Fixed ConnectSCION

Thread started by
Kahsperr at 10.2.09 - 9:15 am

Hey Guys. I'm putting on a huge event at Scion Santa Monica. There will be a fixed gear contest, a bike show, Guitar Hero, Rockband, Kogi bbq and of course lots of free stuff and prizes. Save the date. The event is October 27th from 8pm -12am @ Scion Santa Monica. 832 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401. Feel free to ask any questions.
so what's the event for?
is it so we buy a scion next time we purchase a car?
KiMS110.2.09 - 9:20 am
We get money from Scion to throw grassmarket events. We have them every couple of months. I'm into biking and I happen to be the Scion Champ at my store. Thought it would be neat to have a biking event. If you've always wanted a Scion then buy one. If you don't I don't care. Just come and have fun, win some prizes and eat some Kogi.
Kahsperr10.2.09 - 9:29 am
Will there be a backwards circle contest and/or Bike Polo? Mike I will NOT challenge you to a Kogi BBQ eating contest...
JOKER responding to a
comment by Kahsperr
10.2.09 - 10:14 am
Track stand contest, backwards figure 8 contest and a fixed drift contest. 80% sure those will be the events.
Kahsperr10.2.09 - 10:21 am
fuck it, if not we'll do a impromptu polo match.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by JOKER
10.2.09 - 10:22 am
I'm betting the hipster ratio would be 52/14 at this.
User110.2.09 - 10:37 am
Is it okay for cyclist to bring propaganda promoting ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION?
And the virtues of buying used cars over new?
md210.2.09 - 11:26 am
Guys. If u know u will be going in the next few weeks feel free to nominate cats u know with sick bikes for the bike show.
Kahsperr10.2.09 - 11:57 am
DON'T DO IT !! It's a city of Santa Monica biker trap. All the recalled Toyotas with stuck accelerator pedals are going to fly into the parking lot, taking down backwards riders and trackstanders!
0gravity10.2.09 - 4:03 pm
You say this like it's a bad thing.
User1 responding to a
comment by 0gravity
10.2.09 - 4:29 pm
a bad thing is when companies use a kind of culture to implicitly claim: "cyclist support brand X"... so we cool.
Bound to happen.
have any of you seen the new Audi commercial? Its their Diesel version...
They show people using alt transportation and the supposed setbacks:
packed bus
cyclist in rain
and then they have an unrealistic shot of an Audi on some scenic path passing a veggie powered car, and the voice says something like "everyone wants to do their part, but some have more fun doing it"
1. Riding a bike is more fun than driving
2. how often does anyone ride in the rain
3. how often do car owner get to drive on those open roads
4. segways are wack
5. why not show what i see on my commute:
BMWs, Toyota, Fords,.... all stuck on Santa Monica Blvd, moving slower than me on my bike. Now who is having more fun?
Car industry is a joke... they know green, eco, alt trans is the new "cool", so they're gonna try to get the nod from those who supposedly represent those sections.
Next Scion model will come with a bike rack and Obey Fixed Gear on top.
whatever... nothing new under the sun.
md2 responding to a
comment by User1
10.2.09 - 4:41 pm
Lol. No......that won't happen. Lol
Kahsperr responding to a
comment by 0gravity
10.2.09 - 5:22 pm

I guess I went about this whole thing backwards. Sorry. My name is Ozzie, I'm from Inglewood,CA. Graduated From LB State. I ride a black Mercier 53. Nothing special. I ride mostly with friends but i've done a couple crank mobs and rides in LB and Cerritos etc. I've always loved biking but my friends convinced me to get a fixie. Here I am 8 months later creating my own events and forcing people to go. haha.
Kahsperr10.3.09 - 1:20 am
2. how often does anyone ride in the rain
You've obviously never lived in any place that has actual weather, but I agree with your overall sentiment.
"Look at those bike people, so passionate about what they do. It's so inspiring that it makes me want to spend money... on that car in the background."
nathansnider responding to a
comment by md2
10.3.09 - 1:54 am
I really don't understand Audi's approach there. I haven't seen the commercial either tho.
Kahsperr10.3.09 - 9:59 am
Damn I was all excited to see 3 of my favorite things in one spot. Then I realized it's on a friggin Tuesday night.
will10.3.09 - 4:30 pm
Hopefully u can still make it. All I have to say is Kogi Blackjack Qusadilla. Yummm!
Kahsperr responding to a
comment by will
10.8.09 - 2:36 pm
Reminder:: Kogi will be there on the 27th, but they will twitter their location as usual. This means there will be a bunch of peeps lined up for food. If you were planning on grabbing a bite, make sure to arrive early. Also forgot to mention that all prizes will be provided by LABrakeless. Thanks!
Kahsperr10.9.09 - 8:08 am
Backwards circles are a go, right? Figure eights, I dunno many people in LA that can do that one...
JOKER responding to a
comment by Kahsperr
10.9.09 - 9:26 am
When did this become bikin?
Its gone to the dogs, dawg.
NOT a Troll! responding to a
comment by JOKER
10.9.09 - 9:33 am
I don't care who throws the event, as long as I can show up and dominate the backwards circles, I'm happy! Also if they do footdown, one of the most hallowed games of fixed gear riding, I think I can podium that too.
BTW thank you SCION for doing this!
JOKER responding to a
comment by NOT a Troll!
10.9.09 - 10:21 am
You still working for Toyota or what?
A bike Jock is still a jock, this event will be crawling with them.
franz responding to a
comment by JOKER
10.9.09 - 5:30 pm
Wrong thread Franz!
But seriously I was WELL compensated, by Toyota, enuff to buy the fixings for more than a dozen mallets and balls for the Los Angeles Bike Polo Club, as well as the BBQ food and beer we had at our tournament right after the shoot. I also made a donation to with some of the earnings. I think I only kept $200, basically to almost cover what I lost by skipping work that day.
AND I made Bike Snob NYC so it was an all around success... Franz what u don't rep 310 polo anymore? Y not?
JOKER10.10.09 - 1:07 pm
And yes there is nothing better than beating bike jocks at their own game...
JOKER10.10.09 - 1:07 pm
Nothing wrong with owning cars and using them for whenever no alternative method exists for getting you a 100+mile distance in a reasonable amount of time.
Those that feel the need to tear ass 1/4 mile down to the AM/PM to get their over-bloated ass a 2 liter and some chips are the major problem.
Wrong tool for the wrong job.
bentstrider10.17.09 - 8:59 am
3 days left. Remember, if you're competing or showing to show up early to sign up. Thanks!
Kahsperr10.24.09 - 8:33 am
sounds cool. Might check it out.
EL FOO10.24.09 - 6:12 pm
Another reminder: All bikes are welcome, even for the bike show. Just the competition is fixed only. Also, this is not just a bike event, if you have people that want to roll through to play some rockband, eat kogi, ride a segway and watch all the action, please tell them to come also. Thanks, and see you all on Tuesday.
Oh and props to LABrakeless for sponsoring this one. This event is going to be dope!
Kahsperr10.25.09 - 8:24 am
Thanks to everyone who made it out last night in the destructive winds. Haha. I appreciate the support and dedication.
Kahsperr10.28.09 - 11:40 am