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Roadblock at 04.27.09 - 12:30 am
Yes they do.
If you don't call in sick or get the morning off on friday for storm the bastille then so do you.
Now what you gonna do about it?
i have to say, this is one of those times. i'd regret missing this more than losing my job.
tortuga_veloce04.27.09 - 4:14 am
Bicycle riding is one of the few freedoms we have left.
Midnight Ridazz shows a large group can assemble,
and be mobile. This is what scares the cops.
Dedicated81804.27.09 - 4:55 am
this is bullshit
lapd doesn't hate cyclists
sure a couple officers were douches
but think back how chill bike friendly the cops were months back
thing is that we pushed our luck
we act as if people owe something.
we run red light, we destroy property, litter, steal, tag,
but ya i'll see you friday
aksendz04.27.09 - 8:04 am
Really, the only freedom we have left?
how many people did you just offend with that statement?
all the immigrant who could now enjoy voting, minority protection, government programs.
D818, you can do what ever you want in this country, no one chooses your job, no one chooses your mate, no one chooses how you speek.
think about this, you have the freedom to question the status of freedom in your country
if you don't appreciate that, then your just spoiled
aksendz04.27.09 - 8:12 am
I'll do everything I can to get the morning off for this, but I don't think that biking is an option tomorrow. Is there an address for the eventual meeting point?
Team Creanberry04.27.09 - 8:12 am
I'm planning on attending DESPITE this "LAPD hates Bikes" bullshit.
Yes it's catchy, and yes it makes a cute tee-shirt, but the bottom line is that it doesn't help our agenda at all.
Of all the departments in the area which one has been cooler over the years with M.R, than LAPD? SMPD? Glendale? West LA? Culver City? LA County Sheriffs?
I have seen lots of cool ass cops on MR rides keepin' it chill and actually enjoying the spectacle.
We all know there is a lot of Douchy Cops.
If anything maybe we should call this Officer Cho Hates Bikes.
There needs to be an accounting for what happened last week.
But this phoney LAPD vs. Bikes thing is bullshit.
Its just not supported by the "official" behavior of the department.
Look at the relationship between NYPD and CM in the early 2000's in NYC with cops showing up and busting and arresting critical mass every month. Disrupting EVERY ride, Cutting bike locks and stealing bikes in the area of CM, arresting bike commuters who rode past a CM all sanctioned from the top of the PD.
We aren't there yet.
And we never be close to there if we play this smart.
Yes we need to get angry. Yes we need to harness our anger into smart political action. Yes we need to demand justice.
But when I see a Facebook invtation to an event sponsored by Midnight Ridazz called "LAPD hates Bikes"
it kind of breaks my heart. Because that kind of bullshit attitude is counter productive. and while it may be 100% appropriate for other orgs I think it totally mis-represents what I have come to know as Midnight Ridazz.
DESPITE these things I am still planning on being there.
Anger is inspirational and motivational.
Slogans look good on tee shits.
But we need smart action not silly slogans if we want to get results.
trickmilla04.27.09 - 9:27 am
shut the fuck up donny, you are out of your element
la duderina04.27.09 - 9:55 am
while it may be 100% appropriate for other orgs I think it totally mis-represents what I have come to know as Midnight Ridazz.
yeah, the top of the page still reads "Ridazz Salute LAPD." I still feel that. There are plenty of nice cops out there. Making generalizations are an offense to those cops too.
When a police officer tells you, "none of the officers I work with act like that," you should be able to tell them exactly who you have a problem with and what station theyre from:
Officer Cho, Central Div. - Hummer Incident
Officer Scube, Wilshire Div. - ask AT
Officer Ward, West LA - For making me late to work for no reason
It's up to you to defend your convictions. It's a little harder than making bold accusations which you feel or know to be true, but it will get your point across.
tortuga_veloce04.27.09 - 10:01 am
Actually some of them probably hate bike riders instead of bikes.
User104.27.09 - 10:02 am
all the immigrant who could now enjoy voting, minority protection, government programs.
D818, you can do what ever you want in this country, no one chooses your job, no one chooses your mate, no one chooses how you speek.
HAHAHAHAHHA LMFAAO....D818 is not spoiled aksendz, you are just naive.
fucking a still laughing....
la duderina04.27.09 - 10:05 am
...and duderina is a jaded snob apparently
Eric Hair04.27.09 - 10:19 am
Yes it's a free country!
Yes Martha you can have your burger without special sauce here!
Cause we're freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
User104.27.09 - 10:23 am
@ Don-i agree with tortuga and aksendz.we dont needa hostile relationship with the cops,especialy with the younger riders.sure,some lame shit goes down but what do you expect?
tagging,underage drinking,drunk riding,shoplifting,motorist comfrontations........the list goes on.
friday nite me stilline and nathan talked to the cops on the city hall steps for a long time.they admire what we do and mainly want us to be safe.even the seargent didnt mind our impromtu gathering.
dont get me wrong, i dont like all the police officers.i dont like all riders either.thats life.
lets spend our energy calling out the bad cops instead of saying all cops are bad.
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 10:29 am
hey eric hair, at least I know when I'm getting fucked in the ass.
la duderina04.27.09 - 10:33 am
you guys care too much
and i'm not down with dope.
_iJunes04.27.09 - 10:35 am
we dont needa hostile relationship with the cops
They started it!!
but I agree, don't give anyone a reason to be against us ya know what I'm sayin
la duderina04.27.09 - 10:35 am
bikes are the new terrorists.
_iJunes04.27.09 - 10:37 am
lots of good opinions here.
a couple things, when I saw this statement on Rev.
Dak's t-shirt I thought it was perfect because it specifically does NOT say BIKE riders hate the LAPD. the wording puts the ball in their court. and maybe it is better to put it as "does the LAPD hate bikes?"
regardless I won't forget about the time I was run off the road, got the perp's license plate and the cops did nothing. nor will I forget the times that the parade
was obeying the law and the cops still pulled me and a small group over TWICE and ticketed me for not having a bike license to harass me simply because I wouldn't leave until they were done ticketing another rida that they just tackled off his bike for allegedly running a light. nor will I forget the times that the cops simply drove right into the parade with NO regard for the safety of the cyclists and then scolded them for riding dangerous. NOR will I forget the recent hummer incident in which they let a hit and run suspect just leave.
shit is piling up. there's just too many checks against the cops these days.
This ride has gone on for 5 years now. and even when it was 1500 deep it was never this bad.
while it's TRUE. the rides have become infected with little drunk kids and taggers.... and drunk adults and thieves.... I hate those people for ruining a good thing. is it ok for the cops to "punish" bike riders on the everyday because of it? no. collective punishment is wrong and the way the cops are acting these days they are perpetrating collective punishment on bike riders.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 11:16 am
i just think it would be in our best intrest to get them on our side rather than make it us aginst them.
dont forget all the other times the plice have treated us positively.
and in no way is L.A. as bad as NYC.i used to live there and man do they have a boner for bikers.
when you go to the "bastille" tommorow,bring names and badge numbers of the bad cops.blast the names over the megaphone and make a formal complaint about harrasment.
if you think a red light ticket is un-fair stop running red lights
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 11:35 am
I think it's important to keep the focus on specific instances where we have been treated unfairly, like the ones mentioned by Roadblock above. Blanket generalities will be ineffective and make it look like cranks that are demanding special treatment, like we are somehow above the law.
This "bike thing" we do has gotten too big to ignore. A few years ago MR was just a once or twice a month thing, but there are group rides every night of the week now. I believe that we are bringing some of this negative attention on ourselves by a certain lawlessness (tagging, shoplifting, littering, underage drinking and BUI). There's no way that anyone is going to be able to stand up in front of the LAPD or City Council and defend those things with a straight face.
mr rollers04.27.09 - 11:55 am
red light tickets are lame and the punishment does not fit the crime. as far as I know in most major cities cops ignore bike riders who run them because there are better things to do with this broke ass government's resources. in nyc people walk against lights all day. I ran lights all day and all night for 6 days in nyc and never had a cop even blink at me.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 11:58 am
does anyone have a water balloon slingshot?
newarkhouse04.27.09 - 11:59 am
what else is a slingshot for?
it shoots water balloons
spiraldemon04.27.09 - 12:03 pm
I would like to see us be able to reach some kind of accommodation with the LAPD especially regarding red light running on large rides. We all know that it's the only way to keep the group together and probably ends up being safer for everyone. Many times the LAPD has looked the other way and even corked for us on occasion, but convincing them to make this an official policy is going to take some doing.
Ideas for strategies?
mr rollers04.27.09 - 12:08 pm
the best strategy might be to just run rides in which we do obey every signal and show them that bicycle chaos is worse for traffic.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 12:14 pm
We may even learn to like doing it that way.
PC04.27.09 - 12:15 pm
we have plenty of freedom here douches! My bro and many of our freinds and family our in the service putting there lifes at risk so we can do our every day lifes here! They fight/die for you and me and this countrires freedom! So we can go to school,work,hiking biking camping surfing and have lifes here with no war or bombs or stupid as laws ! etc etc etc Dam some people just Dam them!
pporras04.27.09 - 12:17 pm
hate to break it to you. but god bless those soldiers and bring them home. they are NOT fighting for our freedom. they are fighting for the freedom of money interests to make more money.
in case you havent noticed there are all kinds of countries out there currently NOT fighting wars that have the same level of freedom that we have AND MORE. we dont need to be destroying other countries to have freedom. we need to butt the fuck out of other country's biz and defend our soil by treating the world with dignity and fighting for better treatment by our own government.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 12:24 pm
We haven't had soldiers fighting for our freedom since WWII.
User104.27.09 - 12:32 pm
If we start appear to be a menace then we will get more attention from the cops.
Not because we are on bikes, but because we are a big group exercising power. If we were strictly using clown cars, roller blades, pogo-sticks, and unicycles. Certain cops would still dick out on us because this is in 99% of these cases it is a CONTROL ISSUE not a BIKE ISSUE.
For the most part the cops don't give a fuck about much of the "lawlessness" y'all are talking about. It's stuff that happens all the time anyway and in most cases, probably to a lesser degree with our group(s) than the average gathering of revelers. For the most part the bad shit impacts us more than anybody else.
The only time the cops care is
a) when they get complaints about lawlessness and somebody is blowing smoke up their ass.
b) people are flagrantly violating laws in front of them hiding in the mob.
c) the cop is an asshole likely to fuck with anybody who stands out or is doing something different.
I honestly think this covers about 90%-99% of the times that they are harassing and fucking with ridazz.
In regards to a & b we have to do whatever we can to minimize these incidents and when "c" rolls around we have to step up and and hold douchy cops accountable.
We need as many allies as possible in the City, in the PD, on the road, in the voting booth, so when this type of bullshit goes down we have a posse to back us up bigger than a room full of sweaty well intentioned ridazz with messenger bags, skull patches, and helmet hair.
I'm just sayin' lets be smart about this.
Which judging by by past trips to city hall I know we will be.
Just don't wear your LAPD Hates Bikes Tee.
Save it for then next C.M. ride. (either one will do)
trickmilla04.27.09 - 12:34 pm
Clown cars FTW
jonnyboy04.27.09 - 12:36 pm
I am super fucking happy that somebody from the LAPD showed up 2 hours after Jesus Castillo was killed and arrested the perp.
It doesn't always go down like that.
trickmilla04.27.09 - 12:36 pm
Using Officer Cho's logic. When someone at the airport says they have a bomb, you need to actually see the bomb or else it is just isn't real.
skd04.27.09 - 1:16 pm
keep in mind, that in NYC they don't give tickets for jaywalking either...
most metropolitan cities don't give out tickets for that...but they do in So. Cal...
adrian04.27.09 - 1:18 pm
@robert stanfield - The "cops" you were talking to at city hall weren't cops - just public safety officers.
I personally think the title is appropriate. I tend to stay away from generalizations like this, but this is a rather true one. Sure, some cops are friendly towards us, but it is not the norm. The overall handling of events between cyclists and cops, individually and on rides, is an extremely unjustified biased one - and it's not OK.
So, thanks for standing up for them, but we're really sick of this bullshit and the truth is the truth. Any time a driver is released without even being given a ticket for hit n run, or for killing a cyclist, or given a ticket for riding in the street, in the right lane...this is purely uncalled for. This city has plenty of true criminals, and it's not us. I'm concerned about what they're not attending to when they're harassing us. Time to face reality, guys.
kryxtanicole04.27.09 - 1:45 pm
I think most people have the ability to judge when they can cross a street or not. I know I feel silly in San Francisco when I'm at a red crosswalk and people just start walking past me. I understand if a cop gave a ticket to someone that impeded a car but for an empty street it's just stupid. That said we're trained well in Los Angeles!
As for the LAPD HATES BIKES... it'll make the cops that do think, "yup" and the cops that don't think, "hey wait a moment!?"
neverclever04.27.09 - 1:48 pm
"@robert stanfield - The "cops" you were talking to at city hall weren't cops - just public safety officers."
Me -
Bo Bo thinks anyone that's wearing a uniform is a police officer. I seen it happen with the train conductor on the Blue Line platform too. Give me about a year and I'll have him spotting undercover officers! And more importantly, spotting the ones that are claiming to be undercover. Yeah there's jokers like that on the Blue Line.
User104.27.09 - 2:52 pm
My mom told an old friend of hers, a cop, of how I into doing all these rides and she asked why cops give us a hard time. He openly said that cops just dislike the larger rides.
It was cool when that one cop yelled out "Midnight Ridazz rocks" at Revenge of the Nerds.
Gav04.27.09 - 2:52 pm
if you don't like it, get the FUGGGG out!!!!
coldcut04.27.09 - 3:18 pm
D818 - snob.
What influenced me to say this was Louis CK visit on the Conan show. Youtube it and you'll understand.
Remember, cops are individuals and too often grouped together.
Put this situation in reverse. Kush town jacks, tags, and ect. You don't see store owenrs goung. CYCLISTS HATE MOM AND POP SHOPS!
That's just silly.
I do agree. Make the names famous.
and add
Deputy Anger - pulling over the tandem for a bs ticket.
Roadbloack, just cause you ran a red, and just because there are bigger things, does not make it okay.
We have bullshit wars on this and that but that doesn't stop this governemnt from tackling the smaller issues as well.
I agree, fun chill rides. Sarahs ride last Saturday was beautiful. We stopped on most of the lights, we all stuck to the right lane. It was awesome. BTW thanks to everyone who decided to be right instead of cool. And yes I'm sorry for being a douche too :]
Right now, rides have to be 'safety' status. Although quickly fast bad ass rides will spring up, the majority of good behavior will have bad rides excusable.
aksendz04.27.09 - 4:19 pm
It's catchy, simple, but pretty vague.
Does ALL OF LAPD hate bikes? Of course not.
Do some? obviously.
How about generally? That's subjective, it depends on your personal experience with cops.
Personally, I feel that "in general" the LAPD really hates the BIKE SCENE in LA. That's how I feel, and I felt strongly enough to wear it on a shirt. If you don't like it, sorry. Don't take it personally.
Just like I don't represent the bike scene "in general", Officer Cho doesn't represent the LAPD "in general". But, I can guarantee that there are a significant number of "cyclists" that can relate to my message, just like there are a significant number of cops that think like Officer Cho.
I just don't get paid to be an asshole.
the reverend dak04.27.09 - 4:25 pm
'Hates' is inaccurate. I think it's about 50/50 on how the LAPD feels about the rides. I've seen the police be cool as hell, and I've seen them be totally ridiculous jerks. Sometimes on the same ride.
If you don't think we make a lot of work for the police via complaints from the public, you're fooling yourself. They're in a difficult position, and it's rare that good police work gets applauded with the same enthusiasm that bad police work gets condemned.
If you want to make a difference at bastille day, show up with ideas and without vitriol. Midnight ridazz does best when it makes people jealous of all the fun we're having, and there are a lot of smart people among us.
mullingitover04.27.09 - 4:35 pm
I'm a fair cat. if I get a ticket I own up to it if I indeed did the crime.
actually the one time I got a red light ticket, I DID NOT run the light. everyone knows I roll up towards the front. and on this night, the peoples ride was absolutely stopping for reds at the front.
the cops came roaring from the back and were driving wildly at the group sirens blazing. so I decided to be a good samaritan and slow down because frankly it was too fuckin dangerous with the cops blazing high speed up the ride. I urged several riders I was with to do so as well. and by then the cop rolls up behind us and tells us all to get on the sidewalk. we were 8 or 9 blocks and a left turn away from where the cop alleged that we ran the light. he gave us all red light tix. that's a point on our records and a 400 fine. how could he have spotted us out of 300 riders and around a corner at that?
nope. DICK MOVE. collective punishment.
google map illustration of bogus ticket.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 5:07 pm
"If you want to make a difference at bastille day, show up with ideas and without vitriol."
Remember what happened when the real Bastille was stormed. There was revolution for a while, then Napoleon staged a coup and had the army suppress the riots and political activity. -
That's not exactly the desired outcome here.
JB04.27.09 - 5:08 pm
trickmills JB and everyone else urging calm.... indeed. that;s the way to go.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 5:13 pm
I think the focus should be on actual events that occurred – I agree with what Mr. Rollers and Trickmilla have already posted. I have had the displeasure of meeting an officer Hwang (or something) on several occasions and each time he says shit like “I have seen you around always leaving a mess behind” and each time I ask him if he has seen ME in particular and what it was exactly that *I* was doing… he just keeps making blanket statements and generalizations about taking up all the lanes and running reds etc etc.. each time I let him know that we are ALL different (as all cops are different as all drivers are different). Since I don’t like being grouped into one scene and I don’t like being associated with the douches who litter and tag and can’t handle their alcohol (regardless of their age), I think it is only fair for me to try and not put all cops into one t-shirt. I’ll be wearing my I BIKE LA shirt, but again this is my personal decision. I dress myself and not anyone else. I can only hope that their shirt reflects on who they are and not on who I am.
I feel like we just went through this here
Kakihara04.27.09 - 5:33 pm
donuts! Hanging from every ridazz bike ride? Rides trough the police stations? Lets do it!
pporras04.27.09 - 5:47 pm
@ kryxtanicole-dont tell me you know what you are talking about because you dont know shit.thoe were the police,or are you to stupid to see the police cars they rolled up on.
so shut your miserable fucking hole.
and to anybody who cares,it is so easy to get out of tickets.treat the officer with respect,be honest,know your rights,and dont get caught lying.9 times out of you will get off with a warning.
oh,never consent to a search either.
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 6:03 pm
You're asking for respect while disrespecting a fellow rider in such a tone? Jesus, what's wrong with you?
Everything you've written in this thread just doesn't hold the value it once did. Learn to discuss without the name calling and you might make an opponent an ally.
July04.27.09 - 6:10 pm
Wish there was an ignore button on this site (future recommendation?) for idiots like the one that just posted a couple posts up.
July04.27.09 - 6:13 pm
really robert, really?
get over yourself seriosly. there is no need to act the way you do. in fact its hypocritical.
krysta's an awesome gal so cork it....and then get an impeding traffic ticket!
aksendz04.27.09 - 6:21 pm
There were two sets of cops:
LAPD "swear on the constitution" officers at the CalTrans building across from City Hall giving red light tickets to Ridazz
General Services public safety officers at City Hall keeping an eye on the place.
My guess = Krista was referring to the latter and Stafield to the former.
A little knowledge and a little thought goes a long way. A lot of knowledge and a lot of thought can take you to the moon - who wants to bike there?
Alex Thompson04.27.09 - 6:29 pm
no she isnt.she is like that weird girl in elementry school who was really into unicorns.harmless but lame.
i just dont like people who dont know what they are talking about tell me whay i just did or said.
@ aksends who are you ? why do you care?how am i a hipocrate?
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 6:34 pm
the reality of our world is no government is run for the people by the people.
coldcut04.27.09 - 6:40 pm
i'm your mom, with lemons :]
aksendz04.27.09 - 6:41 pm
I have faith that when kryxtanicole gets wind of this she'll rip this guy a new one.........
Debut21304.27.09 - 7:03 pm
Anywayzzz...what trickmilla said.
I think naming names of actual douche bag cops and specific examples of their douchebaggery is a good idea for the police commission hearing tomorrow morning.
Who else is coming?
DJwheels04.27.09 - 7:11 pm
I'm there. I'm printing out a map of the bogus fuckin ticket I got from Officer Wiggins
and seriously robert is that really you or did someone hack this dudes account? fuck off with your insults krista is a sweetheart.
Roadblock04.27.09 - 7:12 pm
hey man i just dont like people i barely know telling me about something she has no idea about.
give me a break don,i didnt say anything that mean.if it was a guy i said something to would you even care?
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 7:21 pm
Robert, dude, Krysta was up on the stairs next to the cops (or safety officers, or whoever they were) for a while too. Maybe she didn't know that you spent 30 minutes talking to them, but seriously, you're talking way more trash than is warranted, given the situation. Personally, I don't think I paid enough attention to the officers' badges/uniforms to really know whether they were LAPD or not.
nathansnider04.27.09 - 8:01 pm
wait is it tomorrow or friday?
aksendz04.27.09 - 8:14 pm
mabey i am in a shitty mood today?
how do the rules work on the forum anyways?
i am not allowed to call somebody out for being wrong?
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 8:15 pm
and to anybody who cares,it is so easy to get out of tickets.treat the officer with respect,be honest,know your rights,and dont get caught lying.9 times out of you will get off with a warning.
oh,never consent to a search either.
robert stanfield
04.27.09 - 9:03 pm
tried this on lacm and it didnt work.
ruinedbyidiots04.27.09 - 8:17 pm
,i didnt say anything that mean.
uhhh yeah you did...
you dont know shit.thoe were the police,or are you to stupid to see the police cars they rolled up on.
so shut your miserable fucking hole.
seriously dude that is not the way to approach things. I read her post and it was totally polite. this was just uncalled for, that is all.
la duderina04.27.09 - 8:23 pm
yeah, taylor is right, it ain't that easy to get out of tickets.
la duderina04.27.09 - 8:24 pm
hmmm you could always run.
oh,RBI ojai was nice.kind of hippie-ish but cool.
too bad about the ticket,i just expressed how things work for me.
cops dont fuck with me for some reason.mabey they feel sorry for me.being as i am so stupid and lame.
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 8:24 pm
Tomorrow AND Friday....twice the fun.
check the calendar ------------------->
DJwheels04.27.09 - 8:28 pm
sometimes it can.
I got pulled over for turning on a red. my fault.
I got out of it be being sincere and telling the officer that I will get my lights and I was just going home.
Even though he was critizing MR and saying he could easily fill 3-4 ticket books on a ride.
Not my battle to fight.
aksendz04.27.09 - 8:38 pm
and seriously robert is that really you or did someone hack this dudes account?
Somebody made the mistake of telling him that they like his sarcastic posts, so now he's overdoing it in the hopes of getting even more praise. Only now he's doing it entirely without wit or entertainment value--not that his comments ever contained much of either.
PC04.27.09 - 8:42 pm
Ya all the fredom in the world if you have the connections,
and the money.
I like your statement about immigrants and freedom to spunge off
goverment programs.
Dedicated81804.27.09 - 8:48 pm
oh russle,you are so smart.good thing we all cant be you.
people like me make you seem so insightful and clever.
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 8:52 pm
Russell is a complete fucking idiot for trusting me to get him to the Throbbing Gristle show on time.
toweliesbong04.27.09 - 9:09 pm
you didn't hustle russell to the throbbing gristle?
for shame
la duderina04.27.09 - 9:12 pm
I say we all move to Finland
Gav04.27.09 - 9:16 pm
fo shizzle my nizzle
finland is too white for me.
i like it with my hommiez at kush town.
aksendz04.27.09 - 9:19 pm
Russell also rhymes with "likes being on the bottom."
User104.27.09 - 9:57 pm
"@ kryxtanicole-dont tell me you know what you are talking about because you dont know shit.thoe were the police,or are you to stupid to see the police cars they rolled up on.
so shut your miserable fucking hole."
robert stanfield
04.27.09 - 9:03 pm
GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! THAT KIND OF DISRESPECT WAS THOROUGHLY UNCALLED FOR. I know plenty, they said themselves they weren't police, because I SPOKE TO THEM. IF YOU WANNA TALK SHIT DO IT TO MY FACE. All I was doing was stating a fact. ASSHOLE.
kryxtanicole04.27.09 - 10:03 pm
Thanks everyone for sticking up for me. This community is 99.99% the most amazing group of people I have ever known. Sometimes we gotta deal with the other .01%.
Robert...stay the fuck away from me, I am the same in person as I am online and I will punch you straight in the mouth if you dare to keep it up. Let's keep it cool, we're a community, despite differences in opinion.
kryxtanicole04.27.09 - 10:10 pm

Yeah. STFU and go make some sushi, BO BO !
Joe Borfo04.27.09 - 10:13 pm
Differences in opinion run rampant in this microcosm of the real world, but that's not to say we can't respect each other. The beauty of it is, it was you this time, next time when it's someone else I can bet my bike someone will step up as well.
July04.27.09 - 10:18 pm
User104.27.09 - 10:25 pm
Check your facebook July, I have a special request. ; )
kryxtanicole04.27.09 - 10:25 pm
User104.27.09 - 10:26 pm
tortuga_veloce wrote:
When a police officer tells you, "none of the officers I work with act like that," you should be able to tell them exactly who you have a problem with and what station theyre from:
Officer Cho, Central Div. - Hummer Incident
Officer Scube, Wilshire Div. - ask AT
Officer Ward, West LA - For making me late to work for no reason
R. Alvarez, Central Division, night watch, serial number 26529 - Bike license tickets to me and Roadblock for arguing with him, VeganBananaPenis ride, DTLA, Sept 08
PC04.27.09 - 10:55 pm
I say we all move to Finland
04.28.09 - 12:16 am
I vote Sweden.
imachynna04.27.09 - 11:06 pm
oops,i was off watching the lakers.seems now you are all mad.
i remember friday night.i was talking to the police for a half hour. you lurked up at the end of the conversation,didnt say much and you are now telling me what happened.
you know how to use cap locks,good for you too.
you didnt like my choice of words.understandable.
i never said i would punch you in the face tho.
feel better now?
do you not like to be told you are wrong?or was the unicorn thing too much?whatever it was,you feel you need to hurt me.
dont worry about me ever talking to you.i never wanted to in the first place.
mabey you are a nice person and i am wrong to get on your case.
but until you prove me wrong my, opinion still stands.
say anything you want to anybody who will listen.
it dosent matter.
robert stanfield04.27.09 - 11:18 pm

Why don't we just revolt and start our own state?
Joe Borfo04.27.09 - 11:18 pm
Just wanted to throw some fuel on the fire of this flame war and tell Dedicated818 two things
1) You're confusing me with aksendz, which is impressively dumb, and
2) I beat your boy up Beverly Glen, and you never did eat crow for all the trash you talked, so now is the time.
Alex Thompson04.27.09 - 11:53 pm
I disowned junu from the asian race for losing the race.
also, junu is not my son
spiraldemon04.28.09 - 10:45 am
Back on topic...
I'll make Storm the Bastille if I get up in time. I didn't make the police commission today because I just couldn't wake up.
@trickmilla, it's just a t-shirt. I could go on a long-ass diatribe of why I should, can and might wear it to Storm The Bastille. But I'll keep this as short as possible:
Cops like Cho and Huang see us as ALL THE SAME. But we're not all the same. The thought that all of LAPD HATES BIKES is absurd. Just like not all Ridazz aren't drunk, tagging & thieving juveniles. But that's how they make us feel. And they continue to collectively punish us.
So that's the point. How would they feel if I thought that all cops are the same. That all cops are sadistic, Ridazz hating, facist pigs? I know I wouldn't like it.
the reverend dak04.28.09 - 11:19 am
but people are not that rational dak.
they will see that and think that our collective group hates their collective group. converting the on the fence and good cops into being more aggresive towards us.
aksendz04.28.09 - 11:39 am

fuckin robert,youre harsh but at least you dont back down like most of the people on here.
anyways ,just have a little something to say about the whole LAPD and cops in general thing.
i personally have been harrassed plenty by yhe cops in l.a, but in reality cops there im sure are some of the best ones in N america.i ve been fucked with here in mexico for just looking and dressing the airport they gave me shit cause they didnt believe i was mexican .even after showing my passport .now thats bullshit right there ladies and gents!
after reading the Argentia thread a few days back im sure most of you understand that life in L:A. has to be one of the best ones to live.Enjoy that shit and appreciate it.
im sure the cops still have a long ways to go to meet our high expectations ,but dont expect the impossible,.
theyre the biggest gang in L.A. so lets try to avoid confrontations with them.
would we go down to south central and ride through the rollin 60s living rooms without expppecting them to be a little upset?dont think so.
i hope things get better for the rides ,.i hope we can turn back time to the way things were for us 3 years ago, but unfortunately i dont see it that way.
its cool to fight back but its better to not get in a fight to begin with.
the hummer incident was fucked up from what i hear,so thats a fight that was brought upon the riders,but most of the other shit we get into we can easily avoid .
i hope this shit made makes sense to me but hey im just me.
i cant wait to get back to l.a. after beeing gone for 5 months,and i bet if anyone has been away from l.a. for any extended period of time ,they come back with a better appreciation for the beautiful city that is..................LOS ANGELES.
mandingo04.28.09 - 12:50 pm
@aksend, I don't believe that's true. That's actually pretty unfair to say about the mentality of a cop. It's like saying that we're all potentially thieving, tagging, traffic violating thugs.
But all these fucked up things some cops keep doing haven't changed me into one of their perceived troublemakers. They're the ones collectively punishing us for the actions of a few.
I admit making the shirt was very reactionary. But it was well thought out. It proves my point, as most of you do, that we're not all the same.
the reverend dak04.28.09 - 12:51 pm
hi dingo----i fucking miss you man.stay safe in mexico and hurry back soon.
robert stanfield04.28.09 - 1:01 pm
@mandingo, hahah. Mexico? I thought you went back to Australia. Bring me back a boomerang.
the reverend dak04.28.09 - 1:01 pm
the dingo ate your baby!
where is my spoke card
Dingo i miss yoU!
Kakihara04.28.09 - 1:57 pm
@trickmilla (and others), While I fully respect your argument about the inflammatory nature of the LAPD HATES BIKES t-shirt, I have to respectfully refuse to leave the t-shirt at home on May 1 (if that's even still happening...I haven't been on here in a long time). I predicted your argument when Rev. Dak and I were making the shirts, but frankly they don't sway me.
My point in wearing the shirt IS TO BE INFLAMMATORY. Period. I want to get in the LAPD's face, and I want them to know that I have witnessed enough abuse of power in connection with bikes and in connection with a trillion other things that I'm fucking pissed off.
As I have heard people say lately: We are not all the same in the bike community. Some of you spend hours working with public officials, including the LAPD, through political / lobbying channels for the rights of cyclists. I am impressed by the dedication and hard work that goes into that sort of thing. But it's not my style. I got angry enough a long time ago to decide that confrontation just might be my preferred path, and that's my choice, just like I got angry enough to decide that voting in (s)elections is probably not going to solve the problems I see. These are my political views, this is my approach, this is my anger.
I understand that I am part of the bike community, and I take seriously the responsibility I have as a member of the community not to prejudice the cops and the rest of the world against the bike community. At the same time, though, I have the right to be myself within certain parameters. And wearing that t-shirt falls within the parameters I have very thoughtfully and responsibly set for myself as a member of the bike community.
At least I'm not throwing rocks through bank windows on rides with you guys. I'll just move to Barcelona or Athens so I can.
Ms. Stephanie04.28.09 - 3:14 pm
Who the fuck is mikey walley and why is he living with me?
Kakihara04.28.09 - 3:59 pm
no comment on what's his names flames.
I guess this is a comment, but I might rather I didn't push the buttons on my keyboard....waste of time.
tern04.28.09 - 4:04 pm
Mr. Dak, Ms. Steph & all,
I have no problem with the tees.
My only real problem with LAPD HATES BIKES is that it is now a ride and that the invite I got by that name claimed to be hosted by MR.
Like many I hold MR very dear and I feel like the phrase LAPD HATES BIKES is more likely to be misunderstood than to communicate the message you describe.
I'm not going to pretend to fully "get" the shirts. But there is legions of great art that I have never understood. I do appreciate the fact that the shirt has the ability to provoke and begin a conversation on the subject.
I fully support you wearing the shirts where ever you like.
I do however really dislike the slogan LAPD HATES BIKES as the name of a bike ride or anything else associated with M.R.
trickmilla04.28.09 - 5:23 pm
yeah to who ever set that up on facebook if you would be so kind to take the phrase out.... it's a bit politically charged to be representing the POV of ALL ridazz.
Roadblock04.28.09 - 5:40 pm
LAPD HATES BIKES is that it is now a ride and that the invite I got by that name claimed to be hosted by MR.
- Trickmlla
This is absolutely not true - the invite you received was for Storm the Bastille, and there is not, nor has there been, one mention of LAPDhatesbikes. The group which invited you was a "Midnight Ridazz" group that someone else created, and I was able to obtain access to for the purpose of posting Storm the Bastille. Please get your facts straight.
Alex Thompson04.28.09 - 6:31 pm
I had rider friends that were cops and we would ride around and wait for cars to give us shit and them we would arrest them or give then the scare of there life....What fun... All I am saying is most all police are cool about bikers, but sometimes they respond to biker shit....So next time you run a light or cut off a car expect shit.
You talk like you never do anything wrong....Bull shit. We all bend the rules and sometimes we get caught
So lighten up on cops or we all will suffer when you get them pissed off......
Larardo04.28.09 - 7:46 pm
dude ^^^^ a cop let a hit and run driver go.... has nothing to do with breaking the law. up until now it was a given that people got tickets but it's getting hairy with the violent lunges into the mass with the police cruisers and now this hummer incident.... a certain threshold is being crossed and we're making our voices heard to calm the fire so to speak.
Roadblock04.28.09 - 7:53 pm
dak, lapd hates cops is an offense, and they will respond with a defense, and then when they are in teh shower or w/e they will be liek...HEY WAIT A MINUTE
I SAY WE MAKE a SIGN with 'SOME' written on it.
then follow the people with those t shirts
or 'ridazz salute the lapd'
because if we are both yelling we can't hear each other speak.
we come there in peace in hopes of progress,
we do not come aggresivley in hopes of punising the police collectively.
aksendz04.28.09 - 8:19 pm
who the fuck is aksendsz ............?
mandingo04.28.09 - 8:35 pm