The Dark Century VI
Thread started by
Creative Thing at 03.11.09 - 9:49 pm
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Meet at Union Station 6:30 pm
Group A Rolls out at 7 pm sharp
Group B leaves at 8 pm sharp
We will follow the classic “Dark Century” course through Hollywood, L.A., Vernon, the L.A. River bike path, Long Beach, the San Gabriel River bike path, Duarte, Pasadena, Highland Park, Echo Park.
Total distance is 104 miles.
We will form two groups at the start.
Group A starts at 7 pm and will ride a moderate pace (avg. 14-16 mph) and schedule their own stops based on the riders needs. In the past, it has taken most riders about 10 to 11 hours to complete this ride. Plan accordingly.
Group B starts at 8 pm and will be traveling at an aggressive pace (avg. 17-20 mph).
Group B will have five scheduled stops, including when we catch up with group A. The only reason we will stop any other time will be for flats. We will ride as a group, but if individual riders cannot keep up, there is a bail-out point in Long Beach, where you can catch a metro blue line train back to the city.
At the conclusion of the ride (most likely around 3-4 am for group B and 5-6 am for group A), we will go around to the back of Union Station to the Denny’s for a post ride breakfast.
Special notes to century ridazz:
100 miles in a night on a bike is never an easy ride. No matter how fit you are or how slow we ride, it will be a major effort. If you have never ridden 100 miles in a day, and have not ridden 70 miles comfortably within the last two months, this ride is probably not for you.
We especially love first timers, but please, be prepared. We welcome everyone and we will not leave anyone behind, but for the sake of a good pace for the majority of the ridazz, seriously consider your ability to do this before committing yourself.
This being a spring ride, you will need to dress in layers. It’s better to bring too much clothing than not enough when its 2 am and you’re shivering so much you can’t grasp the handlebars. Bring two full water bottles. We will make stops where you can buy more water, Gatoraid and food, but plan to be self contained. There is one 18 mile stretch and one 40 mile stretch where there will be no easy access to services.
Bring food with you. You will need to eat regularly during the ride. Bananas, Powerbars, PBJ sandwiches, cookies and M&Ms are all good. We will stop at a grocery store in Long Beach for a food break at about the 45 mile mark. Eat a good meal before the ride too.
Make sure your bike is in good working order. If the tires are a little thin, buy and install new tires. Lub the chain. Adjust the brake pads. Tighten all fittings. Make sure your bike is in good working order!
Road bikes with gears work best. Lots of folks have done this ride fixed, some have done it on mt. bikes. There is very little climbing, but it's still a long ass ride.
Other items to bring:
Two extra inner tubes that fit your wheels
A foldable extra tire that fits your wheels.
A working pump and/or enough co2 to fill two tires. The pump is the better option.
A patch kit (make sure the kit has fresh patches and the tube of glue is not dried up).
Pry bars and a multitool
Money for food stops and breakfast afterwards.
Route slips will be available at the start for each rider.
Is liquor stops included on this ride?
I'm so there if I can wear my spandex!
I've been dying to wear my jersey that has "Alessio"* plastered all over it!
*yours truly's last name. :-)
User103.11.09 - 11:17 pm
wooo!!! when does tern come home??
tomato03.12.09 - 11:14 am
may 2nd, perfect.
caturday double century.
_iJunes03.12.09 - 11:15 am
i hope my B17 has worked its way into my ass by then
Aqueous Atom03.12.09 - 1:27 pm
This is starting at Union Station?
Is there a route posted?
Will the two groups converge at some stop?
Will we be going behind the Orange Curtain?
User103.12.09 - 2:48 pm
We start at Union Station. Don't know why I didn't post that little fact.
We'll meet group A at some point.
We'll be scurtin the Orange curtian.
You've already done that part of the ride, Al.
Creative Thing03.12.09 - 4:10 pm
bump. I wish I could be there to ride...but C/T totally has it going!! He's gonna take it to the next level!
tern03.12.09 - 4:49 pm
I put my left foot in. Please stay tuned for the shake it all about.
NEWB31003.12.09 - 5:12 pm
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Woooooohooooooooo!!!
Thanks Creative for setting everything up. Sorry I couldn't make it to your Art show i'm deep in the 818
For those riders who are thinking about doing this ride for the first time. Come out to the RideTime Training rides and get prepared.
click here for more info:
Training Rides
03.13.09 - 12:09 am
Going on every ride I can is my training ride!
User103.13.09 - 11:51 am
this will be my first century!
TheRaquel03.13.09 - 1:12 pm
6 weeks and counting...100 miles
ridetime03.19.09 - 2:28 am
ok. i'm in. since sandwich and friends are doing it as well. RRR crew will be there.
on a side note, not to derail the thread, check out
I know you are down for it.
DAYLO03.19.09 - 8:04 pm
So Daylo, I have a road bike, can I coast on this ride?
User103.19.09 - 8:53 pm
I wonder if I'm group A or group B material...
I did a dark century 3 weeks ago... so I know I
can... but how fast are we talkin? 19-20 mph is what i'm comfortable with for long distances...
canadienne03.19.09 - 8:59 pm
whoopsie. I guess I should read the original post thoroughly before asking dumb questions like that. Group B it is!
canadienne03.19.09 - 9:00 pm
@user1: you can bring it. but no coasting. lol.
--------------------------------------------------------- a or group b? i don't know where i stand yet.
DAYLO03.19.09 - 10:05 pm
It is about time I made one of these.
thedoad03.20.09 - 12:45 am
Five weeks to go!
If you're thinking of doing this ride, yet have never riden 100 miles in a day before, you should be putting in serious miles NOW.
Ride Time training rides, every Saturday morning, are the best way to build up your miles.
Check the ride schedule.
Creative Thing03.26.09 - 6:56 am
This ride is on my birthday.I will be camping out in Temecula at lake skinner fishing and biking.....
pporras03.26.09 - 1:37 pm
Is the route posted anywhere?
User103.26.09 - 1:59 pm
The last 25 mile training ride before we move to 40 is this Saturday.
If your cherry hasn't been popped yet and you're still riding to the grocery store and back. You have 5 weeks. So ask yourself this question.....What time is it? "Whispering" It's RideTime
Click here to Join the training group
ridetime03.26.09 - 6:32 pm
Who is gonna ride the next dark century? A list would be nice.
tern03.29.09 - 10:03 am
I'm in.
I just finished the spoke card design Friday.
You will want to do this ride for the spoke card alone.
Creative Thing03.29.09 - 11:24 am
Fuck yeah!!! Lets dew this!
1. User1
User103.29.09 - 12:04 pm
haha do this every time...and you never go.
tern03.30.09 - 3:20 pm
hahaha, I did it once, put I'll go ahead and pull my name.
User103.30.09 - 4:45 pm
The Dark century training ride has been posted
ridetime03.31.09 - 1:55 pm
oops...sorry Allen...I didn't remember that you had been on a dark century....eeep. Now, I remember. Of course, sorry. We met up with you in LB, no?
Why would you pull your name?
tern03.31.09 - 2:50 pm
please do come!!! i want to ride with you! maybe you'll let me draft off you too??
excited! can't make the training ride this weekend though...coachella!
tomato04.14.09 - 6:06 pm
65 miles this Saturday....Only 2 training rides left before the Dark Century. let the countdown begin....woooohooooooooo!!!!!
ridetime04.15.09 - 4:17 am
Creative, where you at? Let's get this thread jump started. I've yet to see any Dark Cen regulars out on the training rides. Fear not though because we will have a few new riders who have verbally stated that they're going to ride with us.
I'm gonna be breathing life into this thread over the course of the next week. If you want me to email anyone hit me with names and addresses.
ridetime04.15.09 - 4:00 pm
Even though I haven't been on the DC training rides, I've been training with the ALC team... so still count me in!
canadienne04.15.09 - 4:03 pm
sweet, can't wait to see you out on the ride. Maybe i'll get out to one of the Ridazz ALC training rides (pending you guys allow outsiders to roll along).
ridetime04.15.09 - 5:16 pm
^^^of course! Technically, I'm an outsider too, since I'm not actually doing the ride this year... just acting like I'm in denial, training, and helping with fundraising.
canadienne04.15.09 - 5:27 pm
liz thats not an outsider you're carrying the duties and responsibilities of a groupie!
_iJunes04.15.09 - 5:28 pm
Ijunes you riding 200 that day and joining us for the final 100?
ridetime04.15.09 - 5:36 pm
haha triple?! iono its a bit late in the season to start stacking that kind of base mileage.
we're gonna start at 11 and hit for a 5 hr century, and try to grab some food before meeting up at union station with you guys.
_iJunes04.15.09 - 5:48 pm
5 hour century...LOLOLOLOLOLOL...yeah, let me know how that works out for you. dude, u talk way too much shit. I can smell u from here and i'm not even in L.A. right now
ridetime04.15.09 - 6:24 pm
U already lost one challenge, don't go for two losses in a row.
ridetime04.15.09 - 6:28 pm
My time for solvang was 5:05:00 ;]
mitch04.15.09 - 6:44 pm
which means Ijunes would have to ride a relatively flat 100 to get anywhere near the 5 hour mark.
ridetime04.15.09 - 6:48 pm
i've done a 3 hour 10 minute metric, its going to be all flat, we're not doing any hills. we're doing the 1 and half valley loops which is no more than 1500 foot gain per 1 time around.
the first ever century i did which was the la river century which was super flat i did it in 5:35.
we did a century to santa barbara with maddass headwind and 3500 feet in 6 hrs (5.5 hrs riding time) only 3 people were pulling the load so we burned out pretty quickly along the 118
so whats so hard about a 5 hr century? 100 mile road record is 4 hours 14 minutes. that particular rider averaged about 24 mph for those 4 hours. i can't hold 24 mph, not even for an hour, but i know i can hold 20 for a good long while. i did run a 1:04:07 40k TT a while back earlier in my training
i hope you have route sheets, so we can finish by 2 and go home and sleep.
_iJunes04.17.09 - 11:03 am
sigh... I know how we can settle this dispute!
canadienne04.17.09 - 11:07 am
does riding on rollers for 5 hours count?
_iJunes04.17.09 - 11:12 am
I don't doubt someone in racing shape could blast off and smoke everyone on a Dark Century ride, but what is the point in that, it's not a race. To me the Dark Century is about epic night adventure with fellow crazy folk and making it through the night to share a half dead breakfast as the sun begins to peak light over the horizon. I wish I could make this , I've always loved DC rides, but I am planning to be out of town for a road race that weekend.
GarySe7en04.17.09 - 11:29 am
Enjoy a ride? Let's not be silly!
p.s. Once I rode a century fixed. Uphill. Backwards. In 4.5 hours.
canadienne04.17.09 - 11:37 am
no of course its not a race but wayne attacked and i counterattacked hiyahhhhh peace and love.
_iJunes04.17.09 - 12:59 pm
Gary, you said it all, as far as my DC experiences are concerned.
Yeah, I've done Solvang in 5:20 myself, and that's got some good climbs in it. One day, I'd love to race a century, just to see how I stack up aginst others. I'm feeling pretty cocky since riding up all 10 "Feel My Legs" hills! (something many others, much younger than me, could not do.)
The DC for most folks is all about the experience and the rolling, all night social party.
Route slips will be distributed at the start. I'll post a route map, if someone can help me set it up.
Creative Thing04.17.09 - 3:41 pm
man...I'm excited for everyone! You are gonna have fun.
tern04.18.09 - 3:07 pm
hey creative and wayne, would you mind shooting me your e-mails?
i have a proposition that i think you guys would be VERY interested in.
please e-mail me at junu [ at ]
_iJunes04.18.09 - 3:45 pm
Two weeks.
How many spoke cards should I make?
Creative Thing04.19.09 - 3:48 pm
I feel like a monkey with a keyboard, but after much pecking, I have finally figured out how to create a route map for this ride.
9 days to "C" Day!
Creative Thing04.23.09 - 12:05 pm
I'm really looking forward to another DC!!
Always fun.
Drew04.23.09 - 12:14 pm
One week from right now, you will be recovering.
ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Creative Thing04.26.09 - 3:18 pm
Thanks for going, SD Drew! Leslie...don't worry about people showing up. You'll get a good turn out. I always did. I even had fifteen people show up in freezing cold weather in January, while it was raining buckets....and we all made it. And we all had a phenomenal ride. You were there for part of the time...riding the course backwards for part of it...hahha
Man, when we did that ride in January, in the rain, we were cooold. Someone had a flat near a tight underpass and we were glad to hang out there and warm up a little bit. For part of that ride, every time we pushed a pedal down, it and our feet, wold be submersed, totally. And, it happened to be a great dark century...a time to pull together to get something done, that most people ever dream of doing.
I am excited about the ride. For Sure. Don't let haters try to drag the DC down because they have their own ride going (it's almost inconceivable to me that this type of thing is, in fact, happening). Fuck 'em. Have a good ride. Tear it up. Build lifelong friendships like we have in the past.
DC is a Juggernaut. It will be fine.
tern04.26.09 - 5:35 pm
tern are you out in LA for this?
_iJunes04.27.09 - 11:07 am
Ternnnnnnnnnnn, what up Man. Sorry you can't make it out to this. Good post by the way.
I especially liked the part about other rides.
I just wanna say this really quick:
Unfortunately many who have not trained will show up just because the thought of rolling a 100 at night is cool. Even though we typically do not leave any riders behind we know there will be a rider or two that will for whatever reason, be unable to continue.
if you're reading this post, and you find yourself to be that rider, Please, please, please let us know that you wanna bail before we reach the point of no return.
ridetime04.27.09 - 3:15 pm
Also, I have a minor detail about this Sat's ride that some may have an issue with. it is as follows.
I will not roll a seperate fast group if we don't reach a certain number of riders.
So here's the deal....if you're rolling in the fast group
let it be known here before Saturday, otherwise, we roll as a complete group at 7p.m. give or take a minute or two
ridetime04.27.09 - 3:16 pm
Hey, mindfull !
Okay...whatevers...have a good ride. I'm sure it will be a good ride.
Leslie has the ride.
You ARE the major factor. I know you will help people like I haven't seen anyone help people on any other non-supported ride. You are awesome, and I have thanked you so many times for your rad contributions and help.
Thanks, man.
tern04.27.09 - 3:41 pm
everybody just keep eating something every hour.
_iJunes04.27.09 - 3:49 pm
reply are DC crew. Hands down. I've got DC 7. I will be there....maybe you would like to do DC the middle of the summer? No?
tern04.27.09 - 3:50 pm
thanks for the tip, _ijunes. By the way, who are you?:
tern04.27.09 - 3:52 pm
i haven't figured that part out yet.
_iJunes04.27.09 - 3:54 pm
the word of the day is: transparency.
tern04.27.09 - 3:56 pm
Is this one of those brohams fratboys ride?
That's what it's starting to sound like!
User104.27.09 - 3:58 pm
You have some mighty big words to give us. What do they mean?
tern04.27.09 - 4:02 pm
which big words are you stumped on?
User104.27.09 - 4:08 pm
just come out to the ride...and be a part of it. I think you will be happy to have gone.
tern04.28.09 - 4:01 pm
Weathers looking pretty good for this!
Sat - 65 / 54
User104.29.09 - 1:19 pm
I've seen the spoke cards...whew are they pretty. You guys won't be seeing those until the end of the ride!
tern04.29.09 - 3:07 pm
Final Details:
For riders in group A, we will be leaving on time. We'll take a group photo at 7:00 and then roll out.
If you show up late, Wayne (Mr. Ridetime) will be in front of union station with route slips. You can meet us at the L.A. River at Atlantic and District in Vernon.
Group B leaves at 8:00, and they will be rolling FAST!
Check your tires. If in doubt, throw on a new pair.
Lub your chain.
Fill your water bottle(s).
Put fresh batteries in your lights.
Bring food, two spare tubes (make sure they don't have leaks!), a patch kit with fresh glue and patches.
Get a good night's sleep Thursday night. Thursday is more important than Friday.
Bring money for food stops and breakfast after the ride.
Good night, and good luck.
Creative Thing04.29.09 - 3:53 pm
bring rain gear!
i dont have any so i'm going to sit out.
_iJunes04.30.09 - 11:48 am
for those driving to the start spot, how's the parking situation?
tfunk40804.30.09 - 1:02 pm
Any suggestions on how people usually carry the extras? I've got the necessities covered, but i don't really want to have to carry a bag for shedded clothing/extra food/folding tire. Do people just cram this into a jersey?
cassidy04.30.09 - 1:30 pm
do not drive to the start spot come on guys thats fucking lame
robin swabin04.30.09 - 1:31 pm
i would messenger bag it.
just because there is no real drag to overcome at 20 mph sitting in a draft. but dont stop eating. please dont stop eating.
everyone make it through well and alive. watch for the slicks int he road.
_iJunes04.30.09 - 1:34 pm
i'm all for riding to DTLA but after 100+ miles the ride home is gonna be a PITA literally.
tfunk40804.30.09 - 2:02 pm
Junu the weather says it's only going to rain Saturday morning...
But yeah, if it looks like rain for Saturday night, then I'll need to sit it out too.
...still trying to figure out if I want to start at 7 or 8. For a century, it might be a good idea for me to take it slow & conserve energy, no?
canadienne04.30.09 - 2:22 pm
Drive to the start line if you want.
For those who have questions about carrying items.
I will say this, pack to unpack.
The weather will be pretty nice so that's a plus. Here's how I usually roll on the Dark Century ride.
my underseat bag has all my flat tire gear, 3 tubes, 4co2, all in one tool, levers, patch kit.
I have 2 bottle cages on my bike so from union station to long beach, our first official stop. I roll with 2 bottles that are filled with my drink of choice.
Since the sun will be out slightly when we start, I'll probably roll shorts, and cycling jacket that has pockets on the back.
In my pockets i'll be carrying a few food items that will get me through the first 50 miles.
I 'll also roll with one of those small Camelbak like bags, with the plastic piece that holds water removed . I pack my id, credit cards, money, clothes that will fit, and any extras in the bag
when we hit long beach we eat lunch/refuel. At this point I put on the clothes from my bag, restock my jacket pockets, making my bag as light as can be. The next 30 or so miles has a steady uphill and the weather is usually a bit cooler at this point.
by the time we get to our last pit stop, 7 eleven, my bag is basically empty. that's about 7 pounds less than when we started which at this point will feel good for the remaining miles.
i've been on 5 of these rides and so far that's worked for me. use it as a guide.
ridetime04.30.09 - 2:49 pm
The weather will be pretty nice so that's a plus. Here's how I usually roll on the Dark Century ride.
how do you figure so with the rainy forecast?
_iJunes04.30.09 - 3:04 pm
ohhh ok saturdya morning. okie dokie.
pending MRI see you out there!
_iJunes04.30.09 - 3:05 pm
What Ridetime said.
I carry a fanny pack for tights and a wind jacket.
It will get chilly at night.
Fill my jersey pockets with arm warmers and energy bars.
There is a parking lot on Alameda, around second st., on the east side of the street.
I parked there all night for $5 for a previous DC.
I really hope it won't rain. Been there, done that.
Creative Thing04.30.09 - 4:37 pm
i am not ready for this one. think i'll do an early sunday morn ride instead. have fun everyone!
tomato04.30.09 - 5:31 pm
ok, so where's all this rain?
User105.2.09 - 10:04 am
LOL they have it down to 20% chance of rain, and that was for this morning! Shit, where do I get a job being that bad at forecasting?????
weather today
User105.2.09 - 10:09 am
Holy Shit! What an amazing experience for my first century.
It was so much fun riding with all of you guys. Many thanks to Creative Thing and RideTime for all their hard work and the beautiful spoke card. And extra special thanks to David who surprised us at the 3/4 mark with water and snacks. One of the best rides i've been on since moving to LA!
cassidy05.3.09 - 6:50 am
real fantastic ride. just got up from a tiny nap before
maybe heading out to another ride. i enjoyed it and the route was not as brutal as the Can't Coast Century route. as always, it's a pleasure to be riding with the fellows i have already met on other events before this one and the same goes for those i just did.
DAYLO05.3.09 - 10:28 am
was Sexy the one who was supporting the ride?
Roadblock05.3.09 - 1:25 pm
We had some wolfpack faithfuls rolling, we had newbies rollin, I don't recall a single flat taking place, I think there was 1 tiny crash(nothing major), a kick as Sag stop 3/4 of the way in, unbelievable weather, and the most amazing group of riders i've ever had the pleasure of rolling with. Bring on DC VII
ridetime05.3.09 - 5:17 pm
Okay, NixonTwin, Where do I even Start. Check out what this dude did for us.
He Parked a 1/4 mile away and transported the following items over a bridge and onto a Dark bike trail at 12:30a.m. in the morning waiting for over an hour and a half before seeing rolling lights heading towards him.
items he brought out:
Foot pump
A cooler filled with Ice
Cases of Water
Drink mixes
Honestly I don't even know half of what was there because I was so focused on the wonderful Lemon Doodle cookies he brought.
but there was more.
give that man a DC/Ridazz medal
ridetime05.3.09 - 5:30 pm
Thanks Leslie and Wayne for putting this ride together. I had a blast rolling all night long. Even though there was never a liquor store stop in the 100 miles! I'm thinking that's why there no midnight ridazz (except for Les and Wayne) on this ride? hmmmmmmm
Great turnout from everyone else though. I think we had something like 30 or so people finish? Nice job by NixonTwin too. I owe you a beer next time I see ya.
User105.4.09 - 1:00 pm