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Gav at 03.25.09 - 6:35 pm
How difficult do you find it walk around with your road shoes? Does having 2 bolt SPD make it any easier to walk than 3 bolt cleats?
two bolt is for walking around in. thats why they are mountain shoes. can you imagine walking through a single track on road pedals?
ruinedbyidiots03.25.09 - 6:37 pm
so cleat covers make walking easier? I just need information because my dad thinks I'm being foolish for not wanting to get mtb shoes.
Gav03.25.09 - 6:53 pm
yeah the cleat covers help LOTS. Otherwise you're grinding your cleats all over the place, and they're really slippery on hard surfaces. My cleat covers have saved my neck plenty of times, I'm sure.
canadienne03.25.09 - 6:58 pm
if you're planning on doing lots of walking in your shoes, totally go with the mountain ones... but I find if i put on my cycling shoes, it's cuz i'm cycling and little else, so the cleat covers do the job just fine when I need to step foot into a store, or walk down stairs to the subway.
canadienne03.25.09 - 7:01 pm
even if you have cleat covers, its pretty hard to walk around in road shoes. mtb shoes are like walking around in soccer cleats. road shoes are smooth on the bottom and have absolutely no traction whatsoever, and theres this huge raised part at the ball of your foot, so you walk with your toes up in the air. if youve never ridden clipless before, mtb is the way to go. then if you want, upgrade to the road shoes.
there are a few models that sidi makes that have both two and three bolt patterns on the bottom, so you can use either mtb or road pedals. but not at the same time.
ruinedbyidiots03.25.09 - 7:02 pm
I walk around in my two-hole cleat shoes all the time, they are pretty comfortable. I can't imagine doing the same with road shoes even with covers.
cabhauler03.25.09 - 7:10 pm
When I walk with my road shoes on a hard surface, I have about half the stride I would have if I were in normal shoes. And I can't make sudden changes in direction. I don't have the cleat covers, but if you do go with road shoes, I'm sure they would help a lot.
wiz_vanmeter03.25.09 - 7:20 pm
You better hope you never have to box it out with a motorist!
User103.25.09 - 7:28 pm
hopefully my size will intimidate the average sized motorist
Gav03.25.09 - 7:36 pm
That video is funny. I wear mountain shoes to work, 12+ hours a day. There comfey.
Mook03.25.09 - 7:46 pm
I only have road shoes. I'm used to walking around in them but if I had a choice I would of preffered mtb shoes. I almost always have a pair of chucks in my bag if I'm going somewhere.
larsenf03.25.09 - 8:22 pm
My sidi genious 5s have little rubber pads on the heal and both 2 and 3 hole cleats. Crank brothers have an awesome 3 hold cleat that is a two hole cleat ressed in rubber for walking in. I really want some. They come with their quattro road pedals.
larsenf03.25.09 - 8:30 pm
I see I can get them just as the rubber cover and the cleats. I would just need the rubber cover because my bike came with cleats and pedals
Gav03.25.09 - 9:03 pm
Yup, road shooz suck to walk in, cleat covers help a bit. i always lose one side and end up walking in circles. Roadies will mock you for mtn footwear but it's much easier for walking since the sole knobs are taller than the metal cleats. Careful tho - mine have metal studs on the toe which are great for hill climbing soft dirt but suck in parking lots.
SPD - cleats only - on eBay
Look - cleats only - on eBay
supersano03.26.09 - 9:44 am
i'm super happy with my spd's, but i'm thinking of getting a road bike. the current pedals i have have a lot of float and ive never experienced any "hot spots." what are the benefits of getting road pedals? i was also thinking of speedplay pedals, as i know a lot of people are extremely happy with them.
tortuga_veloce03.26.09 - 9:52 am
speedplays are nothing but float.
tighten down the allen bolts on your spd pedals to make the tension higher and you wont have as much float.
ruinedbyidiots03.26.09 - 9:58 am
actually, i like the float. i have my pedals tightened all the way down so i dont pop out of them when i skid, but i think they were just made with a lot of float.
but what are the benefits of road pedals? is the power transfer really a big enough deal? i'm totally happy with the system i have on this bike, but if it's going to be an improvement when i'm doing distances, i might want to look into it.
tortuga_veloce03.26.09 - 10:10 am
or the time atac road pedals, have float and no need for cleat covers, cause the cleat is designed to be walked on (they call it their cafe cleat), not too bad to walk on either.
I still don't know why road shoes can't be made with a heel, it's all they would need to be more walkable, and not really have any impact while riding.
FuzzBeast03.26.09 - 10:10 am
i get the impression that a lot of roadies have an aerodynamics fetish.
tortuga_veloce03.26.09 - 10:18 am
why do you guys keep refering SPD to being just MTB cleats?
Gav03.26.09 - 3:53 pm
I know the differences, but you guys keep saying SPD is for mountain bike shoes or at least implying it.
Gav03.27.09 - 12:07 am