Bullshit Entitlement
Thread started by
the reverend dak at 08.24.09 - 10:51 am
No one; that means not YOU, your mommy, nor your BFF, is "entitled" to shit..
If people exercised some patience, consideration and acted fucking COURTEOUSLY, we wouldn't have half the problems we are having now.
FOR EXAMPLE, I used to have to drive through DOWNTOWN LA to get to work and home every fucking day for 2 years. (This is before I started riding a bike again, so fuck off and listen...) Morning commute FUCKING SUCKED because of traffic, then the commute HOME was even worst. Especially when the Lakers (who I fucking hate) or the Dodgers (who I fucking LOVE) were having games. Did I yell at them for CAUSING TRAFFIC? I wish. Did I ever complain? Yes, of course, because traffic sucks... BUT, I don't go blaming sports fans. I don't yell at them to get out of my way, it's pointless. I learned to live with it. Waah...
It's in a PEDS best interest NOT to jump into a mob of rolling bikes, that's just suicide.
It's in a MOTORISTS best interest NOT to drive into a mob of rolling bikes, that's fucking manslaughter.
And it's in a CYCLISTS best interest to ride SAFELY as a mob, for the survival of large group rides.
It's just a fact that more people are walking and taking buses (i.e. more buses), we have to deal with it. More people are riding bikes, motorists have to live with it. And Assholes still drive cars two blocks to get cigarettes, let them die of cancer or something.
No one is entitled to the road, it's a fucking privilege. Treat all that use the road with respect and courtesy, period.
Think once in a while, It's not that hard. (ok, maybe for some.)
Preach the word, Rev!
Maybe it's just Grumpy Old Man Syndrome (GOMS) on my part, but more & more people seem unaware of the concept that having a functional society involves giving up some of the idea that's all about "ME & MY NEEDS ALL THE TIME!"
mr rollers08.24.09 - 10:58 am
It hasn't been the same since they abandoned Minneapolis.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.24.09 - 11:05 am
Dak's right! We need more cars. Plus those stupid bikes are dangerous!
nuff said!
User108.24.09 - 11:07 am
Traffic control, this sounds like a job for.............
Da na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
08.24.09 - 2:04 pm
"No one is entitled to the road, it's a fucking privilege. Treat all that use the road with respect and courtesy, period."
Fuck that... I step all over the road. The road is my bitch!
md208.24.09 - 4:35 pm
serious? Fuck!! So Kobe is on steroids?
md2 responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 4:36 pm
actually, if you pay taxes in any way. then you are entitled to use the fruits of your taxes. we pay for the roads. we ARE entitled to them as part of the publiclly funded space that our tax support entitles every citizen to.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by md2
08.24.09 - 4:38 pm
pfff all of MLB is on steroids, you can't single out the Yanks on that. I'm talking $$$. A lakers game, like a yankees game, is more a place to be seen than a place to watch a fucken ball game. Sad.
la duderina responding to a
comment by md2
08.24.09 - 4:40 pm
IWhat ..? No way .. the LAKERS are the ultimate bandwagon team ... name the last time the Yankees won anything ..Yeah my point ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 4:44 pm
the yankees hold the most World Series titles of all major league baseball. what the fuck are you talking about
la duderina responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
08.24.09 - 4:48 pm
Alex Rodriguez won the battle against addiction.
One day at a time.
md2 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
08.24.09 - 4:57 pm
Hey... enough of that...
The charges were dropped because Kobe has a lot of good legal arguments (i.e. $$$).
For the record, Alex Rodriguez raped Gur Richie; there I said it... turns out A-Rod never liked Snatch.
md2 responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 5:06 pm
-insult peoples' intelligence
-show no respect while preaching about respect
-speak as if you know better than everyone else
-instill maximum negativity
-do this while putting up a front for positive change
check and check... nice job dak
snowcone08.24.09 - 5:23 pm
-insult peoples' intelligence
Were you insulted? Snowcone, come on dude... are you really as sensitive as you come across? I read some posts where you were talking about the biggest pussies are the net talking shit.
-show no respect while preaching about respect
Who was disrespected?
-speak as if you know better than everyone else
No, speaks as if he has been ridding more than everyone else (or most others--like you, I bet).
-instill maximum negativity
Maximum? Dude, is that maximum negativity? That was the MAX he could have gone?
-do this while putting up a front for positive change
How do you know he was fronting? I think he was sincere.
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.24.09 - 5:30 pm
(does that make my post even again?)
md2 responding to a
comment by Venomous_inches
08.24.09 - 5:36 pm
I've noticed I'm spending less and less time on free porn sites like this one :
Not for those under 18 and moar and moar time on this message board. See you gais at MNR???
-Dexter- responding to a
comment by md2
08.24.09 - 5:47 pm
Dude you HTML skills need improvement. Second post with a dead link.
Foldie responding to a
comment by -Dexter-
08.24.09 - 6:33 pm
In PC's absence, I am quickly becoming quite the fan of md2.
la duderina responding to a
comment by md2
08.24.09 - 6:39 pm
Speaking of which, were did Peter Cosgrove run off to?
bentstrider responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 7:00 pm
I think he's busy with the death panel.
la duderina responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.24.09 - 7:17 pm
that guy coulda probably landed on his feet
meow responding to a
comment by User1
08.24.09 - 8:37 pm
if you think that the OP was an appropriate way of achieving positive change, then there is more wrong with you than i had previously thought. however, i know you couldn't possibly be THAT stupid--it's just your way of showing how much you love me.
snowcone responding to a
comment by md2
08.24.09 - 9:25 pm
We all feel, at some level, the frustration that Dak feels. However, there will be a time when we feel strong enough to write about it and it is always as a last result. I was frustrated with the change in MR long time ago, But as in families, there's no divorcing yourself. After exhausting all polite means, I decided to limit my involvement with MR.
Dak and Borfo have stayed with it through thick and thin. Their tandem provided the continuity so people still experience MR. And they provided this both in the forum and the actual rides. That is something not many can claim. There a lot of people with passion for MR but it is fleeting for most.
Dak's sentiments are not new, ride with MR long enough and you'll find out. Hopefully, your still around MR (rides and forum) after 4 years but the odds are against it.
sc_nomad responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.24.09 - 9:56 pm
Well Snowjob, Ive read of your attempts at positive change (see below). Also, please feel free to explain "there is more wrong with you [md2] than i had previously thought". I'm all ears, just like you're all hair.
"however, i know you couldn't possibly be THAT stupid"
Well, that was a nice 180. Werent you just criticizing Dak for his negativity, and then you turn around and go all "maximum" negative on us...or me.
"it's just your way of showing how much you love me"
Wow... if you take that as love, I feel bad that no person has ever instilled maximum love in you (maybe we should call you -- NoBone). Actually now that I think of it, you kind of remind me of that bushy-haired Kuang Lee character... (that was a low blow, sorry...Im just not as moral as you).
Anyhow, since you're so perceptive of stupidity...i offer the following:
Great moments in Stupidity:
Ridazz Community Meeting
--Ridazz arrive, but the savior (organizer), Snowcone, does not show up to his ethics festival.
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.25.09 - 9:46 am
thanks... you just validated everything i've said.
about the meeting...
i've already explained that i thought i set the date to saturday, not thursday. if you read through the thread you will see me getting confused about the date and if you ask people whom i invited in person, i told them all saturday. i already apologized to everyone.
snowcone responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 9:59 am
as in apologized for being THAT stupid, right?
lighten up Snowcone...
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.25.09 - 10:04 am
wow, you know how to create layers in photoshop, but you cant keep a schedule.
The image doesnt even insult me... Though that is one hell of legend in mountain biking... its not me.
Oh, wait... i get it... it is symbolic for your grizzly features...and how you wish to fuck riders with lies about meetings and suggesting everyone else be "maximum" nice, while you dabble in nerd-like insults.
Lets end it here before everyone else hates us more.
Or you can have the last comment... whatever.
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.25.09 - 10:10 am
too late... hence the tension
md2 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.25.09 - 10:35 am
I like how Venomous_Inches was created yesterday to valididate the points of someone. That's support!!! But yeah, omg, I'm so insulted to the MAX!!!
neverclever08.25.09 - 10:39 am
you would make a great fit into tren way
snowcone responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 10:51 am
It was more like... you know when you try to make advances, but then the other person gets all high and mighty, like, "all you want to do is fuck", "what kid of person do you think I am?", "i need to know you love me to the max if you want to put there"...
I had enough... so you know... its all apart of that will of his to mislead people... call yourself snowcone, and is it wrong for a person to think youre a cream receptacle?
Way to disappoint again.
md2 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.25.09 - 10:53 am
i'm not misleading anyone because i'm not leading anyone
all you do is repeat your nonsensical, stupid comments over and over and over and over and over and over. the only way you participate in this community is by spewing bullshit in these forums anonymously. get a fucking life.
snowcone responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 10:59 am
that is one hell of legend in mountain biking
I'm ashamed to ask this because I feel like I should already know, but who is that in the picture?
la duderina responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 11:22 am
md2, I thought you said.........
"Lets end it here before everyone else hates us more.
Or you can have the last comment... whatever."
What gives?
User1 responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 11:38 am
I feel like I'm in a room snickering with a bunch of people and one person doesn't know the jokes on them.
neverclever08.25.09 - 11:38 am
@sc_nomad Amen, sir.
@ruinedbyidiots Trenway is a textile manufacturer in Tennessee. I'm struggling a bit to get the connection to this thread, but when I get it I'll fill you in.
Ms. Stephanie responding to a
comment by neverclever
08.25.09 - 12:01 pm
just got back...
the photo is of John Tomac.... but Charlie Cunningham is a great guess by RBI.
Overall, Snowcone, I understand you might not like being teased, but you have to admit you try to go at others, but have a hard time taking it yourself.
You went after Dak with crazy assertions that didnt even match his post. I responded with a kind of what the hell are you talking about... and then you said...posted some pics.... and then I said... and then... big fucking deal... just laugh it off... the joke is on me anyway.
Peace brother.
md2 responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.25.09 - 4:52 pm
heyyy john tomac. I have his autograph.
I knew I shouldn't have listened to that hippy
la duderina responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 4:57 pm
Can I get some entitlement sprinkles on my Ice Cream???
I want a piece of the road as well. :)
I'll keep it right next to the stop sign... er, this sign I made back in the day.
GodLovesUgly08.25.09 - 6:10 pm
Tomac, looks like Durango around 1991-1993. I'm prolly wrong about when & where...
But, I bet a Tecate, JT CLEANED that section.
Gern responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 6:31 pm
yeah... he rode that rig in the early 90's... i remember watching him race against Ned Overland, and i forget the year, but he was going to win the championship...and he got a fucking flat... i was soooo pissed because i hated Overland because he always won.
when i was a kid, i so wanted those Tioga wheels though...
My first mountain bike was an old 1992 or so trek 800 (or something)...with 24" wheels. it was like the only mountain bike that i could fit at the time. I used to ride with guys from the bike shop, and they would kill me on the downhill, but i did well uphill on a fully rigid mtb... I had Onza barends.... it was so dope... but I wanted those wheels so bad... sorry just got me thinking... oh well, now i just suck on a bike....
too bad junior high rolled around and introduced all kinds of medicine...
md2 responding to a
comment by Gern
08.25.09 - 7:00 pm
haha I got my first mtn bike in '92. A trek mountain lion..with 20 in wheel.s hah....all black. That was a cool ass little bike. Had my black helmet with skulls on it. haha I was so rad cool to the max.
la duderina responding to a
comment by md2
08.25.09 - 7:32 pm
What time does the Bullshit Entitlement Ride start? Let's all be entitled together, woooooo!
kryxtanicole08.25.09 - 9:16 pm