Making Spoke Cards
Thread started by
BMFW at 07.22.09 - 3:15 pm
Anyone got any good advice for making spoke cards? I'm leading my first ride this Sunday (Readin', Writin', & Gearithmetic SHAMELESS PROMOTION) and have a spoke card designed. I don't have a hi-quality printer or a laminator; is there a good and/or cheap place I can go to make these a reality? Thanks!
if your on the westside, i may be able to hook u up with some prints out but cutting and laminating your on your own
madmelo07.22.09 - 3:26 pm
Search the threads. There's plenty of info on this. I really won't worry about hi quality printing, lo quality can look just as good. Laminator, you can laminate for free at FedEx. Just throw them some bone or something, or you can buy one at Harbor Freight for bout $30.
User107.22.09 - 3:28 pm
Where are you located? How many card you plan on printing?
Joe Borfo07.22.09 - 3:30 pm
The Valley Bikery is starting a spoke card service! We just got a laminator and are ready to make spoke cards. If you want us to make them for you email your design to valleybikery at gmail dot com and let us know when you want them by. Prices will be cheap and all the money goes to fund the Bikery instead of toward corporate kinkos or whatever... :)
ValleyBikery07.22.09 - 3:37 pm
There is a FedEx Kinkos in Little Tokyo on 2nd and Central, they have color laser printers, and a laminating station.
braydon07.22.09 - 3:39 pm
I'm emailing them to you ASAP.
BMFW responding to a
comment by ValleyBikery
07.22.09 - 3:45 pm
Bryan, email me...i have a laminator you can use...
how many cards are you making?
I can probably print for you tomorrow. i work in westwood.
barleye at
barleye07.22.09 - 4:40 pm
you can normally get 6-8 cards to each laminating sheet. are they double sided?
barleye07.22.09 - 4:41 pm
I second the motion for supporting Valley Bikery's new spoke card service.
profoscurity07.22.09 - 5:10 pm
Justino is the man to talk to! Go valley bikery!
MaryZeiser07.22.09 - 5:25 pm
@ValleyBikery, I'm going to send ms. stephanie your way. Do you have contact information and/or email? I think she would love to use your spoke card service to support the bikery for the next 2nd Friday MR.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by profoscurity
07.22.09 - 6:57 pm