Catch USC Thief
Thread started by
dirrtiharri at 05.28.09 - 9:29 am
If you live near downtown, we have found ourselves a thief. We have someone in our sights, please come help us detain them. A young gentleman has had his steed stolen, and he needs our help.
Who would like to join us in putting the smack down this Thursday afternoon?
Ride details and contact info coming soon.
gonna need more details than that to call out the troops.
Maybe some kinda evidence?
TheDude05.28.09 - 9:48 am
Take phone numbers/emails. Keep any planning of the forums. Looks better for both parties.
danya responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 9:50 am
They found their bike for sale and are going to reclaim it.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 10:07 am
Please be careful.
And by careful, I mean don't go all vigilante on them, further intensifying LAPDs distaste for MR.
SPOOK05.28.09 - 10:27 am
We will proceed w/ caution, keep a cool calm head. Nobody is guilty until we check out the small components carefully (stem, headset, pedals, cranks).
Area will be scoped out ahead of time so we can keep all riders out of sight until/if it's necessary to move in. We will have people posted in all cardinal directions to cut off escape routes.
This is happening this afternoon, sometime between 4 and 7pm. Keep your eyes on this thread.
dirrtiharri responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.09 - 10:47 am
Hmmm... this guy sounds a lot like our dear ol' bentstrider....
danya responding to a
comment by dirrtiharri
05.28.09 - 10:48 am
Ya'll best be sure it IS in fact the thief. Bikes could have switched hands in the process and you might be "detaining" the middle man.
Make double sure.
lymbzero05.28.09 - 10:52 am
Do you "work" at USC, ride a recumbent around campus, have a grey spot on your fat head, and record your farts all day long?
If not, don't worry about it. Just checking.
If you were that guy. then you would have mentioned the bike shop near the campus that is supposedly selling all kinds of stolen bikes. Maybe I should tell him to help you.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by dirrtiharri
05.28.09 - 11:03 am
putting things like this on the internet..on public forums..well it just Ãsn´t that bright of an idea.
la duderina05.28.09 - 11:03 am
I think that they are bargaining that of the millions of ppl in L.A. only a few hundred actually come to on an average weekday.
Unfortunately I can't go I have work this afternoon. But I would.
It's simple.
If this is THE bike than the person who is selling it is guilty of stealing or accepting stolen goods.
The cops won't even go after a drunk driver ... how can we expect them to recover a stolen bike?
The more people there, the easier it will be to control the situation and keep heads cool.
Be safe out there Dirtti!
trickmilla responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 11:15 am
Agreed, hopefully the confrontation will cause the suspect to panic and attempt to run away; no further proof will be necessary.
dirrtiharri responding to a
comment by lymbzero
05.28.09 - 11:16 am
this sounds NOTHING like our dear Benstrider.
There is no talk of guns, bombs, or booby traps.
Despite the posters nom d'ridaa this is not a vigilante mission as i understand it.
It is merely an attempt to recover a stolen bike.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by danya
05.28.09 - 11:19 am
Why you gota get all racist against Italians Borfo???
Hey wait a minute, isn't Borfo an Italian name? Fuckin traitor!!!!
User1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.09 - 11:20 am
Half the time my brain just can't process what Bentstrider is saying, this post kind of makes sense.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by User1
05.28.09 - 11:30 am
If Bentstrider were ready for a showdown, he would be well prepared, locked, loaded, and ready to rumble!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by jericho1ne
05.28.09 - 11:37 am
There is about 5 mexican kids that live near MLK and the 110. They ride some old 1980s fixed machines and have been looking for road bikes.
BE AWARE - I have had a few run ins with them with no problems because they know, i know where they live, but i had a dude run up to me one day at the Expo park saying some kids were trying to cut some locks off. I seen the owner and informed him, The owner of the bike put the kids in check and they all backed down, as they seem harmless young mexican fixie riders.
BE AWARE if your in the USC area near the Coffee Bean / Chipolte shopping area near EXPO park, they seem to be cruzin around just waiting for nice bikes.
Yetiman05.28.09 - 12:45 pm
That's not Bentstrider, that's Roadblock!
JB responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.09 - 12:48 pm
How do you know they were Mexican? Where they parading a Mexican flag or something? Did they mention "Ariva Mexico" as they were trying to steal the bike? Dont be so ignorant as to label all Hispanic People, Mexican.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by Yetiman
05.28.09 - 7:17 pm
About that USC shop Ive always wonder why they had only used/ renewed bikes for sale. Ive seen them buy bikes off peeps
Avis_One05.28.09 - 7:29 pm
come on, give us the details of the recovery!
Candy Cane05.28.09 - 7:31 pm
Its very simple. You just call the cops and tell them you found your bike. They will come and investigate. If you can prove its your bike then the will recover it for you. Vigilante justice is not required.
I had the same experience when someone tried to sell me Tim Hammers bike on hollywod and highland.
The cops are willing to recover your rpoperty if you call them fist and can prove its yours. go the easy way. Call the cops.
stillline05.28.09 - 7:42 pm
Suspect was interrogated, but there was no smack down.
More details to come.
skd05.28.09 - 8:04 pm
We have photos and video. It will take some time to get the video up.
skd05.28.09 - 8:07 pm
I just have photos of the recovered bike being loaded into the car.
dirrtiharri or any of the other members of the stolen bike recovery team please post your photos.
skd responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.28.09 - 8:22 pm
Score another one for the good guys!!! Great job, all of you. Especially since by the looks of the pic not a single drop of blood was forced out of either your group or said culprit. You should have contacted the police tho so that they could keep a record of the perp.
Jazzy Phat Nastee05.28.09 - 8:52 pm
MINE TOO!! damn! more flicks more video moar e'erthang
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Jazzy Phat Nastee
05.28.09 - 9:03 pm
Wait, the only thing that happened was someone recovered their bike???? wtf? Call the fuckin cops next time!
What lesson was learned? Oh I know, don't sell the bike in the area you ripped it off at. Great, you made a smarter criminal.
User1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.28.09 - 9:10 pm
User1 seeing the negative....
99.9% of the time no one ever recovers their bike. this is a mighty big WIN. I mean, yeah sure calling the cops is great idea and all.. but what's calling the cops gonna do really? the city is BROKE. they dont give a damn about a hit and run why would they give a damn about a mangey bike thief. they can't prove these dude's stole the bike... worst thing that might happen is dudes get booked and released then they learn the exact same lesson... don't sell the bike in the area you ripped it off...
the one lesson that the thieves learned is that there is a posse of people out there on the look out and getting better organized at it!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by User1
05.28.09 - 9:28 pm
As always Roadblock, you speak the truth.
We told the guy we were going to call the cops and threatened to have him arrested. His story was he bought it from some "skinny light-skinned guy". He said he would tell the cops the same story. He told us to just take the bike.
We spent a long time questioning him. We didn't want to just take the bike, we wanted to know how these thieves work. I doubt he bought the bike from someone else. He and his friend are probably the thieves and they were too quick to give up the bike. But what proof do we have? It was handled well. The anger we all had towards this bike thief was tempered. We did not threaten him with violence nor did we even touch him. We showed him that the bike was stolen from a real person, and that person suffered because of his actions.
In the end, we could do nothing but return the bike to its rightful owner. And let the suspected thief go. Which is what the cops would have done as well. We must be vigilant not vigilantes. Lock your bikes and try to keep an eye on them.
By the way, the bike was U-Locked. The thieves cut through the railing it was locked to.
skd responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.28.09 - 9:52 pm
That last post wasn't directed at you, it was to the thread in general.
Yeah I saw the positive, but that was already addressed. So what's the point? The cops could have done alot and they would have gone out there. Those guys were in possession of stolen property. Who's to say they didn't have a warrant for something bigger? Having the cops do an arrest, and a show of force with the bike recovery posses, is far more affective than how it was handled. Would have made the thief think twice about doing it again. He's just out doing the same thing tonite.
User1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.28.09 - 9:54 pm
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the cops cared about the bike in Matt's case, didn't they?
User105.28.09 - 9:56 pm
"By the way, the bike was U-Locked. The thieves cut through the railing it was locked to."
Roadblock responding to a
comment by skd
05.28.09 - 10:05 pm
Well that settles that, I'm just gonna weld my bike to the damn racks from now on.
BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji05.28.09 - 10:31 pm
Cutting thru is nothing..!
Has everyone seen the pic Studio took of the stickered covered sawed bike rack on sunset? i think that pic deserves it's own thread...
btw GREAT job Guise!!!
skano responding to a
comment by Gizzard
05.28.09 - 11:17 pm
great story, glad everything worked out okay. but please be careful; word on the street is that some of these thieves may very well be strapped.
tfunk40805.29.09 - 1:20 am
You gotta be a special kind of loser to brandish a gun for the purpose of stealing bikes... its best then to call the cops and report that they are strapped if that is the case.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by tfunk408
05.29.09 - 7:59 am
RAD!!! great work. i suspect that these guys were just fencing the bike that they bought cheap off of some criminal buddies.
things could just have been way annoying with the cops. most likely they's let the guy go. that is what happened in the case of the bike that matt recovered. in that case they only responded because they happened to be in the areea.
if there person is arrested the bike will go into evidence and be out of circulation for a long time. if the owner can't leagally prove ownership of the bike then they may never get it back from the cops.
i'm not about viglante justice. but what i have been learning in most cases ppl have to do most or all the work for the cops in these cases.
the only stories i have heard about bike thieves actually procecuted is if they are running a full blown theft ring.
it sucks, but we are gonna have to start stepping up like this more often if we wanna get some justice for our bike ppls. good work all. even you naysayers, we need your valubale contibutions too. good work!
trickmilla05.29.09 - 2:16 pm
Yet another reason to have had the cops involved. If this dude would have been packing, he would have had a serious charge against him and we would have gotten one more criminal off the streets.
I'm curious what transpired after the bike was returned. Was there like a group hug and an invitation to join us on our MR rides? Just need to know if I got to watch my crap a little closer now or what. I can imagine what the dude(s) would be thinking on our rides! "Shit, who needs to cut pipes? The shit here isn't even locked up! And much nicer too!" LOL
User1 responding to a
comment by tfunk408
05.29.09 - 2:50 pm
They already do that, unfortunately
Gav responding to a
comment by User1
05.29.09 - 8:37 pm
naw RB, they probably already were strapped for whatever reasons, and probably picked up bike jacking more recently.
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.29.09 - 11:18 pm
fucking awesome ass video! only if he confronted of who or where he got the bike~ kick that mother fuckers ass!! and roll him over..
tekmo05.31.09 - 2:04 am
Lots of people have their reasons for being strapped, I'm not arguing about that.... but you have to be a complete loser (and an idiot) to pull it over a bike... you never know though they just might be....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by tfunk408
05.31.09 - 7:26 am
Stewart tore him up
Gav05.31.09 - 9:57 am
Awesome vid. Never kept eye contact when responding.
Glad you got your bike back!!
digablesoul05.31.09 - 10:47 am
@joshhaglund Be on the lookout for my bike. A black gunner crosshairs. Stolen from the usc campus within the hour.
.....Perhaps the same crew of losers are responsible for this?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.2.09 - 3:28 am
Repost to I need to get better at this Twitter thing...
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.2.09 - 7:34 am
LOL we don't have to worry about that fat fuck joining us on any rides!!!
Nice work on the video and making the fuckhead sweat. I always wondered what a bike thief looks like.
User1 responding to a
comment by Mohicano
06.2.09 - 8:58 am