NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Turns out I'm gonna be out of the country for 6 weeks. Not really gonna have much time to plan the January ride, so is there anyone out there that would like to take over the January 11th Midnight Ridazz???
You can either take over the proposed "Happy Birthday Elvis!!" theme, and I'll give you the ideas I had for it.... OR
You can take over the date and have a totally different theme. The choice is yours. Email me
and just to make it clear, he wasn't the King because he was a great musician.
He himself admitted all the african american musicians were better than he was. He admitted he couldn't write lyrics..he knew all he could do was sing
He was the King of Rock n Roll because he brought it mainstream, everything he touched turned to gold...he popularized Rock n Roll music. Who knows where we would be today without him. People hate on him cuz he was white, but it was just the reality of the times.
and many of the African American artists he ripped off didn't mind because Elvis' success lent to their own.
I stand corrected.
It is true that there is no corroborated evidence of the King's supposed racists remarks.
In PE's Defense, 1989 the number ... another summer ... was before the internet was widely popular and it was much more difficult back then to confirm or deny such rumor.
I would be curious to know if Elvis, a southerner, who was a huge public figure during the civil rights movement, and acknowledged the debt of his music to black music, and was aquatinted and friendly with black artists. Did he ever say or do a thing to support the civil rights movement? Did he ever speak out for black people?
He often denied make the supposed racist remark about "all that black people can do for me is buy my records and shine my shoes".
But I find it curious that he never tried to directly address that falsehood with actions.
On the other hand. It is a documented fact that Elvis sought to be a member of Nixon's secret army. He wrote Nixon personally and sought to become a secret federal agent to help go after "communists and druggies".
and coldcut, Elvis may have done that, but he also brought them into the limelight. No record companies wanted to produce black music...and then Elvis came along. They are still making money off of Elvis's music today so yeah.
In retrospect, that was pretty dickish, to post that PE video.
Sorry about that.
There is no way (and no reason) to know if the label "racist" applies to the man. He probably wasn;t much different the the other people of his time and place.
I do give it up for anybody who belives in what they do takes it to the limit.
"The King" really did pull the cork that had been up the ass of white America that was too white and too uptight to get down with James Brown.
comrade comrade comrade. Without Elvis, most of those artists would never have been heard of, most of that music would have never been heard...fuck the is made to be heard. He lived in a different time back then, when black artists could not get on the radio, people couldn't access the music those great artists were making...record companies wouldn't even record black artists! Here was a white guy who could sing as well as they could and he brought their music to the forefront. It's not his fault he was born white. It's not his fault that racism was so widespread at that time. He was not a racist and he sang because he could. He even admitted that he couldn't write music or lyrics. I don't care what anyone says, Elvis was good for music. He broke a lot of barriers and changed the way the world looked at black artists and music in general.