no on prop 8 urban outfitters!
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larsenf at 05.26.09 - 11:32 pm
so seeing as Richard A. Hayne the owner of urban outfitters is a HUGE prop 8 SUPPORTER I will be protesting their melrose location on june 7th with several no on 8 volunteers. June 7th isnt an exact date but when i do know the date ill post a ride. I believe the 7th is the same day as the flea market which means lots of people will be out. We will be getting the message to alot of people who are against prop 8 and need to know who is supporting this campaign of hate.
I dont ride ALOT in that area so if anyone has any cool ideas for a pre or post ride let me know here.
June 7th 1pm is the confirmed date. more info soon.
larsenf05.26.09 - 11:41 pm
why is he a prop 8 supporter? has he even met a majority of the urban outfitters employees and shoppers?
northernsoulbyrd05.26.09 - 11:42 pm
Making half sheets of facts/info available to customers going into the store would be a good way to protest this. If this was done on a continuous bases, it would hurt business quite a bit. Ask people to go shop somewhere else. Give them alternatives.
User105.26.09 - 11:45 pm
I hate Facebook for this reason. How on Earth did we survive this long without FB, I wonder.
SPOOK responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
05.26.09 - 11:45 pm
Thats the point. I think i can safely assume in LA that a huge number of shoppers/employs of urban outfitters are against prop 8. They probably just dont know the owner of urban outfitters is adamantly against it.
larsenf responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
05.26.09 - 11:47 pm
While what happened today fucking sucks.
I am happy that the Prop 8 saga is finally coming to an end.
I'm tired of saying no to some bullshit that was really an effort to say yes to justice and equality.
What I can't wait for is the next step, for the next proposition to come up for us to say YES to.
In 2010 or 2012 we will be voting to change the constitution so that it restores marriage equality.
In the mean time, there is going to be lots of different tacts on how to turn this shit around.
Political pressure, fundraising, out reach, and organizing.
Its going to take all of it. and I fully support everybodies efforts.
In my humble opinion, it is time to let go of "Prop 8" (it is now settled law) and start talking about the real issue: marriage equality.
I had no idea that UO was involved in this bullshit. Its gonna make my lady real sad to learn that.
trickmilla05.26.09 - 11:50 pm
it surprised em to find out too. One of my best friend's job at the no on 8 campaign center is to find out who funds the yes on 8 campaign. Richard A. Hayne is a huge contributer, he started urban outfitter/anthropolgy/free people.
list of UO's corprate officers
larsenf responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.26.09 - 11:54 pm
There will be spoke cards. There will be a real ride too, i just started planning it.
larsenf05.26.09 - 11:59 pm
My gay roommate just applied at UO 2 days ago. He'll be disappointed to find out.
Also, the River Ride is that day too, FYI.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.27.09 - 12:01 am
river ride? i dont see it posted. June 7th is sunday.
larsenf responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
05.27.09 - 12:04 am
Yeah, Sunday. That's odd, I'm really surprised it's not posted. It's LACBC's annual ride...
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.27.09 - 12:21 am
wait nvm, i think i read that wrong.
larsenf05.27.09 - 12:37 am
Urban outfitters did support Yes on Prop 8, they must be punished for their intolerance.
Also, the website says APPLE Stores supported Yes on Prop 8?!!!
Trash your Mac and we should ride to the Apple Store at the Grove after Urban Outfitters.
Any business that supports hate needs to be called out.
skd05.27.09 - 12:48 am
i used to work at urban, and a LOT of the employees were gay.
patrickviolence05.27.09 - 1:16 am
the wording on that site didnt directly thank apple and OU but why else would they name them?
larsenf responding to a
comment by skd
05.27.09 - 1:26 am
You know, the supreme court could've just struck it down and made everyone happy.
This way, the ones who truly opposed gay-marriage could've been enraged and seen for the destructive animals that they try to suppress.
Not 100% certain how involved the LDS church is involved, but it would've been an awesome sight to see a majority of them go into shit-attack mode and act like the sky is falling.
Which is precisely what the supporters are afraid of deep-down inside.
All those fairy-tales that were pounded into their head when they were younger, they hold onto these like that bag of marbles they were given on their seventh birthday.
If anyone deserves to be hit by a smoldering piece of apocalyptic, God-smack from the heavens, it should be the thousands of overly religious, money-wielding nutjobs who are suffering from perverse mental-issues that make me look normal.
bentstrider05.27.09 - 1:29 am
I would hypothesize that they're just examples of locations one would expect to find a more liberal attitude, and the Urban Outfitters thing is just an interesting coincidence they were unaware of.
dokydoky responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.27.09 - 2:54 am
Urban Outfitters is for toolboxes anyway. I didn't check to see if it was posted already, but here's the article regarding:
And yeah, this was news a while ago.
The LA River Ride is that Sunday and I'll be doing my first century then (, but you guys should definitely protest. I live two blocks away from the store on Melrose and it kills me to ride past and watch its customers go in unknowingly. Yes, I should have been more active back then, so thank you for organizing this.
I would encourage people to check out the flea market right next door at Fairfax can find cooler stuff for less money that is totally unique AND support the high school. Also, American Apparel, which is also next door, has a cash only sale during the weekends now. T-shirts for $5! There are plenty of local businesses that need customers. UO doesn't need anymore money to contribute to hate.
HappyLand05.27.09 - 8:03 am
Ack, sorry for all the redundant links!
HappyLand05.27.09 - 8:16 am
the ruling was bullshit but can we please calling yes on prop 8 all about hate.
when we understand the oppositions argument we can either destroy their claims or work with them on an agreement that both sides support.
from what I've read, people mainly voted on prop 8 because they didn't want government to step into their churches. people did not want to be forced and accept something they did not believe in.
the proposition in the next election should include equality of marriage for the gay community and protections for churches, synagogues, temples and ect.
I would love to come but that week is that of finals.
aksendz05.27.09 - 8:36 am
I think it is sad that more of you care about the damn clothes
who gives a fuck if they make over priced shirts ...
the fucking thing is now is that your rights are being taken away...
TheRaquel05.27.09 - 8:44 am
who shops at urban outfitters anyway?
mattspeed responding to a
comment by aksendz
05.27.09 - 8:45 am
Okay, maybe not "hate," but it's intolerance, pure and simple.
I've tried to reason through the Yes to try to understand it, but in the end it just comes back to intolerance/ignorance, and frankly, I'm beginning to lose my patience.
"people did not want to be forced and accept something they did not believe in"
So people don't want to "believe in" gay people? Gay people are like ghosts or unicorns? To say you don't "believe" in a man and a man getting married is the same as saying you don't "believe" in a black woman and a white man getting married. Yeah, it sounds a lot worse that way.
Religion has its own protection under the law - "Freedom of religion" - which means people are free to believe in ghosts and unicorns and Xenu if they want to.
The wording of the Proposition itself is appalling: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." If Yes was really just concerned about protecting people who "don't believe in gays," then maybe they would have put forth a prop addressing that specifically. But no, there's an agenda of intolerance here.
And yes, I agree that the only way to win folks over is through education, patience, and setting a good example, but I am just getting tired of it. I am getting tired of feeling like a second class citizen, both in the eyes of California and motorists on the road : {
I am willing, however, to be convinced otherwise.
PS What about protection for atheists? We're people too!
HappyLand responding to a
comment by aksendz
05.27.09 - 9:07 am
some guerilla tactics for y'all:
make all your informational mini-flyer handouts, maybe the size of a quarter sheet of paper or smaller. discreetly get into the store looking like a customer, but stuff all the clothes pockets with them so that way whoever does shop there, will have a surprise and will be informed.
we did this at the Gap in college when we were protesting some sweatshop/labor stuff.
sciencefriction05.27.09 - 9:42 am
haha happyland <3
us atheists do have protection, its called freedom of speech to make fun of religions :D
i didn't believe as in believe in their existance but believe in the same definition of marriage. marriage witness by religion or government.
+1 science friction, that is a really awesome idea.
aksendz responding to a
comment by sciencefriction
05.27.09 - 10:43 am
"us atheists do have protection, its called freedom of speech to make fun of religions :D
You forgot to add "Sort of" to the "kidding" ; }
But that's why the "marriage is a strictly religious term" argument doesn't work - atheists get married. It's a legal term.
How long until they take away our dreams of marriage, aksendz?
HappyLand responding to a
comment by aksendz
05.27.09 - 10:54 am
hey cool, i don't feel bad for stealing so many things from there
meow05.27.09 - 11:39 am
come out and steal with me at the protest.
larsenf responding to a
comment by meow
05.27.09 - 12:32 pm
Can you guys get me something too? I hate admitting that I like some of their crap.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.27.09 - 12:46 pm
oh that is GENIUS. figuratively speaking...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by User1
05.27.09 - 2:20 pm
lets do this. im going. im riding from west adams if anyone wants to roll with me
forte06.7.09 - 11:09 am
guess everyone got the "it's cancelled" e-mail........... but the 6 ridazz that did show up
AIDS6606.7.09 - 7:09 pm
oooh now I don't feel like a jackass for missing this.
Gav responding to a
comment by AIDS66
06.7.09 - 7:53 pm
im sorry this wasnt bigger. the organizer was really excited about it two weeks ago and then she kind of dropped the ball on me.
larsenf responding to a
comment by skd
06.7.09 - 11:09 pm
Another idea would be to inform all gay and lesbian UO employees and encourage to organize a day where they all don't show up to work.
tiGRReagle06.8.09 - 3:02 am
Somehow other people who are not associated with midnight ridazz got word of this same protest, though my two friends and I were the only people to show up from that group...
shmuck responding to a
comment by tiGRReagle
06.8.09 - 4:58 am
this wasnt a midnight ridazz protest. someone i know was setting it up and she asked me if i could tell my bike friends about it.
larsenf responding to a
comment by shmuck
06.8.09 - 1:01 pm