My first tattoo
Thread started by
HappyLand at 06.14.09 - 7:23 pm
I'm getting it this weekend, I've decided.
I want to get the Trifoce (three triangles in a triangle formation) from the Legend of Zelda (yes, what a nerd) in a small, linear style on my wrist. Thought I'd "keep it in the family" and see if there's a Rida here who could help me out or suggest a good spot.
I'm in the West Hollywood area, btw, so I'd like to go somewhere local or easily accessible by public transit/bicycle.
Thaaaank yoooou.
I have a friend out in Hollywood that tattoos. If you're on a budget, I can go with you and I'm sure he'll work out a good price with you, depending on how big you want it. Um, why don't you get it on your arm? IDK, I would! If I even liked Zelda... hahaha. I ain't hating though. :D
northernsoulbyrd06.14.09 - 7:45 pm
I mean, if I REALLY wanted to get all nerdy about it, I'd get it on the top of my hand, like in the game. But I just want a little something on my wrist for myself.
It's going to be really tiny, only black ink, just simple lines, probably no bigger than 2"x2" much do you think that would end up costing? I imagine no more than like, $60, right?
And how much of a tip do you give em?
HappyLand responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
06.14.09 - 8:29 pm
Oh, that's tiny and very simple. I can imagine you'll get charged around 50 or 60, yeah. Tip? I have no idea, cuz my friends are the ones that tattoo me, lol. I only have two tattoos that were done at shops, those were by friends also, haha. The rest were homemade tattoos, so I'm not certain... eeeeeeee, That's a good question!
northernsoulbyrd06.14.09 - 8:31 pm
get it between your thighs or on yur left butt cheek,,,
skano06.14.09 - 9:22 pm
if I were to go with thighs then I'd put it on the right side of my right knee right on the quads
I have to say, Triforce is full of win
Gav06.14.09 - 9:28 pm
But if I get it on my left butt cheek then I can't see it (Easily) >.<
When I was a kid I used to put temp tattoos on my butt. I don't know why, it felt super naughty or something.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by skano
06.14.09 - 10:18 pm
i was J/K Happy!
Seriously though, My good friend is covered in tat's literately. He was featured in a documentry on Tattoo's and on camera showed off his in between the thieighs tat, it was a set of huge Elephant ears..LOL srsly!!
skano responding to a
comment by HappyLand
06.14.09 - 11:44 pm
Omigodddd, the elephant ears, that's hilarious! I'm seriously laughing out loud thinking about it! I dunno if I could take sex seriously with a tattoo like that! I mean, forget about a blow job...hard to suck when you're giggling.... ; p
HappyLand responding to a
comment by skano
06.15.09 - 6:27 am
Nice .... Im starting a half sleeve ... just keep in mind you never just get one
OsnapsonJC06.19.09 - 3:18 pm
I actually ended up getting it on Monday. I asked my friend if she wanted to come with me during the weekend and she was like, "Why not get it today?" So we went on Monday and I know it's sort of silly, but I fucking love it.
And yes, I already want more.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
06.19.09 - 3:25 pm
Well, maybe it is....
HappyLand06.19.09 - 3:48 pm
Way too fucking much, tbh.
But I've been sort of in a bummer mood and it felt good to spend money.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
06.19.09 - 4:59 pm
please tell me you didnt pay more then 10 dollars for that
theladiesman06.20.09 - 9:24 am
I paid more than $10.00.
Now what?
HappyLand responding to a
comment by theladiesman
06.20.09 - 10:16 am
it's all breefy, don't worry about it. looks good.
ephemerae responding to a
comment by HappyLand
06.20.09 - 1:46 pm
Well, regardless of how much you paid for it, you already paid for it. I think the size is cute. It goes with you. :) I can't imagine you having it any bigger. BUT if you ever want any more tattoos, lemme know! I'm friends with a couple of artists.
northernsoulbyrd06.20.09 - 3:07 pm