Ride Coronado Bay Bridge
Thread started by
sexy at 07.30.09 - 1:02 pm
Donation $50-$65
This is a announcement for a ride put on by the San Diego County Bicycle Coaliton.
Yes it has a $50-$65 fee. I thought that some people might be interested in knowing about it.
Its Called the
Bike the Bride - Ride the Coronado Bay Bridge
Its looks like a rare and fun opportunity to ride this bridge. The fees probably goes to good organization. I really don't know anything about the
August 30,2009
Posting on MR calendar
let's ride to San Diego, and catch a train back!
spiraldemon07.30.09 - 1:05 pm
any info about how long the ride is? i don't want to pay 50 bucks for a 10 mile ride
adrian07.30.09 - 1:42 pm
oops, just saw it...25 miles
damn that's 2 dollars a mile...
adrian07.30.09 - 1:43 pm
Before I discovered M.R., these "organized rides" were about the only outlet for cycling with like-minded folks. The steep fees cover insurance and everything else that goes into putting something like this on.
Since discovering M.R., I see no reason to pay big bucks to do what I can do every night of the week for nada. Especially when most of the other riders are Lance wannabes who won't socialize with anybody but their buddies.
BTW, Sexy, where's my $20? You got your artwork, right?
Creative Thing07.30.09 - 2:31 pm
Yes Sorry I didn't post it the day I got it. I really don't like posting on this place anymore, but I should have in this situation.
My first thought was "the post master who came up with the "first day issue" idea must have been as intoxicated as I was when the thought occurred to him.
I love the way you wrote my name on the front. You are a great artist!
Thank you. I haven't opened it yet. I don't want to ruin the envelope. It is such a beautiful package! And thank you DJ Chicken Leather for hooking it up.
The reason I see myself possibly paying the fee to do this, is the experience of riding over this bridge that is off-limits to cyclist. I think I would pay to take that bridge from Pedro to Long Beach also. I know we did the freeway ride and that is off limits (yes there is sign on every on-ramp I have entered prohibiting bicyclist on the freeway), it would seem too dangerous or impossible (without get caught) to ride these bridges.
Anyway, it was just to let anybody who might be interested know.
I'm actually taken the opposite opinion of what your saying CT. I haven't enjoyed the last couple of these rides I went on. I think I might actually enjoy a pay ride these days. Why.....??? I'll let you figurer it out. Nobody really cares about what other people think around here anyway. Oh yes Sexy, don't let the door hit your ass on the way.....Great quality people on Midnight Ridazz. Step back from this place for a while and re-approach it, you'll see what I mean.
sexy responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
07.30.09 - 4:02 pm
oh shoit $20......I thought Dj Chicken Leather purchased it for me.
If not let me know, I'll send you a check out today.
sexy07.30.09 - 4:04 pm
the bridge is a bitch to bike.. haha i did it a while back on SDCM
Thegirlinglass07.30.09 - 4:08 pm
thats great to hear that you did it on CM. How many people where on it? How much of the bridge did the MASS take over (how many lanes did riders ride on verse how many lanes are there in each direction)? How did law enforcement react to it? Did you take it back over to the main land? How long did it take to ride over? . Was there metal grades that where a danger to ride over? I haven't been on that bridge in a good 15 years.
Yes it looks a bit of a challenge.
sexy responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.30.09 - 4:12 pm
I got this info from a e-mailing list that lets me know of all the paid rides in California.
The company is Cycling Promotions West P.O. BOX 1446, Poway, CA, 92074, USA
This is their website www.bikelink.com
This was the email it came from kcbutler@bikelink.com
sexy07.30.09 - 4:17 pm
My thoughts exactly, before I met y'all it was ride to work, to the gym and everything in between.
As far as these "pay-rides" go, I might try one out, but if I encounter anyone like this Lance-poser of a former English teacher that still lives up here, it's on!!!
But, you know one bridge I would really like to ride across???
That Chesapeake Bay bridge/tunnel out in Virginia, that thing looks bad ass!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
07.30.09 - 5:21 pm