NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
What if this were put into a booklet? Kinda thing that can be printed out on a piece of 8.5x11, folded up, taken with you. Small. Maybe three booklets to a page, if you slice the page lengthwise. (Accordion or barrel fold, for you designerdz.)
This is not my usual bullshit theoretical talk. I can do it. You think it's a good idea? We could also do one for the relevant CVC coeds.
. . . . . . . . .
I meant "codes," of course, but I like the idea of CVC coeds especially relevant CVC coeds (which is all of them). So I'm leaving it.
yeah....but you'll lose all the formating that makes it fold so nice. (anybody can copy the vehicle code from text)
see division 11
Ran across one of the best pamphlets on Know Your Rights at the Stimulator's tour stop Tuesday. You know, that thing no one but me and BBD went to? This thing! Anyways this handout gives more depth to the points made at the top of this thread. It should be one of the first reads for all you anarchist out there.
It's a .pdf file at the Civil Liberties Defense Center, Look for "Know Your Rights Trifold". It would take you 5 minutes to read it and could save you alot of misery with the cops.
Another really important note is about Blood Alcohol Tests. Implied consent says that you have to agree to a Test (if you have a drivers license). You signed an agreement when you got your license.
The important part is that you can *choose* which test you agree to. You can refuse to be breathalyzed, if you agree to a blood test. ALWAYS take the blood test, unless you're sober as a fish. It will take a lot of time for them to process you, and then take you to a hospital where a medical professional will take your blood. In the mean time, your body will metabolize the alcohol. Hopefully you're not actually that drunk....
The blood test is also the most accurate (since all the other tests are proxies for it), and it' recorded by a medical lab that doesn't really care, rather than the cop who wants to bust you. If you're really lucky, it'll take so long to test, that you'll have practically no alcohol left by the time you actually test. And how good will that look if you can show the officer arrested you for DUI with a BAC of 0.02? Sounds like a pretty good defense to me.
I was talking about this with my mom the other day and she kept going on about how people feel like "if you haven't done anything wrong, there's nothing to hide."
That's not the point! And for the record my mom agrees with me, but just pointed out the issue a lot of people have with stuff like this. It's not my job to make a cop's life easy, especially when he's fucking with me for nothing.
Also of note, California does NOT have a stop and identify law. You don't have to give your ID to a cop unless you're pulled over while driving. And your passengers do not have to give their IDs.
My dad always tells me to make yourself as unmemorable as possible when dealing with police, because they will be less likely to show up to court.
Also, you know, I never realized how important it is to have at least a couple phone numbers memorized, since they take your shit if you're arrested, right? No cell phone?
I think I have only like, 2 numbers memorized, and both of them useless.
Amusingly enough, I was the victim of a smallish crime, but I got the plates and everything, and they got the guy. I had moved apartments since the incident, however, and I'd been receiving police notices in my old mail box and did not know it.
Next thing I know I'm hanging out in my apartment in my pjs and a tank top, no bra (This is significant because I have big boobs and without a bra, they are sort of obscene), when as soon as I take the most righteous hit from my bong there's a knock on my door and guess what! It's a detective!
He'd come with a photo lineup for me to ID my guy. Fortunately for me, I'd hidden the drug stuff (As we always did), but I'm sure it reeked and I was stoned as fuck. I IDed the guy without a problem, but then I had to write and sign this thing, and the whole time I was thinking, "Jeezus Liz, don't try to not act stoned" (Because when you try to act not stoned, you inevitably act stoned). He never said anything about it, maybe I hypnotized him with my nipples.
Anywho, the guy got six months, which is really not enough for pulling up to me in his car with his dick out and jerkin it. A guy gets back out after that and what's next, ya know?
Hmmmm I like this suggestion Steeve. I would like to add to this.
What happened to me one time was that I was pulled over for exhibition of speed. This was about 8 years ago. The smelled alcohol on me and I failed the walk the straight line test. So they took me in. I was asked which test I wanted to take. I told them the urine test. You need two separate samples of urine to get a legal test. I peed a sample for them, then put back in the cell. When it came time to do the second sample, I told them I couldn't pee any more. So they asked me what other test I wanted. I selected the breath test. Ended up I peed a .10 for the pee test, and blew a .09 for the breath test. .10 or higher was legally drunk at the time. So I ended up getting off.
Looking back, I should have selected the blood test for my second test. Still I got lucky.
User1 responding to a comment by Steeve
06.6.09 - 11:11 am
It was one of my many youthful discretions. Saturday night hitting up some art openings and parties. And in the eyes of the law, I was not drunk driving!
User1 responding to a comment by HappyLand
06.6.09 - 12:10 pm
Watched a great video last night. It's a bit dated by a couple of years. In MR time, that would be 10 years, but there's alot of real good info here. Try to get over a little of the hokeyness this video and listen to what is said.
Don't need to, cause you know everything? Cool! Take the quiz and let us know how you did. I missed two. Take the Flex Your Rights Quiz BTW, lots of good info in the FAQ section of the site too.
I was pulled over recently on my bike. The cop has the audacity to tell me I looked suspicious because i was sweating so much. I politely informed him that sweating usually happens when exercising. He must not have been familiar with the activity. He asked me if had i had been drinking. I said I had a couple of beers a few hours ago. Sometimes a little honestly works. Just dont tell them to much. He then asked to look threw my backpack. I said no. He said oh you have something illegal in there. I said no, I just dont want you looking threw my backpack. He ran my name for warrants then let me go. I guess I learned my lesson about sweating to much.
buckchin responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.29.09 - 2:40 pm
Dude, I just took that quiz & I *totally* overestimated the cops & thought they had faaar more power than they did. Blech. That'll teach me next time, though!
Great advise if the cops / nwo agents follow the law
my experience has been that they will detain you and search you as they wish.
Twisting the facts to suit there needs. I have found most cops to be total liars.
The out come is all in the paperwork, how they write the arrest report.
It is very easy to be charged with false charges and given an excessive bail.
The best thing to do is avoid all contact with law enforcement, and if this unavoidable
keep your trap shut and follow directions.
Soon none of this will matter anyhow as we are on the verge of martial law !
They are practicing right now on how to impose martial law with the 09 Fema NLE
National Level exersise a joint operation involving military , police, and UN troops.
Check it out for yourselfs, it's no secret. It's all over you tube.