60 days
Thread started by
TheDude at 05.28.09 - 5:52 am
If you had 60 days left to live....
What would you do with your last 60 days?
I would ride Taco Tuesdays every Tuesday till the end.
Especially the One Year Anniversary Ride :)
But this is just me rambling, since my insomnia is full gear right now.
X-Large05.28.09 - 6:12 am
A good start, I would say.
Let's get creative with this.
I would parachute out of a plane while riding a bike, and try to land it on the wheels and ride away. Or maybe ride off the edge of a huge cliff then pop the parachute.
TheDude05.28.09 - 6:30 am
This hypothetical?
If so, I would probably make the shit up as I go along.
bentstrider05.28.09 - 6:35 am
Yeah, let's call it hypothetical; I have yet to meet a doctor I really trust 100%.
TheDude responding to a
comment by bentstrider
05.28.09 - 6:57 am
Quit my job. Eat pizza and cake everyday. Do hella drugs. Go on vacation. Spend time with people I love. Sleep with hookers. Work on my final art project. Buy a really expensive bike and ride it on the freeway.
Milk the sympathy card with reckless abandon.
HappyLand05.28.09 - 7:01 am
I would probably cry a lot and ride my bike a lot and take lots of photos and fuck school over, get a loan, and travel the world.
And probably tons of other stuff that someone will post and I'll say "DAMN, THAT'S A GOOD ONE! I WANT TO DO THAT TOO!"
imachynna05.28.09 - 9:00 am
Travel is good but ... I am still falling in love with LA and I don't really want to leave yet.
TheDude05.28.09 - 9:15 am
hypothetically, how could you hold onto your bike and the parachute cords at the same time? couple rolls of duct tape could solve the problem...pedalling once you hit the ground might be inhibited...
sshagy responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 9:35 am
get a vintage vespa primavera small frame by any means possible, lol. a working one.
do as many scooter rallies and bike rides as possible.
smoke a lot of weed, fuck it. i only have 60 days left, ha!
have sex with every guy i've ever dreamed of having sex with.
attend a soul nite in england!
finally learn how to drive, HAHAHA.
spend a lot of time with family and friends, of coarse.
and lose weight so i can look good the day i die.
northernsoulbyrd05.28.09 - 9:41 am
Will to live man, it's all about the will to live. My uncle was given 1 year max, he died over 5 years later. Also, we missed you at Barchopz last night.
danya responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 9:42 am
Also! I would self-inflict hysteria and madness and all kinds of mental disorders and go fucking ballistic.
imachynna05.28.09 - 9:43 am
Yeah, I was all kinds of excited for Charbopz, but I was feeling extraordinarily shitty so I took the night off. Heard it was a great ride though :)
Finally got to go to my first taco tuesdays, and it was good fun. I got left behind so far I couldn't see anyone for a while, but caught up pretty quick. I will be back for more, no doubt.
Flaming toilet paper zipping past my head close enough to feel the burn = good times.
TheDude05.28.09 - 10:01 am
Where have you been???
I thought that's what we were all doing at Imachynna Syndrome... are you telling me I was the only one? Damnit... not again...
You will see, in time, that I harness the power of pure insanity. It is my fuel.
TheDude responding to a
comment by imachynna
05.28.09 - 10:07 am
It was a great ride- all rides end at Que Ricos, but the best rides end at my house.
Oh damn! It sounds like TT has definitely gotten better since I was last there. I'll need to check that shit out at some point- if only the big frickin' hill weren't in the way.
danya responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 10:13 am
i wouldn't do anything differently than i'm doing now
if your answer is anything different, then you need to rethink how you are living your life
snowcone05.28.09 - 10:17 am
And to be OT-
Ride, ride, ride!
I'm not very creative like that, but I'd totally make it my goal to be on a two month long ride. CRUST Mob taken beyond the extreme. I also second northernsoulbyrd's comment, I'd fuck around hardcore-like.
danya05.28.09 - 10:17 am
First, id quit my job.
I'd get as many rides in as possible. I'd ride all night to day and party any time in between. Learn how to fly a plane, try to be a contestant on jeopardy, go camping (I've never been), learn how to sail, meet Stephen Hawking, follow the dalai lama for a week, hike machu pichu, visit Alaska, go to a rain forest, visit old Greek and roman ruins and visit a rainforest.
In the last 3 weeks I'd spend it with all my friends and family. And throw a "going away party" for myself! You guys would ALL be invited!
Gizzard05.28.09 - 10:22 am
On my last 60 days of my life I would atempt the following:
Build up my dream bike,then ride across the country with it.
Order everything off the dollar menu(dollar menu millonaire).
Play michael jordan 1v.1 in basketball and hopfully win.
Own an root beer factory.
Meet and greet all my dream girlfriends ;)
And finally host a party at my bike friendly mansion and have all of you guys invited!!
madmike05.28.09 - 10:30 am
I would totally ride Kabuki Sky. That is, if Richie lets anyone near her/
danya responding to a
comment by madmike
05.28.09 - 10:35 am
Must the aforementioned 60 days be consecutive?
SPOOK05.28.09 - 10:37 am
I can't think of EVERYTHING fun. Sometimes when your head is full of mud (like mine is as I type) you need some outside assistance. Sometimes someone brings up something that I really want to do.
Example: Meet Stephen Hawking. Great Idea, would never have thought of it.
If I could get a loan I would go out and do sooo much crazy shit **right now**. Nobody is gonna give me a loan though. I have $14 and I feel rich.
I guess I am looking for great ideas and inspiration just in case these doctors don't have thier heads up thier collective asses this time.
TheDude responding to a
comment by snowcone
05.28.09 - 10:37 am
"i wouldn't do anything differently than i'm doing now if your answer is anything different, then you need to rethink how you are living your life"
I hope this isn't what they've told you Dude.
If it is, let us know what you'd like, and we'll start the MR version of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and make it happen. (Assuming it's feasible, and not hunting down Osama Bin Laden and using the $50mil in reward money to improve cycling in Los Angeles, although that WOULD be AWESOME.)
JB05.28.09 - 10:38 am
Snowcone does make a good point, BUT there's a lot of shit on my to do list. In 2 months would mean I'd have to do a lot less working, sleeping and sitting around so I could smoosh everything in. So I guess in a way I would be doing things differently than if I had another 20 years or so.... Ya know?
Gizzard responding to a
comment by snowcone
05.28.09 - 10:40 am
happiness lies in the pursuit
if you can easily achieve something, it would be worthless
worth is measured by the difficulty to obtain/create something
that's why one of a kind/rare things cost more than mass produced, easily obtained ones
snowcone05.28.09 - 10:42 am
LOL in +1000!!!
I wonder if make-a-wish would hunt down bin Laden...
Gizzard responding to a
comment by JB
05.28.09 - 10:43 am
yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I'd do things differently as well. Less worrying about money & the future, more time spent making FUN with the awesome awesome friends I have. Maybe more of the ridiculous adventures, like Salton Sea.
danya responding to a
comment by Gizzard
05.28.09 - 10:44 am
the problem is that what if you live longer than 60 days?
i could die any day, but i could also live another day, week, month, year, etc
we just don't know
i factor in the fact that i may die at any time in every decision i make, but i also factor in the fact that i may live another 10 or 20 years
snowcone responding to a
comment by Gizzard
05.28.09 - 10:50 am
"I wonder if make-a-wish would hunt down bin Laden..."
Who knows, but if TheDude and Bentstrider (OF COURSE HE'D GO) and the rest of MR Afghanistan actually did it, I bet we'd have hassle-free group rides until the end of time.
JB05.28.09 - 10:53 am
Dang snowcone, your philoso-fucking my brain right now and it's before noon.... The day after barchopz! How do you do it!?
And your absolutely right...
Gizzard responding to a
comment by snowcone
05.28.09 - 10:54 am
I think I am kinda committed now....
TheDude05.28.09 - 11:01 am
cool, we should go around making people's day awesome
snowcone responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 11:04 am
Roller Coasters. Lots of roller coasters, and amuzement parks. then lots of bike rides. bike rides TO the amuzement parks. don't bother with movies or tv. Beach one day, the mountains the next. The desert another day, the City next. Festivals, lots of festivals, but try not to pay for shit.
Then a few days of nothing, just reading books and stuff. Eating things too.
the reverend dak05.28.09 - 11:12 am
Rollercoasters is a great idea, thank you.
TheDude05.28.09 - 11:21 am
I would screw all the girls I wanted to, again.
Max out all the credit cards I got, but before I apply for other ones.
Start drinking heavily, well heavilyer.
Take a trip to South America and travel like the locals.
Throw a huge party for all my friends. Complete with fluffas and coke and shit.
Buy a motorcycle go traveling North. Don't stop till you see water, or ice on the water.
Start robbing banks towards the end.
Go do some gambling with all the money I stoled.
(repeat if necessary)
User105.28.09 - 11:37 am
He can totally ride Kabuki, since I am the daddy. Richie is the mommy.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by danya
05.28.09 - 11:39 am
I think i just peed my pants a lil bit.
TheDude responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.09 - 11:40 am
Ridazz trip fall 2009 to Afghanistan??
Id have to make an trip to my local army surplus store and pick up some "needed items" and as well as some 700-28 tires for my bike,im pretty sure 700-23's don't take up dried up desert land too well eh?
madmike responding to a
comment by JB
05.28.09 - 11:46 am
Let us know when you go to Magic Mountain, I'm so there. You can make a ride out of it.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.28.09 - 11:53 am
wats the point in factorial if you're going to use 1. say +1000!
_iJunes responding to a
comment by danya
05.28.09 - 12:01 pm
I would take the first two weeks, pick 14 of my favorite people, and spend a full day with them--talk about old times...talk about our friendship, and give them the biggest hug at the end of the day.
I would have my funeral while I'm still alive, so that I could enjoy it with everyone.
Then I would go and spend the rest of the time in Paris with my partner, Crespin. We would see sights, hold hands, eat great French food. And I'd just want to lay in bed in his arms and say nothing...just feel his warmth...to take in all the love that we've had for each other.
Wonderdave05.28.09 - 12:13 pm
I only haz 1 point to give.
TheDude responding to a
comment by _iJunes
05.28.09 - 12:14 pm
day 1 meet with friends & family
day 2 pack bags / attend to necessary type shit
day 3 hit the road
day 60 die on top of half dome
revolutionary05.28.09 - 12:24 pm
eh, just do whatever makes you happy.
who gives a shit if people judge your lifestyle!
just as long as what you're doing is humane, lol.
but if you only have 60 days to live and you want to fuck a horse,
by all means, go ahead and fuck a horse if that's what's going to make you happy.
fuck what everyone else says, ha.
northernsoulbyrd05.28.09 - 1:04 pm
That last paragraph literally brought a tear to my eye!
Gizzard responding to a
comment by Wonderdave
05.28.09 - 1:19 pm
I was mostly looking for cool ideas that I have not already done when I got cancer the first time.
Some thing I did on my first "60 days" list:
Horseback riding
Ride a motorcycle
Meet Bill Nye the Science Guy
Give away $1,000 to a homeless family
Best the shit out of someone who actually deserves it
Ride a century
Be a bike messenger
Ride up Fargo Street
See the CA mountains, desert, forest, valley, and coasts in one day
Beg random celebrities for a last wish (no success there)
I should really dig up my old list.... there are like 10 other cool things on there I can't recall at the moment.
Some things on my NEW "60 day" list :
Have one last threesome
Meet some cool ass, regular people
Give away $100 to a Rida in need
Write a will and only include my bike shit (haha, suckers)
*more to come*
TheDude responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
05.28.09 - 1:57 pm
Have a funeral party while I am still healthy-ish
TheDude05.28.09 - 2:00 pm
Just stay positive....
Re: the party? Pick a day and we'll be there.
barleye05.28.09 - 2:05 pm
Totally, man. Positivity is the only way.
I was thinking about a month from now would be a good time.
I plan on smoking copious amounts of cannabis (legally).
TheDude responding to a
comment by barleye
05.28.09 - 2:17 pm
i would write a love letter. just one. and send it to him in the mail on my 60th day.
Frozen Fingersss05.28.09 - 2:26 pm
Sat. June 27, 2009 is the Tandem Ride With No Name at 1pm...nothing on this side of the hill is in the evening yet on the calendar.
barleye05.28.09 - 2:39 pm
Sweet, we will work it out. Maybe combine with something else... ? Still have some time......
TheDude responding to a
comment by barleye
05.28.09 - 2:43 pm
Today I got to assist (in a small way) in the planning of what I KNOW will be a awesome ride.
This made me happy, thanks for inviting me Barleye. You totally have your shit together with this ride, and I respect that. I can't wait till ride this actually happens!
TheDude05.29.09 - 1:14 am
I have already broken 2 windows with my bare fists, and I still have the scars from the first one, hahaha.
I F*&%@#$G made my point clear, though. Totally worth it.
TheDude responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
05.29.09 - 1:15 am
Awww, how nice.
I love me too! :)
TheDude responding to a
comment by imachynna
05.29.09 - 1:27 am
Why do you always gotta win like that? With a smile even....... haha
You suck.
imachynna responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.29.09 - 1:29 am
You actually had me corn-fused there for like 3 seconds.
Well done.... well done.....
TheDude05.29.09 - 1:39 am
Watch me win again!
With a smile!
imachynna responding to a
comment by TheDude
05.29.09 - 1:49 am
You are the supreme over lord. I wave my white flag of defeat.
TheDude05.29.09 - 2:07 am
Fuck it, I'm too much of a chickenshit to accept to death.
I would find a way to cryogenically freeze myself in order to be cured later, or I'll get lucky and whatever ailment I have will be destroyed as part of the cryonic process.
Wake up 200 years later, kiss the first hot chick I see, or kick the first douchebag I encounter in the nutsack!!!
bentstrider05.29.09 - 2:42 am
Death is merely another stage in life.
Life would not be complete without death.
Also; Fuck Cancer.
That is all. As you were, Cadet!
TheDude05.29.09 - 2:58 am
I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill. ~Gandhi
One of my favotire quotes. Ever.
TheDude05.29.09 - 3:41 am
Time is burning.
Get your ideas on, yo.
You people feed my inspiration to show cancer what's what. Cereally.
It has touched my heart how much "You All" have my back.
It means alot to me to have all these people on my side.
Back on topic, though.
I want to lead a ride that nobody will EVER forget. Talked about for weeks (weeks = lifetimes in ridaa time.... somehow) after the ride even happened.
I want to be an inspiration to ride like it's your life on the line ( it really IS ...... every time ). I want you all to have lights, FOR JUST ONE RIDE.
I have some lights you can borrow, even......
TheDude05.29.09 - 4:02 am
joining cruss mob significantly improved my quality of life.
60 days? i probably wouldn't change a thing, life is good.
steph responding to a
comment by imachynna
06.1.09 - 3:15 pm
hey brother. If it were me, I would get out in the world and travel, see some things, ride everywhere and anywhere. take photos, take in everything you can, write about it. love every minute you can. go to all 7 continents.. or as many as you can... take more pictures, email everyone. post a blog... donate sperm, impregnate women who want to be single and have babies make bob marley to shame... get some credit cards and rack up insane charges. all of it.
Roadblock06.1.09 - 5:40 pm
This thread still seems a little, uber-disturbing, but what the fuck.
Make a list, think of all the things you're able and wanting to do, then do them.
bentstrider06.1.09 - 7:36 pm
Chris, we still need to do the "FUCK CANCER" ride, hahaha. That was all your idea, remember? That can be next Sunday, maybe? This Sunday is our Pinata ride for Jamie's b-day! Hope you can make it if you're feeling well by this Sunday.
PS: You DO NOT have only 60 days left to live... I still don't believe it...
northernsoulbyrd06.1.09 - 8:24 pm
The Dude definitely wants us to do a ride for him, and i think we should all come together for this for sure.
Let's help him figure out when, what, and where the ride is going to be all about. Let's make it a big ass party for him. Let's get a list of people to get this going.
He is asking us folks. The Dude wants to have a fucking awesome ride before he leaves this world.
We need to make it happen. Leave no rida behind.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
06.1.09 - 10:06 pm
perhaps we could construct a list of the 10 most desired things thedude wants to do, set out on our bikes and ride until number 10 is checked off. It would be badass if this ride lasted an entire friday saturday and sunday though, for the incredulous nature of the list, giving thedude a 72 hour goodbye extravaganza fulfilling the ten most desired and crazy things he could construct for ridazz to put into motion.
angrytoaster3006.1.09 - 10:10 pm
This sounds really awesome.
TheDude, please help us help you. Tell us what you think of these ideas so that we can make this the best. Lots of interest can grow this way and we can make this EPIC.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by angrytoaster30
06.1.09 - 10:17 pm
Fill in the blanks, my friend.
angrytoaster3006.1.09 - 10:19 pm
Fuck Yeah!
Someone e-mail Boogaloo Shrimp!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.4.09 - 11:40 pm
The literal criminaminalz freeway ride, or our own freeway ride taking their same path?
angrytoaster3006.4.09 - 11:48 pm
I have never been on a real crimanimals ride, so an official one would be nice.
But really, I just want to do a ride with alot of people on the freeway during rush hour.
I would be willing to make an overpass/bridge banner for the occasion.
People have been wondering when the next one will be...
TheDude06.4.09 - 11:55 pm
Sweet! Lets try to get in contact with this guy asap. any idea where he can be reached, mr borfo?
angrytoaster3006.5.09 - 12:00 am
there's no way I'm getting on aim at this hour
that would mean death to any idea of me sleeping at all tonight
imachynna responding to a
comment by angrytoaster30
06.5.09 - 12:12 am
I also think this thread is good for all of us Ridazz.
We all need to live like we have 60 days left.
Joe Borfo06.5.09 - 12:19 am
CAN I GET A +1000?!?!
Why do you have to be so god-damned awesome borfo?
TheDude responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.5.09 - 12:32 am
aww, thanks.
Next ride I see you at let's talk.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.5.09 - 12:36 am
Yeah and gimme back my lens cap, mofucka!
Which rides are you doing this weekend?
imachynna responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.5.09 - 12:40 am
If i feel any better tomorrow I will be at 818 unempoloyed.
Sorry about your lens cap, I will keep it with me when I go on rides, just in case.
You have my phone number, call me tomorrow.
TheDude responding to a
comment by imachynna
06.5.09 - 12:54 am
2. Dead cyclists PSA.
A group of cyclists with bikes in hand walks into a busy downtown business center/very busy area.
At the sound of a horn or whatever, they all drop dead for around 3 minutes. Right there on the spot, mid-step. Just fall over and act dead.
After the horn sounds again, we all get up and tell the curious public to be careful on the road, our lives are in your hands. Please be kind to non car drivers .... that kind of stuff.
Capture video, and still photos. Hand out flyers. Post online.
Yes, I am stealing this idea from truth.
Yes, it will be epic.
yes, you will be there.
TheDude06.5.09 - 12:03 pm
Infact, we need to do this every few months or so.
TheDude06.5.09 - 12:06 pm
Jeez, with such good ideas what do you even need us for?
imachynna responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.5.09 - 2:13 pm
Without MR I would pretty much hang out at home and sulk.
I know it sounds silly, but you guys are what is keeping me going.
The support that has been shown to me in my time of need has been amazing.
I really do wish to thank you all for that.
TheDude responding to a
comment by imachynna
06.6.09 - 1:47 am
How bout a ride to the
Playboy Mansion and other mischief around BH? There's some awesome parks around there too. The one time Ride Arc went to BH, it was a blast. Bit of climbing, but shit, if a chick can do it on her beach cruiser, you can too, yeah? (and by "you" I mean everyone)
BTW, great suggestions Chris.
User1 responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.6.09 - 9:55 am
I think the playboy mansion would be a great idea, thanks!
TheDude06.19.09 - 2:36 am
we should write letters
(you know pens, papers, words)
and get you an invitation
revolutionary responding to a
comment by TheDude
06.19.09 - 2:44 am
Chris, how are you doing? Any news from your doctors on your condition?
barleye10.12.09 - 8:46 am
well has anyone heard from Chris lately? I haven't seen him around....Is he ok?
barleye10.12.09 - 2:09 pm
I 'saw' him over on the Wine and Cheese Bday thread a few days ago, and he was spamming the shit out of another thread last week, I can't remember which. So he's around. I haven't seen him in a while though.
danya responding to a
comment by barleye
10.13.09 - 4:41 am