May Day

Thread started by
toweliesbong at 04.2.09 - 1:40 pm
What's everyone doing this year? There's nothing on the calendar yet but I think there's a rally in Echo Park.
We should have a ride for commuters in conjunction with whatever is going down. It would be sweet if got some flyers intro a bunch of different communities and in different languages so we could ride with a bunch of different people to increase our solidarity and awareness with all ridazz.
trickmilla04.2.09 - 1:48 pm
Dingo and I can't stir up trouble again?

Joe Borfo04.2.09 - 1:52 pm
i'm marching like i do every year. i'm down to organize a ride if people are interested.
coldcut04.2.09 - 7:22 pm
remember though, may day is international worker's day, not immigrant rights day!
coldcut04.2.09 - 7:24 pm
May Day is what we want it to be.
It's an opportunity to recognize workers internationally.
The last few years in L.A. that has been largely focused on the rights of immigrant workers. They have captured the imagination of the general public the last few years by addressing issues that affect a lot of people and mobilizing large groups of people.
Most people don't really pay attention to mayday so when these events happened, especially with the police causing a riot, its sort of the thing that people are going to associate with May 1.
We are not slave one tradition or another.
We can make may day whatever we want it to be.
Thats why I'd love to see a ride for all different types of commuters bridging a bunch of different cultures, perhaps connecting different may day events in different parts of town or coming from different places.
May International Workers Day be Celebrated by the unemployed and underemployed!
trickmilla04.3.09 - 3:49 am
I'm with Mikey Wally on this one) I'm for keeping May Day the world wide tradtion (start here in the US) of Workers Day.
This should be the biggest holiday/organizing day of the year.
I'm happy the immigration community used it as rallying point for those that where trying to criminalize their immigrations to the United States. First time in my life that I got to witness a huge real popular peoples movement happen on the streets. It was beautiful.
sexy04.3.09 - 8:39 pm
Full Rights for Immigrant Workers
10:00 AM
5:00 PM
LAPD Parade Permit: Assembly - Olympic Bl at Broadway; March will procede
N/B on Broadway to Temple St for rally.
May 1st March and Rally
9:00 AM
4:30 PM
LAPD Parade Permit: Assembly: Olympic Bl at Broadway. March will procede
N/B on Broadway; E/B on First St; N/B on Spring St
just south of City Hall steps.
May 1st Day of Action in Support of Worker Rights
3:00 PM
8:30 PM
LAPD Parade Permit: Assembly - 3rd St and Vermont Ave: March will procede
S/B on Vermont Ave; E/B on Olympic Bl; N/B on
Alvarado St to MacArthur Park for rally.
aksendz04.4.09 - 5:38 pm
May Day is next-next FRIDAY.
It will be a BIKE NOT WORK day for me.
I'm not interested MARCHING, I'm down with checking out the staging areas and end points, but I'm more interested in riding to those locations.
Marching along with the demonstrators is cool, but a pain in the ass with your bike.
the reverend dak04.20.09 - 12:03 pm
if you don't have a job, is it still a BIKE NOT WORK day?
spiraldemon04.20.09 - 12:07 pm
do you guys want to ride to olympic and broadway early in the morning to gather with the immigration rights marchers, or later on in the day for the traditional may day march at 1:00 pm?
i'm thinking gather at the bicycle district at 9am if we want to go earlier or 11:30 am. or there can be a west side meet up, bicycle district meet up, and a bike oven meet up?
coldcut04.20.09 - 12:40 pm
all inclusive ride. all political views welcomed. just don't come to bait others or argue about ideals.
coldcut04.20.09 - 12:44 pm
This is all I can dig up about the details for NEXT/NEXT Friday's May Day events:
MIWON's May Day March - start at Echo Park @ 130pm - end march at Olvera St @ 430pm.
Immigration Coalition's May Day March- start at Broadway & Olympic @ 1pm - end at MDC (2 blocks from Olvera St.) @ 400pm
We can wind around between both marches, they're not going very far, and they're ending 2 blocks away from each other...
I can't find details for the Rally that's ending at MacArthur Park.
the reverend dak04.22.09 - 4:42 pm
wanna be assholes and dress as imperial troopers and ride with star wars imperial flags
and signs saying workers have no force
sigh, one can romanticize
aksendz04.22.09 - 4:55 pm