kick out my house =(
Thread started by
ThunderCunt at 07.6.09 - 10:29 am
ugh yeah sucks all i have is my sidekick and its gon run out on me help?
go call your lover, she will help you lol..
tekmo07.6.09 - 10:33 am
mandingo07.6.09 - 10:33 am
hah yeah my lovers are mad at me its not a joke im fucking hungry!! all i have is my bike
ThunderCunt07.6.09 - 11:31 am
I have a loft in my pad that Nobody ever sleeps in room ..
OsnapsonJC07.6.09 - 11:55 am
Im John that cat that went on the morning ride with you ... I live by universal ....
OsnapsonJC07.6.09 - 12:30 pm
oh whats up!!!!! long time well give me your number
ThunderCunt07.6.09 - 1:21 pm
so whyd u get the boot?
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ThunderCunt
07.6.09 - 1:37 pm
idk she push me i got so mad i had sick thought that i snap and im not a mean guy i dont likee to fight she just made me snap all of the stupid things she tells me got to me
ThunderCunt responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.6.09 - 1:42 pm
who is "she"
"she" talked shit to you, you got angry, and you left?
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ThunderCunt
07.6.09 - 1:45 pm
Im going to run it by my roommate ... I think she will say yes but she is a chick and I want like to give her a heads up ... and my number is eight one eight four zero four thirty-one fifty-two
OsnapsonJC07.6.09 - 1:58 pm
Fucking Miguel! I don't understand how parents can just kick out their kids when they're young... Especially if they're good kids. Boys will be boys, man. Anyways, any luck?
northernsoulbyrd07.6.09 - 2:32 pm
well she is my mom and ill hit you up if ima hed to your pad ok? thats if i fine something close to my side thanks
ThunderCunt07.6.09 - 3:54 pm
dude, you hit your mom?
i don't even know what to say...
coldcut07.6.09 - 3:58 pm
nah i didnt hit her i left before i did something stupid i snap fuck.... my phone is gona die..
ThunderCunt responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.6.09 - 4:00 pm
word. handle, i guess.
shit happens.
just remember, your mom brought you into this world. not only that, but she feeds you, clothes you, and provides a roof over your head. you should be grateful.
maybe she talks shit cos she expects more from you?
coldcut responding to a
comment by ThunderCunt
07.6.09 - 4:08 pm
i do i get ood grades all this shit all that i have its from my money she acts like a lil girl sometimes
ThunderCunt responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.6.09 - 4:10 pm
She does she over reacts alot about the smallest shit ever its not even funny ive seen it and hes a good kid he just need to be a tad bit more responsible with ur shit g a imma go to my grandmas tonight to eat if u wanna come call me and maybe we can ask her if you can stay and shit so yea a and john how much would it be for rent i needs to move the fuck out my pad
BLAHER responding to a
comment by ThunderCunt
07.6.09 - 4:37 pm
Seriously, stay in school, and go to college. Seriously.
JOKER07.6.09 - 4:56 pm
That's exactly what I told him. I told him she's his mom and she should probably just apologize.
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.6.09 - 5:09 pm
I just kicked my mom out of the house.
rayrayray07.6.09 - 5:10 pm
@ Ray: C'mon
@Cuntthunder: Look, I'm pretty sure you're mom will let you come back home.
You just have to approach the situation extremely carefully and control your emotions.
It may be hard, but if you practice control over yourself it will definitely help you out in the long run. Furthermore, if by any chance shit doesn't go as hoped, I'm also pretty sure that someone will open their home to you. If not, that's fine too, there's shelters you can contact. Go over to a homie's house and kick it there. Go on the interwebz check and call. Once things are situated, attend school (if you're currently having classes) and don't drop out.
Best of luck
Alfredo responding to a
comment by rayrayray
07.6.09 - 5:23 pm
I just kicked myself out of the house.
rayrayray07.6.09 - 5:25 pm
What are you talking about northern?
Alfredo07.6.09 - 5:56 pm
I grew up with super strict parents. Parents that didn't let me do anything without asking until I moved out of the house at age 20. The number one rule was respect. The few times I was an asshole, made me learn quick that my parents have a reason to act the way they did. I was an honor roll student, varsity sports, etc and yet expected to do what they asked. There was no slacking in their house because in life you don't really get he chance to slack. The funny thing is that I'm currently at their house... Far from my own apt. In LA and my life of riding. At 25, if my mom throws a bitchfit over the ONE dirty dish left in the sink or etc. I get the fuck up and do it right away because that's my mom. She gave birth to me and I'll never have another one like her, same for my dad. As much as I "hated" them growing up, and disliked their rules and reasons for giving me shit...
It's not until I'm on my own, paying bills. And working to buy ever single thing I own that I begin to appreciate what I worked for.
I guess the moral of this story is that you can sit there and bitch about your mom, and cry about how life is so unfair. Or do something and move your ass out, get a job and go to school at the same time. Or learn from your past in order to make your future better and happier.
My 2 cents...
Gizzard07.6.09 - 7:49 pm
@Gizzard: Good Advice. Especially for any spoiled brats, like myself.
@Northern: Because I chose to call you by northern, simple as that. & Plus, some people don't like or don't want their real names on threads for whatever reason. I've seen it happen. That's why I call you northern, Nica
Alfredo responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
07.6.09 - 8:02 pm
Shit idk even know how much .. My rent is 2800 a month split 2 ways now ... As for Thunder ... U can crash if it's needed like I said b4...
OsnapsonJC07.6.09 - 9:50 pm
Dude I got bad news roomate wigged out on me about you crashing .... I guess she is using the loft as her study area for school ..WTF ... but I have a couch in my room you can crash on ... I just need until Wednesday to clean my room and you can crash as long as you want ... I dont even know why she got all butt hurt ..I explained the situation and she just gave me this wild ass look ..... I will be in meetings all day so I wont be able to answer my phone but leave my a message and or text me ...
OsnapsonJC07.7.09 - 10:16 am
yo dawgggg,
u should start smokin meth and crashin on peoplez couchezzz and eatin all their sugar snackz when theyz aint lookinnnnnn
KiMS107.7.09 - 10:21 am
Don't call me "northern" or "northernsoulbyrd," LOL. That's soooo lame...
Anyways, Coldcut, thas right... NICA, PLEASE.
*hair flip*
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by Alfredo
07.7.09 - 10:31 am