Whats all that stuff in that girls panties? It looks like chocolate.
stillline02.1.09 - 6:12 pm
Fuzzbeast Knittenz.
Don't worry about it, there is no issue with posting worthless pictures because it uses more band width and cost money. The webmaster can just start putting in some ads and that will take care of your ability to post stupid pictures over and over again.
sexy02.1.09 - 7:15 pm
This barrage of Knittens-esque poo flinging may be the subtlest and most sophisticated satire of the Midnight Ridazz Bicycle Forum produced to date. But I think that the bandwidth usage in this case actually falls upon the site hosting the images, not MR.
nathansnider02.1.09 - 7:22 pm

no, the IMG-David_Hume.jpg account was purged due to roadblock saying that it took up too much site bandwidth.
ruinedbyidiots02.1.09 - 7:29 pm
Well, Hume is a big man with an even, bigger, appetite.
bentstrider02.1.09 - 7:32 pm
if that account had a lot of attachments then I understand.
but if it was a bunch of
tags I don't know how it would effect the bandwidth at MR's host.
toweliesbong02.1.09 - 7:46 pm
Sexy, the image tags don't use any MR.com bandwidth except for the bandwidth that it takes for the tags themselves Which, by and large, comes out to less bandwidth than it takes to support one of your run-on sentences.
PC02.1.09 - 9:50 pm
The koala gif is by far the most unsettling.
HappyLand08.1.09 - 2:12 am