Stop bike theft with a GPS tracker.
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Sty at 05.5.09 - 10:57 am
or i guess it can be used for a sting operation too~!
and cable lock
Sty05.5.09 - 11:01 am
Are you going to knock on the door of the thief and ask for the bike back?
Mook05.5.09 - 2:25 pm
i've posted long time ago.
happy time long time
5 dolla
aksendz05.5.09 - 6:37 pm
aksendz youve got to be the biggest racist on these forums, and from the few times we spoken in person ur racist in person as well... gtfo
Debut21305.6.09 - 6:19 pm
what defines a racist
what they say or what they do?
i don't believe in race and thats why I capitalize on idiots sensitivity about race, like you :]
i don't even have 'identity'
i'm human and that is how I act.
now take the foot out of your own ass
and gtfo :]
see at the next ride <3
aksendz05.6.09 - 11:32 pm
From all the bullshit I'm hearing these days, looks like u-locks won't even do much good.
rayrayray05.6.09 - 11:36 pm
i only recognize one race
and them be asian girls :]
aksendz05.6.09 - 11:37 pm
meh not really
i'm a nerd
leave at 7AM for school
come home at 10PM
aksendz05.7.09 - 12:12 am
That thing looks good but still too big to be hidden on or in a bike.
frumble05.7.09 - 7:11 pm
When it gets to where it can be hidden in a carbon fiber handlebars, then you got something there. So far looks like everything I've seen can only be put in bags on the bike.
User105.7.09 - 7:26 pm
well you can work with it. down the seat tube, bottom braket, under the seat
but doubt the reception will be good
aksendz05.7.09 - 8:40 pm