Do you guys lock your helmet when you park your bike?

Thread started by
Conspirate at 05.26.09 - 12:07 pm
I was wondering, how does that go about. Thinking of cycling to school tomorrow for the first time. But I don't really want to be hangin onto my helmet all day.
Just loop it around the shoulder strap of your back pack... You do not have to worry about anyone stealing it, and you always have it on you for those "Just in case" moments...
Rogue Rida05.26.09 - 12:11 pm
You can lock your helmet by putting your U-lock through the "ear" straps. If you do that the only way they can take your helmet is to cut the straps, rendering the helmet useless. Which doesn't mean someone won't do it, but it's a chance you can elect to take.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by Rogue Rida
05.26.09 - 12:57 pm
Use the cable you use to lock your front wheel, and just run it through your helmet straps before you run it back through your U-lock.
JB05.26.09 - 1:04 pm
I just stick the buckle up through under my hip-pack strap and it stays there on my waist.
bentstrider05.26.09 - 1:42 pm
I've decided that my helmet is my "earthquake plan," so I just keep it with me.
I'm kind of serious. Especially since I have no furniture to hide under in my apartment....
HappyLand05.26.09 - 1:46 pm
if it's a nice helmet keep it with you
Gav05.26.09 - 1:57 pm
I can usually put my Ulock through the bike, whatever I'm locking to, AND the open space between the helmet in the back and the plastic adjuster thingy. If you can't do that, then just do it through the straps. It's very unlikely someone would cut your straps for the helmet because, as someone else pointed out, it will be useless unless set up with a new strap.
0gravity05.26.09 - 2:15 pm
Be careful which side of the helmet you decide to lock the straps to. I've seen where someone locked their helmet with the strap on the side that can be taken apart and not have to cut the strap.
Wearing someone else's scummy helmet is a different story.
User1 responding to a
comment by 0gravity
05.26.09 - 2:21 pm
This brings an entirely new question: I only have a cable lock. It's a pretty good one i've been told by Father. However, is this enough to lock a bike? Or should I really get a U-lock.
If U-locks are better but not necessary, then I will probably get one eventually. But for now hmm...
Conspirate05.26.09 - 5:18 pm
we're all going to tell you to get a good U lock
Gav responding to a
comment by Conspirate
05.26.09 - 5:23 pm
i dont even lock my bike, let alone wear a helmet.
_iJunes05.26.09 - 5:26 pm
I saw that giant U lock you carry in your pocket some times
Gav responding to a
comment by _iJunes
05.26.09 - 5:33 pm
You shouldn't worry about locking your helmet since with that cable lock you wont have a bike much longer. Invest in a buss pass or a ulock....just saying
Sty responding to a
comment by Conspirate
05.26.09 - 5:36 pm
Conspirate - Do a search of the MR forums for the words "bike stolen".
That should tell you everything you need to know about cable locks.
Buy a U-lock now, so you don't have to buy a U-lock and a new bike later.
JB05.26.09 - 5:38 pm
thats just for show and mainly used as a weapon.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Gav
05.26.09 - 5:38 pm
that gave me an idea.
What if we had pumps that look like police batons which we can strap to a belt or hang on our pants?!
Gav responding to a
comment by _iJunes
05.26.09 - 5:41 pm
^^^^^This guy is right though. Ditch the cable lock, since having no cable lock is better than having one, since it gives u a false sense of secruity...
Invest in a u-lock... and even though you get a u-lock beware of where you u-lock your horse too.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by Sty
05.26.09 - 5:41 pm
why would you do that when real collapsible batons are like 15 bucks?
i'd at least want to use something i pull out as a weapon (thats what he said)
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Gav
05.26.09 - 5:44 pm

arent collapsible batons illegal for civilians?
just get a piece of lead pipe and strap it to your frame instead. why does it have to look like a pump?
ruinedbyidiots05.26.09 - 5:46 pm
pump that looks like baton
Gav responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
05.26.09 - 5:56 pm