I lasted to 1:22, how did you do?
User105.11.09 - 5:11 pm
this all must have come from the new progentrificators. or something.
Today, I ate a tomato from the garden (con salt, pepper, vinegar) that rivals any tomato I have ever consumed.
And, I paddled around in Syke's Creek on a kayak.
tern05.11.09 - 5:17 pm
wait, so CandyCane, B-Rad and Franz started a super band?!
who is the guy sitting down?
neverclever05.11.09 - 5:28 pm
I got to 2:55 when she said "this next song is about the internet" and I realized that the video is 7 minutes long.
imachynna05.11.09 - 5:38 pm
i stopped at "this next song is about the internet" too.
mikeywally05.11.09 - 6:09 pm
wait, so CandyCane, B-Rad and Franz started a super band?!
who is the guy sitting down?
I WAS GONNA WRITE THAT (minus the Candy Cane (our Candy Cane's attractive!)) and I was gonna say the guy sitting down was Alex Kinnefick! whatever
SKIDMARCUS05.11.09 - 6:49 pm