Thread started by
supercarriefly at 05.7.09 - 4:37 pm
are there any rides that leave out and around silverlake? I have never rode with the ridazz, but would like to start...
There's lots of rides that happen around your area. The best thing to do is look at the column on the right and see what you like. Watch for the 2nd Friday of the month. It's our cherished night for the traditional MR monthly ride.
User105.7.09 - 4:43 pm
reply is another resource to look at. I live in the area. hit me up anytime two 1 three 4 nine 4 two 2 1 four
jchungerford05.7.09 - 4:47 pm
Try Friend of the Friendless tonight, its right there at Sunset/Echo park blvd.
DeKadenzy05.7.09 - 4:53 pm
Me and about 10 of my other friends live and ride in silverlake,
Next time if you see us rolling by feel free to join us,
madmike05.7.09 - 4:54 pm
It's in the morning, which is an epic turnoff for most but this Saturday (May 9) rolling out from Silversun Plaza at Sunset and Parkman at 7:30 a.m. I'm doing a 37 mile ride that will include Watts Towers and stuff. Come on along if you're not allergic to early.
Agent Orange05.7.09 - 5:14 pm
(agent orange it's all in the branding... just call it a an ultra after hours friday night ride)
Roadblock05.7.09 - 5:20 pm
And if you like hunting for ghosts and climbing hills, there's the Is That a Missile in Your Pocket, or You're just Happy to See Me? ride this Sunday.
Ride info
It starts at the end of the Red Line.
User105.7.09 - 5:21 pm
I live in Silverlake. If you ever need a riding home buddy, lemme know.
imachynna05.7.09 - 10:57 pm
wait thats not silver lake near los angeles! thats some where in bf egypt!
pporras05.8.09 - 12:50 pm
psh took you guys long enough
_iJunes05.8.09 - 12:53 pm
Chynna, I lost you when we were riding home buddies? Remember, we peed on the wall together after searching for the best karaoke bar in Little Tokyo at 5am?
sparkleghost05.8.09 - 5:16 pm
Chynna, I lost you when we were riding home buddies? Remember, we peed on the wall together after searching for the best karaoke bar in Little Tokyo at 5am?
05.8.09 - 8:16 pm
Yeah, I ended up passing out in a parking lot, ha.
imachynna05.8.09 - 6:26 pm
That lakes actually up in NoCal, right before you cross into Reno, NV.
I back-tracked through there once after the Donner Pass began to get boring.
bentstrider05.9.09 - 12:25 am