R.O.T.W. MIke Kwan
Thread started by
Joe Borfo at 07.30.09 - 3:04 pm
From the concensus of many other ridazz:
I'd like to nominate Mike Kwan, a.k.a. mk4524
- He makes it to many MR rides all the way from Santa Barbara.
- He finished the ALC.
- He has been a huge support for our community.
- He's an awesome guy.
- He is turning 70 this year!
Please post your approval with pics, stories, and questions if possible.
fuck yeah! +1!!!
It's always great to see him around.
neverclever07.30.09 - 3:07 pm
I didn't know he was turning 70! Truly awesome stand up guy.
Graham07.30.09 - 3:08 pm
Mike Kwan is one of the nicest guys around, and alwasy stops to chat and catch up. He comes out on so many rides even though he lives in Santa Barbara, which blew me away when I first learned that - he's even come to San Diego rides. I'm sorry I missed his architecture series...I can't wake up in the mornings though.
I so very heartily approve of Mike being ROTW.
<3 <3 <3
Ms. Stephanie07.30.09 - 3:10 pm
Michael K is a very cool guy! He trained hard for ALC and rode well! He's a wealth of information, leads MTB rides (avid MTBer), is an advocate for cycling in SB. Interesting cat...take some time to get to know him!
TheJen responding to a
comment by Ms. Stephanie
07.30.09 - 3:14 pm
he had the balls to hit up all his military buddies to raise money for the gay and lesbian center of los angeles!
tortuga_veloce07.30.09 - 3:16 pm
Uh. I realize it sucks to post someone as Rida Of The Week on a Thursday.
So he gets all of next week too! :P
Joe Borfo07.30.09 - 3:19 pm
ya, I dig Mike....Organizes some great architecture rides too!
barleye responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.30.09 - 3:30 pm
+1 on the nomination! It surprises me how many times I see that dude on the rides after driving so far. And lots of times he drives back after the ride! His biggest accomplishment in the biking world has to be doing the ALC ride. Congrats on that too Mike!
For those that may not know who Mike is, just look for the tallest dude on the ride. As the original post shows, the dude is at least 7 feet tall!
User107.30.09 - 3:58 pm
He hasn't been ROTW yet? Maaaaaajor oversight.
PC07.30.09 - 4:01 pm
And he has a long goatee that is dyed green...
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by User1
07.30.09 - 4:01 pm
+1 Mike is totally awesome and inspirational! big <3!
nancine07.30.09 - 4:12 pm
I heartily approve!
And I might even be able to find a better picture of him somewhere, if only I had more time.
mr rollers07.30.09 - 4:14 pm
Thanks Mr. Rollers, because pictures of Mike on this site are very elusive.
PC has also volunteered to post pictures of him. Thanks!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by mr rollers
07.30.09 - 4:21 pm
---> at THE END (chill chinatown mosey)
barleye responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.30.09 - 4:29 pm
Michael is an awesome Rida! Congratulations on ROTW.
dannyzuko07.30.09 - 7:23 pm
YES! I want to be Kwancore when I grow up, make that many rides, HOST that many rides, give that many smiles!
Where's mk#### anyway?...
1 - Do you read any contemporary architecture publications, or have any particular current interests? or, being from the B.C. (Before Computer) era, do you find it all distasteful or underdeveloped or heartless?
2 - Most fascinating space you've ever been...NAME IT! (Not limited to buildings)
3 - Most fascinating space you've ever procreated in...NAME IT! (Not limited to buildings)
I <3 MK!
SKIDMARCUS07.30.09 - 10:44 pm
BORFO you're a wanka, you beat me to it!!!
3 cheers for Mike Kwan. He deserves it. Everything that Mr. Borfo said. The picture at the top of this thread is one taken on an ALC training ride last year in Tyler's hood and very inspirational. I watched Mike slowly crawl his way up some very steep hills that would have thwarted younger riders but he just kept plugging away!!! THe total distance was around 65 miles!!!
Well done Mike and a very early happy birthday for next March or May or whenever you turn 70!!!
Limeyfly07.30.09 - 11:02 pm
Thanks for all your kind words. Like I said in an earlier post, I was really proud to cross the finish line at the end of the ALC ride to be wearing a jersey with Midnight Ridazz splattered all over the front because I was wearing the colors that represented one hella cool community.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by Limeyfly
07.31.09 - 12:15 am
There are few people who deserve rotw more than Michael. I know. I have slept with this man. And except for moments of violent flatulence he is a real gentleman. Michael begins each and every ride with a sharing of his medical complaints (how's the prostate doing, btw) and his pessimism about completing the day. Then he cheerfully begins pedaling until he reaches the final destination. Now how many of you buggers have climbed Latigo Canyon. This is where Ive seen Lance training. Michael did it last Spring, no problem. Michael is always there, either riding or in support. Thanks Borfo for his nomination!
Love you Michael
indigis07.31.09 - 9:17 am
Do you like shipping containers for homes? You think there's a future in module designs? will we ever see it wide spread? How did you get so tall, and then so short?
User108.1.09 - 2:24 pm
He's an awesome, good guy. He helped a lot of us during the last San Diego trip, and he's generally great to talk to.
*Questions coming soon...
imachynna08.1.09 - 3:04 pm
Oh yeah...;))
I like Mike. I had no idea he is *gulp* 70!? Biking keeps ya young...
He has a lady voice in his car that tells him how to drive to my house after those long late rides.
I like Mike.
alicestrong08.1.09 - 5:07 pm
Michael Kwan, Michael Kwan, Michael Kwan... HMMM what does one say about such a truly extraordinary individual??? I was lucky enough to be a part of this years TMR with Michael, and he never ceased to amaze me! Time and Time again he would tell me about how he didn't think he could make it all the way up this or that hill. Then, he'd tell me about this or that ailment, which he was afraid would stop him from being able to finish the ALC..
Cough, cough..BULLSHIT!!!!
He plugged away at training ride after training ride, up hill after hill, and then all the way from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Michael's tenacious heart would never let him give up. Knowledge, experience, humor, kindness, and generosity...he has them. Michael Kwan is Awesome, and I feel so very lucky to be able to call him my friend!
misscolefox08.3.09 - 2:17 am
Mike Kwan likes my chili!!!
But more importantly he's one of the nicest, most generous, and most determined guys I know! THIS MAN CAN CLIMB SOME HILLS. I'm serious. This man conquers things that would make you cry... and always with modesty.
Congratulations Mike!!! For being ROTW... For finishing every mile of AIDS LifeCycle... and for just being awesome.
Much love!
canadienne08.3.09 - 12:13 pm
I met Mike at the Sunday ride to the Getty. Super awesome fellow!
vladster08.3.09 - 12:21 pm
I met Mike on Sunday too, at the new Bikerowave. He had been riding all day and stopped by to see the shop, and started volunteering right away! He helped move heavy pieces of wood and was such a cool, endearing guy. I wonder if his non-bike riding family/friends knows how cool he is. Someone needs to interview him, so that we know more about him, like how long he's been riding, unique experiences, wise words, etc.etc.etc.
Lady Sadie08.3.09 - 12:59 pm
Someone needs to tell Mike he has questions to answer! Maybe explain to him how this ROTW thing works too. LOL
User108.3.09 - 2:37 pm
OK Allan, I'll try to answer some questions. Shipping Containers as a future for architecture. Let's talk about it on the next architecture ride, that's the best part of those rides anyway, having a chance to shoot the shit with a lot of you gaises who love the topic. As far as fascinating space, I was totally blown away by Hagia Sophia in Istanbul especially considering it was built in 527. OK, OK, Frank Lloyd Wright and Charles Moore are good too. Current books on architecture? Barbara Lamprecht's book on Richard Neutra. By the way, Brian Janeczko really deserves the major credit for the rides.
Couldn't find any other questions. Craig, you know damned well that when I fart, it always smells like Chanel #5 -- so what's your problem? OK, next time I won't eat as much. As far as my daily fears on the ALC ride, c'mon guys, cut me some slack, that was a totally intimidating ride to me. I did my first MR ride about three years ago and still remember how hard it was for me to keep up on an a "laid back" ride. Doing an ALC ride without stopping every few miles at a 7-11 is too much to ask any rider to do.
But my best moment was dragging my sore ass into the VA and then see a lot of MR buddies welcoming us home after the longest ride of my life.
mk452408.3.09 - 3:14 pm
Late to this but let me add my adulation. Mike's haaaaaaawesomely hawesome! Always enthusiastic. Ultra-friendly. I was blown away when I first met him a couple years ago and learned he ventured down from Santa Barbara for rides. If memory serves I believe he even did several Midnight Ridazz and Ride Arc's with a cast on a broken wrist. Mike Kwan is the REAL DEAL.
Agent Orange08.3.09 - 4:49 pm
1 - Do you read any contemporary architecture publications, or have any particular current interests? or, being from the B.C. (Before Computer) era, do you find it all distasteful or underdeveloped or heartless?
2 - Most fascinating space you've ever been...NAME IT! (Not limited to buildings)
3 - Most fascinating space you've ever procreated in...NAME IT! (Not limited to buildings)
SKIDMARCUS08.7.09 - 2:51 pm
Let's talk about it on the next architecture ride, that's the best part of those rides anyway, having a chance to shoot the shit with a lot of you gaises who love the topic.
So when's the next ride Mike? :-) Too bad Brian had all those rides when shit was going on everywhere. Sure would be nice to see one of his rides this weekend.
User1 responding to a
comment by mk4524
08.7.09 - 7:25 pm
So I can go on a ride without Marcus bugging for answers.
1) Space -- architectural. Hagia Sophia in Instanbul, (Ἁγία Σοφία since it's a Byzantine monument) walking in you're completely overwhelmed by the enormous space created by the two 6th Century architects. Since you're an architect, I suppose I should pay some lip service to Frank Lloyd Wright and even to Charles Moore.
But if we get away from architecture, I have to admit I really love back packing in the Eastern Sierra and being part of the consuming space of nature.
2) Procreating space -- we discussed it on tonight's ride.
To get Allan from bugging me, we'll start working on the next ride soon.
I think that's all the questions.
Good seeing both of you on rides today.
mk452408.9.09 - 3:06 am