fuck knog

Thread started by
apineda at 03.15.09 - 9:30 pm
for making shitty lights!
I just got in accident
First of all, I hope you're alright. second of all, what were you thinking? You really think those silly things are going to protect you in traffic? Personally I valve my life more than those weak ass lights.
User103.15.09 - 9:34 pm
well that makes 1 of you ahahahahahahahahaahaha lol dam i slay myself
PC03.15.09 - 9:35 pm
I am ok but I bent my bullhorns but damn, when I brought them, the dude at the shop told me they are bright enough! to see the road... I am not going name the shop
apineda03.15.09 - 9:44 pm
damn dog dont snitch out the shop ey
mankini03.15.09 - 9:44 pm
u should go back there and stick them bent bullhorns up his culo cuz erry1 knos them lil knogs are barely a "c me" lite forget about a "c the road" lite thats booshit
PC03.15.09 - 9:46 pm
Aren't they just a "you can't give me fuckin tix caus I got these lights" lights?
User103.15.09 - 9:50 pm
I have a rear cat eye and its bright as fuck... I love it but this damn light they told me its legal and bright enough
apineda03.15.09 - 9:53 pm
its plenty bright dog foos in karz just have to wreckonize
mankini03.15.09 - 10:02 pm
"and stick them bent bullhorns up his culo"
imachynna03.15.09 - 10:03 pm
"legal and bright enough"
It doesn't take much to be legal. It's something like be able to see it 300 ft or something like that. Now bright enough is very subjective. That's where you got to start doing your homework.
User103.15.09 - 10:09 pm
Couldn't you tell if it was bright or not the first time you used it?
If i told you the sky was yellow with pink polka dots would you just believe me or would you look at the sky and see its actually blue?
stillline03.15.09 - 10:12 pm
I almost walked into a rider head on with those stupid lights because a tiny little dot of light really tells me that there's a bicycle in front of me.
Do people really care about how fashionable their bike is over how visible they are to cars and other riders?
Gav03.15.09 - 10:20 pm
Good lights are expensive and they get fucking stolen the first time you forget to take them off...
99cent store rear lights are pretty bright and who cares if they break or get stolen just buy 10 of them at a time and keep extras in your bag for your friends.
plastic mounted front lights almost always break and cost 30 or 40 bucks for the ones that actually light the roadway, the knog is nice cause its rubber casing tends to break far less but they aren't very bright unless you get the big 4 led one which is pretty adequate I think.
stillline03.15.09 - 10:29 pm
Knog lights are probably ok for a taillight as long as you have it angled in the right direction, but they are definitely some of the weaker lights.
The front lights are really only useful for being seen on the road, definitely not bright enough to help you see anything in front of you.
Even the $30 cateye light isn't bright enough to correctly illuminate the road in front of you.
Anything 110-120+ lumens will be plenty to illuminate the ground in front of you. If the light doesn't list the number of lumens on the package, it's probably not going to be powerful enough!!
Try to get a commuter discount at your LBS and pick up one of those NiteRider's. They are expensive but they are super durable and fucking bright as hell. I got mine for 80 bucks & it's probably one of the best upgrades I've done to my bike considering how much low-light riding I do.
jonnyboy03.15.09 - 11:01 pm
the 99 cent store rear lights are decent for their price. the only thing is you gotta get creative with how you mount them or clip them on to you or your bike. i just bought one for and the cheapo plastic mount broke when i put it my seatpost. just ended up putting a cheap rock climbing/key chain clip on it and hung it off my bag. works fine.
front lights, well, you really get what you pay for. sometimes i think there's a car behind me on a ride, but i look back and its a rida with a really good light.
sciencefriction03.15.09 - 11:06 pm
The bike planet front lights are pretty good.. the 5 LED ones.. just two AA batteries and you're set for a month with an awesome fucking light. Bright ass hell. Feels like a cop light. I got it online for like 25 bucks... I don't know how much they are in shops.. but check out amazon..
godmode03.15.09 - 11:08 pm
wait a minute. You kinda gloss over how you got a $140 light for $80. First of all, which model? How did you get it again?
User103.15.09 - 11:08 pm
those little 1 led lights do something but not much.
You also have to stay on top of the batteries, because they really get weak when the batteries are low.
Even with a great light a bike is usually less visible than a car.
You pretty much have to ride like nobody can see you all the time.
I have a multi led knog and that I bought for my lady.
Its seems to work pretty well. Its not much for lighting ones way.
The 1 LED knogs and other little light are really just decent back up lights. or a little something to keep you legal.
bombing down sunset westbound just before silver-lake bvld. I had a car turn right in front of me and nearly cause a crash. I rolled back to talk to him and he was real apologetic, said he was a rider and honsetly didn;t see me. I was rocking 2 lights that I thought were pretty decent, the brighter one was probably to a 3 or 4 led knog.
My experince from driving and looking at bikes on the road is that the #1 easiest way to improve visibility it to wear a white jacket or get a white helmet. Dark clothes help make you nearly invisible on a bike.
trickmilla03.15.09 - 11:38 pm
so you're the rida who i mistake for a quiet prius behind us? i swear, some of those lights are really really good.
sciencefriction03.15.09 - 11:41 pm
Alan- It's the MiNewt Mini-USB model and it's $100
I've been friends with one of the guys who works at Helen's here in the Marina for a little over a year, he always gives me the 20% discount. Don't really know why he started hooking me up, I guess I'm just a likable guy... *bats eyes*
jonnyboy03.16.09 - 1:00 am
Generally what I've found is that floor salesman are easily able to give a 20% discount on about anything, if nothing else maybe just ask about the "commuter discount" if you commute by bike.
Back when I commuted regularly to work on my bike I heard them throw the term around when I was at checkout.
jonnyboy03.16.09 - 1:05 am
I know anthony didn't tell you that bullshit about it being bright, but yeah, what stilline said. about the sky and stuff...
those lights are only good for preventing a ticket, that's why I really like them because they are good for use on multiple bikes with diff size handlebars, etc. and easy to install.
but as far as seeing goes, well you gotta drop some serious scrilla if you actually want to
la duderina03.16.09 - 1:09 am
Yeah I hear you on that duderina. I rode using those Knog 1 led lights for about 10 months before finally switching over to the NiteRider. If I tally up how many of those Knogs I lost / broke / changed batteries / got chewed by a cat over the course of those 10 months combined, I think I actually spent a similar amount to that of the NiteRider.
But yes, $80-$100 all at once does seem like a lot to spend just for a light! In the end though, I think it's way worth it.
jonnyboy03.16.09 - 1:16 am
I heart my minewt night rider light. Best money I've spent in a long while. I always use it at night but I also it on flash mode during the day because I do not trust drivers with my life at all. I have a 4led knog or frog or whatever its called as a back up light in case the night rider batt dies... you can always get aaa batts at the liquor store.
Front lights are more important than rear in my humble opinion. Doors, right hooks and left turns are what I'm most concerned with
I say Get the brightest light you can find and use it 24/7 car drivers are not to be trusted with your life.
Roadblock03.16.09 - 6:48 am
+1 on niterider lights. I have a Minewt and my gf has a USB; they're both really good. Best thing is not having to change AA batteries every few weeks! Also their customer service is super good.
They are pricey but you'll ride faster and farther than you did before. Check for sales and coupons at the big bike shops/outdoor chains.
richbell03.16.09 - 9:17 am
I thought $80 for a minewt was a lot of money, until I remembered that I paid $900 for my shitty ass car, and that I used to pay $200/month on gas, or $50/mo for insurance. Life is expensive. $80 is not bad to keep you safe. Cracks kill.
tortuga_veloce03.16.09 - 9:22 am
A Knog I bought back in May just went out about a month ago.
Don't know if water fucked up the circuitry or what, but nothings happening with it now.
bentstrider03.16.09 - 10:08 am
niterider minewt +1 and for the rear: CHERRYBOMB!! it's super brite.... but also, don't rely on lights for people to see you.. you gotta see them and know that even if you were a Purple Tiger on a florescent glowing bike, most drivers have their head way to far up their ass to notice you. They are NOT looking for you so you gotsta look for them and do everything you can to avoid making contact w/ their car... or the world turns into snail snot... that's the game I like to play anyway.
mixtemotions03.16.09 - 11:46 am
I hear you on that one Nicole.
Some of these fuckers are oblivious to police cars on code-3 with gunfire erupting in all directions.
However, I'm looking into getting one of those handheld spotlights for when knuckleheads out here flip on their high-beams as I'm coming the opposite direction.
I see you, you see me, and now you want to be an asshole about it?!!?!?
Say bye-bye to your retinas bitch!!!
bentstrider03.16.09 - 11:59 am
DiNotte lights.
Not cheap, but very bright. I like mine because it takes regular AA rechargeables.
A Planet Bike Superflash on the rear and you're set!
hatehills03.16.09 - 12:12 pm
I'm thinking about making my own lights. There's an incrediable amount of info and talent on mtbr.com that I'm just now starting to read up on. It's not unheard of to make a performance light with greater than 500 lumens for less than $50.
User103.16.09 - 12:28 pm
That would be cool, if you DIY then you can make a backlight that you can never remove. No more stolen/knocked off lights. Plus, you can use any size battery, like the underappreciated 9V.
For store bought lights, I find the $5 lights from Manny's in Venice are the best for the value, tho. They might not want to stay in the clip, but I just secure them with a rubber band or a slice of inner tube, and they're on for life.
The problem with $1 lights is that they're usually not waterproof, and the circuits eventually get fried. The $5 lights seem to be made in the same factory, but with a rubber gasket added and a brand name stamped on the box. Worth the money if you dont want to make your own gasket out of shoe goo.
tortuga_veloce03.16.09 - 1:21 pm