Baby Names.

Thread started by
Orange Slice at 02.26.09 - 6:43 pm
It Doesnt Matter What The First Name Is, As Long As The Middle Name Is Danger. Or Maybe Killer. How About Two Middle Names?! .....Danger-Killer.....
i always thought Max was a good name.
Or Jasmine for a girl.
Candy Cane02.26.09 - 6:46 pm
I know a girl named Jasmine Albuquerque Croissant . No joke.
Candy Cane02.26.09 - 6:51 pm
Double Danger Dorian
Gav02.26.09 - 6:57 pm
I knew OF a Sterling Silver. Went to high school a couple towns over, with Woogie.
I have always really liked the name Jeremy. And Leo. I agree about Max. Christopher? Plain, maybe. But people named Christopher are all right. Also: James, Thomas, & Stephen. I love me some plain dude names, apparently.
Girls: Hazel, for some reason, I'm drawn to. And Maisie. Old-timey names. And then there's the family names, which I love probably because I love the people so damned much: Kathleen, Deirdre, Clara, Fiona, May, Minnie, Colette. (Yes, I'm related to a Minnie. She's like 98, and she's amazing.)
katiepoche02.26.09 - 7:02 pm
katie, you're so classy with your tastes!
I whole heartedly agree.
theres so much romance in old names
Candy Cane02.26.09 - 7:09 pm
... ah but i also love those 'my-mom-was-a-hippie' names too :D
Candy Cane02.26.09 - 7:11 pm
In my neighborhood when I was a kid, there was this schizophrenic guy who used to be named Jerry Marker. He legally changed his first name to Magic. Not far away, there were these two short-lived hippie communes that camped out on opposite sides of a small lake. There were the Tree People, whose names were all Juniper Tree, Pine Tree, Oak Tree, etc. and the Rocks, who were
all, without exception, referred to as Rock. I think this was in the interest of a completely egalitarian society, or something like that. My parents babysat one of the Rocks' pot plants for a few weeks one time. Years later, that very same Rock became the county D.A.R.E. officer. Nobody called him Rock anymore, though, which is kind of a bummer.
North Idaho is a strange place.
This post has virtually nothing to do with baby names. Sorry. Should I start talking about capital gains tax rates or something just to stay on topic?
nathansnider02.26.09 - 7:19 pm
This is perfect cuz I'm gonna be a new daddy! We just found out today that it's gonna be a boy... For girls names we had Olivia or Stella ( I like the old Jewish lady names, I don't know why) and for boys we have Jonas, Liam, or Dignan so far...
BICYKILLER02.26.09 - 7:32 pm
While working the Inbound/Outbound gate at this candy-storage facility a few, years back, I encountered this trucker named P. Rainwater.
bentstrider02.26.09 - 7:32 pm
I know a guy who's name is Scott Free
illy02.26.09 - 7:44 pm
I met a Kent Hardley just the other day. Couldnt help but let out a wimpish laugh.
R@WKIT02.26.09 - 8:49 pm
I really love the name Maya though... and Jean-Julienne
R@WKIT02.26.09 - 8:53 pm
how relevant the OP is to current events.
ahem lee ahem
_iJunes02.26.09 - 8:55 pm
I was almost a Fritz-Bowie Farrell. I really like the name Cassidy also.
larsenf02.26.09 - 9:04 pm
I got a cousin who's middle name is Thor. I thought his middle name was awesome I forgot what his first name was. Whatever it is, make sure you ask, "will my kid get beat up in school if I name him/her this.".
kaslik02.26.09 - 10:40 pm
I always thought Alex would make a cool girl's name.
User102.26.09 - 11:58 pm
One day, I shall have a daughter.
She will be called Violence.
mikeisadumbname02.27.09 - 12:17 am
This is perfect cuz I'm gonna be a new daddy! We just found out today that it's gonna be a boy... For girls names we had Olivia or Stella ( I like the old Jewish lady names, I don't know why) and for boys we have Jonas, Liam, or Dignan so far...
02.26.09 - 10:32 pm
CONGRATULATIONS! Aaagh! I'm not even one of those girls who freaks out about babies. But yay!
Get that little guy on a trike, forthwith!
katiepoche02.27.09 - 12:25 am
dignan diskin makes me want to slap my knee.
_iJunes02.27.09 - 10:31 am
My sister just loved the word "chlamydia" and thought it would make a really nice name. Then she learned what it meant and changed her mind.
(It does sound nice, though, doesn't it? Like Chloe and Amelie and Lydia. All together.)
katiepoche02.27.09 - 10:58 am
Crayola was one of my favorites (seriously) but the wife shot it down hard!
BICYKILLER02.27.09 - 11:08 am
name your kid Bahdas Diskin
_iJunes02.27.09 - 11:10 am
I'm actually expecting in June. I'm having a girl and her name is gona be phiala biana. That's just the first name. But I might incorperate the danger-killer. Just to balance cute with bad ass;0)
audryWIENERDOG02.27.09 - 11:17 am
no kids here... but I do have a bulldog named stella. it was the first thing that came to mind when I first saw her.... aaaawwww!
sancho102.27.09 - 11:17 am
@ BICYKILLER... i vote for jonas. tell the wifey. lol.
nesoxochi02.27.09 - 11:50 am
My Lovely wife Niki and I are also expecting in mid June. we just entered our last trimester. We don't know the gender yet, but all the old wise tales are leaning towards a girl.
If its a Girl we're set on, Josie June Aroche
if it's a Boy we're thinking of Augustine (augie) or Max
It's Nice to hear some fellow ridaz are also expecting little bundles of JOY.
skano02.27.09 - 12:06 pm
mud is a good name.
it wont be confused with bill or jack or pete or dennis
ruinedbyidiots02.27.09 - 5:12 pm