Cyclist v. Hummer possible meeting tomorrow
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mechazawa at 08.4.09 - 3:31 am
i got a tip that tomorrow @ 9:30 am at the parker center [150 N Los Angeles St, Los Angeles] that they will be dealing with the whole issue again and this time the cyclist will be charged with vandalism.
AT, Stilline and I will be at the Police Commission to follow up on the Hummer vs. Cyclists incident. 2 City Council meetings, 2 Transpo Committee meetings, 1 Police Commission meeting and 1 Inspector General meeting. So far, the DA has one pending Vandalism charge and the case has turned into the Cyclists attack Hummer case.
We'll post.
SoapBoxLA responding to a
comment by mechazawa
08.4.09 - 8:09 am
whooa whoa whoa what? How'd this case get completely flipped upside down?
et08.4.09 - 9:09 am
So was any follow up done with the witnesses that came forward and gave their info to the Captains at the last Transportation/City Council hearing?
DJwheels responding to a
comment by SoapBoxLA
08.4.09 - 9:38 am
has no one asked if it was possible that the side mirror broke when it hit the cyclist?
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by DJwheels
08.4.09 - 9:48 am
Just as we the citizens have the right to provide for our own defense within those hallowed halls, so does the city itself.
profoscurity08.4.09 - 11:05 am
AT & I gave it our best. We were competing with some big reports and major disciplinary issues so, as is often the case, the cyclists faded from the limelight.
We addressed 1) the Hummer vs. Cyclists incident 2) the LAPD and cycling community relationship 3) the fact that the process for engaging the LAPD is such a difficult endeavor with little oversight or hope for effective resolution (anecdotal but with 3 and a half months invested in this simple incident, the evidence is there!)
It ain't over. The Police Commission's Inspector General engaged before the Commission meeting and then again afterward and has gone on record as the point of accountability. It's on us to follow up and hold him to his word.
SoapBoxLA responding to a
comment by profoscurity
08.4.09 - 11:26 am
Same thing happened to me.
Riding on Topanga, guy about kills 4 riders. I chase him down and he starts yelling and driving at me with his car as a weapon. I kick the shit out of his car with my carbon shoes with speedplay pedal cleats. He calls police. Little did he know there was a retired GlendalePD officer next to me on his bike. YUP on the ride. Police report gets taken.
Months later the guy wants to sue me for misdemeanor vandalism. I get called to the DA's office, and threatened that if I don't pay restitution he has a case in court. The police report was fucking HORRIBLE!!!!! This would go on a criminal record. The only way to keep it out of court and not go on my record. Pay restitution. BULL SHIT!!! He almost killed me, then tried to run me over.
He drives a mini cooper in cream color. He loves magazines. So if you have suggestions maybe you should fill out a magazine litter card for him. He got about $600 from me.
Will Mitchum
19901 Grand View Dr.
Topanga, CA 90290
parlorbikes08.4.09 - 12:17 pm
Damn that's BS!!
Hey has there ever been an accident report released on this bike vs hummer incident? If there was, anyway of posting up a copy?
User1 responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
08.4.09 - 12:26 pm
oh man. sorry to hear that....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
08.4.09 - 12:26 pm
so is 9:30 am @ Parker Center the offical meet time and place? I'll be there if so.
BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji responding to a
comment by SoapBoxLA
08.4.09 - 12:57 pm