Pasadena Route
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zbravestchicken at 03.22.09 - 7:09 pm
Does anybody know a good route to take to Pasadena.
I live in Burbank, but want to ride to school. (PCC)
I took I went down San Fernando to Broadway.
Then took Colorado the rest of the way.
There were a few hills that were not the best to ride up.
For some reason my peugeot doesn't like to stay in a low gear, so
it shifts itself up.
So any route without any major climbing would be preferable.
I would ride around 5 am and 1 pm Monday to Thursay.
Then 7 am and 7 pm on Fridays.
- Uncle Harry's Daughter
going up colrado is a pain but the most direct from glendale burbank area, either way it will help you become a stronger rider
jbachez03.22.09 - 7:11 pm
I could probably do it if my bike could stay in a low gear, but trying to get up that thing in a high gear is almost impossible.
zbravestchicken03.22.09 - 7:16 pm
is ur bike a 10 speed? with friction gear changers? of so there are these little caps near the gear changers, u should make sure they are screwed in tight or else itll just gears like that. or maybe the alignment of ur de-railers are off, u can fix it with a simple screw driver, my
AIM ids zomgloc. im me if u need more detail. :)
zomgloc03.22.09 - 8:09 pm
Yeah the reason it maybe shifting on you is because these D rings are tighten enuff. Have pops tighten it down if you can't get it.
Can't help you much on the route, but there are sites that have people posting up their chosen route. Don't have a recommendation, but they're out there.
User103.22.09 - 8:46 pm
that's suppose to read above, "are NOT tighten enuff"
User103.22.09 - 8:47 pm
sounds like you're having
autoshifting issues. it's annoying as hell but pretty easy to fix once you spot the issue.
coldcut03.22.09 - 10:36 pm
avoiding that hill just means more mileage on your part
jbachez03.22.09 - 10:45 pm
you can take colorado into eagle rock and make a right onto eagle rock blvd and a left on york. or colorado to fig to york. whatever you're more comfortable with. there's a little hill on figueroa going into highland park though. york turns into monterey heading into south pasadena. you can always take that to fair oaks, make a left on fair oaks and take green street or colorado to pcc. it'll definitely add more miles to your commute.
monterey is still a hill, but a more gradual climb than colorado. colorado is short and painful whereas york/monterey is longer and more relaxing as long as you have gears.
coldcut03.22.09 - 11:00 pm
before you hit that hill on monteray you can make a left on pasadena ave that turns into mission and take that all the way to el molino up to california then take cali all the way to pcc, el molino has an uphill but not as intense as colorado, the only bad thing about that route is that its not direct and adds more milage to your commute, get your gears fixed and learn to love colorado
jbachez03.23.09 - 1:57 am
haha it's reverse for me i ride the same route mon-fri but to burbank! im the guy on the Black SS draft.I prob seen you!
pporras03.23.09 - 10:57 am
most of the time, friction shifters just don't have enough friction, so tightening the side screw is enough to help hold it in position...
on some occasions, though, the cable is not quite adjusted correctly, and you don't have enough cable to allow the shifter to be turned all the way to a spot that allows it to help "hold" the derailleur in place... (if the shifter can only go about 90 degrees or less, it's usually not far enough)
you might check that also...
adrian03.23.09 - 1:53 pm
Colorado really isn't so bad. It's just a small stretch of steep climbing.
A little hills are good for ya!
Joe Borfo03.23.09 - 1:57 pm
What are you doing Tuesday night? Tell your dad to join us and I'll show you a route that's not so steep. It's a bit longer in distance though.
Joe Borfo03.23.09 - 2:00 pm