reflective tape

Thread started by
Gav at 06.4.09 - 4:45 pm
I remember someone posting something about somewhere you can get a bunch of reflective tape, but I can't remember. Where is this cheap reflective tape you speak of? I think they said the $0.99 store but I'm not sure.
yeah it was in the 99 cent store thread.
i bought mine from ebay though.
66606.4.09 - 4:49 pm
I was gonna post a something with a similar title but I'll put it under this.
Does anyone know where I can find reflective trim, ribbon, cording, etc? Something that is sewable? So far I've only been able to find tape but I'd like to add it to clothing and tape doesn't sew or wash well. Any suggestions?
Gizzard06.4.09 - 4:55 pm
I was searching for it but I had no idea there is a 99 cent store thread
Gav responding to a
comment by 666
06.4.09 - 4:56 pm
k I see now. It was probably one of those threads I just glanced at without taking much notice
Gav06.4.09 - 4:58 pm
barleye06.4.09 - 5:01 pm
YES!!!! That's exactly what i'm looking for! Thank you!
Gizzard responding to a
comment by 666
06.4.09 - 5:16 pm
99 cent store is rad. You could almost be completely legal for $2. To be completely legal you need;
- Reflectors or something reflective on the sides of bike, front and back, any color
- Rear red reflector, I've seen these for free at my LBS
- Front white light, able to be seen 500 feet or something like that
- Reflectors or something reflective on the pedals, shoes, or pants, any color
- You don't need a rear light surprisingly, but I wouldn't be caught dead without a nice one
User106.4.09 - 5:50 pm
there wasn't nay reflective tape at the 99 cent store. There was a cheap knock off of Simple Green, there was steel wool, and other stuff I can use to clean my bike.
Gav06.4.09 - 5:53 pm
hrmmmm my bike is 110% legal !
66606.4.09 - 5:54 pm
home depot. get reflective letters and cut them up in cool patterns. "i" is a good one, and if you can find a period they have the most reflective surface.
...alas, i have yet to find the reflective semicolon.
tortuga_veloce06.4.09 - 7:09 pm
theres also a clear reflective spray enamel. sold at home depot in the spray paint area.
sancho1 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
06.4.09 - 10:18 pm
hmmm how reflective is it? like my bike?
666 responding to a
comment by sancho1
06.4.09 - 10:24 pm
i bought a roll of 24 inches by 100 yards (thats 300ft in wierd USA feet units)
for a hun'red bucks in Cypress at a sign warehouse place. they had like yellow red green blue and white - i think. I still have a gaggle of it.
I checked and the stuff retails for a hun'red bucks per 10 yards depending on the longevity rating so i scored big time.
BlaxicaNazi06.4.09 - 10:25 pm
Really? That stuff is still legal? I thought they had banned it cuz people were spraying their plates in order for the camera flashes to reflect light off the plate and make it unreadable in pictures...
Gizzard responding to a
comment by sancho1
06.4.09 - 10:25 pm
it would be awesome to cover your bike in that. then when people take your pic in a large group and get the photo developed, you will look like jesus. or the ghost of gerald ford, take your pick.
Conspirate06.6.09 - 12:48 am
LOL, or they'll go blind, mirror image or even flash bounce back.
just powder coat your bike CHROME problem solved lol
tekmo responding to a
comment by Conspirate
06.6.09 - 1:32 am