Hammertime: Breaking Away
Thread started by
theroyalacademy at 03.4.09 - 1:56 pm
If you haven't already seen it, here's you chance to see Breaking Away -- in a theatre with hot pink seats no less.
Hammer Museum Bike Night
Breaking Away
Thursday Apr 16
8:30pm (Adtl. stuff starting at 7pm)
Valet bike parking
I should also mention that Hammer programs are free, but require a ticket -- which are available from the box office starting one hour before the program (which means 6pm since that's when the event as a whole technically starts).
theroyalacademy03.4.09 - 2:01 pm
My guess is that this will not fill up; so you could get tickets whenever you arrive. I think you can call the box office before you leave to get a sense of if they expect to run out of seats.
theroyalacademy03.4.09 - 2:16 pm
Valet bike parking? I'm confused.
Gav03.4.09 - 5:35 pm
lol i'm like right across the street on wilshire/westwood.
_iJunes03.4.09 - 5:38 pm
Ghostbusters was playing in a theater over off fairfax last friday.
I wanted to see it sooo baaaaaddllyyyyyyy.
but I didn't. and I am forever bummed.
la duderina03.4.09 - 5:43 pm
si cazzo forum troll scendere del computer e guidare la bicicletta!!!
_iJunes03.4.09 - 5:44 pm
OH there on this one! BTW, there's a bar across the street from the Hammer and they have a happy hour special or $5 pizzas. They are killer pizzas too. I believe Barley goes there alot.
User103.4.09 - 6:31 pm
Wow I didn't know PC was in that movie!!!
User103.4.09 - 6:59 pm
Yeah — PC must be a lot older than he looks. He was a teenager in 1979??!
katiepoche03.4.09 - 7:11 pm
Is there a ride planned for this? I'm thinking leave Highland / Hollywood at 6:30pm or shortly after? Maybe even 7pm? I can't imagine this movie selling out the seats.
User103.9.09 - 11:27 pm
The "short guy" in Breaking Away is the same actor who plays the sock faced dude in "Watchmen"
Creative Thing03.10.09 - 7:24 am
This movie event is a simply a plot designed lure us with bike content and trick us into paying attention to the theme: ITs TIME TO GROW UP, stop dicking around with your loser friends, and get a life.
trickmilla03.10.09 - 12:26 pm
ps. i should have said "spoiler alert" soz.
trickmilla03.10.09 - 12:27 pm
I thought the theme was that you can get any girl if you sing to her accompanied by a grown up kevin arnold voice when he is younger and not yet the voice of kevin arnold and is not fred savage which would have only been possible if the whole wonder years series was shot and then shelved for 30 years then over dubbed by fred savage himself and not Cyril which would have changed the release of wonder years to about 10 years from now.
Hair03.10.09 - 1:29 pm
I'm way past "growning up" (I never did, just ask my wife), and I approve of this movie.
"We promised to waste our lives together, right?"
Could be the code of M.R.
Creative Thing03.10.09 - 2:54 pm
I've done all the growing up I'm going to do! Now it's just hang on and enjoy the ride.
User103.10.09 - 3:09 pm
Where and when are we meeting? Remember, the hammer could sell out early.
Joe Borfo03.10.09 - 3:12 pm
I think I am gonna start my ride at
Il Panini di Ambra For some Italian food. Its a small joint ... but there is a huge cafe a few doors down (sobor y cultura).
Unfortunately my Italian bike is outta comish.
but some eating some tasty pizza by real itallians is the next best thing.
trickmilla03.10.09 - 4:35 pm
Getting there (hammer) with time to catch happy hour across the street is a good call too. Pizzas and a beer for less than $10. Maybe Barley can give us the info on this? I'll call him tonite if he doesn't respond to the thread.
User103.10.09 - 4:39 pm
Pizze e birra, pizze e birra!
In keeping with our lead character's Italian fetishism.
Also, Hair, your screed is absolutely mind-bending. I think I just traveled through time. (Like Fred Savage must have.)
katiepoche03.11.09 - 1:47 am
Appetizer Specials:
Everyday 4 - 7pm
Every night after 10pm
User103.16.09 - 6:10 pm
Are you gonna Metro up with me for this?
Can't wait.
Creative Thing03.16.09 - 6:37 pm
Yeah Les, we'll go down to this together if you like. I do want to try to catch the happy hour though. So that could be tuff. It's not critical tho. I would rather roll with everyone than hit HH.
User103.16.09 - 6:57 pm
So ... I'm not doing a formal ride or anything, but I will be getting a slice of pizza at Il Panini di Ambra (linked above) think around 6:15 or 6:30 ... then hit the road around 7.
The place is in east hollywood (hollywood and gramercy) so I am figuring at a medium pace it will take about 45 minutes to get there.
This is an informal ride. I honestly don't want roll with a huge number of people.
Hopefully there will be rides from a few different places to accommodate different people from different neighborhoods, time schedules, paces, etc.
If you want to meet me for milanese pizza and a smallish group ride than hit me at myscreenanme@aol.com so we can know how many people are coming and roll out early if we want.
on another note: the happy hour that User 1 is talking about is good. Fancy shit on the cheap. You won't go wrong if you pick that route.
Also I am told that they will be serving vegetarian food at the Hammer event. Not sure what the details of that are.
trickmilla03.19.09 - 12:27 pm
Hey Patrick,
Have you ever eaten at this chicken place on 8th and Western?
street view
Looks like the use wood to cook their chicken. BTW, I don't remember if you are a veggie or not. So my bad if you are. I got to stop by there when I'm in the area!
User103.19.09 - 1:21 pm
So glad people will make it out for the Hammer event. Should be fun, the bike valet and music is happening in the courtyard. I'm still waiting to hear details on the veggie food, but supposedly, it's happening. Also a cash bar and the museum is open until 9pm and free on Thursday nights.
In terms of RSVP and reservations, the Hammer doesn't have a "system" in place to accept reservations, which I know is disappointing. What they have said they will do is to screen the film in the theater (35mm print), while also projecting videos of the film in the courtyard and in an additional space (Gallery Six). So unless it's an absolute crazy mob scene, which I am not anticipating, everyone who wants to will get to see the film. The theater seats 295.
I think getting there on the early side is probably a good idea if you really want to see the film in the pink seated theater.... though I actually have no idea how many people are going to turn out for this... I'm trying to get some rides, either formally or informally, in place to get out there, so we don't all have to go it alone.
Lisaaa03.19.09 - 10:59 pm
I've seen that place, i've smelled that place but never eaten there.
x-vegetarian i don't usually chase after chicken ... most of my meat crimes are crimes of convenience.
trickmilla03.20.09 - 8:54 am
I got the DVD of Breaking Away for Xmas.
Seeing this on a big screen, with other ridazz is gonna be fun.
I hope I don't screw things up by getting a job that won't allow me to attend.
This will be a great night!
Creative Thing03.30.09 - 10:11 pm
I have ridden just about every road they used in the filming of that movie.
parlorbikes04.7.09 - 4:42 pm
There's a ride on BikeBoom from the BD to the Hammer. Show at 5pm roll out at 5:30pm.
mk452404.15.09 - 1:56 pm
There's not a ride posted to this event!
What are we going to do??????
User104.15.09 - 11:30 pm
OMG I get to go on a semi social outing for once!!!
Yay MovieTIME!!
I will also have TMR awesomly spiffy shirts, bottle openers and buttons to sell.. So look for the Girl in the blue hair and red Chrome bag.
feelingrandy04.16.09 - 10:03 am
There is a ride - leaving at 5:30pm from the BD.
Who's going?
mr rollers04.16.09 - 11:08 am
I'll be hanging out, looking like I've got nothing to do. You'll see me!
User104.16.09 - 11:50 am
word from the Hammer:
this shit is going to be mad packed (limited tickets), suggest we ride hard...
gotta watch out for that deadly rush hour traffic (if we are leaving at 5:30pm) and careless LA drivers. apparently they don't give a fuck bout us
randyadamIII04.16.09 - 1:16 pm
That ride to Westwood at that time can really suck. But in a group of any more than 5, you have strength in numbers. I wouldnt worry about it.
The theatre seats over 250 people plus it is being shown in another part of the museum simultaneously. Outside maybe? I cant remember.
bike punk04.16.09 - 2:18 pm
on the site it says it being shown in their courtyard too.this is going to be awesome.
larsenf04.16.09 - 3:05 pm
Man, what the hell happened on the ride back? Was that chaotic or what? So much for no rida left behind. I just hope everyone got home safely and in a chipper mood.
The ride there and the event rocked! Had a blast!
User104.17.09 - 11:43 am
I never saw Breaking away before last night and it's now in my top 10 movies.... for sure!! if you know what my top 5 are...there you go! The whole evening was pretty rad! Nice ride over, free foodz, heated courtyard fill w/. the best of the best peeps! I totally forgot to drink the vodka I snuck in the theatre cuz I was havin' so much fun <3 MOAR BIKE MOVIE NIGHTS!
mixtemotions04.17.09 - 12:21 pm
Definite good time. Props to the organizers! ;)
X-Large04.17.09 - 12:31 pm
The ride back was a bit of a clusterfuck, if you ask me. Put it down as a lesson learned - next time if I have a route in mind I'm just gonna take it regardless of what anybody else is doing, which is what I figured out when I found out that myself & a few others had tagged on to the back of a semi-Wolfpack Hustle (tm) ride that dropped us on the Wilshire Blvd Freeway.
No hard feelings . . . honestly.
mr rollers04.17.09 - 12:33 pm