Saw a cyclist get pulled over on Supulveda

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thegodofthor at 03.12.09 - 10:25 am
So my way to work today at 830, I saw a female cycist get pulled over coming into the valley on Supulveda by a motorcycle cop. I could tell that the cyclist was shocked.
I've never seen a cyclist get pulled over in the valley. Be on the lookout for speed traps on Supulveda.
Makes you wonder if we're being targeted due to all the money they think we might have as a result of cutting down on car-usage.
Less money spent on fuel and insurance usually amounts to a sizable chunk of change.
bentstrider03.12.09 - 3:32 pm
It's always been a goal of mine to get a speeding ticket on my bike.
dokydoky03.12.09 - 5:38 pm
I got a speeding ticket at Ball State University campus in Indiana. Slightly downhill maybe -1% at most with a tail wind and I was crankin. 42mph in a 25mph "school zone". It got thrown out. They couldn't prove that I knew I was going that fast. No computer.
It was kinda cool though sitting on the main drag of the campus getting a speeding ticket with like 50 people just watching and asking what was going on.
parlorbikes03.13.09 - 12:35 pm
Ball State U., my stepdad went there.
I always thought they would've been far more laid back in an area like that.
bentstrider03.13.09 - 1:07 pm
There was this dood that got a speeding ticket on a bike. I tried to find it, but couldn't. The guy worked down in a valley and at the end of the day would catch a ride with his wife. There was something about him being late for work when he got his ticket too. He speed was close to 60 and on a mtb too.
User103.13.09 - 1:50 pm