Thread started by
Stomachache at 04.26.09 - 5:56 pm
With tensions running high between cyclists, automobile drivers and bike thiefs, you tend to wonder what will it take to bring it all to the boiling point and what our response will be. Don't you?
If we're in a Malcolm X situation then everyone should saddle up and get ready for a bumpy rode. Neither him nor MLK Jr. saw anything like the change they were looking for in their lifetime.
I hope that's not where we're at, because they had to risk life and limb just to make headway.
Alex Thompson04.26.09 - 6:06 pm
I imagine the briefcase replaced with a bike. Speaking of heavily armed bike riders...I think there should be a Mad Max themed ride if there wasn't one already.
Stomachache04.26.09 - 6:06 pm
that's being worked on.
Amazing thing about that photo from falling down.
That was shot on the vacant hill above the dwp compound at 2nd and glendale, look how smoggy it was in LA 17 years ago.
FuzzBeast04.26.09 - 6:34 pm
find Jimmy at the Bike Kitchen. He made a spoke card from the picture, that he flaunted on his wheels way back when. It had the character with a track bike by his side.
sexy04.26.09 - 6:39 pm
We should do a remake of that picture, except for reals, put a bike in there instead of a briefcase. We'll also need a look-a-like.
Stomachache04.26.09 - 6:39 pm
Start replacing all the fuel at the pumps with shit-grade, gasoline and have all fuel-filters taken off the shelf due to an asbestos scare???
bentstrider04.26.09 - 7:05 pm