Blessing of the Bikes!

Thread started by
stevo4 at 05.7.08 - 11:02 am

This Tuesday morning (yes morning) -- perfect for Brassknuckles, Dingo and others to attend now!!! - including me.
Maybe we meet for breakfast and then ride to the Hospital and back? Or Breakfast afterwards?
Good Samaritan Hospital
616 S. Witmer
Los Angeles
Blessing of the Bikes
Does it require entering a church?
kyber05.7.08 - 11:12 am
I'm not sure but i think its just on the Hospital Grounds.
stevo405.7.08 - 11:12 am
"I think my bike and I would melt,"
I know mine will.
toweliesbong05.7.08 - 11:19 am
I'm just afraid that my boyish features might confuse the clergy.
know what I mean?
kyber05.7.08 - 11:20 am
I'll go for the free breakfast.
I ain't following any of their superstitious beliefs though.
User105.7.08 - 11:20 am
well I can go there and channel my own priest: the spirit of DARTH PLAGUEIS THE WISE and continue to recieve his dark blessings, knowledge and power.
may the force be with you all, always.
DARTH VELOZ05.7.08 - 12:37 pm
last year I got my bike blessed by a Rabbi. It was awesome!
I'll be there (hopefully - mornings are tough for me these days..)
redridinghood05.7.08 - 1:11 pm
All my bikes are raised CRANK, thank you kindly.
SKIDMARCUS05.7.08 - 1:31 pm
Way back, at some point in the middle ages, Tren Way was a Bible Gang.
Now, we fluctuate as a Beer/ Battle/ Boobies/ and sometimes Bicycle Gang.
Joe Borfo05.7.08 - 1:43 pm

Be sure to give the clergy a big "fuck you" for me. Thanks!
turrican05.7.08 - 1:46 pm
Why is it ok to hate select groups of people on this site?
Creative Thing05.7.08 - 2:37 pm
hate is a strong word.... I think it's more of a level of ridicule that happens on this site.
Roadblock05.7.08 - 2:42 pm
"Turrican doesn't exist." - The Jesus
Joe Borfo05.7.08 - 2:46 pm
all the naysayers should have their bikes blessed by Borfo.
and by "blessed by Borfo", I mean he'll pee on your bikes like he did on sexy's car
spiraldemon05.7.08 - 2:59 pm
And look what ended up happening to sexy's car.....
kyber05.7.08 - 3:12 pm
That was Jane's car. Sexy's Dad's car is now anointed with my urine. People line up for miles to recieve my fluids in their Mouf!
Plus, I spared sexy from continuing a deadly life of sin and debauchery... for a few more weeks at least.
Joe Borfo05.7.08 - 3:20 pm
Ah, I guess the urine of Borfo is sacred after all.
kyber05.7.08 - 3:21 pm
Borfo's only became sacred after I pissed on him during the MR 3rd anniversary ride
spiraldemon05.7.08 - 3:26 pm
I propose that every thread degenerates into inane banter about pee-pee and poo-poo from here on!
Joe Borfo05.7.08 - 3:39 pm
only if it involves the act of blessing things
spiraldemon05.7.08 - 3:47 pm
if you do this, you should come to my cafe, Groundwork, @ 811 Traction Ave for breakfest. I'll bless you with free food and drink! ;)
vspangle05.7.08 - 3:52 pm
"Why is it ok to hate select groups of people on this site?"
My request was based on an extremely dissatisfying personal experience with the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles (hence the "for me" part of the request). Perhaps you're mistaking my post as coming from a simplistic "christianity/religion hating" standpoint; understandable, given a lot of the sentiment I see on message boards in general, but that's not where I'm coming from.
That being said, your question made me rethink my request, and I see that it may have not been specific enough (and I will admit that I'm making an assumption about who will be doing the blessing). I'll restate it:
Be sure to give anyone involved with the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles a big "fuck you" for me. Thanks!
turrican05.7.08 - 3:59 pm
Only 2 days away from having a safe year of riding (i hope). I was reading the newspaper article and saw that they plan on having at least 4 different religious leaders providing the blessings in hopes of satisfying the majority of the cyclists. And i guess this has been going on for 10 years in NY.
stevo405.11.08 - 7:22 pm
Waitaminute, the blessings only confer one year of safe riding? Vat manner of crappink is dis? I would have expected something divine to have a longer shelf life, y'know?
nathansnider05.11.08 - 7:40 pm
But like all tithings, etc. they want you to keep coming back. So you have to do it again next year to keep your warranty up to date.
stevo405.11.08 - 7:56 pm
Bah! I'll have none of these pagan "seasonal" rituals afflicting my trusty velocipede. Next thing you know, they'll be worshipping trees or rabbits or some such nonsense...
nathansnider05.11.08 - 8:32 pm
mmmmmm Stevo - breakfast @ Groundworks after blessings?
redridinghood05.12.08 - 2:27 am
I have a training ride from 630-8a on the Westside. I'll be driving through traffic (ugh) to get to the blessing asap. Afterwards, i should be able to have breaky with everyone who's up for it.
stevo405.12.08 - 7:03 am
A couple years back, I was a devout follower of the "Los Illuminado's".
Our main acts of worship were to kidnap and sacrifice the children of high-ranking people by injecting them with Parasitic, neural-interfacing, 4-tooth snakes.
However, I soon left after failing their rite of passage;
"Morir Es Vivir", or "To Die Is To Live."
Apparently, the "Die" part was a bit to painful to endure, so I was tied to the community Emu, and carried off to a freight train.
bentstrider05.12.08 - 7:40 am
not enough mana
05.11.08 - 10:59 pm
bananaphone05.12.08 - 12:25 pm
I took the day off work for this. Anyone down for a mid morning - noon "critical mass" of sorts?
barleye05.12.08 - 4:33 pm
You get my email i sent earlier?
stevo405.12.08 - 4:55 pm
anyone wanna meet up somewhere on venice blvd. to make the ride? i'm leaving from sawtelle and venice around 7am.
barleye05.12.08 - 4:57 pm
apple pan thursday? breakfast tomorrow?
barleye05.12.08 - 4:58 pm
ugh.. loooooooong night printing t-shirts for my booth at the Bike Expo in Pasadena... justt gott home... not getting my bike blessed in 2.5 hours.. must sleep.. someone grab an extra blessing or 2 for my bikes please!!
also - if anyone (barleye, stevo?) can get me one of those nifty pinback pins that they usually give out I would be most grateful and will reward you with many stickers in bright colors or maybe even glittery... I have a pin collection and I really love the bike blessing pins...
thanks tons!
redridinghood05.13.08 - 4:59 am

I went this morning to the Blessing at Good Samaritan. Got to meet the CEO who puts this on and is an avid cyclist. Nice Guy!! He's the young guy in some of the pictures. (Coming soon). Told him about the Freeway ride on Friday - he expressed interest.... The short ceremony wasn't preachy at all and felt 'balanced' actually. I do have to say that when we went by the minister sprinkling holy water on us, it did burn my skin a bit ;-).
And, although i'm not religious, when one of the speakers read off some 'fallen' or hurt cyclist's names, the first name i thought of was Danny. I hope he'll be able to ride Tandem on the ALC ride.
Others at the small turnout was Agent Orange, Barleye and his girlfriend (i'm spacing on her name- sorry), Chicken Leather and a couple of others i didn't know. Barleye, Girlfriend and i then went to Groundworks on Traction for breakfast where Vspange works. Thanks for the sammiches Michelle, they were yummy!
I'll post the photos as soon as they finish uploading.
stevo405.13.08 - 2:04 pm
Here are the pictures from this morning's event.
God bless us everyone :-)
stevo405.13.08 - 9:05 pm
I got you a pin.
stevo405.14.08 - 12:16 pm
Props to Riordan.I started seein him on his bike around 12 yrs ago.He used to ride b my house along with his body guards.
He's still representing...
deesimple05.15.08 - 8:20 pm
barleye05.5.09 - 10:57 am
I'll be there, I work there =P
Gav05.5.09 - 2:32 pm
dude... that coffee was mad good. im all wired!
revolutionary05.12.09 - 11:00 am
I liked the yogurt w/ strawberries :)
Avis_One05.12.09 - 9:38 pm
I used to live@ 334 s. witmer st. which is 2 blocks north of that place. That's where Robert Kennedy died.
I bless my bike everyday with kind words and kisses.
GodLovesUgly05.12.09 - 11:35 pm