sexy, Dave, Sexy

Thread started by
Limeyfly at 11.27.07 - 12:23 pm
I'm sorry but as I sit in my digs wishing I was back in LA and doing some spinning, I see all these threads on MR dot com, some of which I feel I want to add to but then there's the one of you , JJ and Dingo.......
What can I say the expression of all of you just sums it up!!!!
I miss you guys!! Hope to be riding with you all soon,
All the best,
Harry the LIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hot dog hume???
Can we start a Sexy, JJ, Dingo club?
Limeyfly11.27.07 - 1:26 pm
RIght........I'm off to bed, got to go to Libya tomorrow...........
Limeyfly11.27.07 - 1:26 pm
What kind of club our you talking about?
Me suspect you are up to late, and miss riding with the ridazz,
and will regret writing this tommorrow.
Stay away from those Russian you know whats!
MR is more then Dingo and JJ, but for me personally, they are all I need.
Truth be known, we are a club already, but what kind of club is a secret, hint hint hint........JJ had his coronation at the last cruz with us ride. No no no nah, just kidding, but yes we are a club.
What kind, is the answer????????
Limefly, tell Momar that I said hi!, I really wish he wouldn't of give up his weapons program, without it he no longer has that Kadafi look
sexy11.27.07 - 1:39 pm
Hume the question for you is.
Mustard or no Mustard?
that is the lesson for the week.
sexy11.27.07 - 1:45 pm
Mustard or Pants!!! That's the question!!
Staying up late missing MR..............yess well possibly..........
Sexy, I'll pass the meassage on to Mr Gadaffi.
Here's the question of the day. If Colonel Gadaffi is the head of Libya how come he's not a general??
I 'll see you for SFVCC Dec 4th unless we break down!!
Limeyfly11.28.07 - 3:21 pm
NO REGRETS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Limeyfly11.28.07 - 3:24 pm
a.) either colonel is the top of the Libya army
b.) he is such a bad ass, he took control of the country and kept his
lower military rank.
I don't know much about Libya and why they where enemies for so long, but I think it had something to do with social programs he afforded the poorer people of his country. He might even nationalized some industry that belong to some foreigner. Nothing pisses this country off more then developmentalism.
sexy11.28.07 - 5:27 pm
oh yeah, that SOB was a straight socialist.
My six political sense was right again
sexy11.28.07 - 5:33 pm