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la duderina at 04.22.09 - 11:47 pm
I met the Dude today. After his car was burned by the nihilists, he took to riding a bike around town. He has taken to fishing for and selling lobsters along the coast, but today he was headed to meet a friend, probably Walter.
Of all the people to meet him too...
It's so funny to think that that movie was based on a real person and real events. Although not all of them happened to the same person, kind of like Jesus.
FuzzBeast04.23.09 - 12:04 am
who is that guy? you sure he was really
The dude?
shot this portrait of Jeff Dowd for Swindle Mag a while back... allegedly Dowd is who the Dude is fashioned after... meh. what do I know, I didnt even see the movie...
Roadblock04.23.09 - 12:16 am
la duderina's dude looks way more like the dude, dude.
coldcut04.23.09 - 12:20 am
Yeah, that guy Jeff Dowd really is The Dude, you can look it up.
RB, don't know your taste in films, but I'd have to say "The Big Lebowski" is worth seeing.
mr rollers04.23.09 - 12:21 am
I dont watch many movies. they dont make vhs netflix.
I think that was an imposter dude sad to say....
Roadblock04.23.09 - 12:22 am
which is worse?
speaking in terms of genital hygiene.
coldcut04.23.09 - 12:41 am
have no clue what the last three posts were about....
Roadblock04.23.09 - 12:42 am
wtf... no clue to it all, but i do noo you can get a dvd playa 4 $20
SONNY04.23.09 - 1:10 am
vhs was so much more.... you lose a lot with digital video
Roadblock04.23.09 - 1:25 am
i have a blu ray player (but no blu ray discs).
ruinedbyidiots04.23.09 - 1:29 am
laser disk is the way to go!
funanu04.23.09 - 1:29 am
i have a copy of the classic "i spit on your grave" on laserdisc.
ruinedbyidiots04.23.09 - 1:30 am
i have a few laser disk. star wars(OG trilogy) and a few others. I dont own a laser disk player though.
funanu04.23.09 - 1:31 am
you know, i see what you mean. although digital video is so crisp it lacks the warmth of film, so it comes off as cold... and shit.
coldcut04.23.09 - 1:32 am
ive got starwars tron and terminator on LD. used to have a bunch. i think the only movie i watched on LD was natural born killers though.
larsenf04.23.09 - 1:35 am
it's really all a big mind joke.
they show old laker games and they look like shit, but we all know when we watched them back in 2000 they didn't look that shitty. they need gimmicks... in about 5 years... they're gonna come up with "new" technology that's gonna blow this current tech out the water... and make this tech look like shit... when as of now we're experiencing it and it looks great.
come on now... think about it.
and i know when it comes to digitalizing shit they can get infinitely better... but in 5 years... THAT much better?
GodLovesUgly04.23.09 - 1:37 am
yeah man I believe its a fucking HUGE conspiracy by the dvd lobby to eradicate vhs. fucking weak.
Roadblock04.23.09 - 1:42 am
vhs eradicated betamax in the home market (or whatever you want to call it) but betamax is still the industry standard.
ruinedbyidiots04.23.09 - 1:46 am
Our music is sampled
Totally fake
It's done by machines
'Cos they don't make mistakes
( i don't know, it seemed apropos)
ephemerae04.23.09 - 8:15 am
Donny, you are out of your element.
Of course that dude was not THE dude that the Dude was based on, but he sure as hell looks like Jeff Bridges as the Dude, doesn't he? I didn't mean that I met the real guy, just a guy that looks like the guy in the movie.
When I asked him if he was ever told he looks like Jeff Bridges, his response was, "the Dude Abideth" hahahahahahaha
p.s. RB - see this movie.
As a matter of fact...Lebowskifest is coming to town in May. They're having a screening at the Wiltern $15...I'm going for sures. Who's down?
la duderina04.23.09 - 9:15 am
also, the story I posted with the picture was a complete fabrication, mixing facts from the movie and facts I gleaned from this guy in our conversation. Not so much anything real having to do with Jeff Dowd.
"vhs is a far superior technology"
-Edgar Kaskla
la duderina04.23.09 - 9:20 am
Don, you met the ACTUAL dude? as in, YOU shot that portrait?!
get the fuck outta here
la duderina04.23.09 - 9:28 am
Don, that's the dude. If you don't agree, I can refer you to my doctor. He's good... And thourough.
BICYKILLER04.23.09 - 9:32 am
i have missed all the Lebowski Fests (i think there was only one in LA a few years back..?) I wanted to go to this one, then i realized the "all the white russians you can drink" did not mean there would be an open bar, it meant you would pay $8-10 bucks for a really shitty watered down drink
the 8 year old guitarist that will be playing before the screening might push me to go though...
Kakihara04.23.09 - 9:52 am
yeah yeah go! I just want to see the movie on big screen. I live like blocks from the wiltern..
white russians at my pad
la duderina04.23.09 - 10:00 am
the hair is almost as bad as the skater on the right. -->
barleye04.23.09 - 10:09 am
Yes that is the actual dude and I shot that portrait for Swindle magazine a few years back. I'll try to dig up some more shots I took.... was still shooting film at the time...
Roadblock04.23.09 - 10:19 am
"Lebowskifest is coming to town in May. They're having a screening at the Wiltern $15...I'm going for sures. Who's down?"
Post a ride
imachynna04.23.09 - 10:30 am
My one flaw.... and I hate to admit it cause its a black mark on my Cinefile status... I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT! There I have admitted it. Every time it comes around, and I know about each time, something always comes and and bars me from attending (for 10 years). I even thought of renting it (but I need the big screen for this- I will not sell this one short). Have seen all other Cohen Bro films and love 'em.
Duderina, I am down for the May showing. Cant wait to pop my cherry!
DeKadenzy04.23.09 - 10:33 am
yes. awesome. I think I may I think I might post a ride for this tonight.
Dakendzy, I envy you. Seeing this movie for the first time on big screen...
Also, both Jeff Dowd and Bridges have been known to show up to these things.
la duderina04.23.09 - 10:42 am
My one flaw.... and I hate to admit it cause its a black mark on my Cinefile status... I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT!
Yeah but you did the porn ride!
User104.23.09 - 10:57 am
Its LOUIS, Al.
And quit with that dumb CM grudge, it is what we make of it at any given time. There!
DeKadenzy04.23.09 - 11:04 am
By the way, don't call them White Russians - The Dude refers to them as "Caucasians".
mr rollers04.23.09 - 11:06 am
"I thought he used both terms"
uh yeah. probably
mr rollers04.23.09 - 12:39 pm
I think Alan's coment was directed at Louis, Lindsay.
mr rollers04.23.09 - 12:49 pm
I know, but he spells my name wrong, too. haha
la duderina04.23.09 - 12:54 pm
So I was trying to come up with ideas on a ride to the Lebowskifest, but then realized I have a 9 am final the next morning. I don't know if I will even be able to go. god what a fuggin bummer
la duderina04.23.09 - 4:48 pm
"He treat objects like women, man". That one just sticks to me.
SKIDMARCUS04.23.09 - 4:55 pm
Ha, Duderina you inadvertently picked up my curse from me. This may mean that I will finally see this movie.
DeKadenzy04.23.09 - 5:15 pm
@RB fucking fascist.
...the final is open book/open note, and theoretically I can have the exam written out before the actual exam and if that happens, I can go.
and you, of all people, need to see this movie, simply so I can start telling you to shut the fuck up.
la duderina04.23.09 - 5:20 pm
lol dakadenzy, you need to see it worse than I do, so that's quite alright.
la duderina04.23.09 - 5:22 pm
I gave Roadblock a DVD-R of Lebowski about a year ago and he still hasn't seen it. VHS what?
two wheels good04.23.09 - 7:16 pm
DVD is dead to me.... VHSNetflix or nothing!
Roadblock04.23.09 - 7:33 pm
Doesn't somebody have a VHS copy they can give RB?
mr rollers04.23.09 - 7:55 pm
unfortunately my vcr is on the fritz
Roadblock04.23.09 - 8:38 pm
"""i have a copy of the classic "i spit on your grave" on laserdisc."""
holy. shit.
i cant even watch that film all the way through, its so brutal
Candy Cane04.23.09 - 8:41 pm
are you still going to this?
a few friends from work are trying to get tickets for me (we're not sure if it is general seating or not)
haven't given them an answer yet...
this kid makes me want to say YES! ahhah
Kakihara05.4.09 - 2:04 pm
no, unfortunately I don't think I will make it. If I can, I won't know until right right before. But I doubt I will make it...But you should go anyway and take dakadenzy with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la duderina05.5.09 - 12:22 pm