting for this shoe to drop.
Yes, I banned User1 from the party, as I promised when he acted so disruptively last week. I most enjoyed how he rolled up to the party, after not doing one yard of the ride he tried to derail. When I explained that he could not go into the party he whined "it's not your party man", a poor imitation of the Dude, albeit less coherent. Where the Dude abides, User1 cried, and lobbied with other Ridazz to get himself in. I'm not surprised that he entered regardless . . . and though I was considering lifting my User1 ban, in those cases where I'm able, he will continue to be banned. User1, if you want to get out of timeout, nastiness and ongoing grandstanding are not steps in the right direction.
There were two other parties in the area, which is why the parking lot was so full. We sent to volunteers - Albert Tu and Justin Jakobson - ahead to rope off that small area for bikes, just so we could have a place to put our bikes. They missed most of the last half of the ride to do that - guys - I really appreciate your efforts.
Alex Thompson04.1.09 - 3:15 pm
drafted my post while bondink settled many of the issues.
Alex Thompson04.1.09 - 3:17 pm
Thanks Alex Thompson and all Council of N for your evolving this art form we got here in Carland! 328 was not just a success in the execution, but also a conceptual success as well.
328 is the new 420
SKIDMARCUS04.1.09 - 3:26 pm
Yeah I won't have mentioned the spamming of boards before 328, or the overcharging of rejected beer either. Good job!
User104.1.09 - 3:26 pm
Green beer is fun. We tried it out cause it saved us $40 and we thought Ridazz of all people would appreciate it as hilarious. In retrospect it may have been a misstep.
We got the warehouse space for free. You gotta wonder how that happens. It happens because Trickmilla vouched for us, and because the venue operators - Chiparaki - take the money from the bar, minus what we paid for the alcohol. Typically they charge $5 a beer, and a lot for other drinks. Knowing this, I was able to negotiate $2 beers, and cheap shots. The addition of $3 beers to the menu was outside my control. In the end, CoN still took a big hit financially to put this on.
We, CoN, learned a lot from this, and I think we could pull it off a million times better next time around, and we plan on it. Personally, I've never thrown a party other than a kegger for math geeks at my house . . . so this was a challenge. I think we rose to it pretty well, and I'm absolutely stunned at the musicians that JAZ and Cameron were able to pull on such short notice.
Alex Thompson04.1.09 - 3:38 pm
And to answer you query about board spam: Only about 9 threads were posted about 328 by organizers. Considering that most rides have two threads, and that CRANK MOB has 4 or 5 typically, and that 328 had an unprecedented scope of involvement and scope of riding, I think this is appropriate.
The other threads were not ours.
Now, User1, when did you become the enforcer of forum etiquette? Last I checked you showed little to no self control in your own posting, bringing negativity and ceaseless argumentativeness to almost every thread you participate in.
Alex Thompson04.1.09 - 3:42 pm
AT, I'm not an enforcer of forum etiquettes. I just happen to be one of the ones on here that snapped with all you guys spamming. And sorry, just because it wasn't one of your organizers spamming, which I'm not about to go back and check if it was or not, it doesn't leave you off the hook. Other than me and a couple of others on here, you guys never tried to stem the flow of spam. Doing a quick search showed that there was about 16 threads with "328" in it before the event. This was after RB deleted 2-3 times that much.
And since when showing positivity a sign of control? It maybe more of a sign of sheepishness to me! Sign of a lack of conviction in one's beliefs. You may find that appealing, I don't. You have a certain thread in mind that you object to what I posted? Which one(s) and I'll discuss it.
User104.1.09 - 5:00 pm
Great job guys! My only regret was that I wasn't able to start at Venice and ride all day with you, I really wish I were a clone rida so I could have gone to every ride.
@user1- I remember double checking at the time of the spamming. It was done by one person, not one of the ride organizers. And it was done at a quite admirable rate- there wouldn't have been time for the ride organizers to try and stop the spammer before you blew up at them.
danya04.1.09 - 5:07 pm
Someone else was posting too. I recall someone else posting at a different time a schedule in alot of different threads. You're talking about all the threads with "328" as the heading right? And for the record, there were others getting pissed with it too.
User104.1.09 - 5:14 pm
+1 User1, no one should be excited enough about the most ambitious ride to date and to start a bunch of threads that make you read stuff. Reading sucks.
User1, come sail away, come sail away,
SKIDMARCUS04.1.09 - 5:29 pm
If you weren't such a dick you would have gotten in. It wasn't a purely Alex Thompson backed idea. You are a dick, and many people agree that banning you was a good idea. Really, you want be a troll, then fine, be one, I don't care, but when you attack a ride by spreading misinformation you are hurting the work of people who spent a lot of time on this ride.
Being a dick does not mean you get to fuck us. Alex Thompson was not the only organizer and thus you did not only hurt him, but the groups of people who struggled for weeks to put this together.
I'm glad you were banned by Alex Thompson and if I had the chance, I would have done the same thing he did.
Until you learn to respect other people, I see no reason why anyone should respect you.
Jaz04.1.09 - 5:32 pm
You didn't see video of the huge crash?
Jaz04.1.09 - 5:36 pm
i guess take some ibuprofen and keep icing those bruised egos?
ruinedbyidiots04.1.09 - 5:42 pm
does anyone need support counseling?
coldcut04.1.09 - 5:46 pm
Green Beer was good. Who cares if it's rejected. I still got drunk.
So what if they make a little bit of cash on it.
They did all the planning and all the work. I bet it didn't even cover the cost of the spoke-cards or the ride banners.
Why So Serious?
stillline04.1.09 - 5:46 pm
its not stupid, its hilarious! i feel like im junior high again.
ruinedbyidiots04.1.09 - 5:55 pm
You guys are dicks for thinking spamming the boards here is ok. And that stupid fucking spamming started over a month before the ride! I didn't do anything till AFTER your spamming got out of hand. No one talking about your the ride after it happened and now your egos are shattered. The only thing you guys got is taking pot shots at me. Well fire away! After you're done, guess what? Your ride still wasn't that hot! And don't even get me started on the theme! LOL
Matt, I invite you to do the math on how much someone can make selling 12-14oz cups of beer for $3. You'll be surprised.
User104.1.09 - 5:58 pm
user1- please shut up. thank you.
also, how can you say a ride wasnt that good if you didnt even go? didnt you learn not to pass judgement until you've actually experienced?
[ for the record, i was not at all involved with the planning of 328. ]
tinycities04.1.09 - 6:30 pm
come on user 1 you know this is stupid as HELL.
we had a ride that kicked ass and if it hurt your eyes to see so many 328 threads then get off midnight ridazz and do something productive.
i mean really...is it THAT anoying to you?
but you guys are also feeding his negativity.
i personally don't give one shit about what user1 thinks about 328 because he wasn't there. the. end.
Frozen Fingersss04.1.09 - 6:49 pm
but why are you letting his negativity get to you in the first place?
coldcut04.1.09 - 6:55 pm
wow user1; dick move calling the musicians crappy.
greeezybear04.1.09 - 6:57 pm
it's amusing that the status quo is upheld with a mob mentality.
coldcut04.1.09 - 7:02 pm
dick moves = having opinions and speaking your mind.
hilarious. keep this shit coming.
ruinedbyidiots04.1.09 - 7:04 pm
his negativity isnt getting to me coldcut.
i helped out with 328 (not as much as other people) and i personally find this whole thing kinda funny.
its just so stupid i cant help but laugh. everyone needs to calm down and ride their bike.
Frozen Fingersss04.1.09 - 7:04 pm
I personally feel it was a great ride and great vibes to remember...User1 is only expressing his opinion, it seems like people cant respect his point of view.... I find it funny he was banned from the ride yet the ballsy fucker still made an apearance and still entered the party.... all inclusive i think not...
Debut21304.1.09 - 7:06 pm
@tinycities, you can't simultaneously ask someone to shut up and ask them a question at the same time. Well you could, but you can't expect them to do as you asked. It's both a logistic and ethical problem. I'm guessing you haven't had anything like that in design school? And I invite you to show me where I said the ride wasn't any good, as you stated.
You guys want to know what a good ride is? Click Brad's link above. Also see
@greeezybear, No being a dick is misrepresenting someone's words and calling them a dick after you do it! Where did I say musicians were crappy? I'll save you the time, you won't find it. I said, "and listening to a pretty mediocre band (not Fstorm)."
Personally what I find rather funny, is the inability of some people to read!
User104.1.09 - 7:26 pm
User1 is helping me to learn to deal with criticism and manage anger. It's a good workout, thanks User1! I feel immunized!
Alex Thompson04.1.09 - 7:40 pm
Jeez. I'm sorry I bumped this thread last night. Can we just roll back to post #51?
hatehills04.1.09 - 8:00 pm
kryxtanicole04.1.09 - 9:09 pm
You guys are dicks for thinking spamming the boards here is ok. And that stupid fucking spamming started over a month before the ride! I didn't do anything till AFTER your spamming got out of hand. No one talking about your the ride after it happened and now your egos are shattered. The only thing you guys got is taking pot shots at me. Well fire away! After you're done, guess what?
this part:
Your ride still wasn't that hot! And don't even get me started on the theme! LOL
Matt, I invite you to do the math on how much someone can make selling 12-14oz cups of beer for $3. You'll be surprised.
04.1.09 - 8:58 pm
i got 3rd degree burns from this ride. ask me about it.
moondance04.1.09 - 10:30 pm
man, i'm so glad i had a job for the weekend, but am truly sad i missed this ride!
I miss those days of doing nothing but being on bikes with friends.
I've learned to scan these forums more like a book to learn and observe from rather than a chatroom.
Too much typing and not enough productiveness.
So thanks to Thompson and Council of N - Ya'll ROCK!!!
richtotheie04.1.09 - 11:28 pm
Oh, I have had one since the beginning of time.
toweliesbong04.1.09 - 11:35 pm
ruinedbyidiots wrote:
dick moves = having opinions and speaking your mind.
hilarious. keep this shit coming.
It's like dealing with Moonies sometimes around here.
PC04.2.09 - 3:30 am