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Thread started by skyscrapers at 04.14.09 - 6:25 pm
so this is also posted on LA Fixed, and I just wanna try and find this motherfucker that decided to steal from me.
wow, So I continually read on here and get bummed out for people who have their bikes stolen out in public and stuff, and I never thought I would be a victim of one.
so today, I'm getting ready to ride up and meet some friends to cruise around, and I notice my fucking bike THAT WAS IN MY BACKYARD is missing.
someone hopped our gate and took my fucking bike.
my only possession that I truly cared about.
its not even a legit bike, I just loved riding it!
I live in north hollywood, and and I've never had a problem with theft or anything of the sort, so please.. if you live anywhere remotely close to here, keep your eyes peeled for some motherfucker stupid enough to be riding my bike around.
it's a white vintage fuji road bike with a bootleg green fork, 626 spoke card and a couple stickers of jesus on the frame.
Please let me know if you hear//see anything remotely close to it.
hahaha if it meant getting revenge on the cocksucker that stole my bike, I would be so down for explosive seat posts.
or possibly a proximity mine, and when the asshole((S)) take the bike past a certain point...
WoW this is a never ending epademic. I have had a bmx stolen from the side of my house, i learned from it and now have all my bikes in side my house, one in my room, one in the living room and another in the kitchen. Fucking theives have caused me to now have a clutered pad. no thanks fucktards..
Okay so after reading loads of bentstriders explosive 101 posts I finally decided to set up my own "bike trap" on my front pourch,I used my bmx bike which I have no care for anymore and I basicly set a mine or counter sheild around it,I tied some fishing wire around the frame that leads to the carpet under it,at which when the theive moves the bike at all,a big strip covered in pepper and and tumb tacks will unlease at the theive which will = in blindness and sharp pains!!=]=]
Yesss!! Its as true as it can be,
And its also a gurantee I'll have a "customer"anytime soon giving since I live in silverlake,which u guys may know as "bike theives headquaters"
Noooo chynnaaaa!!
I want to keep this 1 man string as low key as possible,posting pictures of it and basicly showboating about it will not help out,and pluss it took me about 5 hours to build this,
But it'll make sure to call u take pictures of the theive once I duct tape him up,his/her eyes might be a lil red though 0_o
Sorry to hear about the bike... I'm in Glendale/Burbank. Will keep my eyes peeled.
I remember when I was like 12, I saw someone scouting my bike in the back yard. I lived on the 2nd fl apt and decided to tie string and cans. Sure enough.. the crack head came back the next night and tried to jack my bike... i woke up from all the pepsi cans making noise and tried to deepen my voice, yelled, and the fucker dropped the bike and took off. I don't know why I decided to share this story but I thought my backyard apt was safe. Nope! This was in Ktown.
I'm just thinking... Do most ppl live in populated, mostly apt residential areas, that ppl can see you go in and out? Makes me sooo paranoid.
dudes tresspassing on his property, so I think he has the "right" to protect it.. I dont know if that includes booby traps, but fortifying ((so to speak)) your house//yard isnt illegal!
ever heard of lockpicks? i ordered a set online for 30$. i have pretty much no practice and i can open my apt door and any simple master lock padlock. Its not a hard skill to learn it its a hell alot scarier than bump keys.
Hell if you manage to get away with my bike without getting your eyes burned out or getting pricked with nails then I guess you really deserve the bike,
I won't get sued if I have chynna come and take pics of the theive and show it to the officer,judge,d.a whoever,because he'll be caught red handed,(literly hehe ;)
laser-cut keys are bump-key resistant. the trick to them is that the pins are at different angles, hence, if you bump one way, you unbump the other side, or so i understand.
but let's get back to reality: if someone is going to steal your bike, they are most likely not going to have a set of bump keys. they are most likely going to have a pair of bolt cutters, a hammer, a pair of pliers or a hack saw, or theyre just going to be walking by and see your bike unlocked.
if you have a back yard, there are probably people peeking through the gate to check out your shit. they might even be walking through your yard when they know youre not home or asleep. wake up, people, while we're riding bikes for fun, other people get a thrill out of stealing our bikes.
you're not safe and you never were. so u-lock your shit to a pole and hope to hell that nobody steals anything that isnt locked to it. you may wake up in the morning to find your bike locked up and your saddle gone. at least youll be able to be glad that your bike is still there. that's just the risk you run living in LA.
actually, there was a guy whose house got robbed two times. he got so fed up he boobytrapped his house. he rigged his window so that when the burglar came in, he would be shot with a shotgun. the burglar was crippled and sued the homeowner. he won in court and the homeowner had to sell his house to compensate he robber.
or so goes the story...
if you're going to get in a fight with a thief, dont just kick his ass, get him arrested. the cops will then put pressure on him to return any stolen bikes he has in his possession, and then the cops will be able to go after him every time a bike goes missing. if you kick his ass and let him crawl home free, he will thank his lucky stars.