FREE stuff from MW

Thread started by
mikeywally at 05.24.09 - 3:24 pm
hey guys,
i'm moving out of ridge way and have no where to store lots of my old things so i am giving them away.
i have lots of dress shirts and a couple really nice coats, if they are in your size get a hold of me or find them at the curb of ridge way.
i also have a desk, a wooden shelf, and some white boards and some shoes and maybe some percussion equipment, and some bike parts.
come and get it,
mikeyXXXwallyXXXblog at ggggmaildotcom
burlap sacks, plastic milk crates, a curtain rod.
mikeywally05.24.09 - 3:34 pm
sony mdr v500 headphones.
they work and sound great.
need some diy repair to keep it on your dome.
some cds
BOOKS! guerilla warfare, mill's subjection of women, the best democracy money can buy, hamlet, some burroughs, ellison's invisible man, catch-22, brave new world, 1984, some bullshit graffiti book. some anarchist zines, some poetry anthologies.
mikeywally05.24.09 - 4:00 pm
i have lots of climbing equipment and a park tool bike stand i dont know what to do with.
mikeywally05.24.09 - 5:06 pm
if you can hold that bike stand until tomorrow i can come and pick it up.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by mikeywally
05.24.09 - 5:12 pm
done, what time is good for you?
mikeywally responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
05.24.09 - 5:40 pm
damn! I wish I had a way up there to swoop on the clothes! I think we are the same size.
monovsstereo05.24.09 - 5:53 pm
mikey wally i want some stuff.
can i come sift through later tonight or tomorrow?
Frozen Fingersss05.24.09 - 6:42 pm
i would email but im leaving my grandmothers right now.
text me.
Frozen Fingersss05.24.09 - 6:44 pm
man.. i want your books. bad.
meow05.24.09 - 7:03 pm
ill take that free hammock when can i pick it up?
jabier05.24.09 - 7:12 pm
if no one's taken the saddle yet, i'll come over tomorrow and pick it up, mikey.
thank you.
coldcut05.24.09 - 7:42 pm
I will take the headphones and maybe a whiteboard if that is cool.
What size are you for the dress shirts?
TheDude05.24.09 - 10:37 pm
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhHHhhhhhhhhhhhh yea
HANDBONE responding to a
comment by mikeywally
05.24.09 - 11:15 pm
damn man I was gonna jump on that. ha
la duderina responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
05.24.09 - 11:26 pm
do you have any drum stuff? and a stem ?
66605.25.09 - 12:15 am
i want that hamock...and the graffiti and guerilla warfare book...
if is possible
emzeelok05.26.09 - 11:14 pm
how big is the white board, i'll battle you for it.
freeee stuffs
aksendz responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
05.27.09 - 8:40 am
who said i wanted the white board? lol.
i'm still down to battle.
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by aksendz
05.27.09 - 8:43 am
i just don't like the whole comment thing, so it was meant to ^^^^^^^^^^^^ person.
bring on the battle!
aksendz05.27.09 - 8:46 am
the white board is gone. thanks to blaze crew for that one.
all the books are gone.
i have a couple people already lined up for the climbing equipment that i know know how to use it.
can someone hold on to my futon (possibly indefinitely)?
its just the mattress (two parts) and can be stored easily. i got it for 30 bucks and its the most comfortable thing ever its the only thing i don't want to lose forever.
i've got a bass drum pedal, a shaker, i think im going to keep my tibetan prayer bowl, and a cheap volume pedal.
mikeywally05.27.09 - 11:42 am
i'll take the shaker :)
666 responding to a
comment by mikeywally
05.27.09 - 1:32 pm
I'll watch over your tibetan prayer bowl if you like.
User1 responding to a
comment by mikeywally
05.27.09 - 1:46 pm
It'll keep me from hatin everyone!
xspecially bunnies!
User1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.27.09 - 2:20 pm